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Chapter 756 Complicity

In the next few days, Xu Ying gradually became acquainted with his elder brother Sun Shenghai. Sun Shenghai was definitely the kind of person that everyone liked when he met him. He treated people well and treated them like a spring breeze.

He was very knowledgeable, and Xu Ying always asked him for advice on some profound questions. He also answered fluently, and there were many subtle insights in his words.

Changsun Shenghai's talent is too high.

Xu Ying was filled with admiration for him and thought to himself, Do other Dao Lords have such powerful disciples in their sects?

There are many Tibetan scriptures in She'an Palace, and disciples are not prohibited from learning and comprehending them. Xu Ying took this opportunity to comprehend these Tibetan scriptures, change them from Liwen to Taoist runes, dragon patterns, absorb them, and make them his own.

He tried to find other higher avenues mentioned by Changsun Shenghai from the Tibetan scriptures, but Taiyi Daojun did not collect these avenues.

Xu Ying came to seek help from his master, Sun Shenghai, and said, Senior Brother, where can I find these great Dao techniques of reincarnation, infiniteness, cause and effect, annihilation, calamity, and killing?

Changsun Shenghai shook his head and said: How easy is it to find these skills? On the Great Way of Reincarnation, the person on the other side who has cultivated to the highest level is Dao Sheng Daojun. The Great Way of Reincarnation of Dao Sheng Daojun has reached the level of Dao Dao and can control the universe. All living beings in the universe reincarnate. However, this Dao Lord will definitely not pass on his skills to us.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed, and he secretly wrote down the name, thinking: Although I can't learn his technique, I can learn his technique of cutting leeks. If he harvests the universe like other immortals, then I can get him The technique of cutting leeks is not troublesome.

After obtaining the skill of cutting leeks and deciphering it with the Dao pattern rune dragon pattern, Dao Sheng Daojun will not be able to harvest it.

What Xu Ying is trying to get is the secret of Dao Sheng Daojun's reincarnation. In this way, he can survive by eating only bait and not swallowing hooks.

The one who cultivates the Way of Infinity, comprehends the Five Innate Tai Tais, and achieves immortality on the Way of Infinity is the True King Guangzheng.

Changsun Shenghai said, Although True King Guangzheng's cultivation level is only that of a True King, his strength is definitely at the level of a Dao Lord. Dao Lord Hong Tiangang who practices the Path of Cause and Effect, this Dao Lord's Path of Cause and Effect has reached the point where he is the same as the Dao Lord. , is also extremely powerful.”

Xu Ying blinked his eyes and said: Hong Daojun, who shares the same body as Daoist, has been killed by Xuanhuang Daomaster.

Changsun Shenghai said in surprise: This is happening? It's really a shame.

Xu Yingxin said: However, Hong Daojun should have disciples and disciples. What Master Xuanhuang erased was all the cave systems under his Karma Cave Abyss, and he used these cave abyss to erase his inheritance. Hong Daojun's Disciples are not summoning Lord Hong Dao’s Cave of Cause and Effect, but cultivating the Cave of Cause and Effect themselves, so they can stay alive.”

His mind became active.

Hong Daojun is dead, and not many people know about it now, so they can still claim his inheritance!

The Great Way of Killing was once perfected by a person. His Taoism was extremely high, but the killing was too heavy, and this person has disappeared.

Changsun Shenghai said, No one has ever been able to reproduce his great way of killing. By the way, this person calls himself Taoist Tongtian, and he comes from the three realms of the universe like my junior brother. Do you know him?

Xu Ying's heart was slightly shaken, and he shook his head and said, I don't know him.

He wondered in his heart, what Taoist Tongtian practiced was not the way of swordsmanship, but the way of killing?

This Taoist has been on the other side longer than Emperor Haotian. Is he still alive?

As for the destiny of Nirvana, these two avenues are just legendary avenues. No one on the other side has been able to practice these two avenues and achieve immortal achievements. Changsun Shenghai said.

Xu Ying thanked him profusely and said, My senior brother gave me some advice and I suddenly became enlightened.

Changsun Shenghai smiled and said: Junior brother has great power in Taiyi, Chaos and Hongmeng, and can prove immortality. However, I think that junior brother mainly attacks Taiyi, and his training in Chaos and Hongmeng is often insufficient. Junior brother should have this The unexpected encounter between the two great ways is why we achieved such amazing achievements in a short period of time. But if we can't practice it and know what it is but don't know why, I'm afraid there won't be any higher achievements.

When Xu Ying heard this, he looked solemn and hurriedly bowed to thank him.

Although his Hongmeng Dao achieved immortal achievements, it was the merit gained from mending the sky in the three realms.

The achievements of the Chaos Avenue are also getting higher and higher. The Chaos Lotus absorbs the Chaos Dao Scenery and throws the unusable Chaos Dao Scenery to Xu Ying, so that Xu Ying's Dao Xing keeps rising.

