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Chapter 685 The Dragon Clan’s Heavenly Way Revives

In order to achieve Xu Ying's Kung Fu, Wu Ji, he needs to be proficient in martial arts first and understand the true meaning of martial arts before he can make a breakthrough in the basics and complete the martial arts cave.

After that, you can practice and integrate other Taoist methods to create other caves.

These techniques are governed by martial arts and assisted by other techniques. They integrate the various techniques to achieve unity, thereby surpassing the purpose of other techniques and techniques.

It is still a bit difficult to directly teach Wu Ji Zhengdao to Princess Mingman.

Wu Ji Zhengdao was after Xu Ying was harvested by the Immortal Emperor Meng Shanming and resurrected from the grave five years after his death. He was soulless and without any cultivation. His whole body was hollowed out, leaving only his skin, like a walking corpse. In this desperate situation, he practiced it personally, understood the ultimate state of martial arts, and found a path to rebirth from the desperate situation.

Ming Man has never experienced such a desperate situation, and it is difficult for him to achieve Wuji enlightenment. However, the ancestral bloodline in her body is really powerful and she was born with Taoism, so there is no need to follow the path she promised to take that year.

Xu Ying simply taught students according to their aptitude and divided Wuji's enlightenment into Taiyi, Taiji, Wuji, Taishang, Taicang, Taiying, Zaoxing, etc., and let Mingman practice each one to see which achievement she had the highest.

Practicing every avenue would slow down her progress in cultivation, but fortunately, she was born with a Taoist body and was born with a shortcut to the Tao. Even if she practiced several avenues at the same time, her progress would not be slow, and there was no need for Xu Ying to put too much thought into it.

The two of them unknowingly reached the end of the dragon skeleton. What caught their eyes was a dragon city destroyed by the catastrophe.

There are more powerful people from the ancient dragon clan here. They have a layer of Dao realm to support a space underground to resist the influence of Cuiyan.

The ash covered the sky and the earth, accumulating more and more, eventually burying the place. And the Tao realms guarded by those powerful dragon clan men also turned into layers of Tao ashes.

Looking up from below, the light of countless immortal mushrooms and grasses hangs on the sky, forming a scene of multiple heavenly realms, which is extremely magnificent.

The medicinal fragrance of Xianzhi Xiancao is so fragrant that the spiritual energy of this place is extremely strong, forming a beautiful scene in the city with compelling spiritual power.

But Xu Ying knew that although the scene in the First Level Heaven Realm was gorgeous and extraordinary, it also meant the loss of Dragon City.

All dragon clans in the city were extinct and turned into ashes.

Dragon tribe is born with shortcuts. Using green rocks to destroy the avenue is really a desperate plan and extremely vicious.

He took Princess Mingman into this lost Dragon City and decided to rest here for a few days to practice the way of creation to a level that could keep pace with other avenues.

Princess Mingman followed him. Just now she was practicing the skills that Xu Ying taught her, but she was unknowingly attracted by the architecture of Dragon City.

In today's Tianxian World, various architectural styles are all the style of the other side, the various patterns carved on them are also the designs of the other side, and the characters are also the writing of the other side. This kind of architecture is rough and full of power and mystery.

Ming Man was accustomed to this, and even found it somewhat aesthetic.

But when she saw the buildings of the Lost Dragon City, they had complex and exquisite dragon patterns, various brick carvings, pavilions and pavilions, corridors and bridges, antiques, and various sculptures in various shapes, vivid and realistic. There was also abstraction, full of artistic beauty, which greatly shocked her soul.

Her intuition told her that these were things that belonged to the Dragon Clan, not the current buildings on the other side.

On both sides of the road, Ming Man saw the skeletons of the dead dragon immortals. They showed no signs of struggle and were very calm, seeming to accept the fate of death.

There is a silent sadness to this scene.

Xu Ying took her to the Yaochi in the city and asked her to practice here. The spiritual energy and spiritual power here were unimaginably rich. It was not a cave, but better than a cave. It would help her understand the various realms of the new way.

Ming Man practiced seriously, and Xu Ying also calmed down, sorting out his experience with Elder Yu Lingcai, and after a while, he continued to practice the Xuan Gong of Creation.

