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Chapter 738 The rise and fall of the avenue

Master Taiyi Dao will also come to Tianjing Ruins?

Xu Ying felt awe-struck and a little worried. Why did this Dao Lord come to Tianjing Ruins? Could it be that they are here for Emperor Xu, Taiyi and others?

Master, what are you doing here at Tianjing Ruins? Xu Ying asked.

His master's words were extremely skillful, as if he had already been a disciple of Taiyi Daojun, which made Zhuo Daochun feel a little confused for a moment. Could it be that this person was already his junior brother, but he had never seen him before.

Master has his own reason for coming to Tianjing Ruins, and it is not something that we disciples can interfere with.

Zhuo Daochun quickly regained his Taoist heart and said, Since the incident of Hao Yi, Master has seldom spoken his true feelings to his disciples, and the true teachings have rarely been passed on. Junior brother, please don't inquire about some things that you shouldn't inquire about. If you can Live longer.”

Xu Ying said yes, and secretly wondered in his heart: If we deal with bandits like Xu Huang and Taiyi, we disciples will definitely not be of use, just those immortals who come here. But this time, we disciples are allowed to come. It seems that Taiyi Daojun and his companions’ target is not Xuhuang and his companions.”

Daoji Zhenwang carefully controlled the building boat, sailed into Tianjing Ruins, and traveled along a winding road from the sky above Tianjing Ruins.

Xu Ying responded to the current situation and wondered in his heart: What exactly is in the Tianjing Ruins, and why are they extremely cautious when they come here?

Daoji Zhenwang is not only cautious, he even has the feeling that he does not dare to cross the thunder pool even half a step.

Senior brother, where is Tianjing Ruins? Xu Ying asked a monk on the same ship.

The monk was flattered and said quickly: I dare not call you senior brother. I heard from my master that Tianjing Ruins is a mysterious place that is stranded on the other side of the road during the tide. Extraordinary treasures are often born, and some clever people can even be found. The ultimate skill.

Xu Ying was slightly startled, the tide of the road?

Tide stranded?

Are there any treasures or techniques?

After what he said, Tianjing Ruins became even more mysterious.

Senior brother, what is the tide of the great road? Xu Ying asked humbly for advice.

The monk hurriedly said: I don't dare to call you senior brother, I really don't dare. If senior brother Xu doesn't mind, just call me junior brother Qu. My surname is Qu, my name is Wei, and I am a disciple of Taoist Qinglan. The tide of the avenue is an ancient According to legend, it is said that all the universes in the sea of ​​chaos will rise and fall along with the rise and fall of the sea of ​​chaos. People call this phenomenon the tide of the great road.

The road rises and falls?

Xu Ying became more and more curious, What is the rise and fall of the avenue? How does the avenue rise and fall?

Qu Wei didn't know much about this. A female disciple next to him said: The rise and fall of the avenue is when the tide of the Sea of ​​Chaos rises. The avenues of heaven and earth in each universe become extremely lively. The avenues become more and more powerful, and the monks' cultivation strength becomes more and more powerful. The stronger it is, the more powerful the magical power becomes. When the tide of the Chaos Sea ebbs, the activity of the great avenues of heaven and earth will become lower and lower, and the power of Taoist magical powers will also become lower and lower. There may even be a situation where the heavens have no way and the great avenues wither. The phenomenon of decline.”

Xu Ying was stunned. Is there such a wonderful phenomenon in the sea of ​​chaos?

After the tide reaches the lowest point, all the ways are destroyed, the heavens are without the way, and everyone becomes a mortal. When the tide of the Chaos Sea rises, the Great Way revives, and the supernatural powers follow. Such a rise and fall is called the Great Way. tidal.

The female disciple said, However, the rise and fall of the Great Dao is accompanied by the rise and fall of the Sea of ​​Chaos. The span between such fluctuations is really long, often measured in hundreds of millions of years. We don't need to worry about these things. Our other shore is still far away from the rise and fall of the Great Dao. It’s far away!”

Xu Ying laughed and said: That's right. The time span of the rise and fall of the avenue is so long, how could it be our turn by such a coincidence?

The monks around him all came from other immortal sects, and they laughed out loud and echoed when they heard the words.

Qu Wei continued: As for tidal stranding, it means that during the rise and fall of the avenue, the Chaos Sea will push some things in the sea to the shore. What is pushed ashore is called tidal stranding.

Xu Ying suddenly realized it and said with a smile: The Tianjing Ruins are the products of a sea of ​​chaos that washed up on the other side. Right?

Everyone said yes.

At this time, the voice of King Daoji came: Maybe it's wrong for you to understand it this way.

Xu Ying looked and saw King Daoji walked down the pavilion, came to the bow of the ship, looked into the dark and unknown depths of Tianjing Ruins, and said: Tianjing Ruins is actually earlier and more ancient than the other side.

When everyone heard this, they were all stunned.

