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Chapter 758 New Era Dao Cries

At this time, Xu Ying felt a few pairs of eyes falling on him. When he looked back, there were green rock buildings and ships behind him. He didn't know who was looking at him.

Someone is targeting me.

Xu Ying didn't take it seriously. People who stand out will always be stared at by many pairs of eyes.

One by one, the Cuiyan Tower ships followed the flagship and sailed in the chaotic sea, gradually increasing their speed. There is no passage of time in the chaotic sea, but the people on the boat can feel the passage of time, but this passage is very strange, sometimes moving forward and sometimes backward.

Sometimes, they will even see another group of themselves on another identical building ship.

This is the characteristic of the Chaos Sea.

The scouts who found the New Universe this time were the same scouts sent to search for the Three Realms universe. They did not find the Three Realms, but they found the New Universe.

Xu Ying carefully sensed the Bian'an Cocktail tree where he left his imprint, and realized that the direction of the Bian'an Cocktail plant was not consistent with the direction of the flagship's movement, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

The New Universe and the Three Realms are not the same place. Otherwise, I would have committed more crimes. He smiled happily.

The Cuiyan Tower ships traveled for an unknown amount of time, and finally followed the flagship out of the Chaos Sea.

This new universe is extremely grand. From a distance, this universe is much larger than the Three Realms of Queen Butian. There are various avenues and scenery floating in the universe, and the scale is astonishing.

There is a rainbow bridge between the galaxies, whether it is natural or man-made, which can facilitate the monks' travel.

In addition, several huge galaxies form an abnormal space, the aura and spiritual power are higher than other places, and there is also a continent of astonishing size in the center.

All kinds of star power are intertwined there. If you think about standing on that continent, the starry sky must be extremely wonderful, forming various star phenomena.

The Tao power there is also highly condensed, and there are many Tao phenomena falling between heaven and earth.

Xu Ying stood on the Cuiyan Tower boat and sensed it carefully. He felt that the avenue of heaven and earth here was the normal avenue of heaven and earth.

His eyes flashed, and the ship sailed towards the continent in the center of the stars.

My fellow disciples, brothers and sisters, now I have no choice but to wrong you and send you on your way...

Xu Ying showed a fierce look in his eyes, glanced at Changsun Shenghai, and was about to activate the Zhuxian Sword Formation to kill everyone on the ship.

Suddenly, he saw sword energy oozing out from Changsun Shenghai's fingertips, and his eyes were also glancing at him.

Xu Ying's heart was awe-inspiring: Changsun Shenghai also wants to attack me! That's right, Jiuhen told him to get rid of me when he comes to Xinzhou! Since you are unkind, then don't blame me for being unjust and kill you too!

Changsun Shenghai also noticed the murderous aura coming from Xu Ying, and the two immediately faced each other with murderous aura.

Xu Ying thought to himself that in a head-on confrontation, he would probably not be his opponent, so he was ready to mobilize Chaos Lotus and Hong Yuan at any time.

The two of them were filled with murderous intent. At this moment, they suddenly heard screams coming from behind them!

Xu Ying and Changsun Shenghai each turned around and saw masters rushing over from other Cuiyan Tower ships. Without any explanation, they attacked the Taiyi disciples on the ship with extreme ruthlessness!

Ever since the incident with Daojun Hao Yi, Taiyi's disciples have not received the true inheritance of Daojun Taiyi for a long time. Lord Dao is always suspicious, worried that another Hao Yi will appear among his disciples. Therefore, the power of his disciples is far less than that of the Jiu Hate and Yu Quan periods.

But the strong man who killed Xu Ying on the ship was an outstanding disciple from the Lord's sect of the Great Way of Life and Death. As soon as the Great Way of Life and Death came out, life and death were separated, and most of Taiyi's disciples were killed and injured very quickly!

The remaining Taiyi disciples fled towards Xu Ying and Changsun Shenghai and hid behind them.

Xu Ying originally planned to kill these fellow apprentices, but he didn't expect that most of them died in just a few moments. He was a little stunned for a moment.

A young man with pale skin, as if he had applied powder, walked forward, looked at Xu Ying, Changsun Shenghai and others, and said with a smile: Only Xu Ying is left on this ship, and no one else is left!

Behind him, a group of disciples of Lord Dao of Life and Death immediately swarmed to kill him.

Changsun Shenghai suddenly stood up and flew away from the Cuiyan Tower boat. He said with a smile: Since you are not here to find me, I'll take my leave first!

Elder brother! The senior brothers behind Xu Ying looked pale and shouted hurriedly.

Changsun Shenghai's voice came from afar: For your safety, please leave it to your second senior brother! Xu Ying, across from you is Ji Youru, the number one master in the sect of the Lord of Life and Death. Don't capsize in the gutter!

Xu Ying sighed and whispered: Who made me soft-hearted? Junior brothers and sisters, as long as I am here, no one can hurt you! Chaos Hands!

He activated the eighth method and pressed it down with a palm. It was like returning to the sea of ​​chaos. The surrounding avenues were silent and there was no Taoism!

