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Chapter 734: Dark-faced but kind-hearted

In the land of enlightenment, various magical power imprints are suspended in the air, exuding different radiance of the avenue. A flower and a grass are all manifestations of the avenue. A drop of water and a flame have complex structures.

If you look closely, you can see that different avenues are connected together with an exquisite structure inside the supernatural power.

If you look more carefully, you can see the branch-like texture of the structure, forming different avenues.

Emperor Haotian's magical power is unified by the ether. If you don't understand the structure of his magical power and rush in, it will be a dead end.

At this time, Xu Ying passed between these magical powers. The imprints of the magical powers that were previously incomprehensible were now vividly visible, and the structure of the avenue that was previously incomprehensible became clear and distinct at this moment.

He no longer needs to explore ways to survive. Even if he touches these magical power marks, he can activate the same Tao method to collide with these magical power marks when many magical powers are about to be unleashed.

The moment those magical brandings were activated, they were suppressed by the Taoism consistent with their own and died down.

Xu Ying jumped forward repeatedly, avoiding the direction from which they came, and leaving the restricted area from another direction.

Previously, it took them half a year to get into the core of the restricted area, but now it only took half a day for Xu Ying to get out of the restricted area.

The moment Xu Ying rushed out of the penalty area, he felt relaxed and happy. He had tested his skills along the way, and he had mastered them with ease, and everything was satisfactory.

In his body, the three cave abyss of Hunyuan, Hundong and Taiyi merged, and the cave abyss formed circulated, and a steady stream of vitality was generated from the cave abyss.

In the past, what flowed out of the cave abyss was the spirit of the immortal spirit. It needed to be convinced and refined by oneself before it could be turned into vitality. Now that the three Qi are combined into one, what flows out of the cave abyss is directly the vitality!

In this way, my Wuji Zhengdao Sutra can be greatly simplified, eliminating the need for the process of subduing qi and refining qi.

Xu Ying looked around and found no trace of Yu Xuantong and True King Jiuquan, so he immediately left through the air.

The skills have changed from complex to extremely simple and extremely important. His previous Qi Qi, Yin Jing, Jin Dan, Dong Yuan, Yuan Shen, Jiu Jing, Yao Chi, Six Paths, Ascension, Dao Realm, Six Realms, Dao Temple, Dao Jing , all the operation paths of the skills in these thirteen realms can be eliminated!

After that, he only needs to keep the operation path of the Supreme Realm's exercises!

After the Wuji Zhengdao Sutra has been simplified, the speed of the exercise and the speed of cultivation improvement will be greatly improved!

Moreover, the simplification of the techniques is equivalent to making room for him to delve into whether there are other possibilities for the operation of the techniques at the Supreme Realm.

On the other side of the Hao Yi Enlightenment Ground, Yu Xuantong and True King Jiuquan waited for half a year. Yu Xuantong said, These bandits should have died in the restricted area. You can enter the restricted area.

One after another, the high-rise ships came, and many monks from the other side of the ship bowed and said: Greetings to the Supreme Taoist Patriarch!

Yu Xuantong nodded slightly, and these monks who practiced Taishang each stepped forward and walked into the restricted area.

Yu Xuantong also stood up and accompanied them.

On the other side, True King Jiuquan also summoned his disciples, disciples, disciples, and grandsons in large numbers to enter the restricted area from another place.

The two immortal realm beings are personally in charge, and their disciples and disciples are ordered to explore the way ahead.

Many of these disciples and disciples had cultivation clones, incarnations or Tao bodies, and they were released in front of them. Even so, there were still some magical marks that could not be tested, and a large number of disciples and disciples soon died.

Yu Xuantong frowned slightly when he saw this, stepped forward, and tried to break the magical brand of Emperor Haotian himself. However, he only received one blow and was slightly injured.

When Hao Yi left this land of enlightenment, it was on the eve of challenging Taiyi Dao Lord. At that time, his strength was already stronger than Dao Lord.

