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Chapter 750 Introducing a few gangsters

After Hong Daojun died, everyone who was controlled by cause and effect to attack each other felt relieved that they had regained their ability to move, and felt shocked and horrified in their hearts.

In a short period of time, they almost killed each other!

Hong Daojun's cause and effect path is not to control each magic weapon with his supreme cultivation, nor to suppress the five of them with magic power, but to change the causal logic of the behavior of these magic weapons and Xu Ying and others.

Every move they made to attack Mr. Hong Dao logically turned into a move to attack other people or magic weapons, or even to harm themselves.

The Dao of Cause and Effect is really powerful. We, the Dao of Dao, are controlled by Cause and Effect and have no power to resist. If it were other Dao of Dao that are not as good as ours, I'm afraid it would be easier to control!

Xu Ying had lingering fears, The Avenue of Cause and Effect is ridiculously strong. I'm afraid it's no weaker than the Avenue of Taiyi! It may even be stronger!

The reason why Mr. Hong Dao is not the King of Great Dao is just because this Tao is too difficult to cultivate and achieve the ultimate achievement. Moreover, Mr. Hong Dao's qualifications are limited and he is unable to cultivate this avenue to the ultimate level.

Taoist Master Xuanhuang flew over, glanced at everyone, and then his eyes fell on Xu Ying, showing doubts.

Xu Ying was obviously not from the Heavenly Realm, but he became his successor. Even Master Xuanhuang was a little confused, wondering if there was something wrong.

But the current situation no longer allowed him to think too much, so he said: Follow me!

This space is in chaos. After Xu Ying and others inherit it, this place will collapse. At this moment, many places have cracked, and the energy of chaos pours in.

Taoist Master Xuanhuang flew up with five people, and the space in front suddenly opened, and outside was the Tianjing Ruins.

Master Xuan Huang led them to fly out of the chaotic space, and they saw that the chaotic space behind them suddenly collapsed. The infinite energy of chaos engulfed that space, and followed the passage opened by Master Xuan Huang and rushed towards Tianjing Ruins.

Taoist Master Xuanhuang closed the passage, isolating the Sea of ​​Chaos, and said: The disaster has not yet come, we don't have to repay the cause and effect, the Sea of ​​Chaos can't catch up with us!

He took a step back and looked at the passage that he had just sealed. After a moment, there was no movement in the passage, and then he was completely relieved.

Xu Ying was surprised when he saw this strange scene: Xuanhuang Dao Master said that the disaster has not yet come, but he is very nervous, as if he is worried that the disaster will come. Could it be that he is not sure whether the disaster will come? Could it be that he can't either Are you sure you can protect yourself from the disaster?

Master Xuanhuang turned around and glanced at the five of them again. Then his eyes fell on Xu Ying, and he stared in confusion for a while. He always felt that there must be something wrong with this kid appearing in the team of Tianjing Resurrection.

He put aside this thought for the time being, turned his eyes away, and looked at the ruins of the Tianjing Universe.

His eyes were deep and moved slowly over the mountains and rivers.

This is the homeland that raised him, but now it has become a scorched earth, a barren land. The resentment and hatred between heaven and earth cannot be washed away no matter what.

The tide of the avenue has turned the once prosperous heaven into a wasteland, and the master of the avenue cannot stop it. Is there still a road ahead to avoid the tide of the avenue and avoid disaster?

He was murmuring to himself, Does the road have an end? At the end, can the tide of the road still come close? Is the fate like me, always unable to find the end?

Suddenly, Dao Master Xuanhuang floated up and walked towards the direction where his other self was fighting against the four Dao Lords.

His figure brought endless resentment to Tianxu. Those innocent souls who died tragically in the hands of the other side have long been annihilated and no longer exist, but their resentment is still there and has become the cause and effect of this world.

He was resurrected for revenge.

Xu Ying, Zhuo Daochun and other five people each took a few steps forward, but they all stopped.

