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Chapter 699: Monstrous Combat Power

Xu Ying smiled and said, I don't mind, but she does. I have another lover in the immortal world. If you can get her to agree, everything will be easy.

Princess Mingman's eyes lit up: Is she good at fighting?

That's right for those who hit people with their boats in Longhua City.

When Princess Mingman heard this, she was not frightened at all. Instead, she was very high-spirited and said, This disciple must practice hard and convince her as soon as possible!

Xu Ying laughed and felt relaxed.

At this time, the Imperial Capital of Dragon Court was already crowded with people, and dragon immortals were everywhere, waiting for this battle. There were even many dragon immortals who came in a hurry from the border areas just to witness the showdown between Xu Ying and the emperor's son.

This battle is not only the victory or defeat of the two people, but also a battle between the strength of Taoism between the Earthly Immortal Realm and the Celestial Immortal Realm. The Dragon Clan’s belief in the Taoism of the other side and their belief in Huan Hua are all gathered in this battle!

Prime Minister Yuan Heng did not arrange this battle in the Small Heavens. There are many masters in the Dragon Court, and their combat power can rival thousands of the Supreme. They can open up the world in the void and evolve the Small Heavens. But Xiaozhutian could not withstand the impact of magical powers from masters like Xu Ying and Emperor Mingxi.

Therefore, Yuanheng ordered people to move away the residents of the suburbs of Longting Imperial Capital early on, freeing up thousands of miles of land, and built the Shutian Pagoda on all sides.

After this treasure is sacrificed, it reaches a height of thousands of feet and stands in the air or on the ground. Although it does not have much power, it is best at absorbing the power of magical powers and magic weapons. Not to mention that Xu Ying and Emperor Mingxi were only at the seventh level of the Tao Realm. Even if they were at the eighth level of the Tao Realm, their magical power would not be able to break out of the envelope of one hundred and eight sky-sparing pagodas.

The Dragon Clan needs this battle to restore its reputation that is in danger of being completely transformed.

But no one knew that Emperor Mingxi was no longer the one who could decide the outcome of the war, and the elders of the Dragon Clan had pinned their hopes on the young master Hong Bo from the other side.

Xu Ying and Emperor Mingxi came over. Countless pairs of eyes focused on the two of them. Suddenly a voice shouted: Kill the barbarians in the Immortal Realm!

Accompanied by this cry, a cold light flew over and struck Xu Ying with a swipe.

It was a bone dragon sword, extremely sharp and powerful, but when it hit Xu Ying, it exploded and shattered into pieces.

Princess Mingman was furious, jumped up and charged into the group of dragons. She took out the Dragon Immortal who had secretly attacked Xu Ying with the sacrificial sword and beat him violently. She shouted: Are you going to make me a widow by attacking my master secretly?

The Dragon Immortal was beaten to death by her until her bones were broken and her tendons were broken.

Only then did Princess Mingman notice the unkind looks around her. The dragon immortals stared at her and slowly gathered around her: There is another little barbarian here!

Kill her!

A group of dragon immortals swarmed up and drowned Princess Mingman.

Ming Man then remembered that because she wanted to seduce her master, she turned into a human girl, not a dragon princess, so these dragon immortals dared to kill her.


If you want to surpass Master's Wife and become Master's Wife, how can you do it without some hardship?

She was inexplicably excited, her distant ancestor bloodline exploded, and she fought with those dragon immortals.

Old Long, this woman is not bad. Among your descendants, she has the purest blood. The voice of the ancestor god came.

Xu Yingxun looked around and saw the Ancestral God, the distant ancestor Dalong and the little barbarian Holy Lord walking hand in hand. Among these three people, the Ancestral God and the distant ancestor were served by the dragon girl, but the Holy Lord was the only one wearing shackles and handcuffs, and various seals and hangings. On the body. It was probably because of the beating of Emperor Mingxi that the Dragon Clan was so guarded against him.

Xu Ying shook his head: How can such sealing methods be able to seal the Holy Lord?

The Holy Lord is too knowledgeable to be trapped by these seals. The reason why he wears shackles and handcuffs is simply that he cannot defeat some dragon elders and Ming Dao Emperor who are highly cultivated.