He glanced at the restricted area formed by different magical powers and frowned secretly, So, how did the barbarians from the Three Realms enter it?

The most terrifying thing here is not a single magical power, but the entire magical sky!

This was Emperor Haotian's great magical power that severely damaged Taiyi Daojun.

A total of 256 avenues, with different composition methods, form thousands of magical powers, forming a large-scale magical sky.

If the magical power breaks out in the sky, not to mention these disciples and grandchildren, even he, the former Taoist Lord, will perish here!

The barbarians and monkeys of the Three Realms cannot go very far before they die here. They cannot go too far.

Yu Xuantong ordered to continue moving forward, but the casualties continued to increase. Yu Xuantong personally stepped forward to fight against the triggered magical powers, but soon nearly half of his disciples were killed or injured.

Yu Xuantong exhaled a breath of turbid air and was about to give the order to retreat when the voice of True King Jiuquan came from behind: Master Dao, why don't we join forces?

Yu Xuantong's heart moved slightly, and when he turned around, he saw that the disciples under True King Jiuquan were also seriously injured, with less than half of them being damaged.

Obviously, seeing the heavy casualties, True King Jiuquan had the idea to explore the road together with the two families.

That's exactly what I meant.

The two immortals hit it off immediately, and the two families explored the road together, cautiously moving forward to search for a way out. Whenever there is danger, Yu Xuantong and Jiuquan True King join forces to fight against the magical brand of Emperor Haotian. They work together to suppress the explosive magical power and prevent Emperor Haotian's magical power from exploding.

As a result, their speed increased greatly.

It's just that the cooperation between the two immortals is too much. After exploring for a while, they need to stop and rest.

Yu Xuantong looked back and saw that they had only advanced four or five steps during this period, and he couldn't help but frown.

Master Dao is Master Dao, he is much better than us!

They continued to move forward, trying hard to explore forward. Unknowingly, more than half a year had passed. Eighty-nine percent of the disciples brought by the Immortal were dead or injured, and Yu Xuantong and True King Jiuquan were also injured in many places.

However, we still haven't seen the bones of Xu Ying and others or things like Hongyuan and Chaos Clock.

Whenever the two immortals feel despair, they can't help but feel a glimmer of hope in their hearts: It shouldn't be far away, right? Maybe if you try harder and move forward, you can see the treasure!

Xu Ying did not transform, but flew directly in human form and came to the nearest Taoist scenery.

This place is a Tao landscape formed by a group of ancient Tao winds. The wind is extremely domineering and black. It eliminates ten thousand Tao and destroys all things. It blows away the Tao body of the monks and melts the soul of the monks. It is extraordinary!

There is no such terrifying Dao scene in our Three Realms! Feng is just an ordinary Dao, but it can be so powerful!

Xu Ying came to the edge of the Taoist scenery and was almost sucked in by the wind, feeling amazed in his heart.

This scenery is vast, with a radius of tens of thousands of miles. Some monks from the other side took boats and sailed into the Tao scenery, moving forward in the strong wind and hurricane, and comprehending the true meaning of the Tao of Wind.

I wonder if I can withstand this terrible Taoist scene?

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly, and he slowly approached the wind scenery. Suddenly, the wind suddenly strengthened and swallowed him up!

Someone fell in! Someone on the ship in the distance screamed.

The old man on the boat shook his head and said: There is no way to save him. This Daofeng is made from the fusion of the Dao scenery of hundreds of universes. If you don't become immortal, you will only be shattered if you fall into it. The only way to ride this Only a specially-made sailboat can avoid casualties. That guy lost his life in order to save money.

A strange woman smiled and said: Those who can afford to spend money to ride on a sailboat are young ladies from a famous family. That person just now probably can't afford to sit on it.

