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Chapter 744 Duel between Daojun

The tall figure stood in the darkness, motionless, but the sense of oppression brought to the Lord of Life and Death was getting stronger and stronger.

Lord Dao of Life and Death snorted, gave up his promise, walked towards the tall figure, and said calmly: Emperor Xu, you call yourself Lord Dao, but you are just a barbarian who smuggled over from the Three Realms. I have seen many barbarians like you. .”

He walked forward, and the tall figure was still standing in the same place. However, no matter how far he walked forward, he was never far or close to the tall figure, and it seemed that he did not close any distance.

You are no different from stowaways from other universes. You untouchables use despicable means to get to the other side and live like rats in stinking ditches, looking for our leftovers.

Lord Dao of Life and Death did not take it seriously and continued to move forward while attacking the heart of Dao of Xuhuang Dao. When you were in your hometown, you were aloof and superior to others, and were called Taoist ancestors and ancestors. However, when you reach the other side, you can't even see me. You are not as good as a dog on the other side. You are in panic all day long, hiding here and there. You have no dignity, no honor, and no qualifications as human beings!

The Lord of Xuhuang Dao on the opposite side still stood there motionless. No matter what Lord Dao of Life and Death said, it could not shake his Taoist heart in the slightest.

Emperor Xu, you have been on the other side for 600,000 years. People in your hometown thought that you would be glorious on the other side, but they didn't expect that you actually lived like ants for 600,000 years!

Lord Dao of Life and Death said with a smile, What will they think of you, the people they call Dao Ancestors?

His words seemed to have an effect. The figure of Lord Xuhuang Daojun in front suddenly shook, and the distance between him and Emperor Xu suddenly became much closer.

Lord Dao of Life and Death was overjoyed, and when he looked again, the figure of Emperor Xu came into view.

Brother Life and Death Taoist, you are very happy at this moment. You consciously used your words to shake my Taoist heart, causing flaws in my Taoist magical powers.

Opposite him, Mr. Xuhuang Daojun is a man between middle-aged and old. His aura is high and distant, and he said leisurely, But the moment you are happy is the moment when your flaw appears. As long as you take action, Defeat is inevitable. If you hold back, you do have some means.

The Dao Lord of Life and Death finally saw clearly the face of the Xu Emperor. This Dao Lord's body and Tao were aligned, and there were two haloes on the back of his head, one large and one small, containing infinite spaces. One was the Great Luotian, and the other was the Cave Abyss, which was bright and clear.

In the Great Luo Heaven, the Tao trees are awe-inspiring, bearing all kinds of Tao fruits; in the cave abyss, the Tao scenery is magnificent, reflecting thousands of rivers and mountains.

Lord Dao of Life and Death looked around and saw that this place was far away from those places where the Dao was resurrected. He was a little relieved and said: Emperor Xu, there are so many talents in the three realms. Now there is Taoist Tongtian, followed by Hao Yi, and now you appear again. It's a pity that you have no chance. It has grown to the level of Tongtian and Haoyi!

His vast and profound magic power froze time and space, and with a single point of his finger, it enveloped all of the Void Emperor's past and future actions, making it impossible for him to avoid them!


With this guidance, Xu Huang's own path began to decline and wither, the Dao trees withered, and the Dao fruits shriveled!

The Great Lord of Life and Death is worthy of being the one who controls the two paths of life and death in the universe. With this finger, using the magical power of the Great Way, no supreme being can resist it, and it will directly destroy the body and die!

Even if he is an immortal in the same realm, facing his magical power of life and death, he will only end up in hatred!

Xu Huang hit him with this finger, and soon the Tao tree withered, and the Tao fruit seemed to have been dried in the sun, losing all vitality. And Emperor Xu has turned gray, become decrepit, and may die at any time!

His cave abyss was no longer bright, his Tao power was passing away rapidly, the fairy mountains were withered, without any life, and the Tao water smelled fishy and turned into stagnant water.

We are both in the immortal realm, but the gap is so huge that barbarians like you may not be able to imagine it.

Lord Dao of Life and Death retracted his finger and said calmly, Ants are just ants, and they will never get on the stage. When they are discovered, they are often trampled to death.

He was about to leave when suddenly he saw another figure shaking in the darkness. Another Void Emperor came over and said with a smile: Fellow Taoist, the Lord of Life and Death is exploiting the universe. How powerful is his magic power and how brilliant is his Taoism. How can it be beyond your control? Competing? Are you at a disadvantage now?

Lord Dao of Life and Death was slightly startled. He looked at the Void Emperor and saw that he was dressed in purple, with a dense purple glow on the back of his head, forming a cave and a great sky. The cave and the great sky complemented each other!

This Void Emperor is exactly the same as the Void Emperor just now. He is between middle-aged and old. He is also an immortal state, but his clothes and ways are different.

With the appearance of this Purple-clothed Void Emperor, Hongmeng Ziqi suppressed the aging phenomenon of the Gray-clothed Void Emperor's own avenue. He turned out to be an immortal cultivating the Hongmeng Avenue!