Of these two, Xu Ying worked a little harder on the Avenue of Chaos, so he was able to create the eighth method of the Eight Immortal Techniques, the Hand of Chaos.

As for Hong Meng's magical powers, he hasn't developed a single move.

Changsun Shenghai could see his shortcomings at a glance and was a good teacher and helpful friend.

Since I became a disciple, Taiyi Daojun has not taught me anything. He is still waiting for me to teach him the Xuanhuang Dao Realm Sutra, but the senior brother has taught me too much. It is not too much to say that he is a good teacher and helpful friend.

Xu Ying received advice from Changsun Shenghai and immediately went to look for the techniques of Chaos and Hongmeng. However, these two avenues were extremely advanced and were not collected in She'an Palace.

Taiyi Daojun's injury is very serious, and it will take some time to wake up. Not many people know that Hong Daojun is dead now, so why not take this opportunity to go to Hongdaojun's dojo first, search for his skills, and refine the cause and effect Dao!

Xu Ying did what he thought of and asked a junior fellow apprentice about the location of Hong Daojun's monastery. The junior fellow apprentice told him honestly because of his power.

Xu Ying immediately activated his skills, and after Huan transformed, he left She'an Palace and went straight to Lord Hong Dao's dojo.

Hong Daojun is the Dao Lord in Immortality. His status in Dao Jitian is lower than Dao Lord and higher than True King.

The reason why Dao Ji Tian has the word Dao Ji is because the great ways of heaven and earth here are all transformed from the great ways of the immortal.

Various avenues are listed in the sky, forming Luotian. There are high and low avenues, and there are high and low cultivators. Therefore, the high and low of the various avenues are arranged in order and in an orderly manner.

Although the Avenue of Cause and Effect is an extremely advanced avenue, the highest achiever on the Avenue of Cause and Effect is Hong Daojun. Therefore, the Luotian formed by the Avenue of Cause and Effect is lower than the avenues of Taiyi, gods and demons, yin and yang, and life and death.

Xu Ying came to Luotian on the Cause and Effect Avenue. This place is called Longfeng Cliff. When Hong Daojun died, Longfeng Cliff shook and was so shaken that it cracked on the spot!

The avenues of heaven and earth in Longfeng Cliff also cracked open, causing quite a bit of chaos.

Now on Longfeng Cliff, Hong Daojun's Cause and Effect Avenue is constantly crumbling. The disciples on the cliff are panicking inexplicably. Many disciples are trying to repair the broken avenue.

Xu Ying sneaked into Longfengya and was not questioned.

Hong Daojun teaches his disciples and will definitely leave behind some books or something like that.

Xu Ying was elusive, rummaging here and there on Longfeng Cliff, looking for any books that Mr. Hong Dao might have left behind. The dragons and dragons at Longfeng Cliff were leaderless, and many disciples took advantage of the situation to loot the magic weapons, treasures and other things left by Mr. Hong Dao, and hurriedly went down the mountain.

When Xu Ying came to Hanguang Pavilion, he saw that there were layers of seals outside the pavilion. Several disciples of Mr. Hong Dao came here and tried to open the seals, but failed, so they had to return in frustration.

There are several corpses on the ground. Judging from their clothes, they must be Hong Daojun's disciples.

Xu Ying waited for the people to leave and was about to step forward to try. At this moment, a tall figure came to Hanguang Pavilion and looked up and down at the seal of the pavilion.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly, he stopped and watched secretly. He saw this man in smart clothes and a black scarf covering his face. It was obvious that he came here with the intention of searching.

This man's body looks somewhat familiar.

When Xu Ying saw it, he saw that this man actually practiced the Path of Cause and Effect, and his attainments were extremely high. He flew around Hanguang Pavilion for a few weeks and mastered the ban on this place.

His clothes were flying, as if he had grown thousands of arms. Various causal techniques were deployed, and he accurately found the causal threads from the ban. He dismantled the threads, broke through the layers of bans, and walked into the containment. In the light pavilion.

Xu Ying followed quietly, like a wisp of blue smoke, flashing into Hanguang Pavilion.

In Hanguang Pavilion, the slender, masked figure moved like a ghost, breaking through the layers of internal restrictions, climbing all the way up the stairs, and looking upwards.

Xu Ying jumped as fast as he could, and followed closely. He saw the corpses of Hong Daojun's disciples everywhere on the road. It seems that many people entered Hanguang Pavilion and tried to get the treasure, but they were killed by various bans in the pavilion.

The Hanguang Pavilion should have been sealed off by Mr. Hong Dao himself. His disciples also practiced the Great Path of Cause and Effect, but they suffered countless casualties. It can be said that they all died in the Cause and Effect.

Xu Ying looked at this and felt a little hesitant in his heart. Those who practice karma often die due to karma, which makes this avenue filled with an ominous atmosphere.

No matter how hard fate is, it is probably not as hard as cause and effect.

But having already arrived here, he didn't care much and continued to move forward.

There are thirteen floors in Hanguang Pavilion, and each floor is covered with restrictions. If you don't understand the avenue of cause and effect, breaking into this place rashly will only disturb cause and effect.

