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Chapter 740 Heavenly Gratitude

The main method of the Great Dao?

Hong Daojun was shocked when he heard this, How can Daojun be so sure that this time the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth in the Heaven Realm revives, the Dao Master's skills will be born?

The Dao Lord is the master of the Dao. This kind of skill is extremely rare, even Dao Lord has never been exposed to it.

Regarding the Avenue Master, it is rumored that only in the early days of the other side's prosperity, only a few extraordinary beings received this inheritance.

But after that, there was no inheritance of the Great Dao Master.

Taiyi Daojun came to Tianjing Ruins this time and bluntly said that he was inherited by the Dao Master. He must not be talking empty words.

But where does the inheritance of the Great Dao Master come from?

The imperial chariot drove forward, and after a long time, it arrived at the Immortal Palace where the wizard Tao Lord was.

The sorcerer Daojun and Daoji Zhenwang hurriedly came to greet him, bowed and said, See you, Daojun.

Taiyi Daojun did not get out of the car. He nodded slightly in the car and said, Have the other three fellow Taoists arrived?

The wizard Taojun said: It has not come yet.

Taiyi Daodaojun said: Then wait first.

A day or two later, three more imperial chariots arrived one after another, and they were the other three Dao Lords from the other side.

No one knows the names of these three great lords, they are only called by the great dharma they practice.

The first is the Great Lord of Life and Death, the second is the Great Lord of Yin and Yang, and the third is the Great Lord of Gods and Demons.

The three Dao Lords arrived and each looked into the depths of the Tianjing Ruins. They saw the revival of the Dao, which made the Tianjing Ruins a little more alive. There was light dancing under the dark horizon.

The three Dao Lords saw it in their eyes and said repeatedly: Dangerous, dangerous!

Lord Dao of Yin and Yang controls Yin and Yang. Behind him, he can no longer see the scenes of caves and abyss floating in the darkness behind the True King and Dao Lord. He can only see the two Qi of Yin and Yang flowing like a waterfall. He said with a solemn expression: The beginning of Tianjing Ruins As the tide rises, the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth gradually revives, which is not a good thing for me on the other side. If we don’t interfere, it will definitely lead to a murderous disaster!

The Lord of the Great Road of Life and Death said: We on the other side are continuing the destiny of the heaven and passing on the civilization. We should not be killed like this. Fortunately, we discovered it early and there is still room for maneuver.

He practiced the two Qi of life and death, one green and one black, intertwined with each other, like Tai Chi.

The eyes of the God and Demon Dao Lord fell on Taiyi Dao Lord and said: Brother Taiyi is here, he must have a complete grasp of the Dao Master's skills.

He practiced the two qi of gods and demons, and had three faces, one face from the front and two faces on the left and right, one god and one demon, the god was compassionate and the demon was ferocious.

His gods and demons have two qi, one light and one dark, divided into two realms of light and darkness, which do not interfere with each other.

Taiyi Daojun smiled and said: I have a small success. The three of you should be fully confident when you come here.

Lord Dao of Life and Death smiled and said: If you are not sure, there is no need to come. However, although I am sure of obtaining the Dao Master's skills, I am not sure of becoming a Dao Master. I am not as good as the three Taoist friends.

Yin Yang Dao Lord smiled and said: Both and each other. I think it is not difficult to obtain the Dao Master technique, but there is not much hope for cultivating the Dao Master state.

The four of them were each humble.

Taiyi Daodaojun said: In that case, let's first pay tribute to the virtues of the past years.

The three Dao Lords each nodded and said, That's what we have in mind.

The four great masters Wu Chen, Hong Xi, Qing Zai, and Pan Yan who were guarding this place were already prepared. They set up altars and prepared sacrifices.

The four Dao Lords straightened their clothes and came to the altar. Each of them looked solemn, burned incense and said: In the year of Yuanyuan, in the month of Jianchen, the hungry and poor people fled to heaven. My fields were deserted in the great wilderness, and my bones were chilled by the great cold. , there is great hunger in my belly, and great chaos in my house.

I am grateful for God's grace and has given me heaven. God has given me fertile fields and grains to enrich my granary. God has given me beautiful clothes and quilts to wrap my thin body. God has given me delicacies to fill my five internal organs. God has given me peace and prosperity to strengthen my body.

I am grateful for God's grace. He taught me my skills, granted me supernatural powers, gave me land, and strengthened my soul. Fu Wei is so blessed by God. He is sincere and frightened. He burns incense to worship God's grace and prays for eternal prosperity!

