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Chapter 748 Xuan Huang Dao Realm Secret

Hong Daojun snorted and looked around. He didn't see any of the five stone tablets Xu Ying and others mentioned.

The Master of the Great Dao has great magical powers, and his magical powers are far beyond what I can understand.

Hong Daojun glanced at Xu Ying and others. These five people were only at the eighth level of the Tao Realm, and were not yet in the Immortal Realm. Even in the immortal realm, the gap in cultivation strength is still huge.

The immortal realm on the other side is divided into four levels. The first immortal realm is the ordinary immortal realm that has just entered the immortal realm and has not yet had time to preach in the universe.

The strength of this kind of immortal realm is the lowest, but compared to the other side, compared to the immortal realms in other universes, the lowest level of the immortal realm on the other side is also one of the strongest in their universe!

The second type of immortality is the immortality with the reputation of a true king.

The cultivation of this type of strong people is several times or even dozens of times more powerful than the first type of strong people, and their strength is also very different. They often harvest the universe, and have their own disciples and sects in each universe.

A black domain is formed behind their heads. In the black domain, there are countless holes and abyss, large and small, that are ups and downs, ready to harvest the practitioners of the universe at any time.

The third level of immortality is the Tao Lord.

Such powerful people have often cultivated advanced avenues, and are not only unfathomable in strength, but also extremely powerful. There are often several ordinary immortal realm experts under his sect, occupying the most advantageous position in Dao Jitian.

The fourth realm of immortality is the Great Dao Lord.

The Dao Lord has a supreme status and controls the best resources in the universe. He has disciples and disciples all over the other side.

They have existed in the world since the rise of civilization on the other side, using the Green Rock Scouts to open up universes one after another, and their accumulation is extremely rich.

It is almost impossible to become a Daojun. There is only one person in history who has successfully been promoted to Daojun, and that is Daojun Hao Yi. Sweeping the other side without opponents and defeating the four Dao Lords can become the Dao Lord. This has become an unwritten rule on the other side.

Five people from the Heaven Realm who are not even in the ordinary Immortal Realm, even if they have any means, they are far from my opponents.

Hong Daojun felt relieved and shouted, Each of you understand the content on the stone tablet and then tell me! If there is anything to hide, I will kill you! Xu Ying, you are the first to go over and read the content on your green stone tablet. !”

Xu Ying said yes, glanced at Zhuo Daochun and the other four, and came to his own green stone monument.

Before he entered this place, he had vaguely seen a green stone tablet. When he came here and saw the tablet again, he knew that the content on the stone tablet must be related to the inheritance of the Xuanhuang Avenue Master.

The Xuan Huang Dao Master led the four Dao Lords away, probably because he did not want his inheritance to fall into the hands of the other side.

The text on the stone tablet is written in the Ribun of the Other Side. The Ribun of the Other Side and the Ribun of the Heavenly Realm are the same thing. If he learns the philosophy of the other side, the words on the stone tablet will not be difficult for him.

What is inscribed on the stone tablet is an extremely mysterious and obscure technique called Xuanhuang Dao Jie Jue, with characters like pearls, explaining the method of enlightenment.

This was not the first time that Xu Ying came into contact with Dao Master-level exercises. Dao Zongyuan, the Dao Master of the Yuan Realm, personally taught him the Hundong Immortal Sutra.

It's just that although Xu Ying obtained Dao Zongyuan's technique, he only took out the Xuan Qi cultivation method from this technique to make up for the three Qi in his body.

As for the complete version of the Hundong Immortal Sutra, Xu Ying has not practiced it.

Read it! Hong Daojun shouted.

Xu Ying composed himself and began to read the contents on the stone tablet. Hong Daojun heard this and let out a sigh. The Xuanhuang Daojie Jue actually did not start from the beginning of Qi refining, but ignored the content of Qi refining and went directly to the chapter of enlightenment!

The first step in cultivation is to realize the three realms of Taoism!

