The two Dao Lords were just thinking, but they saw the Zhuxian Sword Formation sweeping across all directions, forcing Nangong Hao back, and overwhelming the power of Yin and Yang!

The traitor raised another big bell, held the ball of yin and yang and sent it to his own yin and yang cave.

Xu Ying obtained the two qi of yin and yang, and immediately worked hard to refine them, and the Taiyi Cave Abyss also turned into the Yin and Yang Cave Abyss.

Nangong Hao was filled with grief and anger, and shouted: Take away my opportunity, and I will kill you without a burial place today!

To take away the opportunity from my disciple is to take away the opportunity from me!

Lord Yin Yang Dao's expression darkened, and he was about to take action. At this moment, the Yin Yang Dao Sword hidden here rose into the sky and broke through the Zhuxian Sword Formation. The sword light swept everywhere, and all three thousand immortal swords were shattered, unable to withstand these two Dao Dao. sword!

Only the Zhuxian Broken Sword collided with the two Dao swords, but was also suppressed by the Dao swords.

Tao sword!

The Yin-Yang Dao Lord was shocked, stopped, and did not intervene, thinking, The appearance of the Dao Sword shows that the Dao Master of Tianjingxu has indeed made arrangements, and Nangong Hao is his chosen successor! Can he get the Yin-Yang Dao Lord? The Dao Master level technique is here!

His cause and effect is too heavy, and he has a great hatred against Tianjing. If he appears, it will inevitably cause a counterattack from Tianjing Dao. At that time, it might destroy your own layout.

Two swords, one black and one white, one yin and one yang, flew up and down around Xu Ying, unparalleled in their sharpness. The two swords are refined from the two paths of yin and yang, and cast from the great path, so they are called Dao swords.

Although the Zhu Xian Broken Sword has been tempered for thousands of times and is the sword of Taoist Tongtian, when Taoist Tongtian left this sword in the Three Realms, it was still the cultivation level of Daluo Wonderful Realm.

It was precisely because it was broken by Qingxuan, Shengzun and others that the power of the Zhuxian Broken Sword increased to a higher level. Coupled with the Cuiyan tempering, he could also practice it, so it was not broken by the two Yin and Yang Dao swords.

But the power of the Yin-Yang Dao Sword is really extraordinary. Every time it collides with the Yin-Yang Dao Sword, Zhu Xian Can Jian feels that his body is unable to bear it.

The promised Taiyi Cave Abyss was originally vast and boundless, but turned into a Yin-Yang Cave Abyss and became even larger. While he was comprehending the mystery of Yin and Yang contained in the two Qi of Yin and Yang, he mobilized the Yin-Yang Avenue and activated the Killing Immortal Broken Sword.

What flows out of his cave abyss is pure Yin and Yang Qi, blessing the Zhuxian Broken Sword, setting up a sword formation, and defeating the Yin and Yang Dao Sword, without falling behind!

With his help, the power of the Zhuxian Broken Sword has skyrocketed, and when it confronts the Yin Yang Tao Sword, there is no risk of being severed.

Nangong Hao rushed forward, flipped his palms, one yin energy and one yang energy, picked up the yin and yang Dao sword, and danced it like two long rainbow dragons. Clink, clang, clang!

Give me the opportunity! Nangong Hao shouted.

The Yin Yang Dao Sword is really powerful and has repeatedly defeated the Immortal Killing Sword Formation. Xu Ying said solemnly: The Dao Dao is selfish and very partial. Next time, I will even take away the treasure!

He raised the big bell, and there was a loud bang, and waves of sound blasted towards Nangong Hao.

Nangong Hao danced his swords, and the power criss-crossed, blocking the power of the big bell.

Seeing this, Xu Ying felt a sudden thought: This treasure is amazing! It's so shameful that it's not mine!

He turned around and walked away. Nangong Hao was chasing him from behind, his two Taoist swords tumbling and slashing back and forth. Xu Ying urged the big bell and mobilized the sword array to fight against him.

Nangong Hao was ruthless, not treating the two Taoist swords as magic weapons, and tried his best to chop them at Xu Ying, but Xu Ying took pity on Master Zhong and Master Jian and refused to entangle with them.