Xu Ying rolled up and down in the wind. The wind was like a knife, shattering everything. However, when it passed over his body, it was blocked by his powerful body and could not break through his skin.

But this wind is all-pervasive, getting into his pores and entering from all his acupoints, trying to invade his Xiyi territory, destroy his internal organs, and dissolve all his realms!

Xu Ying activated his magical power and struggled to contend with Dao Feng, but he couldn't stabilize his body at all, so he was swept up by Dao Feng and fell deeper!

Deeper in this Taoist scene, the wind was even more terrifying. Even if it couldn't break his skin, it could blow away his internal organs!

He flew around, using all the magical powers he had learned and understood, and tried his best to stabilize his body.

Emperor Haotian's various magical powers were also used by him. When Xu Ying used one of his magical powers, he suddenly felt that the wind around him had become tamed.

He was slightly startled: This magical power uses the Tao of Wind and several other great ways. It does not compete with the wind, but uses the characteristics of the Tao wind.

He figured this out, and while activating his magical powers, he understood the truth contained in the Taoist wind.

After a long time, he was finally able to stabilize his figure in the wind.

A fixed-wind boat carried more than a dozen stranger monks deep into the Taoist scene. Even if there was a fixed-wind boat, it took more than half a month to reach the depths of this Taoist scene.

The old man on the boat said: We can't go any further. The front is the core of Dao Feng, where the Dao condenses, and it is the most violent. If we go forward any further, the Fengfeng Ship will not be able to withstand it and will be torn to pieces by Dao Feng!

Everyone on the boat concentrated their attention and realized the great road contained in the authentic wind. At this moment, someone lost his voice and said: Look! There is someone in the core of Daofeng!

Everyone looked around hurriedly. The old man punting the boat smiled and said: How can there be people in the core of Daofeng? Who can survive there? There is no need for the existence of the immortal realm...

Before he finished speaking, he couldn't help but be stunned. He saw a figure looming in the core of the wind.

The figure could be vaguely seen as a young man, sitting cross-legged in the extremely violent Tao Feng!

The Dao Feng there was so terrifying that it actually condensed into the form of a great avenue. But what was even more shocking was that the Dao Feng was being absorbed by the young man and going into his mouth and nose!

It's the boy who fell into the Taoist wind! someone exclaimed.

Everyone on the boat couldn't help but be stunned. They saw the young man sitting in the core of Dao Feng, motionless and stable, letting the Dao wind blow.

Who is he?

A strange woman asked, Why didn't he transform into a saint form? How could he resist such a bad wind without using a saint form?

Everyone was surprised, and suddenly they saw the boundless Dao wind gathering behind the young man, forming a cave of wind. The power of the cave abyss in the Dao scene became stronger and stronger, rising in a straight line!

After two or three days, the young man suddenly stood up and walked towards this side.

Everyone on the boat was shocked and confused when they saw the young man passing by the sailboat with a large-scale wind cave behind his head.

Suddenly, the cave penetrated into the boy's other cave and disappeared without a trace.

Everyone looked and saw the young man walking away and disappearing into the layers of wind.

It seems that what he cultivates is not Li Wen on the other side. Someone murmured.

This man is so weird.

Xu Ying walked out of this Taoist scenery and walked towards other Taoist scenery in the distance. The Taoist scenery on the other side was really too rich, and the Taoist scenery was larger in scale and contained deeper truths, so he wanted to go to a few more Taoist scenery to understand different things. avenue.

In just a few months, Xu Ying entered different Taoist landscapes such as wind, rain, thunder and lightning, metal, wood, water and fire, heaven and earth, yin and yang, etc., and gained great harvests through his own understanding.

The other side searches for the wealth of various universes, captures the natural Taoist scenery of these universes, and gathers them together to form a towering wonder.

Although he had understood these great ways in Hao Yi's enlightenment, it was only when he truly entered the Tao scene that he realized how shallow and incomplete his understanding was.