After that, the four Dao Lords bowed down on the altar. Wu Chen, Hong Xi, Qing Zai, and Pan Yan each came forward holding a red plate. In the red plate were the scalps of strong men.

The four Dao Lords sacrificed these scalps between heaven and earth, forming the form of gods and demons to suppress the Tianjing Ruins.

After the ceremony, the four Dao Lords each stood up, with Wu Chen, Hong Xi, Qing Zai, and Pan Yan waiting behind them.

King Dao Ji Zhen stepped forward and said: Master Dao Ji, there is Kunniao who has not been released yet.

Taiyi Daojun woke up and smiled at the other three Daojuns: Look at my memory. When we came to heaven, we were extremely hungry. Thanks to the Kun birds everywhere, it was a rare delicacy, so we could fill our stomachs and save our lives. We were After eating so many Kun birds, I must express my gratitude to God today.

Lord Yin Yang Dao nodded and said: I want to express something.

The four Dao Lords followed the wizard to the hill below. They saw a group of large birds in captivity here. They were creatures of the heavenly realm. Because they were so big, they couldn't fly and they also called chickens. Later, Tianjing became Tianjing Ruins, and there was no vitality. Only the other shore still supported such creatures.

Seeing this, the four Dao Lords secretly praised King Dao Ji Zhen for his intentions.

Taiyi Daojun stepped forward, picked out a strong Kun bird, and said: In order to survive, I had to eat you. We have always been grateful to you. Today, I release you, which is equivalent to releasing those who were eaten by us back then. The soul of Kunniao. On behalf of your tribe, you have forgiven our sins. Go, Kunniao, and grant you freedom!

Having said that, Taiyi Daojun released the Kunniao.

The Kun bird was released by him. He turned around three times, looked at the other captive animals, and cooed a few times.

Other Kun birds cooed non-stop.

Kunniao took two tentative steps and found that these people did not stop him. He felt happy and ran away.

But this place is a mountain after all. The Kun bird didn't go very far before he lost his footing and fell down the cliff. He couldn't fly, so he died.

——There is not much light in Tianjing Ruins. It is too dark. This bird is just a mortal bird and it is difficult to see the road clearly.

No one paid any attention to this scene.

The three Dao Lords, Hong Xi, Wu Chen, Dao Ji and others admired the release of Kunniao on Taiyi Dao, and each praised them again and again, saying: I have God's protection on the other side, and I know how to be grateful, so why worry about the other side not being prosperous?

The four Dao Lords of Taiyi, Yin Yang, Life and Death, and Gods and Demons looked at each other. The Dao Lord of Yin and Yang smiled and said: Now that we are free from sin, it is time to prepare for our respective Dao Master techniques. Three of you, please!


The three great masters of Yin and Yang, Life and Death, and Gods and Demons left each other.

Only Taiyi Daojun took Hongdaojun into the depths of Tianjing Ruins.

Daoji Zhenwang watched them walk into the dim and unclear Tianjing Ruins, and said to the other immortals: Fellow Taoists, why do you think the four Dao Lords are so sure that they can obtain the Dao Master's skills?

The wizard Taojun said: If you shouldn't pry, don't pry, so as not to cause trouble.

Daoji Zhenwang smiled and said, Aren't you curious?

Everyone was a little hesitant. Although they were still far away from the realm of the Dao Master, it would be good if they could obtain the Dao Master's skills, which would help their practice.

I think the reason why the four Dao Lords thought that the Dao Master's technique would be born is because of the Dao tide in the heaven.

Daojun Qingzai hesitated for a moment and said, The rising tide of the Great Dao in the Heaven Realm and the revival of the Great Dao in the Heaven and Earth should reveal the arrangement of the original Dao Lords in the Heaven Realm. The inheritance of these Dao Lords will therefore appear in the world.

Lord Panyan said: The tide of the Great Dao and the revival of the Heavenly Realm Dao will only allow these skills to be obtained by those with the Heavenly Realm's luck. Can outsiders not get them?

Daojun Hong Xi's eyes flashed and he said meaningfully: This time the Heavenly Realm Dao revived, before all the Daojun arrived, they asked their disciples to get there first. Were the Tianjing people really extinct back then? I don’t think so.”

The wizard Taojun coughed and said: Back then, some people from the Heavenly Realm intermarried with the saints on the other side, and some people from the Heavenly Realm fled to our other side...