King Dao Ji Zhen said: Why is Tianjing Ruins named Tianjing? That's because Tianjing Ruins already existed as early as the birth of Bian'an. At that time, Bian'an and Tianjing Ruins were still connected together, and they were not so far apart. People didn’t know how to practice cultivation, so they discovered the cultivation method in Tianjing Ruins, and then they embarked on the path of cultivation, and finally established the other side.”

Xu Ying lost his voice and said: Did the Taoism on the other side originate from Tianjing Ruins?

He suddenly thought of the piece of green rock that Master Xuhuang Daodao sent to the Earthly Immortal Realm. The technique on the green rock was called Hunyuan Dongyuan Pi Jie Jing.

Where Xuhuang Daojun obtained such advanced techniques has always been one of the questions that puzzled Xu Ying.

Now it seems that Lord Xuhuang Daodao actually found a piece of green rock inscribed with the Scripture of Preventing Tribulation in Tianjing Ruins!

Many monks on the ship were also surprised. They originally thought that the Taoism on the other side was so powerful because of the immortal geniuses, but they didn't expect that they also had inheritance!

King Dao Ji Zhen said: The logical structure comes from the Tianjing Ruins. This kind of Dao structure is extremely powerful. It is the most powerful structure in the universe and has never been rivaled!

He said this with a bit of pride.

However, you were wrong about something just now. The fluctuations of the universes in the Chaos Sea do not occur at the same time. Each universe has its own fluctuations.

Dao Ji Zhen Wangdao said, Sometimes, when a Dao rise occurs in your universe, a Dao disappearance may occur in another universe. When a Dao disappearance occurs in this universe, it is possible that nothing happens in the universe next to it. The Dao rises and falls, regardless of It’s like the ebb and flow of the Sea of ​​Chaos, but it’s like the ebb and flow of the various universes. We recently observed the universe and found that two of the universes have ebbed. Obviously, the rise and fall of the Great Avenue has nothing to do with the rise and fall of the Sea of ​​Chaos.”

His insights are much higher than others, and it is obvious that the immortals on the other side are also studying this phenomenon.

The fluctuations within the universe?

Xu Ying thought for a moment and said, Uncle Daoji, since the fluctuation of the avenue is not caused by the fluctuation of the sea of ​​chaos, then what is the cause of the fluctuation of the avenue?

King Dao Ji Zhen guessed: It is most likely caused by tribulations. Different universes have different tribulations. Under the suppression of tribulations, the avenue will fluctuate. This is just a guess on my part and cannot be made accurately.

Xu Ying asked again: What will happen if the sea of ​​chaos rises and falls?

King Daoji Zhen smiled and said: The rise and fall of the Chaos Sea is just a guess about the rise and fall of the Great Dao. So far, we have not discovered the phenomenon of the Chaos Sea's rise and fall.

Xu Ying was puzzled and said: But, if there is no rise and fall of the Chaos Sea, why would the Tianjing Ruins be stranded?

King Daoji laughed heartily and said: It was me who was stranded on the other side of Tianjing Ruins, not Tianjing Ruins on the other side. Perhaps, there is no such thing as tidal stranding at all! Between the other side and Tianjing Ruins, there is just one It’s just a coincidence.”

Everyone nodded.

Xu Ying was puzzled: Whether the other shore is stranded on the Tianjing Ruins or the Tianjing Ruins is stranded on the other shore, they are all stranded. Doesn't it mean that there is indeed a tide of the Chaos Sea?

However, he was new here, didn't know much, and didn't know whether his judgment was right or wrong.

The building boat paused lightly and landed slowly.

Xu Ying looked down and saw several extremely ancient immortal temples floating among the mountains below. They were extremely ancient and had branch-like texts carved on them.

The building boat landed in front of an immortal palace. Xu Ying got off the boat and saw a strong man sitting cross-legged in front of the immortal palace. He had a curvy beard and a half-naked upper body. He stared at the dark and unknown depths of Tianjing Ruins for a long time with his eyes wide open. Without blinking.

Xu Ying's eyes fell on him, and he felt that this person was somewhat familiar. When he saw a huge hammer head diagonally inserted into the void between the mountains behind the Immortal Palace, the hammer head was bigger than the mountain, and he couldn't help but be shocked. : When I first ascended to the other side, the giant on the other side that I saw swinging a giant hammer at the Buddha was him!

The strong man with a beard and muscular body sat motionless and turned a blind eye to them.

Wuchen Daojun, we are here to practice on the order of Taiyi Daojun.

King Dao Ji Zhen bowed to the strong man and said, I hope this will be convenient. If you are in danger, please help me, Brother Dao.

The wizard Taojun remained silent.

King Dao Ji Zhen said to everyone: I have already said hello to the wizard Dao Lord, you can go down to hunt for treasures.

His words made everyone hesitate. Wuchen Daojun obviously didn't say anything, could he still say hello?

King Dao Ji Zhen smiled and said: Don't worry, I am still here to take care of you. If you are in danger, I and Lord Wu Chen Dao will naturally help you to keep you safe.