Dao Master Xuanhuang is here to merge with his other self. After the fusion, the four Dao Lords join forces, and I am afraid they will not be his opponents.

However, it is impossible for Dao Master Xuanhuang to win. He will definitely lose, because there is also a Dao Master on the other side.

Zhuo Daochun said, The Master of the Other Shore will never allow Master Xuanhuang to be resurrected.

Xu Ying nodded and said: When the four Dao Lords fell, that's when the Dao of the other side took the initiative. Now the Dao of Tianjing is still in its infancy, and the strength of the Xuanhuang Dao Master has definitely not returned to its peak. It is impossible for the Dao of the other side to take action. The opponent of the Avenue Lord.

Wei Yidao: But, what should we do?

Xu Ying glanced at the faces of the four of them and said: You have only one way to survive, which is to stay in Tianjing Ruins and fight against the Heavenly Realm masters who invaded here, while growing stronger with the help of the revival of Tianjing Avenue. If you don't mind, you can become a rebel.

Nangong Hao's face turned gloomy and he said: I was originally a disciple of Yin Yang Dao Lord, and our lineage speaks of Yin and Yang weirdness. Several of my Yin Yang senior brothers said that their bloodline was not right, that they were spies from other universes, and that sooner or later they would become rebels. Unexpectedly, after I came here, I discovered that I was the spy and would definitely become a rebel.

Shi Yuting wanted to laugh, but didn't dare.

He originally didn't know that he was a Heavenly Realm person. It wasn't until he came here and got those opportunities that he vaguely guessed that he might be a descendant of a Heavenly Realm person.

He was able to guess that his master, the Great Dao Lord of Gods and Demons, had asked him to come here probably to obtain the inheritance of the Great Dao Lord.

After receiving the inheritance, what awaits me is death.

Therefore, the four of them had to fight back.

Xu Ying said enthusiastically: If you want to be a rebel, I have a way. I am from the same hometown as the rebels in Tianjing Xu, and I came to Tianjing Xu this time to visit them. I can introduce you to them.

The four of them looked at each other and nodded helplessly.

The four of them received the inheritance from the Dao Lord. All four Dao Lords wanted to get the inheritance. They took the initiative to hand over the Xuanhuang Dao Realm Sutra, and they could keep a whole corpse. If they were unwilling to hand it over, they would die in an extremely miserable way.

The vast universe is all under the control of the four Dao Lords. If they escape from any universe, they will be seeking death. Only staying in Tianjing Ruins still has a glimmer of hope.

Zhuo Daochun said: Junior Brother Xu, you won't stay?

Xu Ying smiled and said: I am a disciple of Taiyi Daojun. I am loyal to my teacher. How can I be compared to you group of rebels?

Wei Yi said: Master Taiyi Dao knows that you are also a rebel! Are you asking for death by staying?

Xu Ying said with a smile: Now it is Taiyi Daojun who needs me more, not me who needs Taiyi more. If none of you had left, then I might still die, but if all four of you had left, then I would be safe.

Zhuo Daochun and others no longer forced him, Zhuo Daochun said: Then, how can we get to know those gangsters?

Xu Ying let out a long roar and said loudly: Xu Huang——, Taiyi Tianzun——, the ancestor of the Earth Immortal——

He called repeatedly, and after a while, a voice quickly approached: Coming! Coming!

But this voice was very strange. It was not from Emperor Xu, Taiyi, or any of the Earth Immortal Ancestors.

The owner of the voice finally showed up, but it was an old man wearing a gray-white Taoist robe. This old man had gray hair, was thin, and had an unattractive appearance.

When Xu Ying saw him, he was surprised and happy, and said quickly: Taoist Yuxu! Disciple Xu Ying, you are polite!

The old man in the gray-white Taoist robe was Taoist Yuxu. When he saw Xu Ying, he was very happy and said with a smile: Okay, okay! Are you a descendant of Xu You? As expected, he is handsome, free and easy, loyal and mature! This is not the place. Please come with me to the place where we can talk.