Clang clang clang!

Xu Ying urged the big bell to vibrate continuously, forcing Nangong Hao to retreat and escape.

When Nangong Hao came to the front, he could no longer find any trace of Xu Ying.

Who is this person? Even though I have this sword, I still can't keep him! Nangong Hao was shocked and confused.

As soon as Xu Ying stepped forward, Lord Yin Yang's eyes flashed fiercely, and he wanted to take action against Xu Ying. At this moment, he shuddered inexplicably and felt that he was being targeted.

The Lord of Yin Yang Dao remained calm in the face of danger, turned around and swept away, saying in a deep voice: Which Taoist friend is making this joke with me?

The body of the Lord of the Great Way of Life and Death is the same as that of the Way, so he is like a dead object, avoiding his glance.

Lord Yin Yang Dao snorted coldly, knowing that there was such a great master in the dark, he was afraid that he would not be able to kill Xu Ying and regain the Yin and Yang Qi.

His figure slowly disappeared and disappeared without a trace.

The Lord of Life and Death did not take it seriously and whispered: This boy is the real gain. He is not a heavenly person, but he has the luck of a heavenly person. If I can understand this, I can also have the destiny of a heavenly person. With his luck, he can win the Dao Master's technique! Fellow Taoist Yin Yang cannot see this, so I only blame him for being stupid.

The purpose of the four Dao Lords coming here is to inherit the Dao Master-level skills, but they are not fighting each other, they are in a competitive relationship.

Lord Dao of Life and Death chased Xu Ying, thinking: Previously, this kid could only take away a little of the Qi of Creation, Hongmeng Qi, but now, he has taken away the entire Yin and Yang Qi, leaving not even a bit. This shows that his Qi His luck is gradually increasing! If he takes away a few more people, I'm afraid his luck will be the same as that of the people in the Heaven Realm.


Tianjing Ruins, on a dry river, is surrounded by layers of palaces, built from the bottom of the river bed and extending upwards. The palaces are lined up in rows and have distinct levels.

However, this ancient river bottom palace has been covered with dust.

The two qi of gods and demons belong to my palace of gods and demons. Zhuo Daochun, you are a disciple of Lord Taiyi. It is useless to snatch the two qi of gods and demons!

On the top of one of the palaces, a transformed man exuded a monstrous aura. He had three faces, and the cave of gods and demons was flowing behind his head. The gods and demons were in opposition to each other. He said in a deep voice, This is my opportunity! If you are obsessed with it, , don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

Opposite him, there was a person standing on the roof of another palace, it was Zhuo Daochun.

Between the two of them, the gods and demons revived in this underwater temple, and the energy of gods and demons was formed.

Zhuo Daochun said: All the ways in the world belong to Taiyi. Regardless of the divine way or the evil way, they are also in Taiyi. Taiyi encompasses everything and is the most powerful way in the world. Shi Yuting, you are not my opponent, so you should retreat.

Shi Yuting, a man from Shuanhua, laughed loudly and said with extraordinary spirit: Zhuo Daochun, you are not well-known among Taiyi Daojun's disciples. It seems that the most powerful disciple of Daoyi Daojun is not your turn, right? I just look at Taiyi Daojun. It’s only because of your face that you can speak well, so don’t be ignorant of praise!”

Zhuo Daochun stopped talking and reached out to grab the god and demon Erqi.

Shi Yuting no longer hesitated and immediately attacked him. At the same time, Zhuo Daochun also sensed the boiling power of the gods and demons here and attacked him to prevent him from collecting the gods and demons' second energy!

Shi Yuting's killing move has come behind him, and the divine and demonic power has also arrived in front of him. At this moment, with a thought in Zhuo Daochun's mind, he seemed to have grown thousands of arms and hands, attacking Shi Yuting and the divine and demonic power respectively. Welcome!

His magical powers have been refined to the extreme level of martial arts like Xu Ying's. There are countless Zhuo Daochuns in the Taiyi Cave Abyss who are practicing their magical powers at the same time and evolving to higher and more perfect magical powers!