The first realm is the eighth level of the Tao Realm, the Great Luo Wonderful Realm of the old Tao, and the Supreme Realm of the new Tao.

As for cultivating as a mortal to transcending tribulations and ascending to the seventh level of the Tao realm, this is just a gossip mentioned in the Dao Master's technique.

If you have not cultivated to the seventh level of Tao Realm, you are not even qualified to see this technique.

Xu Ying read it word by word, sentence by sentence, and recited the chapter on the Enlightenment. While Hong Daojun was memorizing it, Zhuo Daochun, Nangong Hao, Wei Yi and Shi Yuting were also trying hard to memorize it, trying to understand the content of the chapter on the Three Realms of Enlightenment.

The most critical one is the third realm, and the third realm is the main realm of the avenue.

This realm can only be achieved after enlightenment. From the enlightenment of Daluo, to the enlightenment of immortality, to the realization of the great master, it is the chapter on the three realms of enlightenment!

Xu Ying read through the content of the three realms of enlightenment. Hong Daojun listened to the first two chapters and was entranced. He found that he had many omissions in the eight and nine realms of the Tao.

However, the last one was difficult for him to understand, and there were many things that were difficult to understand.

He couldn't understand it, and it was also difficult for Zhuo Daochun, Wei Yi and others to understand it, especially since it contained words such as Chaos Lord, Meng Hong, and Kong Kong, which could not be expressed in Taoist language and could not be described accurately.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly. These words were described in the Hunyuan Cave Pi Jie Sutra on another piece of green rock!

It's just that the Pi Jie Jing has less descriptions of Meng Hong, Kong Kong and Chaos Lord, while Xuanhuang Dao Jie Jue has much more descriptions of this aspect.

After Xu Ying finished reciting, he returned to Lord Hong Dao.

Hong Daojun looked at Shi Yuting and said, Go and read your stone tablet.

Shi Yuting said yes, walked forward, came to the green stone tablet he saw, and recited the other parts of Xuan Huang Dao Jie Jue.

The stone tablet promised by Xu Ying talks about the three enlightenments, one after another. What is engraved on this stone tablet is how to practice the tenth level of Taoism after attaining Taoism three times.

Xu Ying also devoted himself to memory and wrote down this part of the scriptures to corroborate it with the three chapters of enlightenment just now.

Shi Yuting recited it once, and Hong Daojun frowned even more. He didn't even understand the third of the three chapters on the path to enlightenment, and his eyes were completely blank on how to practice the tenth level.

Nangong Hao stepped forward, came to his own stone tablet, and recited the content on the stone tablet, and the others quickly stepped up their memory.

The content on this stone tablet talks about how to cultivate Dao Wuju. Hong Daojun's face darkened, and he didn't understand it.

Xu Ying and others stepped up their memory.

Wei Yi stepped forward and recited the content on his stone tablet. His stone tablet talked about how to unify all the Tao and refine the Hunyuan body!

This method is even more profound, and Hong Daojun is confused and confused when he hears it.

Zhuo Daochun was the last one to step forward and read out the content on the last stone tablet. However, to everyone's expectation, what was recorded on this stone tablet was not magical powers!

Logically speaking, a martial art must have supporting magical powers, but Emperor Xuan did not leave any magical powers behind. What he left on this stone tablet is about his views on calamity and various methods to deal with it.

The master of the avenue will survive if he crosses by himself, but he will lose if he crosses others. Xuanhuang, the master of the avenue, wrote on the stone tablet.

Everyone listened to the contents on the five stone tablets, and each of them gained a lot. Xu Ying's eyes flashed, and he suddenly urged Wu Ji to prove the Tao Sutra and transport the ginseng and fruit trees.

Swish, swish, swish!

The roots of the ginseng fruit tree dance and penetrate into the abyss of Wuji, Hongmeng, Chaos, Samsara and Taiyi Cave. As his technique was running, the Wuji Cave Abyss suddenly shook violently, and was suddenly pulled into the Martial Arts Cave Abyss by the ginseng fruit tree, which was compatible with the Martial Arts Cave Abyss!