He unknowingly entered into the mystery of creation. After an unknown amount of time, he was suddenly awakened by the sound of water. He followed the sound and saw that the dragon girl was taking a bath in the Yaochi. The sparkling light was dazzling.

Suddenly, the girl noticed that he had woken up, screamed, and hurriedly ran away from the water. Xu Ying only saw white flowers.

Xu Ying laughed loudly: What are you afraid of? I won't jump down and wash it together.

Ming Man was dressed neatly and walked over with a red face.

Xu Ying said earnestly: I am your master. How can I guard against my master when it comes to taking a bath? Is there any trust between master and disciple?

Princess Mingman glared at him angrily.

Xu Ying had been fighting a lot these days, and just now he saw the girl taking a bath. She felt a little hot, so she took off her clothes and went into the Yaochi to wash herself.

When Princess Mingman saw him taking off her clothes in front of her, she was frightened and ran away in a hurry.

The heartless laughter of his barbarian master came from behind again.

Princess Mingman suddenly realized: Wait a minute! Is the body structure of the barbarian master the same as our dragon clan? The teachers of Qianyuan Academy and Bi'an Academy said that they are lower races, but they did not say anything about their structure...

She stopped unexpectedly, leaned behind a rockery, and secretly looked at the Yaochi.

The structure is also ordinary. There is nothing strange about it. The skin is very smooth, but there are some strange hairs. Shouldn't they be scaly?

Princess Mingman was surprised when she compared the structure of men and women she had learned in the academy.

Xu Ying jumped into the water, and the waves gradually started to sway.

The little girl is eighteen years old, bathing in broad daylight and looking white...

Waves of singing came, and Princess Mingman spat, extremely shy: He is indeed a barbarian, just like those rogue dragons!

After saying that, she took another peek.

Suddenly, a mist came from nowhere. After the mist passed, this underground dragon city actually became brighter.

The previous architectural murals and city scenery had all lost their color under the influence of the green rock, but now it was like going back in time and becoming bright again.

Princess Mingman was inexplicably surprised, and then she showed a look of horror: The rumored ghosts of the dragon clan who died in vain underground are really going to appear!

Xu Ying's voice appeared behind her, somewhat solemn: Is the Taoist Heavenly Dao recovering?

Ming Man hurriedly turned around, then remembered that he was probably not wearing any clothes, so she quickly turned back. However, with her peripheral vision, she saw that Xu Ying was fully clothed, and she felt a little disappointed: Master Barbarian's speed is really amazing. quick!

Xu Ying walked up to her, tied up his hair, and wore a small purple gold crown. He had a rather elegant aura, and did not show the characteristics of a rogue dragon at all. He said: This is not the resentful spirit of the dragon clan, but the oppression of the ancient heaven on the other side. Come on, I'm starting to recover! Weird, weird...

Ming Man felt that after cleaning up his little barbarian master, he became more pleasing to the eye, and asked: What's so weird about the revival of the ancient heavenly law?

Xu Ying walked forward following the aura of Heaven's Dao and said: The resurrection of Heaven's Dao in the human world is because after the mass extinction, there are still many human races and monsters living in the darkness, multiplying endlessly, so that the Heaven's Dao in the human world will never be extinguished, and it will continue to iterate and The dark heavenly confrontation formed by the green rock.

It was because of this discovery that he felt that the local Taoism was not necessarily inferior to that of the other side.

Ming Man hurriedly followed him, only to hear the little barbarian master continue: But the Celestial Realm is different. The Celestial Realm has already transformed into the other side, and it is impossible for the ancient Heavenly Way to awaken! There must be an ancient Heavenly Way awakening here. Something must have happened. !”

Ming Man followed him, looking around, her heart pounding and inexplicably excited.

She is an emperor's daughter, so where can she get the chance to go out and practice? I just feel that this is the most exciting thing I have ever encountered in my life.

The two quickly caught up with the fog, and deep dragon roars came from the fog. It was ancient, vast, and sad, but it also contained the desire for life.

Xu Ying's thoughts moved slightly, and the bright vines floated up involuntarily and landed at the entrance of the martial arts cave. The dragon girl sat down with her legs hanging outside the cave and looked around.