Xu Ying praised: The Patriarch is really good at judging people.

Everyone hurriedly followed Taoist Yuxu and disappeared into the darkness.

Not long after, they found Xu Huang and others hidden in the darkness. In addition to Taiyi Tianzun and Earth Immortal Ancestor, Xu Ying also saw Taiqing Taozu, Yuqing Taozu and others. He couldn't help but feel excited.

Several of the most famous Taoist ancestors in the history of the Earthly Immortal World are gathered here.


Xu Ying's eyes lit up and he found the Buddha and the Buddhas on Mount Sumeru, and he hurriedly came forward to pay homage. When he ascended to the other side for the first time, if he had not been discovered by the Buddha and the Buddhas and stopped him in time, he would have fallen into the hands of the other side and tortured him about the whereabouts of the Three Realms.

My fate with Buddha goes beyond that.

Xu Ying bowed to the Buddha and said with a smile, The string of beads left by the Buddha has saved my life many times. I also used the beads to rescue the Buddha's son Jijue who was trapped in the solidified time and space. Now Jijue has achieved the supreme state. Buddhism in the Three Realms is flourishing.

A giant Buddha asked: Is Jijue okay?

Xu Ying thought for a while and said: It's very good, but I hate evil as much as I hate it.

Good, good, good.

All the Buddhas praised him in unison, Fortunately, we teach him to be devoted to good deeds.

Seeing his confusion, the Buddha said: Ji Jue is not from the Three Realms of us. He was picked up by us in the Tianjing Ruins. He was born with a very violent temperament and had terrible resentment hidden in his heart. Even our Buddhas cannot get rid of him. I had no choice but to teach him Buddhism, hoping that he could use Buddhism to refine his resentment and anger.

Xu Ying thought of how Ji Jue always wanted to save people and convert them, and smiled: He is much better now. I don't feel his anger, but he is very compassionate.

Each of the Buddhas looked happy.

Buddha couldn't help but laugh and said: We suspect that he may be a demon god formed by the resentment and resentment in Tianjing Ruins. Letting him stay in Tianjing Ruins will only make his violence and resentment worse. That's why we plan to let him pass. Dongyuan, jump to the Three Realms. It seems that the water and soil of the Three Realms are good, and they have cultivated him into a good person.

Very good, very good. All the Buddhas praised.

The Xuhuang Dao Lord said: Don't keep chatting. The four Dao Lords on the other side are facing off against the Xuanhuang Dao Lord. It's a rare opportunity. Don't you want to watch it?

Xu Ying and others hurriedly came to Emperor Xu. Xu Ying thanked Emperor Xu and said, Thanks to Brother Dao for sending me back to the Three Realms in time and for sending me the Preventing Tribulation Sutra.

Xuhuang smiled and said: It's a small effort, but it's not worth mentioning. Fellow Taoist Xu, how long did it take you to decipher the Tribulation Sutra?

Xu Ying pondered for a moment and said, Eight years before and after.

Eight years?

The faces of Xu Emperor, Earth Immortal Ancestor and others were a little sad, Yuxu Taoist Ancestor said: In eight years, the Taoist and magical powers of the Three Realms have not improved much compared to ours back then, and they are far from our opponents on the other side.

Xu Yingdao: We have now endured a harvest in the Celestial Realm, and we have also improved the dragon patterns, runes, and Dao patterns so that Liwen on the other side cannot directly replace the avenues of the Three Realms. We have also created a new path, using the cave as the abyss, since The new path of Lian Dongyuan.”

But it's still too far away.

Xuhuang Daodao Jun said, The Hunyuan Dongyuan Pijie Sutra is just a technique for the nine realms of Dao. It takes you so long and so many geniuses and eight years to decipher it. It shows that the three realms are based on the basic runes. There are huge deficiencies in the structure, the basic avenues, as well as the advanced avenues and advanced techniques.”

Xu Ying thought about it carefully, nodded in agreement, and said, I came here to get the true scripture.