Suddenly, another Xu Emperor walked out of the darkness and said with a smile: Life and death go together, and the road is vast. But all lives in the world are born, old, sick, and dead, but the road in the world also has its beginning and end. Even the sky and the earth where we live are not empty. A day of withering and decay? The beauty of the road of life and death lies in returning together!

Lord Dao of Life and Death looked over and saw that the Xu Emperor was dressed in half black and half white, and there were Dong Yuan and Luo Tian behind him. Among them, Dao Fruit, Immortal Mountain and Xiantian Qi were also the two paths of life and death!

When the Black and White Void Emperor came, the Dao tree of the gray-clothed Void Emperor suddenly exuded vitality, the Dao Fruit also recovered, and Dongyuan also regained its vitality!

Are the three Void Emperors the Taoist body? The Void Emperor is amazing. He actually cultivated the three great ways to the level of immortality in just 600,000 years!

The Great Lord of Life and Death secretly praised him, but this level of Taoism was still far from the level of the Great Lord of Life and Death.

Just when he thought of this, he saw figures moving in the darkness, and another Emperor Zunxu walked out of the darkness. They were both in the Immortal Realm, and they had also mastered Luo Tian and Dong Yuan!

His mind suddenly thought: The Avenue of Cause and Effect! The Avenue of Space! The Avenue of Time! The Avenue of Life! The Avenue of Yin and Yang! The Avenue of Taiji! The Avenue of Taishang!

The Lord of the Great Dao of Life and Death calmed down, these Void Emperors practiced different great ways, and all of them were promoted to the Immortal Realm!

Five Spirits and Seven Bright Void Emperors have met the Lord of Life and Death!

Emperor Xu of Dongming, I have met Lord Dao of Life and Death!

Emperor Xihua Xu, I have met Lord Dao of Life and Death!

Beixuan Xu Emperor! Nan Zhu Xu Emperor! Tai Shang Xu Emperor! Huang Jing Xu Emperor! Shangyuan Xu Emperor! Xuan Lao Xu Emperor! I have seen the Lord of Life and Death!

The eyes of the Lord of Life and Death Dao were twitching, and he suddenly burst into laughter. His voice was extremely rich, and he said loudly: The Emperor Xu is really capable, and he actually made these Dao immortals! Your Dao body is so powerful, wouldn't your true body dare not Show up?

Before he finished speaking, the space in front of him suddenly shook violently. Lord Xuhuang Daodao slowly sat up from the darkness, and the statues of Lord Xuhuang just now sat down behind his head, respecting the same master!

This Void Emperor is the real body of the Void Emperor!

The Great Dao Lord of Life and Death was inexplicably shocked. The Great Dao Lord of Xuhuang practiced various great ways, and different avenues proved immortal. His talent was so high that it was rare in the world!

It is precisely because of the immortality of these great avenues that the cultivation of the Xu Huang Dao Lord has become extremely vigorous, chasing the four great Dao Lords on the other side!

Xu Huang, you are really amazing!

The Lord of Life and Death Dao couldn't help but admire and said, You come from a barbaric land like the Three Realms. The Dao is incomplete and the Taoism is backward. You were even exterminated by me on the other side. You can actually reach this stage and almost reach the immortal realm. , It’s really awesome and awesome!”

He changed the topic and said calmly: It's just that you are not the Dao Lord after all, and you are far from my opponent.

Lord Xuhuang Daodao smiled slightly and said: I know, so I borrowed some strength.

Lord Dao of Life and Death was stunned: Borrowed some power?

Lord Xuhuang Dao smiled and said: That's right. I borrowed some of the power of the Dao of Heaven and Earth that was revived in Tianjing Ruins.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that in the ruins of the heavens thousands of miles around, the avenues and lands were like little sparks of fire, resurrecting one by one!

That was Xuhuang Daojun using his own power to activate the power of heaven and earth, and then using the power of heaven and earth to strengthen his own power!

Your Excellency has harvested the vast universe. For billions of years, countless talents have practiced the Tao of Life and Death taught by you, the Cave of Life and Death. With my 600,000 years of practice, I will definitely not be able to compare with you.

The Void Emperor's own aura is getting stronger and stronger, and it is connected to the heaven and earth with a radius of tens of thousands of miles. His cultivation and Taoism are blessed by the earth and are powerful and boundless!

Brother Dao of Life and Death, you pointed me out just now, so please give me some advice!

When he pointed, his fingertips were slow and his finger strength was refining, but with the strange movement of this finger, the great avenues of heaven and earth boiled for thousands of miles, and the rays of the avenues were thousands of ways, which were compatible with his fingertips!

Lord Dao of Life and Death has a solemn look on his face. Behind him, in the cave of life and death, there are countless monks practicing the Dao of Life and Death in the universe!

At this moment, in order to deal with the Void Emperor's move, he had to harvest part of the cultivation base of these monks.

At this moment, in the vast world under the jurisdiction of the other side, all the monks who practiced the two paths of life and death felt that their cultivation had suddenly and inexplicably dropped!

Lord Dao of Life and Death mobilizes his magical power, raises his index and middle fingers, urges the Taoism to return together in life and death, and welcomes the finger of Lord Dao of Xuhuang!