The Martial Arts Cave Abyss merged with the Wuji Cave Abyss, making the Martial Dao Cave Abyss wider, and Xu Ying's cultivation level suddenly improved a lot!

Then the Samsara Cave Abyss also trembled violently, and with a loud bang, it was also pulled into the Martial Arts Cave Abyss!

Xu Ying's cultivation level improved a lot, and the next moment Chaos Cave Abyss was also pulled into the Martial Arts Cave Abyss, causing his cultivation level to rise again!

In just a short moment, only Taiyi Dongyuan and Hongmeng Dongyuan were left that had not been absorbed by Martial Arts Dongyuan.

The Hongmeng Cave Abyss was where he sacrificed the core of the Hongyuan, completed the three realms of the universe, and received luck empowerment. The reward he received for this was just that the reward was too generous. His conduct on the Hongmeng Avenue was directly elevated to the level of immortality!

His improvement did not come from his own cultivation, but from direct indoctrination, so Xu Ying rarely used Hongmeng Avenue to fight against the enemy.

But if he wants to absorb Hongmeng Avenue and Hongmeng Cave Abyss into the Martial Arts Cave Abyss, he needs to further improve his cultivation strength and have some understanding of Hongmeng Avenue.

As for the Taiyi Cave Abyss, it was because he spent countless efforts on the Taiyi Avenue and understood so many Taoist methods that the ginseng fruit tree could not temporarily pull up the Cave Abyss.

In the past few days, he had studied the contents on the five stone tablets. Finally, at this juncture, he had made a remarkable breakthrough in his cultivation strength.

Hong Daojun noticed that his momentum was constantly changing, and he laughed and said: Barbarians from the Three Realms, you don't want to resist me, do you? Do you think you can defeat them to the death?

Before he finished speaking, Zhuo Daochun also activated the Xuan Gong, raised his cultivation level to the extreme, and said: Master Dao, you also need to add me.

Zhuo Daochun's talent is extremely high. He has also been studying the contents on the five stone tablets in the past few days. Although he has not been able to fully understand the Xuanhuang Daojie Jue, his cultivation strength has also improved a lot!

Especially during this period, he collected hundreds of Dao treasures and Dao Qi. Dao Qi contained various Dao principles, some of which were difficult for him to understand. But this time he understood the secrets of the Xuanhuang Dao Realm, which allowed him to understand by analogy and make his cultivation even better than before!

Wei Yi also encouraged his cultivation and said calmly: There is still me.

He is a disciple of Lord Dao of Life and Death. He has extremely high cultivation and strength. He was originally regarded as invincible under the immortality. This time he studied the secrets of Xuanhuang Dao Realm and his improvement was astonishing.

Nangong Hao and Shi Yuting also cheered each other and said in unison: There are still us!

The five of them are all the successors chosen by Master Xuanhuang. When searching for all the Dao Qi and magic weapons, their cultivation strength has been amazingly improved. Today, their cultivation strength has reached a higher level.

Seeing their murderous intent, Mr. Hong Dao couldn't help laughing loudly, and looked at the five of them: Just the five of you? I originally planned to kill you after a while to silence you, so as not to forget the words on the stone tablet. Now that you are seeking death, you can't tolerate me. Got it!

He activated the Cave of Cause and Effect, and the Avenue of Cause and Effect suddenly opened up in all directions.

Hong Daojun frowned slightly, feeling a little uncomfortable with the operation of the Cause and Effect Avenue.

This place is the time and space in the sea of ​​chaos. It was opened by the Master Xuan Huang Dao just to have a place to preach.

But because it is in the sea of ​​chaos, the power of the Cause and Effect Avenue has become very unstable here.

It's better to fight quickly and get rid of these brats!

The moment Hong Daojun took action, the promised Taiyi Ten Thousand Dao Cauldron had already arrived!

At the same time, there were one or two hundred top-notch immortal treasures collected by Zhuo Daochun!