Only by becoming a native of the other shore can you practice the Dharma of the other shore. Anyone who tries to bring the scriptures of the other shore back to his homeland will be destroyed.

Lord Xuhuang Daodao said lightly, In the history of the Three Realms, someone has already confirmed this.

Xu Yingdao: Hao Yi, the great emperor of the human race. When his body returned from the other side, I went to greet him and buried him in Ziweigan Mountain. Like all the emperors, they were buried there.

Lord Xuhuang Daodao said: Since you know this fate, do you still insist on getting the true scripture?

Take it! Xu Ying said flatly.

The ancestor of the Earth Immortal said: To get the true scripture, you don't necessarily need to get it from the other side, you can also get it from the Tianjing Ruins. Now that the avenue of Tianjing Ruins has recovered, the avenue of heaven and earth will become stronger and stronger, and those avenue masters and immortals will also follow suit. And resurrected. The skills they left behind will also appear in the world one by one. It is better to learn scriptures in heaven than on the other side.

Xu Ying said: Tianjing may be destroyed by the other side at any time, and the danger is too great. We need to prepare with both hands. You stay in Tianjing Ruins, and I stay on the other side.

The ancestor of the Earth Immortal frowned slightly.

Xu Huang said: Fellow Daoist Xu's method is somewhat reasonable. It is always good to have one more method.

Yuxu Taoist Ancestor said: But it is too dangerous to learn scriptures on the other side. Are you sure?

Xu Ying smiled and said: What Emperor Haotian could do back then, I can do too.

While he was talking, the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth suddenly roared in the distance, just like the noise when the sky and the earth collapsed. Everyone hurriedly looked and saw that the sky behind the four Lords of the Great Dao suddenly opened up, and the vision of the universe vaguely emerged!

It's not that the vast universe was really opened up by them, it's just that the strong men in these universes summoned the Taiyi, Yin and Yang, life and death, and the caves and abyss of gods and demons. The caves and abyss were connected to those universes, forming a strange phenomenon.

It's just that the inheritance of the four Dao Lords is too old, there are too many people who have inherited it, and there are countless caves and abyss summoned, so that the four Dao Lords mobilize the power of the caves and abyss, and it is like pulling the universe from the sea of ​​chaos to the ruins of heaven. generally!

The Dao Lord's background is truly unfathomable.

Taiqing Taoist Ancestor sighed and said sadly, If you don't harvest the world, just relying on your own enlightenment and practice, you can't compete with their terrifying magic power.

Xuhuang said: But Emperor Haotian did not harvest the world, but his ability surpassed all immortality and became the Great Dao King. It can be seen that harvesting is not necessary, and it may even go further than harvesting.

Taiqing Daozu didn't have much confidence at first, but after what he said, his confidence was rekindled again.

At this moment, the battle between the four Dao Lords and the Xuanhuang Dao Master has reached the most critical stage. The magic power of the four Dao Lords is really overwhelming the heaven and the earth, suppressing everything. Even the Dao Dao that revives in the heaven realm has been suppressed by them!

Their auras are in perfect harmony, as if the universe is their abyss, and the great avenues of heaven and earth in the universe are mobilized by them!

However, the strength of Master Xuanhuang is even more terrifying and incredible. Each of his strikes is like a natural attack from the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, distorting the opponent's Dao, and even turning the opponent's Dao into his own!

The four Dao Lords were more powerful than him, and their magical powers were earth-shattering, but they could never hurt him at all.

Suddenly, Lord Dao of Life and Death received a blow from Master Xuanhuang, vomited blood, turned around and walked away without saying a word, and the vision of the universe behind him was suddenly destroyed in pieces.

Xu Ying was a little puzzled: The Lord of Life and Death is so weak?

Xuhuang smiled slightly and said: He was injured by me, and now Dao Master Xuanhuang just made his old injuries relapse. The injuries I left on him are not so easy to heal.

After saying that, he coughed violently.

The wounds left on him by the Lord of Life and Death are not so easy to heal.

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