All the masters under the Lord of Life and Death Dao Lord suddenly fell on their backs. Ji Youru immediately activated the Mysterious Skill of Life and Death to hit the hand of Chaos and Heaven. The moment the palms of the two collided, Ji Youru felt overwhelmed!

Xu Ying's magic power was so powerful that it far surpassed him. Although he was the great disciple of Lord Dao of Life and Death, he was far inferior to Changsun Shenghai.

However, he did not gain his fame in vain. He immediately transferred the caves of life and death, but he saw that there was also darkness behind him. There were countless large and small caves in the darkness, and he was also a reaper!

Death and destruction!

His magical power was running, death energy permeated the air, and he struck forward and collided with the hand of Chaos. Xu Ying immediately felt that the Chaos Avenue was showing signs of continuous aging and death, and was shocked in his heart.

The Avenue of Chaos ages and dies, which is obviously not true chaos! The Avenue of Chaos should not have an avenue structure!

Ji Youru was so shocked that he fell down and flew away, and was secretly shocked: This person's magic power is so powerful!

The moment he flew out, the Zhuxian Sword flew out, Xu Ying rolled up his sleeves, and the power of the Zhuxian Sword Formation exploded, instantly covering the other disciples of the Dao Lord of Life and Death!

Ji Youru looked forward, shocked and angry, but saw countless broken limbs flying in the sword formation. The hundreds of brothers and sisters he brought with him were all buried in the sword formation in an instant!

Xu Ying was about to kill these disciples of life and death. He stretched out his hand and the power of the sword array surged. It was like a giant sword that was thousands of miles away and went straight towards Ji Youru!

He activated the Avenue of Chaos to knock Ji Youru away, switched from the Avenue of Chaos to a sword formation to kill people, and then killed everyone and pointed at Ji Youru, all in one go!

The all-destroying Zhuxian Sword Qi came right in front of Ji Youru's face, covering all his movements. Ji Youru suddenly activated his energy and his magical power exploded!

The life is immortal, the seedlings are pulled to encourage growth!

He pointed and landed in the Zhuxian Sword Formation. Suddenly, several sword energies in the swordsformation surged wildly and were so powerful that not even the Zhuxian Broken Sword could suppress it!

Previously, the Zhuxian Broken Sword was the formation eye, which could control the operation of the formation. Now that the formation eye was broken, the Zhuxian Sword Formation suddenly fell into pieces and fell into pieces!

Xu Ying secretly praised: This Ji Youru is no weaker than fellow Taoist Wei Yi!

Wei Yi is also a disciple of Master Dao of Life and Death. Although Xu Ying has robbed him several times, the two have never fought against each other. Xu Ying was keenly aware that Wei Yi's cultivation strength was probably not inferior to his own, so he did not push him aggressively.

Xu Ying, your ability is indeed not bad. Is this skill the magical power recorded in the Dao Master-level exercises?

Ji Youru quickly retreated and shouted, In order to deal with you, Master allows me to use the life and death contract! I will kill you first, and then let you die!

The magic weapon is a golden book, filled with the power of the great road. When the book is opened, one can see the energy of life and death flowing in the book.

His spirit jumped up, held up his pen with death energy, and wrote Xu Ying's name on the book.

When Ji Youru wrote the word Xu Ying, he stroked it with a big pen. Xu Ying was so confused that his soul was about to be drawn out of his soul!

This blow was no small matter, Xu Ying felt that his soul was almost torn apart, he couldn't help but feel horrified, and he activated his martial arts ultimate intention without thinking.

Supernatural power of the sky!

Outside the Cuiyan Tower ship, thousands of magical powers exploded, forming a huge sky dome, converging into a torrent of thousands of rays, shattering thousands of miles of void in an instant, and coming to Ji Youru!

Ji Youru was shocked when he failed to hook Xu Ying to death with one blow: This treasure is a magic weapon that Master mastered when he was cultivating immortality. It is also an immortal-level magic weapon after all. How could it not hook him to death?

The power of the supernatural power of the sky is really terrifying. When Ji Youru saw this, he hurriedly raised the life and death contract to meet Xu Ying's attack.

The magical sky collided with the immortal treasures such as the Life and Death Contract. The life and death energy in the Life and Death Contract circulated and shattered, and every word on the book turned into flying ashes!

Ji Youru was shocked, turned around and walked away, disappearing into the starry sky.


The life and death contract exploded and was penetrated by Xu Ying!

How could this promise be so strong? Ji Youru was frightened and ran away.

Xu Ying withdrew his move, and the flow of the various holes in his body slowly subsided.

Thank you so much, Senior Brother Xu, for saving me!

Behind him, there were more than a dozen disciples of Taiyi Daojun, all of them looked pale and had just recovered from their shock. One of the disciples, named Wu Ke, was inexplicably grateful and choked with sobs: If it hadn't been for Senior Brother Xu's righteous rescue, we would all have died here!

Xu Ying looked kind and said, We are from the same sect, so we should help each other.

A female disciple said angrily: Elder brother escaped first and left us alone!

