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Chapter 732 Unparalleled

Taoist Wukong had only heard of the name of Emperor Haotian, but did not know who Hao Yi was, nor did he know that he had an extremely glorious history on the other side.

But Shi Tianyang had heard Hao Yi's name and said in a loss of voice: Is this the place where Lord Hao Yi achieved enlightenment? It's over, we have entered the place of death!

He was frightened and wanted to go back the way he came, but the way he came was really tortuous. He looked back and didn't know how to get out.

Xu Ying asked curiously: Hao Yi Daojun? Is Emperor Haotian the Daojun?

Regarding Emperor Haotian, Xu Ying only heard the general story of his deeds from Milun and others, but did not understand it.

Shi Tianyang said: Back then, when you opened the coffin of Dao Lord Hao Yi and used his body to frighten the Lord of the Relics in the Yuan Realm, didn't you know that he had the honorific title of Dao Lord?

Xu Ying shook his head.

Back then, Hao Yi challenged all the True Kings and Dao Lords, but without encountering an opponent, he continued to challenge Taiyi Dao Lord. Taiyi Dao Lord was his master. If he defeated Taiyi, he could obtain the title of Dao Lord and become the most powerful person on the other side. Existence, high above.”

Shi Tianyang said, There are only four Dao Lords on my other side. They are the four supreme rulers. Only the rumored Dao Lord is above them. But no one has seen the Dao Lord. After this battle, Taiyi Dao Lord Jun was defeated by Hao Yi, and Hao Yi became the fifth person, so he was respected as Dao Jun Hao Yi.

Xu Yingying knew something about Emperor Haotian's challenge to the powerful people on the other side, but he didn't expect that the other side would actually recognize an outsider as the Dao Lord.

Most of the Immortal True Kings on the other side are not natives of the other side. Many of them come from other universes.

Shi Tianyang explained to Xu Ying, For example, True King Jiuquan comes from Taihe Universe. Taihe Universe is a universe under the jurisdiction of the other side. Because of his great strength and extremely high talent, True King Jiuquan came to the other side to study. , Only then can you achieve immortality.”

Xu Ying wondered: Most of the true kings on the other side are from other universes. Aren't you worried that they will rebel? The other side spread the green rocks and harvested other universes. I don't know how many people died because of this. This is a blood feud and sworn hatred. hatred!

Shi Tianyang sneered and said: Those who are obsessed with blood feud, such as Dao Lord Hao Yi, have been beaten to death, not to mention other people? What's more, the true kings themselves harvest, and they set out to harvest the universe where they came from, more than others. The true king is even more ruthless, so where is the blood feud?”

Xu Ying was a little hard to understand when he heard the words. After a moment, he shook his head and muttered: You should never harvest your own people...

One of our own?

Shi Tianyang laughed at him for being old-fashioned and said, Harvesting is a kind of wisdom. If you don't do it for yourself, heaven and earth will destroy you. If you don't harvest, you are weak. Weak people don't deserve to live in the world! Every year, many geniuses from other universes pass by. They use various methods to reach the other side. If they don't harvest it, it will be difficult for them to survive! As for taking away the Taoism from the other side, hey, let's leave our lives behind.

Xu Ying was stunned for a long time, and then said slowly: This is Huan Hua.

The word Huanghua was created by Liu Guanyi, the Ten-Dead Heavenly Lord. For people on the other side, this is called naturalization.

They continued to look for a way out, and Xu Ying not only helped Taoist Wukong recover his hair, but also devoted himself to understanding the magical imprint left by Emperor Haotian.

These magical brandings are the crystallization of the wisdom of Taiyi Dao, and each brand is extremely powerful. Xu Ying himself started practicing Taiyi Dao, and he is like a fish in water.

His attainments in Taiyi Avenue have also grown steadily, approaching the realm of immortality.

After an unknown amount of time, the three of them finally arrived at the center of this restricted area. This is the place where Emperor Haotian attained enlightenment. The surrounding avenues of heaven and earth became extremely intense. If you practice here, you will enter the Tao without paying attention, which is a hundred times better than other places!

The three of them looked around. There were not as many magical imprints here as there were outside, but it was very clean.

They looked up, and the magical imprints all around formed a thick sky, which was magnificent and extraordinary.

All three people were filled with admiration.

There is an immortal palace in front, an ancient tree, lush and green, with a canopy-like crown. It is nourished by the rich avenue here, and it actually exudes world-shattering power!

This tree absorbs the great avenues of heaven and earth and the aura of enlightenment. Its power is probably not inferior to that of the ginseng fruit tree!

When Xu Ying thought of this, his heart moved slightly. There was a small ginseng fruit tree in his martial arts cave. I don't know what it was used for.

It's better to plant it here, maybe you can grow into a tree master. Xu Ying thought to himself.

Suddenly, Taoist Wukong stopped and whispered: There is someone in the hall!

Xu Ying also noticed another aura in the Immortal Palace in front of him, and without thinking, he urged Wu Ji to realize the Tao, turning the cave in his body, and raising his cultivation level to the extreme!