Xu Ying walked into the mist, and heard the ancient dragon Taoist language from his mouth, asking: Which Taoist friend is here to revive the ancient way of heaven?

The dragon's roar suddenly stopped, and there was silence all around.

Suddenly, Xu Ying felt creepy, as if there were a pair of eyes staring at him from the depths of the fog.

The owner of these eyes gave him an extremely powerful feeling, staring at him and examining him, full of suspicion, speculation and distrust.

Xu Ying was startled and immediately sensed danger and stepped back.

But at the same time, the space around him suddenly seemed to turn into a gel zone, and time and space gradually became thicker. He was like a mosquito sealed in amber.

Xu Ying couldn't help but raise his cultivation level to the extreme, Wuji attained the Tao movement, and the immortal spirit energy and Tao power in the eight cave abyss flowed like the Milky Way, and he tried his best to fight against the things in the mist!

But the moment his momentum exploded, the surrounding space and time were locked tighter, as if chains were coming, sealing off his limbs, body, body, and spirit!

How can there be such a terrifying thing underground in the Celestial Realm? Is there really an evil spirit?

Xu Ying moved his body with difficulty, but every movement became extremely slow, and an unprecedented sense of danger came over him!

The thing in the mist is approaching!

Xu Ying's throat made a roaring sound. Although he was frozen in time and space, his skills were running crazily. At this moment, the Supreme Realm became clearer than ever before, and the Supreme Enlightenment was very close at hand!

However, it is still so close!

This short distance is the difference in his creation path.

Because he had practiced the Mysterious Art of Creation and perfected the Dao Scenery and Cave Abyss of Creation, he was unable to achieve the Dao of Creation and completely enter the Supreme Realm!

The so-called enlightenment means that the great road imprints the heaven and earth, and the cave and abyss form a complete world of the great road, which is referred to as the Tao Realm!

He promised that other avenues could achieve this step under this extremely terrifying pressure, but he was only held back by the way of creation!

If I hadn't practiced the Tao of Creation, I would definitely be able to realize the Supreme Tao this time and escape from here!

As soon as he thought of this, all the pressure suddenly disappeared like a tide, the frozen time and space returned to normal, and the surrounding fog seemed to lighten a lot.

Xu Ying was stunned, only to realize that those eyes were no longer looking at him.

He looked towards the source of his gaze and saw a tall figure standing in the gradually fading fog. He could vaguely see the outline of a dragon's head and body, showing extraordinary momentum.

He is still looking this way, but his eyes are definitely not looking at me. Could it be...

Xu Ying looked up and saw that Ming Man was almost thrown out by the impact of Dao power and fairy energy rushing out of the martial arts cave. At this moment, her skirt was still swaying.

The dragon girl did not dare to sit by the cave abyss anymore, and hurriedly stood up, summoning the power of her distant ancestor's bloodline, ready to fight against the surging fairy energy at any time.

She was in shock and had no idea what was happening.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly: She didn't feel that terrible pressure!

At this time, the figure with a dragon head in front let out a faint sigh and turned around.

The mist followed him, and the ancient heavenly ways of the immortal world also revived, making everything dead around him come alive.


Xu Ying called in the language of the Dragon Clan, chased after him, and said loudly, Xu Ying, a human being in the Immortal Realm below, wants to ask his senior about the way of heaven here. Please give me some advice!

In front of him, the figure with the dragon's head was not fast, but his speed was very fast, gradually leaving him behind.

Wherever the figure passed, the thick Dao ash was also transforming into the Dao of Heaven and Earth, and the Dao power of Heaven and Earth gradually became richer.

Xu Ying was shocked and confused: Is there really someone who has such a means of changing the world and reviving the ancient way of heaven? No, no! There is something wrong with this!

He stopped suddenly, exited the fog, and looked back.

Sure enough, Dragon City, which was so bright just now, soon lost all color and turned gray.

Not long after, the revived Heaven and Earth Avenue turned into thick ashes, which are still accumulated underground.

Ha ha ha ha!