Although Wei Yi has fewer immortal treasures in his hands, there are still dozens of them. Nangong Hao and Shi Yuting also have more than ten immortal treasures each!

At this moment, all these magic weapons came at once. Even though Hong Tiangang was a Dao Lord, he couldn't help but change his color. He didn't even bother to kill Xu Ying and the other five people, and immediately resisted the invasion of so many magic weapons!

The powerful power of these magic weapons was the opportunity given to Xu Ying and the other five by Master Xuanhuang Avenue. Although Xu Ying only snatched one Taiyiwandao Cauldron, it was actually the most powerful magic weapon among them all!

This cauldron roared, and thousands of dharma in the cauldron boiled, as if there was an immortal body as big as the Great Dao releasing its own power!

Hong Daojun activated the Cause and Effect Avenue, and suddenly the strengths and weaknesses of various magic weapons and attack routes were all in his Taoist heart, and he had a clear grasp of them.

He was about to confront the Taiyi Ten Thousand Dao Cauldron when he suddenly heard a strange bell sound. The causal paths of various magic weapons that were clearly visible just now suddenly became blurry.

A big bell flew from the abyss of Xu Ying's cave, clanging, causing his cause and effect to scatter!


In just one moment, all the magic weapons fell on Hong Daojun almost at the same time. The Taiyi Ten Thousand Dao Cauldron burst out with the power that can only be possessed by the Immortal Realm. The power of various other magic weapons also exploded at this time, sweeping through everything around and pouring out. Everyone is drowned!


Xu Ying, Zhuo Daochun, Wei Yi, Nangong Hao and Shi Yuting each smiled. When the fluctuation dissipated, their smiles gradually froze on their faces.

I saw Mr. Hong Dao holding the Taiyi Wandao Cauldron with one hand, and the power in the cauldron was tightly suppressed by him in the Wandao Cauldron!

The avenue of cause and effect is like a criss-crossing python, blocking all these treasures.

So many treasures failed to break through his causal defense!

You are indeed very strong. Three of you have reached the level of ordinary immortals and are even chasing the immortal true king. If you teamed up to deal with a true king, I'm afraid he would be dead. But it's a pity that you are dealing with me.

Hong Daojun laughed loudly, looked around, and said leisurely: Today I want you to know how big the chasm-like gap between the eighth level of the Tao Realm and the ninth level of the Tao Realm is!

His aura exploded, and immediately mouthfuls of immortal treasures flew in all directions!

Xu Ying soared into the air, hugging his own Taiyi Wandao Cauldron, and was about to land on the ground. Suddenly Hong Daojun struck out with his palm, hitting the Wandao Cauldron in the middle, shocking Xu Ying behind the cauldron until he vomited blood.

At the same time, Zhuo Daochun and others each caught their own magic weapons and were shocked to the point of being damaged!

Mr. Hong Dao roared loudly, his magic power exploded, and he swatted at Xu Ying. At this moment, a chaos lotus appeared in front of Xu Ying. Under the flower was a chaos lotus pond, and in the center of the flower floated a bright and crystal flood source.

Please Lord Lian take action!

Xu Ying bowed and poured all his magic power into the Chaos Lotus. The closest ones to him were Wei Yi and Shi Yuting. Seeing this situation, they also followed suit and bowed down!

Please Lord Lian take action!

As soon as the three people bowed down, they saw the Chaos Lotus rising up to meet Lord Hong Dao. The power of the Chaos Lotus Pond exploded, like a terrifying power erupting from a small universe!


Xu Ying, Wei Yi and others were shocked and gritted their teeth and insisted: Hong Daojun will definitely not be able to stop him this time!

Hong Daojun was covered in blood. He held the Chaos Lotus with one hand and remained standing!

Behind him, darkness flows, and the caves and abyss become brighter and brighter, and they begin to harvest other universes to practice the avenue of cause and effect to block the Chaos Lotus!

What other methods do you have? Hong Daojun said with a serious expression.

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