I don’t know what the cause and effect line here is connected to. It may be a powerful magical power, it may be a terrifying magic weapon, or it may even be some untouchable existence!

If you are not careful and touch the cause and effect connecting them, the other party will be able to kill the intruder with just a spiritual thought!

That tall figure actually broke through the ban all the way and reached the thirteenth floor almost without any hindrance. Xu Ying couldn't help but marveled: This person's attainments on the Cause and Effect Road are extremely high. It can be said that he has surpassed all the disciples of Lord Hong Dao. He is the number one person on the path of cause and effect today! With such attainments, what else is he doing here?

The tall figure was rummaging around. Seeing this, Xu Ying quietly jumped in and rummaged along.

Suddenly, the rummaging stopped.

Xu Ying raised his head and met the tall figure's eyes.

Xu Yingjuan had transformed, and his original face could not be seen. The tall figure was covered with a black scarf, with only two eyes exposed.

Without thinking, the two of them unleashed their magical powers and attacked each other simultaneously!

Hanguang Pavilion is extremely small and the space is inconvenient. The magical powers that can be used are small ones, and the big ones cannot be used.

As soon as Xu Ying made a move, he used his martial arts ultimate intention, which was most suitable in this small space. In an instant, there were countless Xu Ying's shadows, and various martial arts moves were launched, killing each other.

The slender figure used the ultimate intention of the Great Way of Reincarnation. For a moment, the reincarnation rotated, and the masked men walked out of the reincarnation one by one, trying to challenge Xu Ying!

The power of their moves is getting stronger and stronger, and the opponent's reincarnation intention is extremely clever, and his magic power is more powerful than Xu Ying's.

Xu Ying was secretly shocked. His current cultivation level was comparable to that of ordinary immortals on the other side, but he was still beaten by this person.

Suddenly, he couldn't bear it anymore and directly used the magical power of the sky!

For a time, thousands of martial arts magical powers were printed all around, forming a small magical sky, and the power exploded in an instant!


Terrifying power swept across all directions, impacting Hanguang Pavilion and causing the surrounding restrictions to explode crazily!

The slender figure squatted with his legs bent, and pushed his palms forward. Nine kinds of strange abyss appeared behind him in an instant, some were big and some were small, some were wild and domineering, some had the aura of cause and effect, and some were grand. It's dense, and some reincarnations come and go!

There is even more murderous intent and chaos!

Some of these nine cave abyss have reached an almost immortal level, while some are only at the level of an immortal at most.

The moment the forces of the two sides collided, Xu Ying's heart suddenly thought: He can control the Dao power of the nine caves and abyss at the same time, which is even higher than my power!

Hanguang Pavilion could not hold on and finally fell apart!

At this moment, one of the walls exploded, revealing the hidden space inside. Two broken stele flew out of it. Xu Ying stepped back, without thinking, picked up a stone stele and escaped!

The tall figure also picked up another stone tablet and whizzed away.

The two of them rushed out of Hanguang Pavilion one after another when they saw many powerful men from Hong Daojun's sect rushing towards Hanguang Pavilion. All kinds of magic weapons and magical powers were raining down on the two of them!

Continuous cause and effect, sooner or later it will be traced back to you and me! The tall figure suddenly said in a rough voice.

Xu Yingcun imagined the Chaos Lotus, with the Qi of Chaos wrapped around his body, passing through the Qi of Chaos, cutting off cause and effect.

On the other side, the tall figure suddenly activated the supreme murderous aura, pushing the killing method to the extreme. A cold light flashed, clanking, and circled around him, cutting off the cause and effect one after another!

In the abyss of Xu Ying's martial arts cave, next to the big bell, the Zhuxian remnant sword that he was practicing suddenly floated up with excitement, and he said alertly: Master's aura!

Lord Hong Dao's men were already coming to kill him. Xu Ying didn't care much and immediately left through the air, leaving everyone behind.

And the tall figure also took the opportunity to disappear without a trace.

Xu Ying dispersed his body, recovered his body, returned to She'an Palace, and quickly returned to his residence, his eyes flashing.

That masked man looks very familiar. He must be someone I know! And I don't know many people on the other side!

He had already concluded who this person was, and Master Jian hurriedly said: Ah Ying, I sensed the master's aura from that person! This person is not the master, so he must be related to the master!

Cultivation of so many great ways is still related to Taoist Tongtian?

Xu Ying was surprised and whispered, You are still hiding next to Taiyi Daojun. What do you want to do?

He put aside the matter first and took out the broken stone tablet. He saw that the stone tablet was a green stone tablet, and what was engraved on it was Hong Daojun's law of cause and effect from heaven!

But the stone tablet was split into two, and the other half was still on the tall figure.

Xu Ying stood up, put away the stone tablet, walked out of the door, and went to find his senior brother.

As soon as he came to the corridor, he saw a tall figure walking towards him. It was Sun Shenghai, the eldest brother.

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