At this moment, Shi Yuting saw the special magical powers of each of the four Dao Lords, Dao Lord of Life and Death's Life and Death, Dao Lord of Yin and Yang's Yin and Yang Heavenly Path, Dao Lord of Gods and Demons' Ultimate Dao Fu, and Taiyi Dao Lord's Hunyuan Luo Tianyin, four great magical powers that cannot be mastered by anyone at the same time, actually appeared in the same person at the same time!

Not only that, he also saw various other avenues, transformed into magical powers under Zhuo Daochun's hands, such as time, space, life, five elements, Hongmeng, Taiji, Wuji, Taishang, Taicang, Taiying, Tianxin, creation, etc. wait!

These avenues are all high-level avenues. It would take tens of thousands of years for any immortal to master them, and even require the help of the elites of each universe.

Zhuo Daochun, however, seemed to have access to other powers and displayed these magical powers at his fingertips. Each of them was extremely wonderful!

His talent is much higher than mine!

Shi Yuting was shocked and angry. The moment the two sides' moves collided, he immediately felt that he was invincible. Zhuo Daochun destroyed his magical power and stamped his heart with a palm.

What Zhuo Daochun used with this attack was the ultimate gift of gods and demons, the magical power he was good at!

It would be a great shame and humiliation for him to defeat him with the magical power he is good at!

Shi Yuting flew away and was about to regroup and fight again: Although I am defeated by him, the great road of heaven and earth here is towards me. I am not without the strength to fight!

However, before he could stand still, he saw that Zhuo Daochun had already defeated the incoming power of the gods and demons. He grabbed the gods and demons' two qi in his hands and put them into the Taiyi Cave Abyss!

Shi Yuting was horrified: His strength is too...

Just as he thought of this, the void suddenly shook violently, and gods and demons surged towards him with great power.

Shi Yuting looked intently, and saw a scroll flying from the void. The scroll unfolded, and hundreds of gods and demons appeared in the painting, fighting against the heavens and the earth, with unparalleled bravery!

These patterns of gods and demons contain some extremely powerful fighting techniques. They are definitely a treasure from the Heavenly Era!

This scroll of the Hundred Battles of Gods and Demons is here to worship me as its master!

Shi Yuting was surprised and happy, With this Hundred Battles of Gods and Demons map, my cultivation strength can be greatly improved. What else do I need to be afraid of Zhuo Daochun?

However, the picture of the Hundred Wars of Gods and Demons had just appeared, and Zhuo Daochun also grabbed the palm of his hand. The hundreds of gods and demons in the painting were furious and wanted to fight out of the picture. The bodies of the gods and demons had already emerged from the painting and drilled out. Most of the body!

Zhuo Daochun rolled with all his strength, and he actually rolled the god and demon into the picture!

He rolled up the picture, put it into his cave, and bowed to Shi Yuting who was staying there: Brother, I'm sorry. After that, he turned around and walked away.

Shi Yuting was filled with grief and anger. She looked at his leaving figure and wanted to stop him, but she didn't dare to take action.

In the distance, Lord Dao Dao of Gods and Demons flashed his eyes, looking at Zhuo Daochun's back, thoughtfully.

A disciple of Taiyi Daojun has actually mastered various other Dao to such an extent. It seems that Brother Taiyi has a lot of hidden strength in his daily life. He can even master my Dao of Gods and Demons. Brother Taoist, you are so ambitious. I have to be more careful with you.

His figure escaped and disappeared without a trace.

Taiyi Daojun stood in the distance, shook his head slightly when he saw this, and whispered: Does it mean that my old friend doesn't trust me anymore? Our life-and-death friendship back then has faded like this? It's really chilling.

He sighed: But in this case, I have no worries about attacking you.

Beside him, Mr. Hong Dao checked the cause and effect of various avenues of recovery. He frowned slightly and said, Master Dao, the deeper we go, the more causes and effects will be entangled around us. If we go further, I am afraid it will cause the avenue to counterattack.

The Lord of Taiyi Dao said: Cut off the cause and effect.

This is the cause and effect between the heaven and earth's great road and us, and it is also mixed with heavy resentment and resentment, and it will continue to be cut off!