Xu Ying said: Elder brother probably has other reasons.

He turned around with a gloomy expression on his face: Do you want to get rid of these junior brothers and sisters together, and then shirk the idea that they are the subordinates of Lord Dao of Life and Death...

He glanced at the people who had escaped from death and hesitated.

Well, it's better to go to Xinzhou's territory later and see how they do it. If they do a lot of evil, then kill them and it will be settled once and for all.

Xu Ying smiled and nodded to a junior sister, thinking, Kill them one by one, or kill them together?

The junior sister suddenly felt like a spring breeze.

In the distance, there are several green rock tower ships, which must have received orders from their respective masters, intending to seize Xu Ying's Taoist-level skills. However, Xu Ying had just killed the disciples of Life and Death, seriously injured Ji Youru, and smashed the immortal treasure into pieces. The combat power he displayed was so astonishing that they did not dare to step forward.

The Cuiyan Tower Boat sailed towards the Xinzhou Territory among the stars. After a few days, they came to the first Taoist Scenery. They saw that the Taoist Scenery in the starry sky was huge in scale. It was a Taoist Scenery formed by starlight. The starlight Incredibly rich and as bright as the Milky Way.

Xu Ying and others drove the building boat to the Taoist scenery and drove around it for a week, but found nothing.

With such a magnificent Taoist scene, there are no monks coming nearby to build a fairy temple and comprehend the Taoist scene, which shows that the Taoism in this universe is still very backward.

Everyone felt relieved and said to Xu Ying, Senior Brother, this place is so backward, we will definitely be able to successfully open up wasteland!

Xu Ying nodded slightly and said: Let's go to Xinzhou's territory first to see if there is any intelligent life there.

Everyone said yes and urged the building ship to sail towards the center of the stars.

After a few days, they gradually approached there, and passed by a Taoist scenery on the way. The Taoist scenery here was transformed by thunder, forming a thunderstorm composed of thunderous ways!

Thousands of miles of lightning turned into water, land, islands in the water, dragons, dragons, phoenixes and other objects. The creatures in the lightning were so vivid that it was amazing.

When someone got off the boat and went to capture the thunder creature, they saw thunder bursting out from the thunder, splitting the Taiyi disciple to pieces tender inside and scorched outside.

The power of thunder here seems a bit ridiculously strong!

Xu Ying was shocked and confused. The Thunder Avenue was just an inconspicuous innate avenue, not as good as the higher avenues of Taiyi and Life and Death. However, the Taiyi sect member just now was almost hacked to death!

Xu Ying got off the boat and came to Leize Daojing in person. Thunder light shook in front of his eyes. Xu Ying made a quick decision and activated the leak-proof golden body.


When the thunder fell on him, Xu Ying remained motionless, but was secretly surprised: The power of the Thunder Avenue here is indeed stronger than that of the other side and the Three Realms!

Behind his head, the Taiyi Cave Abyss slowly rose, protecting one side and preventing the surrounding thunder from invading.

With his blessing, those members of the Taiyi Sect breathed a sigh of relief and complimented: Eldest Brother's power is boundless!

Although Xu Ying still had murderous thoughts towards these junior brothers and sisters, he was still overwhelmed by the praise.

Senior Brother, there is an Immortal Palace ahead! Other disciples discovered something.

Xu Ying heard the words and rushed over immediately. He saw that there was indeed an ancient immortal palace in the thunder. They walked forward and found that the immortal palace was empty and uninhabited.

There were some strange symbols on the Immortal Palace. A Taiyi disciple came forward and touched them with his hand, only to see a piece of gray snow suddenly floating in the air.

Dao Hui?

The Taiyi disciple smiled and said, The structure of the avenue here is too low, and it turned into ashes when I was inspired by my theory. Everyone, have you heard the sound of Tao crying?

The other disciples shook their heads.

A female disciple came forward and touched the strange symbol. She saw dust floating in the air, gradually getting bigger. She smiled and said, I also heard the sound of Dao crying.

Hey, I heard it too! Another disciple said in surprise.

Everyone came forward and touched each other, but they saw the Dao Hui snow in the air gradually fluttering, getting bigger and bigger, and the Dao cry gradually became clearer.

I'm afraid this immortal palace will soon be eroded by our ethics and turned into ashes! Wu Ke said with a smile.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly. He walked forward and looked carefully. He saw that the avenue structure on the Immortal Palace was a brand new avenue structure that he had never seen before.

He followed the pattern of a gourd and drew a few runes using his spiritual consciousness, replacing the basic runes among them, and suddenly felt refreshed.

This kind of avenue structure is more like a spiritual structure, a avenue structure understood from the soul.

Xu Ying pondered for a moment, and saw that in this short period of time, the few runes he had just written with his spiritual consciousness gradually invaded his soul, multiplying themselves, more and more!

Xu Ying's heart beat violently. He looked around him and saw snow falling.

A cry gradually sounded in his ears.

not good!

Xu Ying immediately flew back and shouted, We have hit a hard rock! The avenue structure of this new universe is above the logical structure! Everyone, retreat quickly!

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