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Chapter 720 Strong on the outside but weak on the inside

Yama of the Tenth Palace watched Xu Ying escape from the underworld, and when he looked down, he saw that the ancestral palace underworld had evaporated, and everything was gone. A big hole opened in the ground, revealing an extremely ancient land.

That's the cosmic remnant of the vestibular era.

Xu Daozu's cultivation strength has actually reached this point, which is far better than ours back then.

Now that the underworld of the ancestral court has been destroyed, everything has returned to the three realms, and our responsibilities have ended here. It is time to leave this place and find another place to go.

They flew away.

In the boundless starry sky, spiritual light was turbulent, and countless spiritual lights came one after another, gradually forming the incomparably majestic body of the ancestor god. He showed his true form, the vast soul of the universe, and it was extremely clear even from the heavenly world, the immortal world, and the human world.

And after the ancestor god, with a dragon roar, the distant ancestor appeared in his true form, and his body of innate immortal spiritual light spanned countless galaxies. It was really spectacular.

The giant dragon is coiled, as brilliant as the Milky Way, standing behind the ancestral god, with colorful visions.

The ancestor god's eyebrows were snow-white, and the divine light in his eyes was like a long Milky Way floating.

The streaks of light on the opposite side are running towards this side at extremely fast speeds. From a distance, he could sense the breath of the alien avenue from a foreign land.

This avenue is different from the avenues of the three realms, and is like poison to Him.

The avenue is incomplete and damaged, but it is extremely powerful.

What flew over was not the monks from the Front Court era, but a large area of ​​relics from the Front Court era, which was a world of its own!

Are these powerful men from the vestibule era planning to move to the Three Realms? Have you asked the owner here?

The Ancestral God took his time, stretched out his hand, and saw the endless starry sky being born in front of him. Countless stars flew away quickly, spreading the space layer by layer, making the distance between the ruins become farther and farther.

Now, Xu Ying has mended the sky and repaired the way, allowing the three realms to obtain the core of the flood source and become more vast. His cultivation has also been greatly improved, which is really majestic.

Xu Ying only asked him to block these prehistoric existences and did not ask him to fight against them, so he was very relieved.

However, the next moment, a ruins shined brightly, folding and stacking the endless starry sky in front of them. The stars became extremely dense, and the distance between the ruins and the ancestral gods suddenly became infinitely closer!

The ancestor god snorted coldly: Your Excellency, you want to fight with me?

The countless stars suddenly turned into his clones, and the ruins of the front court broke into his clone. Starlight continued to gather and turned into a huge hand, grabbing the ruins of the front court.

A black energy surged out from the ruins of the front court, shattering the palm.

The Ancestral God's eyebrows fluttered, and his spiritual light eyebrows continued to extend, piercing into the ruins. He was not afraid of the pollution of the black air, and fixed the ruins. He said in a deep voice: You fellow Taoists are all big shots, why bother embarrassing the sentient beings in the three realms?

The Taoist words came from the ruins, and the voice was thick: We are also looking for a place to live and survive, and we ask fellow Taoists to make it easier.

Can it be convenient?

The Ancestral God sneered, You have different ways and are extremely corrupt. If you fall into the Three Realms and pollute the avenues of heaven and earth, not to mention bringing that calamity to the Three Realms, I don't know how many people will die! How can I make it easier for you?

A figure slowly emerged from the ruins, with a heavy sense of oppression, and said indifferently: The Three Realms were originally the source of the flood we found. The Lord of the Avenue opened up the source of the flood, and the Three Realms were born. The Three Realms were originally used to provide We were the ones who evaded the calamity, but you were not there at that time. If it comes first, then we are the first, and you are the last!

Other relics followed, and the ancestor god snorted, took out his long sleeves, and pocketed the infinite time and space into his sleeves.

After the core of Hongyuan merged into the Three Realms, his magic power was almost endless. This statue carrying the immortal relics of the front court was actually covered by his huge sleeves!

The masters of the ruins woke up one after another, looked up, and saw that the starry sky was like a wheel, extremely brilliant, surrounding them, forming a cylinder.

On the wall of the tube, there are countless stars, densely packed together, forming an unbreakable chasm!

Fellow Taoist, you are a deity formed after the Great Dao Master opened up the Three Realms. Your life was given by the Great Dao Lord. Don't be obsessed with it!

The masters of the ruins each took action, and suddenly the sleeves of the ancestor gods exploded, and countless stars turned into auras and danced.

The Ancestral God's aura surged, and the aura that filled the sky suddenly shrank away, then turned into His sleeve, and said in a deep voice: Do you have any evidence for saying this?

At this moment, Yuan Ancestor Jiao Teng flew forward, transformed into a majestic dragon-headed man, and attacked one of the ruins, shouting: Ancestral God, why should you be polite to them? If they don't want to go back, then beat them back!

In that ruins, the immortal was lying in the coffin, and suddenly he sat upright. His breath stirred the stars in the sky and caused chaos. He was no weaker than his distant ancestors.