His eyes fell on the Ancestral God, and he saw the Ancestral God's footsteps falling, and the ground began to float.

Xu Ying's eyes lit up: The ancestor god's cultivation strength has been completely restored. No, it should be said that he is stronger than he was in his heyday!

The ground beneath their feet was formed by a million years of dust!

The Ancestral God stepped on it and the ground floated, indicating that He had already controlled the Heavenly Dao of the Celestial Immortal Realm and could turn the ashes that flooded the Celestial Immortal Realm into the Heavenly Dao again at any time!

This kind of Heavenly Way is not the Heavenly Way from the ancient Dragon Court period, but a new Heavenly Way that has been tempered for thousands of years!

The ancestor god has improved very quickly this time, and my teachings are not in vain.

Xu Ying was quite pleased. The way of heaven he passed on to the ancestor gods actually came from the old emperor Ming Xun, but it was passed down by Xu Ying after all, so Xu Ying took the initiative to take the credit on himself.

Lu Yiren!

He suddenly saw a familiar figure and couldn't help but be startled. Lu Yiren met his gaze and nodded to him with a smile.

Xu Ying nodded gently and thought to himself: The communication between the Earthly Immortal Realm and the Celestial Immortal Realm has been cut off. How did he enter the Celestial Immortal Realm? Did he come from the underworld? Has the way of heaven been restored in the Celestial Immortal Realm?

His scalp was numb, and he suddenly took a step, and the Celestial Realm disappeared from his eyes in an instant. His body sank, and he had reached the underworld of the Celestial Realm!

The restoration of the ancestor god's cultivation has indeed caused the underworld to appear!

But what made him breathe a sigh of relief was that although the underworld in the Celestial Realm had been restored due to the restoration of Heaven, it had not yet been connected to the Earthly Immortal Realm.

Xu Ying's figure appeared outside the Longting Imperial Capital again, and he was very surprised: He didn't come from the underworld. Is there any other way to enter the immortal world...Wait a minute! I understand!

His eyes fell on Lu Yiren and he thought to himself: He has a magic weapon made from green rock! He is a second-level magic weapon that can travel between the three realms!

There is another stranger beside Lu Yiren, who is tall and equal to Lu Yiren.

Xu Ying met the stranger's eyes, and immediately felt the fighting spirit in the stranger's eyes, like a wild beast, with a strong sense of aggression.

This guy looks like a bear. Why is he so intent on killing me?

Xu Ying vaguely felt that this person's aura was somewhat familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen a similar aura, so he didn't take it to heart. After all, when he killed Young Master Qi Xuan back then, he killed him extremely swiftly and did not record the breath of Young Master Qi Xuan.

At this time, the Dragon Emperor Mingdao came, and the air pressure was on the spot, so that the noise around him gradually stopped. Only Princess Mingman was still fighting with a group of dragon immortals, fighting to pieces.

Emperor Mingdao frowned slightly when he saw this, but there was nothing he could do. His daughter had always been very well-behaved and never liked to fight or cause trouble. She was always a doormat and bullied, so he loved her so much.

But ever since I followed Xu Ying, the fight has never broken down.

Emperor Mingdao looked around, and his eyes fell on Lu Yiren. The two made eye contact, and Lu Yiren smiled slightly and remained silent.

The True King Cangzhu is not with him? Then he must be hiding in the dark. The two of them are helping each other, one in the dark and the other in the dark. It is indeed insidious!

Ming Dao Emperor withdrew his gaze, an immortal hidden in the dark was absolutely terrifying.

But luckily we, father and son, are just as sinister.

Emperor Ming Dao thought, The Supreme Emperor is also hiding in the dark at the moment. Now let's see who will take action first.

Prime Minister Yuan Heng hurriedly came to him and said: Your Majesty?

Emperor Mingdao said in a deep voice: It's time to start.

Yuan Heng said yes, straightened up, and his voice was like thunder, spreading throughout the countryside: Now there is a barbarian named Xu Ying, who has come all the way from the Earthly Immortal Realm to ask for the Dharma from the other side of my Heavenly Immortal Realm. Xu Ying is fierce and stubborn, and hurts people in our Heavenly Immortal Realm. But His Majesty has a heart of pity and love for talents, so he is allowed to see my wonderful magic on the other side of the heavenly world. Today’s first battle, His Highness Mingxi will teach the barbarian Xu Ying!