Everyone looked at each other, and Dao Lord Hong Xi said: Perhaps, among the disciples of the four Dao Lords, some are from the Heavenly Realm. The four Dao Lords cultivate such disciples, and the purpose of cultivating such disciples is naturally today.

Wu Chen Daojun said: They have long expected that the Heavenly Realm Dao will be revived one day, so they will choose a Heavenly Realm disciple as a disciple early and cultivate them into talents. When the Heavenly Realm Dao rises, they will let these disciples come forward and use the Heavenly Realm people to His luck led to the inheritance of the Great Dao Master. This move is really wonderful.

The other immortals' eyes flashed and they looked into the depths of the heaven.

Such luck and opportunity, unfortunately, had nothing to do with them.

The Tianjing Ruins are extremely dangerous. The tide of the avenue rises, and the avenue of heaven and earth revives. This revival is extremely chaotic. The avenue slowly releases its Tao power from the darkness, forming dangerous places everywhere. If you step into it and activate your Tao power, it is very likely that you will The body will die and the Tao will disappear.

Promise to walk among them and avoid these places.

At this time, a place of resurrection caught his attention. Other places were often dark, but there was light there, like another world.

It is between two mountains, the terrain is steep, and the mountain is like a gateway. The past suddenly becomes clear, and there is a mass of the energy of creation inside, which is gradually growing with the rising tide of the avenue.

The mountains, rivers and trees surrounding the Qi of Creation are all growing continuously, which should be the influence of the Qi of Creation. The release of Dao power is extremely obvious.

In many places of recovery that Xu Ying had encountered before, none had such an obvious phenomenon!

Regarding the understanding of the way of creation, Xu Ying also learned from the technique taught by Ming Man, and this technique also came from the other side and was a incomplete technique.

The Qi of Creation is extremely rare. It contains the Dao of Creation. If I can collect this Qi of Creation, it will be of great help to me in improving the Dao of Creation! He thought to himself.

The Way of Creation is an extremely high avenue. As the saying goes, creation and creation, the creation and evolution of life, are endless, all in the Way of Creation!

There are not many avenues beyond creation.

However, at this time, three people were walking towards the Land of Creation between the two mountains. Presumably they had discovered the wonders of the Land of Creation and wanted to get the treasures inside.

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment and then walked forward.

The three people, two men and one woman, heard footsteps coming from behind and looked back. One of the men shouted: Who are you? Why are you following us in such a sneaky way?

Xu Ying said: I am under the Taiyi Daojun family, Xu Ying. Who are the three brothers?

When the two men and one woman heard that he was from Taiyi Daojun's sect, they did not dare to neglect him. The woman said: Senior brother Xu, little sister Yu Jun, these two are my senior brothers Ning Hua and Yan Kui. The three of us are Duanmu Zhen. The king's disciples came here with Senior Brother Wei Yi, who is a disciple of Lord Dao of Life and Death, looking for opportunities.

Xu Ying didn't know who Wei Yi was, and thought to himself: The Great Lord of Life and Death? Another Great Lord! This person must be practicing the Great Way of Life and Death. I don't know how his strength is compared to the Great Lord of Taiyi.

The woman Yu Jun saw that he still came forward after hearing Wei Yi's name, and thought to herself: The Taiyi sect is so arrogant, but they are not afraid of Senior Brother Wei Yi!

When Ning Hua saw that Xu Ying was not on the road, he coughed and said, Senior Brother Xu, has it not been said that I am invincible under immortality, and that I am invincible above immortality?

Xu Ying shook his head and said, I've never heard of it.

Ning Hua said: This sentence refers to Senior Brother Wei Yi.

Xu Ying's eyes lit up, with a look of joy on his face, and he said: Senior Brother Wei Yi is really powerful, I must meet him if I have the chance!

The three of them walked forward at a faster pace, fearing that Xu Ying would get ahead of them. Xu Ying didn't take it seriously, and reminded them with good intentions, You three, the Dao of Heaven and Earth here has revived, but its power is extremely chaotic, and it's easy to get caught if you're not careful. You should be careful!

As soon as he finished speaking, Yan Kui suddenly screamed and said: I have been invaded by the Dao of Creation! The Dao of Creation here is so powerful that I can't suppress it!

The other two people were shocked, and each activated Dongyuan and mobilized the power of wood to protect their whole body!