Taoist Wukong also took out the golden rod, and Shi Tianyang showed the body of an ancient god with thousands of arms, waiting in full formation.

In the Immortal Palace, a strange man is sitting in danger. He seems to be young, but his aura is getting stronger and stronger, and branch-like principles are flying around him, creating various strange phenomena.

The stranger suddenly stood up, floated out of the Immortal Palace, came to the ancient Taoist tree, and displayed his magical powers one after another. The magical powers were not very powerful, but they were extremely subtle!

He was probably in the midst of enlightenment and didn't pay attention to anything outside. He didn't even know that Xu Ying and the others were nearby.

Xu Ying saw this in his eyes, and was surprised and uncertain. He quickly raised his head to look at the magical marks in the sky.

The magical power displayed by this stranger is exactly the same as the magical power marks on the sky!

This person actually comprehended the avenue controlled by Emperor Haotian and learned the magical powers that Emperor Haotian understood!

He also practices Taiyi Avenue!

Xu Ying's eyes flickered and kept wandering, sometimes looking at the stranger, sometimes looking at the sky, searching for the corresponding magical power.

There is no difference between the magical power displayed by that stranger and the great avenue contained in the magical power, and the magical power in the sky!

For a moment, all kinds of magical powers flew under the tree, forming a sky dome composed of various magnificent magical powers. It was really gorgeous!

Suddenly, the stranger seemed to sense that someone was coming from outside. He dispersed his magical power and turned around to look at Xu Ying and the others.

The strange man's eyes were strange, and he obviously didn't expect that there would be anyone else who could pass through the layers of magical sky and come here.

His body is getting smaller and smaller, and gradually returns to the height of a normal person. He has silver hair. He should not be a local saint on the other side, but from another universe.

A Taiyi Cave appeared in the back of his mind, and there were other caves and abyss all around, about a hundred of them.

Suddenly, more than a hundred caves and abyss were compatible with the Taiyi Cave Abyss, causing the silver-haired young man's cultivation to rise steadily!

He is not a being in the Immortal Realm, but a strong man at the eighth level of the Tao Realm.

He walked towards Xu Ying and the others, his silver hair flying, his eyes twinkling, and he said in other words: It's rare that someone can come here. But you shouldn't come here, let alone see me!

He suddenly took action and attacked Xu Ying, Taoist Wukong and Shi Tianyang at the same time!

As soon as he made a move, Xu Ying immediately realized that his Taiyi Avenue was more powerful and pure than his own, and his magical powers were also more exquisite than his own!

Xu Ying didn't care much and immediately mobilized Dongyuan, Hunyuan Dongyuan's Shiqi, Hunyuan Dongyuan's Xuanqi, and Taiyi Dongyuan's vitality to explode at the same time!

The opponent used the magical power of Emperor Haotian. Although he used San Qi, Xu Ying still used the most powerful one-on-one move among the Eight Immortal Techniques, the Earth-Opening Technique, under the pressure of the opponent!

He raised his hands high and stood up from the ground with his ax shining brightly, like a god who created the world, swinging his ax to meet the opponent's magical power!

When Xu Ying performed this move, he immediately realized that his magical power was far inferior to that of his opponent.

The magical power of opening up the earth was the first time he soared to the other shore. He saw the Buddha and the Buddhas being attacked by an immortal king of the other shore. His majestic body slowly rose from the mountains, like a giant who created the world, swinging a giant ax to hit them. Buddha.

That scene was imprinted in Xu Ying's mind for a long time, and over time he developed the magical power to open up the world.

However, he only observed the attacks of the Immortal True King, and did not understand its great ways, nor did he learn its methods.

But the silver-haired young man in front of him has understood and studied the various great ways and magical powers of Emperor Haotian. It is natural to know who is superior and inferior at a glance!

Did you also get the true biography of Taiyi?

The silver-haired young man said in surprise, You are not my fellow sect, where did you get the true inheritance of Taiyi? Yes, you learned it from Junior Brother Mingxi! You are a barbarian from the Three Realms!

The next moment, the light of the ax shattered. Xu Ying immediately sensed that danger was approaching and his life might be in danger. Without thinking, he activated the Immortal Killing Sword Formation to meet the opponent's magical power!

Three thousand flying swords collided with the opponent's magical power. The sword energy was swaying in all directions and in all directions, but it failed to break through the opponent's magical power!

Xu Ying was surprised. At the same time, Taoist Wukong screamed and was suppressed by the opponent's magical power!

On the other side, Shi Tianyang held thousands of magic weapons in his thousands of arms, and he clashed head-on with the silver-haired young man's magical powers. He suddenly vomited blood and staggered back!

This silver-haired young man fought against three of them at the same time and actually had the upper hand!

Xu Ying used the Zhuxian Broken Sword. As soon as the Broken Sword came out, it replaced the missing formation of the Zhuxian Sword Formation. The power suddenly increased sharply, and the murderous intent that destroyed everything erupted. The sword light made a hissing sound, breaking through the silver-haired young man's magical power!