The two sides fought with each other, but after only a few moves, Yuanzu immediately realized that the other party's Taoist and magical powers were far superior to his own, and he couldn't help but feel a sudden change in his heart.

He followed Xu Ying and others to understand the core of Hongyuan, and his Taoist knowledge greatly increased, his Taoism improved, and his cultivation level was far better than before. But I didn't expect that it was still much weaker than the immortal who was tortured by fate in the front court!

I should also practice Xu Daozu's new way. If I don't practice it, I will only go further and further down this wrong path. He thought to himself.

Although he is also in the immortal state, his physical soul is imitating the ancestor god. He has unparalleled power, but he has not reached the level of the Great Dao.

When he understood the core of Hongyuan, he had already realized the limitations brought to him by this wrong path of cultivation. Others understood Hong Yuan's core and gained even more astonishing improvements, while every step forward for him was extremely difficult.

Moreover, he has not studied much about immortal-level magical powers. It is okay to say that he has not encountered a strong enemy. However, when he encounters a strong enemy, the flaws will be extremely obvious.

The existence in the ruins is extremely calm and composed, and its moves are extremely sophisticated. In just a few moves, the distant ancestor was at a disadvantage!

When the Ancestral God saw this, he didn't care much. He immediately became young and attacked the ruins, shouting: Old dragon, join forces!

He rushed into the ruins where the distant ancestors were, shoulder to shoulder with the distant ancestors, and attacked the beings in the ruins.

They are close friends. The physical soul of the distant ancestor came from the enlightenment of the ancestral god. The two became younger and showed their majesty, and soon they severely damaged the immortal in the ruins.

The ancestor god was still pressing down on the immortal relic and beating him violently, but the distant ancestor quietly stopped and kicked his heel.

The Ancestral God picked up the dying Immortal, straightened up and looked at it, his heart suddenly pounding.

In the ruins all around, I saw that the masters of the ruins were either shrouded in black air, or soaked in plasma. There were also coffins erected, or they were standing in front of the immortal temple, with evil eyes falling on them. On the body of the immortal who was beaten to a terrible state by the ancestor god.

God Ancestor, what do you want us to do? Yuanzu asked.

The Ancestral God abandoned the immortal and said: Let us delay as much time as possible.

The distant ancestor asked doubtfully: Didn't you let us start a fight?

Ancestor God shook his head and said: No. If you hadn't been able to help yourself and rushed forward, I wouldn't have done anything.

The distant ancestor blinked: I was competing with him, why did you rush up to me? Now that we are in conflict, what should we do?

It turns out that your Excellency is not as powerful as we thought. The master of the ruins suddenly said.

Previously, they were blocked by the Ancestral God, and the Ancestral God's starry sky spirit manifested, holding many relics in one sleeve. The magical power revealed was truly vast and shocking.

In addition, the distant ancestor dragon has a good appearance, coiling in the starry sky behind the ancestral god. These ruins owners have never seen such an appearance, and they are suppressed by them.

Therefore, the owners of these ruins try to be patient and speak kindly to the ancestor gods.

But when the distant ancestors came up, they took action and couldn't beat them. The ancestors went to help, which revealed the nature of the two of them being strong on the outside but weak on the inside.

Earlier, we thought too much of you two, but it turns out that you are just mediocre. In that case, why should we be afraid of you at all?

An Immortal from the front court came to kill, and the prehistoric Taoist magic exploded. The ancestor god puffed up his breath, rushed out, and shouted: Kill them first, harass them as much as possible, and prevent them from coming to the three realms!

The distant ancestor let out a dragon roar and followed him to kill outside.

The two worked closely together and broke out of the siege. They were covered in wounds and were chased by the masters of the ruins.

However, the two of them did not flee to the Three Realms, but to the edge of the universe. The masters of the ruins chased them for a while, then they turned around and headed towards the Three Realms.

The Ancestral God and the Ancient Ancestor fought back, caught up with one of the ruins, entered it, and surrounded the owner of the ruins there and beat them violently.

The other owners of the ruins rushed to the rescue. After a bloody battle between the ancestor gods and the distant ancestors, they broke out of the siege and fled in panic again.

The owners of many ruins chased them one after another, but the ancestral gods and distant ancestors escaped so fast that they were beyond their reach, so they had no choice but to continue rushing to the Three Realms.

The ancestor gods and distant ancestors came to kill again.

You two seek death!

When the masters of many ruins saw the fellow Taoist who was lagging behind being knocked to the ground by the ancestor gods and distant ancestors, they surrounded him and kicked him in the head. They couldn't help but become furious and committed suicide.

The distant ancestor quickly grabbed the ancestral god who was kicked on the head and walked away, whizzing away.

No need to hunt them down!

A master of the ruins stopped the others and said in a deep voice, The rogue methods of these two people are just to delay us and prevent us from coming to the Three Realms. We formed a formation and continued to rush to the Three Realms. If they dare to invade again, Teach them that there is no coming back!