Both of them used their full strength to mobilize all the power they could, and their fingers collided in the air.

All around, the light of the Wanwanli Tianjing Ruins suddenly dimmed, and the rays of the avenues broke off one after another. Lord Xuhuang Daojun groaned, blood bleeded from the corners of his mouth, and the Seven-ray Crown on his head exploded, and his hair was disheveled.

The dozens of Void Emperor Taoist bodies behind him were also exhausted, and their avenues were damaged!

As expected of Lord Dao, I have learned the lesson!

Lord Xu Huangdao immediately flew back and disappeared into the darkness.

Lord Dao of Life and Death stood there, trying to catch up, but then he vomited blood and hurriedly sat cross-legged to treat his injuries.

Emperor Xu used the power of heaven and earth to fight against him, causing him to be seriously injured!

In just 600,000 years, they have grown to this point. Barbarians from the Three Realms cannot be left here! He thought to himself.

Emperor Xu fled far away, and suddenly his aura declined. He hurriedly cheered up and found Taoist Yuxu. He said, I had a head-on fight with Lord Dao of Life and Death and was slightly injured. I need fellow Taoists to protect me.

Yuxu Taoist Patriarch asked: How is Xu Ying doing now?

Xuhuang said: There should be another fellow Taoist guarding us.

Taoist Yuxu was a little relieved.


I already have Master Zhong and Master Sword. I don't need other treasures. This is indeed what I said. But it's not my fault. It came to the door by itself. I just made the same mistake that all monks make...

Master Zhong, it's not that I don't want you... I don't dislike you, I am sincere to you! We are good brothers, and he is a powerful fighter...

Master Jian, please advise Master Zhong... I am not half-hearted, and I am not a fool... Master Jian, please don't slander others! My sincerity towards you can be learned from the sun and the moon. I just think Taiyi Wan Dao Ding also has something extraordinary...

Xu Ying offered sacrifices to the Taiyi Ten Thousand Dao Cauldron, and felt that the power of this cauldron was infinite. Ten thousand dharma circulated in the cauldron. The Taoist teachings were indeed ever-changing and unpredictable, and he couldn't help but feel happy in his heart.

He obtained this cauldron and repeatedly practiced it to explore the secrets of the Ten Thousand Dao Cauldron.

Once this Ten Thousand Dao Cauldron is raised, it can protect the body with ten thousand Dao, and it can also kill powerful enemies. It can also be turned upside down to evolve a world, and it can also collect enemies into the cauldron and refine them!

What's even more amazing is that this cauldron explains the wonderful operation of Taiyi Dao. Xu Ying originally practiced Taiyi all his life. After getting this treasure, he became like a fish in water, and his sacrifices and refining operations were all satisfactory.

Da Zhong and Zhu Xian Sword saw this and were filled with jealousy. Fortunately, although this little bitch who came to their door was powerful, he had no spirituality and was not as good as them.

Xu Ying got this treasure and went to collect all kinds of Dao Qi. He found it very handy. Before anyone arrived, he just had to sacrifice the Taiyi Ten Thousand Dao Cauldron, and the round tripod flew into the Dao ground, grabbed half of the Dao Qi and left!

With the help of this cauldron, Xu Ying's efficiency greatly increased, and he harvested more and more Dao Qi, gradually exceeding two hundred. Among them, there are some avenues that Xu Ying has never practiced before, and there are no corresponding techniques, so they can only be temporarily stored in the cave abyss.

He does not have the same cave abyss, and these Dao Qi cannot be refined for the time being.

Why do I have the luck of Tianjingxu?

Xu Ying sacrificed the Taiyi Ten Thousand Dao Cauldron and took away a ball of Taisu Daoqi. He was suddenly stunned and thought, Where did my luck in Tianjingxu come from? Could it be another fishing trick?

Taisu Dao Qi is no worse than Tai Yi Dao Qi. Obviously Taisu Dao Dao is the same avenue as Taiyi Dao.

Xu Ying accepted Tai Su Dao Qi and felt a little uneasy. At this moment, he heard a voice coming from the darkness: Fellow Daoist Xu, you seem to be hiding an old friend of mine in the cave. I wonder if you can let me see it. look?

Xu Ying was slightly startled when he heard the words. He followed the sound and saw an old Taoist priest who looked like a boy, with a beard on his left and right lips and chin. He was wearing a purple gold crown and a crane cloak, walking towards him.

Xu Ying looked at his appearance and saw that he was not a stranger. He said doubtfully, Taoist Priest, please forgive me for my blindness. May I ask who you are?

He compared the heaven and earth souls of various Taoist ancestors he had seen, and found that none looked similar to the old Taoist priest in front of him, and he was puzzled.

The old Taoist priest smiled and said: Wuzhuang Temple in the Earthly Immortal Realm is my Taoist temple, and the ginseng fruit tree is the spiritual root of heaven and earth in my Earthly Immortal Realm. I use the ginseng fruit tree as the Taoist tree to practice Taoism. Because I am the oldest, so the Earthly Immortal Realm is the spiritual root of heaven and earth. Fellow Taoists in the immortal world call me the ancestor of the earthly immortals.

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