Hong Daojun is an immortal being in charge of the avenue of cause and effect. He saw how powerful it was and said, If you cut it off forcibly, there will be a backlash! The only way to do it now is to blind the cause and effect.

Taiyi Daojun nodded.

Hong Daojun took action immediately to cover up the cause and effect, lest the two fall into the scheme of the Heaven and Earth Dao in the Heaven Realm.

Taiyi Daojun asked: Is there any cause and effect from Daoist Lord?

Hong Daojun shook his head and said: Nothing has been discovered yet.

Taiyi Daojun looked around and said doubtfully: This time the Heaven and Earth Dao has revived, blessed places have appeared one after another. Is there no layout of the Heavenly Dao Dao Lord here? I don't believe it.

He was vaguely uneasy. With the tide of the avenue, so many places of recovery appeared. The layout of each place of recovery seemed to have an avenue master hidden behind it.

If this is the case, then the number of Avenue Masters is too many.

In the heaven realm, is it possible that there are so many avenue masters?

Moreover, are all the Great Dao Masters of the Heavenly Realm really dead? He asked silently in his heart.


Xu Ying gradually went deep into the Tianjing Ruins, and the surrounding realms became more and more dangerous. The heaven and earth avenues in these realms were chaotic, but more importantly, the extinct Heavenly realm people remained here. Various restrictions.

In the past, when the tide on the highway was low, these restrictions lost their power, but now that the tide on the highway is rising, these places have become extremely dangerous!

The rising tide of the avenue does not happen overnight. This rising tide phenomenon should have existed for a long time. Taiyi Tianzun and Xuhuang Daojun must also have noticed the rising tide, so they stayed here.

Xu Ying looked around and thought, Maybe we can meet them.

Suddenly, Xu Ying noticed an abnormal fluctuation, and couldn't help but feel a little in his heart: It seems to be the breath of Tai Chi Qi! The Tai Chi Dao in the heaven is awakening!

He hurriedly followed the fluctuation. The Qi of Tai Chi was very important to him. The avenue that formed his Taiyi Avenue was the Tao of Tai Chi!

Xu Ying rushed there and saw that the Tai Chi Dao ground in front of him had matured. The Tao power of the Tai Chi Dao was condensed to form a Tai Chi pattern, which was hundreds of miles wide. The Qi of Tai Chi was divided into yin and yang and was swimming in the Tao power.

This treasure is destined for me!

Xu Ying said happily, I have also practiced the Tai Chi Dao, Tai Chi Cave Abyss. This is clearly a Dao land specially prepared for me by the Heaven Realm!

He had just arrived outside the Tai Chi diagram when suddenly another figure landed not far from him, looking at him warily.

Behind the young man was a cave with gods and demons. The two energies of gods and demons were flowing around, and their auras were extremely powerful.

Xu Ying had a sudden thought when he heard the young man say: I am Shi Yuting, a disciple of the Great Dao Lord of Gods and Demons. This place is destined for me. Please give me a break.

Xu Ying was disappointed in his heart and said with a smile: Senior brother, if it is your Dao land, I will naturally not take it by force. I will only charge a small half of the Tai Chi Qi.

Shi Yuting chuckled and said, You want to take away half of my opportunities? Do you think you are Zhuo Daochun?

When Xu Ying heard this, his face was solemn, and he said: You met Zhuo Daochun? Zhuo Daochun robbed you of the opportunity? How many moves did he use to defeat you? How did he resist Daoli's attack? Did the magic weapon that should have belonged to you also... Was it taken away by him?

Shi Yuting was angry and looked at him fiercely.

Xu Ying said quickly: Senior brother, don't get me wrong. Like Zhuo Daochun, I am also a disciple of Taiyi Daojun. I just want to know how many moves I should defeat you in order to keep pace with him. After all...

He smiled slightly: You are the best tool to measure the gap between me and him.

In the darkness, several pairs of eyes stared at Xu Ying and Shi Yuting.

Yes, he is from the Earthly Immortal Realm. People from our Earthly Immortal Realm are always so angry that they will not sacrifice their lives. A voice laughed in the darkness.

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