Xu Ying laughed and thought: If Mingxi hadn't passed on a true message to me, I would have beaten Emperor Mingxi to death just based on Yuan Heng's words. The world of immortals has been in peace for a long time, so they actually elected such a prime minister.

Prime Minister Yuan Heng said: Your Highness Mingxi, please.

Emperor Mingxi walked into the arena, looked around, and said loudly: Today's battle is not to determine the merits of the Taoism of the other side, the Taoism of the Immortal Realm, nor to determine the merits of the Dragon Clan and the Human Race, but for me, Mingxi Exchange Taoist Dharma and supernatural powers with fellow Taoist Xu Yingxue to verify which one is stronger and which one is weaker!

Your Highness is so courageous!

All the dragon immortals praised one after another, Your Highness is kind-hearted. After hearing this, barbarian Xu Ying, why don't you commit suicide as soon as possible to apologize?

Princess Mingman was furious and attacked these dragon immortals, causing chaos again.

Emperor Mingxi said: Fellow Taoist Xu, please!

Xu Ying walked into the arena and said with a smile: Your Highness, please.

Emperor Mingxi worshiped the eight abyss, moved his steps, and activated the skills taught by Emperor Mingdao. In an instant, he raised his cultivation level to the extreme. He adjusted the Taiyi Avenue to unify all other avenues, and his momentum was so great that he even Even the one hundred and eight Shutian pagodas can't suppress it!

Prime Minister Yuan Heng and others were surprised and happy. Yuan Bugui hurriedly came to Yuan Heng's side and whispered: His Highness has made great progress in cultivation in the past few days. Even if he doesn't invite Young Master Hong Bo, His Highness can easily win. !”

Yuan Heng smiled and said, How could I predict such a thing in advance?

Little did they know that Emperor Mingxi had communicated with Xu Ying in the past few days, and thanks to Xu Ying's guidance, his understanding of Taoism had reached a new level. After three days of seclusion, he finally made a big breakthrough!

Seeing this, Emperor Mingdao also nodded secretly, looking forward to Mingxi, and thought to himself: He always thinks highly of himself when he returns from studying on the other side, but now he has finally learned to be restrained.

As they spoke, the two men's magical powers exploded. Emperor Mingxi originally had a string hanging in his heart, fearing that he would be defeated by Xu Ying. However, the moment the two people's moves collided, the string in Mingxi's heart unfurled: It turns out that Xu Ying Ying’s cultivation level is not much higher than mine.”

In the past, he was always worried that he would fail in Xu Ying's hands and lose the face of Ming Dao Emperor, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

I was defeated at the hands of the Holy Lord. I always use the Holy Lord's strength to measure Xu Ying. Now it seems that I thought too much. The Holy Lord's cultivation strength is far better than Xu Ying!

He let go in his heart and let go of his hands, and various magical powers from the other side were unleashed, vertically and horizontally, floating and elegant, displaying the mysteries of various magical powers, and their power became increasingly stronger!

Xu Ying also mobilized various caves and abyss to compete with him, but he didn't lose at all!

The dragon immortals who were watching the battle all around were dazzled. They saw the two men walking around in the battlefield like ghosts, and various powerful and fierce moves colliding with each other.

They could only see that Emperor Mingxi's combat prowess was getting higher and higher, and his magical powers were getting stronger and stronger, and he could beat Xu Ying to death in a blink of an eye. But the barbarian's magical powers were also getting stronger, and he could always defeat Emperor Mingxi. blocked the attack.

The Emperor Mingxi became more and more courageous as he fought, and he felt that when he met an opponent in chess, he would meet a good talent. All his potential and wisdom were forced out by Xu Ying.

More importantly, the pressure was just right. After he realized the magic method in the battle, he had enough time to perfect it and display it freely.

It is this kind of freedom that allows him to continuously comprehend better magical powers and use Taoism more subtly.

Elders Yuan Heng, Yuan Bugui, Meng Santong and other elders were also very excited when they saw it, nodding and twirling their beards in admiration.