He never thought that ordinary avenues of heaven and earth could possess such extraordinary power.

This time it is a process of making up.

During this period, Xu Ying also entered the enlightenment place to have a look and found that Taoist Wukong, Shi Tianyang and Zhuxian Canjian were still in the process of enlightenment, so he did not disturb them.

On this day, Xu Ying came to a piece of Chaos Qi. This Chaos Qi was different from the Chaos Qi in the Chaos Sea. The Chaos Sea was not a Dao scenery, but this Chaos Qi was a natural Dao scenery. It should have been snatched from other universes by the other side. of.

The Avenue of Chaos is an extremely high-level avenue, and the number of strangers who come here to observe the Taoist scenery is extremely large, tens of thousands. Some even the disciples of the Immortal True King came over to meditate, often with extraordinary momentum, offering sacrifices to various treasures such as Qingyun, Louchuan, Baochang, Immortal Palace, Jade Tower, Pagoda, etc. to resist the assimilation of Chaos.

This mass of chaotic Qi is lightless, colorless, lawless, and extremely vast and thick.

It is extremely dangerous to stand near this Taoist scene. If you are not careful, you will fall into the Taoist scene. When Xu Ying came here, in the blink of an eye, he saw four or five people falling into the chaotic Taoist scene, screaming and turning into A wisp of chaos.

This scene is different from the Chaos Dao Scenery among Qingxuan's Ten Dao Sceneries. Qingxuan's Chaos Dao Scenery is a Dao Scenery that enhances the vitality of the physical body, while the Chaos Dao Scenery is a Dao Scenery of the Chaos Dao Scenery that is naturally formed in the universe.

Although the Avenue of Chaos is an extremely advanced avenue, it is extremely difficult to comprehend, and the Tao Lord Hunyuan who practices the Avenue of Chaos has never reached the height of the Dao Lord.

Although I have experienced the world of immortals to learn kung fu and the sea of ​​chaos to enlightenment, I have never made much achievements on the avenue of chaos.

Xu Ying came to the Chaos Dao Scenery, looked up eagerly, and thought to himself, If I can gain something here, maybe I can look directly at Master Zhong.

He always felt that the wrinkles on the surface of the big clock might have an extraordinary origin, and he wanted to learn more about it.

At this moment, his body was shaken violently, and the Chaos Hole suddenly spun out of his body and stood on the back of his head.

When the strangers around him saw this, they all cheered: It's amazing that this young man has cultivated such a large Chaos Cave. He has achieved a lot!

But Xu Ying's expression changed drastically, and he quickly shouted: Everyone, leave quickly! The further away from me, the better!

When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help but sneered, and their bodies swayed one after another, and each appeared in a large or small Chaos Cave, shouting: Boy, who do you look down on? Those who can come here are all those who have practiced the Dao of Chaos, who is worse than you? ?”

Xu Ying turned a deaf ear and muttered to himself: Brother Lian, don't be like this, Brother Lian... hurry up and leave, I won't be able to suppress you anymore!

When people heard this, someone immediately came to Xu Ying and sneered: Your Excellency is too high-minded and looks down on us. Today, my eldest son, Sun Chen, will beg, beg, beg from you...

There was a look of horror on his face, and he saw Xu Ying's Chaos Cave Abyss being filled with brilliant light, suddenly whirling and spinning, and all the monks near the Chaos Dao Scenery suddenly lost control of the energy of Chaos in their Chaos Cave Abyss, attacking this human race. The boy's chaotic abyss roars away!

What was even more frightening was that the chaotic Dao Scene in front of them suddenly lost control. Countless energies of Chaos swarmed in and rolled into the young man's abyss!

Don't come here! Run away - the young man had a dark face and a good heart after all, and shouted to the people further away.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

People further away involuntarily revealed their own Chaos Cave, and the energy of Chaos in the Cave abyss was flowing away crazily, flowing into the Young Cave Abyss!

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