Suddenly, Zhuo Daochun looked at the other three immortal palaces, raised his eyebrows, and said: The True King, as well as other Dao Lords, also sent people here.

King Daoji Zhen looked at the three immortal palaces and couldn't help but be stunned. I saw a large boat parked in front of each of the three immortal temples, but there was no one on the boat.

It seems that the other three Dao Lords are also obsessed with Tianjing Ruins. They have already taken a step ahead of us and sent people here.

Daoji True King raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, Everyone, we have to hurry up.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed. The four immortal palaces here should correspond to the four Dao Lords on the other side. The other three Dao Lords also sent people here. This is worth pondering.

King Zhen, the other three Dao Lords have also sent people here. What are they doing? Xu Ying asked.

Hearing his voice, Wu Chen Daojun suddenly looked at him with eyes as bright as lightning.

Xu Ying had a sudden thought: When the Buddha sent me back to the three realms, I wonder if the wizard Taoist Lord noticed me in that ascending ray of light.

He suddenly discovered that he seemed to be recognized by many people on the other side, and they were all giants.

Wu Chen Daojun said: You are somewhat familiar with it.

Xu Ying smiled and said: I must have a popular face. Many people who saw me for the first time said they had seen me before.

Wu Chen Daojun stopped looking at him and continued to look at Tianjing Ruins.

King Daoji Zhen smiled and said: If Taiyi Dao Lord can send people, the other three Dao Lords can naturally send people here. There is nothing fishy in this. Don't make blind guesses. Go quickly.

Everyone flew out of the Immortal Palace and flew downwards.

Daoji Zhenwang's eyes fell on Xu Ying and said with a smile: Brother Xu, you are a disciple of Lord Dao. Lord Dao has not even told you, how can you tell me? Hurry up and get down.

Xu Ying had no choice but to fly away, thinking: The four Dao Lords from the other side have sent people to come, and the Taiyi Dao Lord will come in person, so what happened in Tianjing Ruins must be no small matter! Maybe the other three Dao Lords will come here in person. He will also come in person. This is definitely not a good place! A gentleman would rather not stand behind a dangerous wall, so it is better to leave as soon as possible!

In front of the Immortal Palace, the sorcerer Taoist Master suddenly said: I remember him. When we were harvesting in the Immortal Realm that day, he held a sharp sword with the Taoist aura and pierced the center of my eyebrows.

Daoji Zhenwang smiled and said: It is indeed him. I came with the help of the dragon clan's soul. When I was harvesting everywhere, I was killed by him with a sword, but I failed to achieve the full success.

Wu Chen Daojun said: He actually dared to come to the other side and thought we didn't recognize him.

Daoji Zhenwang couldn't help but laugh: Reaping the Immortal Realm, he killed hundreds of immortal soul incarnations, and he still naively thought that we couldn't recognize him. It's really ridiculous.

The wizard Taojun raised his head and glanced at him, saying, Why didn't you kill him?

Daoji Zhenwang said helplessly: Taiyi Daojun wants to accept him as his disciple, how can I dare to kill him?

The wizard Taojun still said with an expressionless face: The Taojun has lost his mind.

Daoji Zhenwang smiled and said: If you are capable, you can say it in front of him.

The wizard Taojun said: Daojun has suffered two losses in his life, both at the hands of people from the three realms. I hope he won't suffer a third time this time. If he fails for a third time, it is better to give up the title of Daojun. Come out and I will be the Great Dao Lord!

Seeing that he was getting more and more explicit, Daoji Zhenwang quickly said: Brother Dao, have you noticed anything these days?

Wuchen Taojun said: Yes. There are some things in Tianjing Ruins that are resurrecting! There are also gangsters from the Three Realms who are trying to collude with these things.

Daoji Zhenwang looked solemn and said: Resurrection? How is it possible? We were very clean back then. Could it be that the tide of the Dao is really coming?

He looked into the distance and murmured: This time, will the tide be high or low?

Xu Ying landed and did not continue to fly forward, but planned to retreat, thinking: Taiyi Tianzun will definitely come to Tianjing Ruins to find me. I don't need to follow Zhuo Daochun and the others. I'd better talk to Taiyi Tianzun and the others first. It’s better for the rebels to meet.”

Just when he thought of this, he suddenly saw an emerald green stone tablet.

Xu Ying paused and walked towards the stone tablet by accident.

Before he could reach the emerald green stone tablet, there was a sudden clatter under his feet. He looked around hurriedly and saw that he had stepped on several bones.

Xu Ying took a step back and looked around. He saw countless white bones piled up around the emerald green stone tablet. The number was so large that it made one's scalp numb!

He squatted down and saw signs of cutting on the skulls of some bones.

Xu Ying looked up at the stone tablet in front of him and whispered: These people were scalped before they were alive.

——Happy May Day, brothers! The pig is stuck today and I have been improving the settings. There will be no second update.

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