Xu Ying laughed loudly and said loudly, I thought that the seniors of the Dragon Clan must have profound skills and be able to change the world and reverse the decay. I didn't expect that the seniors still haven't achieved true immortality. They can't change the sky or the earth! You have such a mere ability. It’s better to be a human than me!”

Master Barbarian, stop talking!

Mingman lowered her voice and shouted down, That monster in the fog is here to kill you!

When she said this, she was suddenly stunned: Strange, how can I understand the little master's words? Hey, what the hell! He and I are talking the same thing!

She was a little shocked that she somehow understood the Dragon Clan's Taoist language and said it involuntarily!

This is a language imprinted in the blood, awakened with the awakening of the power of the blood!

Xu Ying turned a deaf ear to the girl's words, looked at the mist rolling back, and said leisurely: This junior also understands the ways of heaven in the immortal world.

He stood up, activated his magic power, mobilized his magical power, and displayed the Immortal Seal.

This seal is a magical power created by him when he was going through the four heavenly tribulations in the human world and realized part of the way of heaven in the immortal world during the celestial tribulation!

At the beginning, he created the three seals of the human world, the earthly immortal and the heavenly immortal, using the heavenly ways of these three realms. Among them, the Earthly Immortal Seal is the most complete. The Human Seal is the most comprehensive because it encompasses the dark ways of heaven and earth, while the Heavenly Immortal Realm has the least understanding. However, it is the most powerful seal among the three seals!

But later, Xu Ying studied the Immortal Mysterious Art and understood the Eight Immortal Techniques, so he ignored these three seals.

At this moment, he was performing this Heavenly Immortal Seal underground, turning the sky upside down with one seal, recreating the Heavenly Way of the Immortal Realm. Although it was incomplete, its power was still extraordinary!

Wherever the power of the Immortal Seal passed by, the underground dragon city suddenly seemed to have gone back in time, thousands of years ago, with all kinds of colors as bright as new. Even the layer of gray sky in the sky was transformed back into the realm of the ancient powerful person under the influence of his Celestial Immortal Seal!

After this move, the fog was blown away a lot by his seal. The figure with a dragon head in the fog was revealed, and was immediately obscured by the incoming fog.

To Xu Ying, all the dragons looked the same, and it was impossible to tell them apart. However, Princess Mingman looked at them carefully and clearly, and suddenly she seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help but be stunned.

After the power of Xu Ying's move passed, the underground space returned to normal, becoming as cold and dry as before.

That's all. The figure in the mist sneered in the dragon language.

Xu Ying laughed and said, Brother Tao, give me some advice.

He even ignored his seniors and directly addressed him as Taoist brother, thinking to himself: Master Qi said that we must hit the snake and follow it to the pole to shorten the distance between us.

When the figure in the mist heard him calling him Dao Brother, murderous intent surged in his chest again. He then glanced at Ming Man, then suppressed it again and said, Okay, I'll teach you!

He also stood up, moved the sky with one seal, and performed the Celestial Immortal Seal in front of Xu Ying. When the palm seal fell, the heavenly light overflowed, forming a complete scene of the Celestial Realm. The power of the seal suddenly increased a hundred times!

His Immortal Seal is more perfect than that of the founder Xu Ying. The scope of the seal's influence is a hundred times larger than that of Xu Ying's seal, and its influence is more lasting!

The figure in the mist stood back up, with the air of a great master who was the only one in the world, and proudly said: Junior, how do you do?

Xu Ying was in awe, smiled openly, and said sincerely: Brother Dao is much better than me in the attainments of heaven. I admire him.

Hearing this, the figure in the mist became murderous again, glanced at Ming Man again, the murderous intention gradually dissipated, turned around and walked forward, saying calmly: Come with me.

Xu Ying quickly followed him and walked into the mist.

Ming Man woke up at this time, slipped down from his martial arts cave, leaned in Xu Ying's ear, sighed angrily, and whispered: Little Master Barbarian, I saw him in my father's study. He was taken by me Dad hung it on the wall...

Xu Ying was surprised. Have you met someone of your own?

He seems to be my grandfather! Princess Mingman said.

————Nine thousand six hundred words completed today! Another barely big chapter! ! !

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