Only Ming Dao Emperor sighed, feeling relieved but also a little helpless, and thought to himself: Xu Daozu helped Xi'er improve his Taoism and strength this time. I owe him a favor.

This battle was brilliant in the eyes of others, but in the eyes of an immortal being like him, one could see that Xu Ying had betrayed him many times.

The Emperor Mingxi became more and more courageous as he fought. He roared again and again, stimulating his transformation, and his cultivation strength improved astonishingly.

But he was still on a par with Xu Ying.

At this point, Emperor Mingxi finally realized: It's not that he can't beat me, it's that he's guiding me! He's saving me some face!

The two exchanged more than a hundred moves, and finally Xu Ying reluctantly won one move and defeated Mingxi.

All around, the dragon immortals in the Celestial Immortal Realm were quiet, and they didn't know how disappointed they were.

Xu Ying looked serious and praised: Your Highness has divine power through human beings, and his magical power, talents and wisdom are all admirable. I was just lucky enough to win your move. If we compete again, I may not be able to defeat Your Highness.

When Emperor Mingxi heard this, his heart moved slightly, and he heard Man Kongming's cry from outside the venue: Stairs! It's steps!

Emperor Mingxi suddenly woke up, smiled freely, and said: If you lose, you lose. My skills are not as good as others, but Fellow Taoist Xu's Taoism is indeed better! Mingxi, thank you so much, Fellow Daoist Xu, for your teachings. If you achieve anything in the future, I will definitely come back for advice!

Xu Ying laughed: Easy to say, easy to say.

At this moment, there was only a loud roar, and Young Master Hongbo fell from the sky, falling directly between the two of them, and sneered: Barbarians, using the barbarian Taoism of the Earthly Immortal Realm, are worthy of a decisive victory with the Taoism of the other side. Mingxi just Incompetent people, the Taoism on the other side should still be performed by the people on the other side!

Xu Ying suddenly realized: No wonder His Highness Mingxi wants me to win, that's it! He knows that he will lose, so he passed on to me the true biography of Taiyi, telling me to defeat this big man on the other side!

Young Master Hong Bo said in a deep voice: Hong Bo, a disciple of Immortal True King Yin Yuanzi, is here to avenge Junior Brother Qixuan and to rectify the name of Taoism on the other side!

He looked around and said in a loud voice: Today, I want to use my strength to tell you that the true inheritance of Taoism on the other side is on the other side and is not in the hands of your dragon clan! You dragon clan are also an inferior race. If I teach you, you will not be able to learn it. Only Only the young master from the other side can truly master the avenue of the other side!

Xu Ying smiled and said: I remember your aura. Your aura is the same as the aura of the stranger from the other side called Qixuan. Qixuan was killed by me with one punch, but that's all.

Young Master Hong Bo's eyes flashed fiercely: Junior Brother Qi Xuan is not good in his studies, and he deserves to die!

I even cut his scalp. Xu Ying smiled and looked at his head.

Young Master Hong Bo was furious and urged the other side of Taoism, but at this moment, a heaven-shaking aura burst out from Xu Ying's body, which was much more powerful than when he fought with Emperor Mingxi!

Xu Ying's body movement was like a giant god who created the world. He raised his body backwards, and the bright ax light came from between his hands. He swung the ax that opened the sky and struck down with a bang!

The light of the ax was everywhere, the avenue was roaring, and the light was shining. Young Master Hongbo faced the blow, his face suddenly changed, and he hurriedly activated his magical power to block it!


When the light of the ax fell, his magical power was instantly shattered. The bright light cut the earth behind him, and a large crack made a crackling sound, extending for thousands of miles, passing by a pagoda that stretched out the sky. The Shutian Pagoda was unable to absorb the power of this blow. The pagoda cracked and was split in half!

Young Master Hongbo held the ax light between his hands and was crushed by the ax light, causing him to kneel on the ground with a thud. The ax light cut into his skull and slowly stopped.

There was silence all around, and all the dragon immortals stared blankly at this scene.

one move.

Just one move.

The young master from the other side was completely defeated!

————Today is almost 9,000 words again! !

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