The silver-haired young man was startled and hurriedly changed his magical power. Xu Ying ignored him and directly twisted the Immortal Killing Sword Array and smashed his magical power into pieces!

With his help, Taoist Wukong and Shi Tianyang immediately stabilized their steps and each of them attacked the silver-haired young man crazily.

The silver-haired young man resisted Xu Ying's Zhuxian Sword Formation while facing the attacks of Taoist Wukong and Shi Tianyang at the same time. His moves were not messy at all, and he quickly stopped his decline!

I didn't expect that when I softened my heart and passed on a true message from Mingxi, I could actually create a master like you.

The silver-haired young man praised, You are not a direct disciple of Taiyi Daojun. You are definitely a rare genius in the world for being able to refine Shi Qi, Yuan Qi and Xuan Qi! It's a pity that you shouldn't be here!

The more Xu Ying, Taoist Wukong and Shi Tianyang fought, the more frightened they became. The silver-haired young man's magical powers were unpredictable, and the power contained in his magical powers was getting stronger and stronger. They had the upper hand before, but as time went by, the silver-haired young man's magical powers became more and more unpredictable. Young people are getting stronger and stronger!

He actually had the momentum to counterpress the three of them!

Taoist Wukong roared, and transformed one into ten thousand. He transformed into countless Taoist Wukong and attacked the silver-haired young man from different directions. However, he was pointed out by the other party, and ten thousand turned into one, revealing his true form, and he had to fight hard against the opponent. This extremely delicate finger.

Shi Tianyang pushed the power of various magic weapons to the extreme. Thousands of arms smashed down like a storm, extremely violent, but there were cracks on the magic weapons, injured by the opponent's magical power!

Xu Ying urged the Zhu Xian Sword Formation. Although the sword formation was not broken by the opponent, the Zhu Xian Remnant Sword was also aroused to be ferocious at this moment. Small caves emerged from the sword, and the sword formation became more and more powerful!

The silver-haired young man still blocked the Zhuxian Sword Formation!

Xu Ying was secretly shocked. He had never encountered such a powerful opponent in the same realm.

In the same realm, even a disciple of the True King like Yin Yuanzi would find it difficult to catch one of his moves. So for a long time, he has been arrogant, thinking that even on the other side, no one can do it. Compete with him in the same realm.

But now, this silver-haired young man is in the same realm as him, and he can actually fight one against four, leaving him with no hope of winning!

——The so-called fourth person is actually the Zhuxian Sword. After all, the Zhuxian Broken Sword has now embarked on the path of magic weapon cultivation and is considered a monk.

Are the disciples of Taiyi Daojun so powerful?

Thoughts flashed through Xu Ying's mind like lightning, No, no! Although he is a disciple of Taiyi Daojun, he is actually a disciple of Emperor Haotian! What he studied was not Emperor Taiyi, but Emperor Haotian! He was So if you want to kill us, you are actually worried that you will secretly learn the inheritance of Emperor Haotian and be discovered by Taiyi Daojun, so you want to kill us to silence us!

The silver-haired young man is extremely resilient. Even if the Zhu Xian Broken Sword bursts out with ferocious power, he can still block it!

Suddenly, the young man seemed to have grown countless arms, and various magical powers flew out, forming a magical sky in an instant!

not good!

Without thinking, Xu Ying immediately retracted the sword array, stretched out his hand and grabbed it, grabbing Taoist Wukong with one hand and Shi Tianyang with the other, flying back and shouting, Master Zhong!

The big bell spun and flew out. Xu Ying put down Taoist Wukong and Shi Tianyang, and pushed the big bell with both palms!

Taoist Wukong and Shi Tianyang took a step forward together, each took a palm and pushed towards the big bell!

The folds on the bell wall from the Sea of ​​Chaos shone brightly, and the bell vibrated, meeting the overwhelming supernatural sky!


The magical sky collided with the big clock, and countless magical powers were annihilated. The silver-haired young man was shocked and floated backwards, turned over and landed on the ground and slid to the back of the Immortal Palace.

He raised his head and saw Xu Ying, Taoist Wukong and Shi Tianyang holding the big bell high and charging towards this direction, so he no longer hesitated and turned around and rushed into the restricted area!

There are various magical imprints left by Emperor Haotian in the restricted area, which is extremely dangerous. If you touch it even slightly, you will die!

However, the silver-haired young man seemed to be like a fish in water, shuttling between various magical brands, using various dazzling magical powers, colliding with various brands, and leaving calmly!

In front of the Immortal Palace, under the ancient Taoist tree, Xu Ying, Taoist Wukong and Shi Tianyang looked at this scene. The three of them looked stunned and could not calm down for a long time.

Zhu Xianjian was also a little depressed.

The three of them Yi Jian, including Shi Tianyang, all thought highly of themselves. Unexpectedly, even after joining forces, they still failed to keep the silver-haired young man!

Only Mr. Zhong is open-minded and doesn't take it to heart at all.

This kind of victory or defeat does not matter to Zhong Daozu. Anyway, the silver-haired young man cannot defeat Zhong Daozu.

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