Yu Jun said: Senior brother, don't worry, our inheritance is not weaker than the Tao of Creation. As long as senior brother sticks to the Taoist heart, we can resist the invasion of the power of the Tao of Creation!

As soon as she said this, she saw the tip of Yan Kui's left index finger moving. The first knuckle of the finger turned into a golden swimming fish. It swam gently, fell off from the tip of the finger, and swam into the universe. place.

Yan Kui said in a trembling voice: Junior Sister, Senior Brother Ning, I can't suppress it...

As soon as he said this, his physical body suddenly collapsed and disintegrated, and all the muscles fell off the bones, turning into a school of fish, swimming in the air, and swimming towards the land of creation!

In the blink of an eye, Yan Kui was left standing there with only a white skeleton.

Then the white bones suddenly collapsed with a crash, falling to the ground and turning into jumping frogs, jumping into the land of creation and disappearing.

Yu Jun and Ning Hua were shocked and did not dare to move forward.

Xu Ying caught up with them and walked past them. Yu Jun couldn't help but said: Senior Brother Xu, this place is extremely dangerous!

Xu Ying turned around and said with a smile: I have learned the art of creation for a few days, so I should be able to suppress it. You two don't have to worry.

Yu Jun and Ning Hua looked around and saw that Xu Ying walked between the two mountains without any obstacles and did not turn into anything like a swimming fish or frog.

What should we do? Are we going to follow him? Yu Jun hesitated.

At this moment, a figure appeared behind them. The two of them looked over hurriedly. They couldn't help being surprised and happy, and they hurriedly bowed: Senior Brother Wei Yi!

Wei Yi is a tall man who has not yet matured. He wears a long white coat, which is slim and covers his shoes.

Wei Yi's eyes fell on the two peaks and he said in surprise: The Gate of Creation, the Way of Creation, and the Qi of Creation! There must be a great treasure here!

He walked forward, suppressed the invasion of the power of creation, and arrived at the gate of creation safely.

His eyes fell on Xu Ying and said, Brother, this place is destined for me. Please move here.

Xu agreed: I came first.

Wei Yi said: This thing is indeed destined for me. I just felt that this thing was calling me. If my brother can give way, Wei Yi would be very grateful.

Wei Yi?

Xu Ying looked him up and down and said, Are you the Wei Yi who is invincible to me under immortality and one-for-one above immortality?

Wei Yi said humbly: Forty years ago, I fought against the True King Shang Kun in the Immortal Realm and lost a single move. Therefore, others used this sentence to praise me, saying that with my cultivation, I could exchange my life with the True King of Immortality. One life. But after I fought against True King Shang Kun, I realized my shortcomings in practice. If I had to fight with my life, I would not lose a single move, but lose my life.

Seeing his frankness, Xu Ying unconsciously felt good about him, and said with a smile: You said this place is destined to you, why not like this, you and I each collect the Qi of Creation, and whoever can collect it is destined to the one, how about it?

Wei Yi hesitated for a moment and said: I can feel the power of creation here, which is born towards me. If we take it away from each other, I'm afraid the power of creation here will be detrimental to you.

Xu Ying was in disbelief and said with a smile: The great road of heaven and earth is selfless. How come I was born to be like you? If the great road is selfish, is it still called the great road?

He couldn't help but reach out and grab the energy of creation!

However, what made Xu Ying's eyes widen was that the energy of creation flew out from his hand with a hiss and went straight to Wei Yi!

Xu Ying was furious and activated the eighth method of the eight immortal methods, the Hand of Chaos!

This is a magical power that he created after his recent study of Emperor Haotian's magical powers and his understanding of the Avenue of Chaos!

With one palm strike, the power of chaos cuts through time and space, cuts off cause and effect, destroys reincarnation, and destroys all ways. No matter what, he must get this energy of creation!

At this moment, in the Land of Creation, the raging Taoist power suddenly almost boiled, the Taoist sound was loud, and it hit Xu Ying with one shot!

Xu Ying's hair stood on end, and he felt as if he was being attacked by an immortal true king practicing the Great Way of Creation. He didn't care about capturing the Qi of Creation, and immediately raised the bell!


He and his bell were bombarded by the power of creation and floated backwards. They saw the energy of creation rushing towards Wei Yi who was standing there motionless!

Xu Ying was shocked and angry. He activated the Zhuxian Broken Sword and struck down with one sword, splitting the energy of creation into two halves, one large and one small!

Today, even if it is a mosquito leg, I will eat two ounces of meat!

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