So the ruins formed a formation and headed towards the Three Realms.

The distant ancestors and the ancestral gods excitedly came to fight again, catching up with the last ruins, rushing into it and attacking the owner of the ruins there. Suddenly the world spun, black and yellow chaos, time and space collapsed, and the surroundings were vast.

The distant ancestors and the ancestral gods had a sudden thought, and they saw in the vast black and yellow energy, the masters of the ruins were coming towards them, appearing and disappearing, and it was impossible to guard against them!

The two knew they had fallen into a trap and hurriedly joined forces to kill each other.

This time it was not as easy as before. Although the ancestors and the ancestors used all their strength to escape, they were beaten to death and fled in a hurry.

The owners of the ruins did not pursue them and continued to run towards the Three Realms.

Yuan Ancestor and Ancestor God fled far away and stopped when they saw that they were not chasing them. The ancestor god tremblingly took out the clean bucket for convenience.

The distant ancestor said: Lend it to me...

After the convenience, the two oldest and most powerful beings in the Three Realms fell silent.

Yuanzu asked: Are we still going to stop them?

Ancestor God said: How long has it been?

Less than two months.


The Ancestral God flexed his muscles and said in a deep voice, I promised to stop them for three months, and I must do it! Otherwise, wouldn't I be laughed at by him?

The distant ancestor laughed and said: Xu Ying, I am still half your disciple. If you are laughed at by him, you will lose your face.

The two old men once again chased after the owners of the ruins, doing their best to harass and slow down the speed of these ruins.

Time is passing by, and the March period is getting closer and closer.

On this day, the scarred ancestor gods and distant ancestors were exhausted and still running hard to avoid the pursuit of the ruins behind them.

Kill us if you can! The ancestors were eager to kill and poured the dirty blood in the bucket on them.

Suddenly, the ancestor god tugged on the sleeve of the distant ancestor and looked straight into the distance. The ancestor put away the bucket and followed his gaze, feeling despair.

I saw an extremely huge skeleton sitting in front of a large-scale ruins, heading here. That skeleton was filled with the aura of the Lord of the Great Dao, and even before it got close, it made all the people surrender. Even the power in their bodies gradually calmed down, and they had an urge to surrender.

Yuanhai, which had been hanging high above the head of the distant ancestor, suddenly broke away from the control of the distant ancestor, flew away with a roar, and hung behind the head of the giant skeleton.

That skeleton is the original owner of his Yuanhai!

The master of Qenting Avenue.

It's over, the three realms are over... Yuanzu murmured.

The ruins are slower, but they are also slowly approaching the Three Realms.

At this time, a long and continuous roar came. The ancestor god looked back and saw that the starry sky exploded. The young saint stepped out of the broken starry sky. The hole that exploded was the earthly immortal world.

Obviously, the Holy Lord tore apart the infinite space with one hand and arrived here in one step!

Holy Lord!

The distant ancestor exclaimed in shock, Have you achieved immortality?

The Holy Lord looked indifferent and said leisurely, I am just the first person in the new way to cultivate immortality, just one step faster than Qingxuan and Xu Daozu.

The distant ancestor was silent.

It was gratifying to see the Holy Lord become immortal, but for some reason, he always had the urge to beat this kid.

At this moment, the voice of the good-for-nothing Qingxuan came from behind the Holy Lord: Yuan Yu, please give me a way.

The Holy Lord was startled and hurriedly turned sideways, not daring to turn his back to him.

Emperor Qingxuan would never attack him from behind, but trash Qingxuan definitely would!

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan walked out of the time hole he opened and said with a smile: With the passage opened by the Holy Lord, I save some energy.

I am not late in the Immortal Realm, are you?

The voice of Dragon Emperor Ming Dao came, and everyone followed the sound, but saw Ming Dao Emperor leading many dragon clans who had not yet practiced the new way to come, forming a formation, and their aura was overwhelming.

There are so many powerful people at the eighth level of the Dragon Clan Dao Realm that even after harvesting, there are still more than a thousand left, which is far superior to the fairy world.

Although these powerful dragon clan men no longer have Dongyuan, after all, their realm is still there, their magic weapon is still there, and they are still a force that cannot be underestimated!

How can this battle be without us in the Immortal World?

Yuan Weiyang drove the golden ship to cross the world. On board were Lu Daozun, Qiongtai, Di Jing, Wei Xu, Xiao Tianzun and other powerful people in the new and old supreme realm.

A massacre is inevitable!

At the same time, a green rock ship on the other side broke through the sea of ​​chaos silently and sailed to the edge of the universe.

The true king of the other side, Yin Yuanzi, who controls the vast universe, stands on the bow of the ship, with his hands behind his back and his eyes scanning towards the three realms.

————I went to Shanghai during the day to receive an honor. I chose a day to ascend and be collected and issued a certificate by the Shanghai Library, so I went for a run. There is another update tonight, which should be completed after twelve o'clock.

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