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Chapter 682 Is this all you have?

Promise? Barbarian promise?

Almost all the dragon immortals in Longhua Immortal City were alarmed and flew up one after another to look here.

There are fairy mountains everywhere in Qianyuan Cave Abyss, with birds chirping and flowers fragrant everywhere, just like a holy place. A dragon girl heard the noise outside and hurriedly walked out of the academy. This was the Qianyuan Academy in Longhua City, which taught knowledge from the other side.

At that time, the emperor's son Ming Dao led the golden ship to cross the world, and took Chaoyuan Dao and many other dragon clans to escape from the Three Realms. After going through untold hardships, they finally reached the other side.

They brought the knowledge from the other side and returned to the immortal world that had been reduced to ruins. The first missionary place established here was the Qianyuan Academy.

Today, the Qianyuan Academy is no longer as good as before, not as good as the Bian'an Academy in the Longting Imperial Capital. There are even strong men from the other side who occasionally come to teach the unique skills of the other side in person.

The dragon girl was filled with indignation when she saw each of her fellow apprentices flying outwards. She seemed to be very angry and didn't know what happened, so she also flew out after them.

When she arrived outside Qianyuan Cave, there was a huge buzz of people outside, and the sky filled with excitement. Thousands of dragon immortals formed a big circle and rushed in the same direction.

The dragon girl looked around and saw that what they were rushing towards was a majestic soul that was like an immortal aura.

The form of the soul is somewhat similar to that of a foreigner, but it is different. And at the feet of this soul is a young man who looks a bit like a stranger, but is much shorter and has a much more delicate appearance.

In recent years, many of the younger generation of the dragon tribe regard the beauty of the aliens on the other side as their beauty. When many people transform, they do not transform into dragon-headed bodies, but into alien forms, with similar clothes and even makeup. Stranger. There are many such dragons in Qianyuan Academy.

However, the dragon woman could tell that this delicate-looking young man was by no means a transformed dragon, nor was he a stranger. Instead, he was somewhat similar to the human slaves who ascended from the lower world some time ago.

Is he a barbarian from the Earthly Immortal Realm?

Just when she thought of this, suddenly a dragon immortal was in a hurry, unable to control his body, falling from the sky like raindrops, and fell to the ground!

Some brothers and sisters from Qianyuan Academy also rushed over, intending to kill the guy who called himself Barbarian Xu Ying.

These brothers were stronger in cultivation and could reach farther. However, as soon as they came to Xu Ying's side, they were attacked by the opponent's soul.

These arrogant senior brothers and sisters in the past were all seriously injured by the Yuanshen almost one by one and fell to the ground!

The dragon girl was startled when she saw that the human barbarian was surrounded by disciples from the Qianyuan Academy!

Cang Jue meets Princess Mingman. A voice came.

The dragon girl turned around and saw an old man in green robe walking out of another cave. It was Cang Jue, the elder who guarded Longhua City.

At this time, other elders were also alerted and walked out of the retreat one after another.

Dragon tribe girl Ming Man saw the ceremony and said: Ming Man has met Elder Cang Jue, Elder Qing Qiufeng and Elder Yu Lingcai.

When the three elders walked out of the cave, they saw the astonishing cave hanging behind their heads, with a long Taoist rhyme and an astonishing momentum. There are four elders in Longhua, and Long Dai is one of them. However, Long Dai went to the immortal world and has not returned yet. There are still three elders left here, Yu Lingcai, Qing Qiufeng and Cang Jue.

In terms of Long Dai's strength, in the Earthly Immortal Realm, the only ones who can steadily surpass him are the Ancestral God, the Yuan Ancestor, and the Holy Lord. There is another Taoist Wukong who may be able to defeat him, but Taoist Wukong appears and disappears, and no one knows how far his cultivation has reached.

In Longhua City, there are three elders who are on par with Long Dai, which shows the strength of the Dragon Clan.

Each of the three elders has a supreme-level cave abyss, and their cultivation is extremely powerful. When they saw Princess Mingman receiving the gift, they did not dare to neglect and returned the gift quickly.

Yu Lingcai asked: Princess, how are your studies recently?

Princess Mingman shook her head and said, There is still no progress.

The three elders each frowned.

This Princess Mingman is the youngest daughter of Dragon Emperor Mingdao. She is extremely naughty. Dragon Emperor Mingdao's cultivation is so great that she is in the realm of immortality. She is also a strong person on the other side. But it turns out that this daughter is useless and very stupid. No matter how she teaches her Huanhua or teaches her the Taoism of the other side, she can't learn it.

Previously, Princess Mingman was still studying at the Bian'an Academy in the Longting Imperial Capital, but she was too stupid, and the Bian'an Academy had nothing to do with her.

Ming Dao Dragon Emperor had no choice but to send her to Qianyuan Academy, hoping that she would be exposed to the original secret knowledge of the other side and gain enlightenment.

But it's almost useless.

What's the fuss about? Yu Lingcai, the elder of the tribe, summoned a dragon immortal and asked.

The Dragon Immortal quickly told Xu Ying that he claimed to be a barbarian and came to challenge him, asking the Dragon Clan to teach him the other side's method.

After hearing this, the elder Yu Ling of the clan fell on Xu Ying, slightly surprised, and said: The Earthly Immortal Realm was originally the territory of our dragon clan, but now it is controlled by lower races such as the human race and the demon clan. The human race's ascended ones are weak in body and have low cultivation level. , Taoism is backward, and the human slaves who ascended to the immortal world last time are not very capable. This barbarian Xu Ying actually dares to challenge?

Elder Cang Jue said: He calls himself a barbarian and asks us to civilize him. Then I, Longting, will educate him. Ying Wuye!

A young dragon master walked out of the cave behind his head and said in a deep voice: The disciple is here!

Cang Jue said: Go and let this barbarian know what the sky is and the earth is.

In response to Wuye's response, an invisible aura bloomed, and suddenly the dragon immortals around him seemed to be pushed away by invisible palms, and moved to both sides involuntarily.

Yu Lingcai smiled and said to the other two elders: Ying Wuye has been in the limelight in recent years and has a tendency to become the number one master of our younger generation in Longhua. It is very appropriate for him to come to educate the barbarians this time.

At this time, another breath bloomed, and the crowd was suddenly separated. Another young master came over. The distance between the surrounding dragon immortals and him was getting wider and wider, but when he left, the expanding The space then closes itself again.

This magical power is truly breathtaking.

Ying Wuye, your Five Candle Burning Heaven Skill is indeed extraordinary, but it may not be able to defeat the barbarian Xu Ying.

This man strolled around the court and said with a smile, Back in the arena, the barbarian Xu Ying beat Master Qi Xuan to death. Do you think you can defeat Master Qi Xuan?

Another dragon clan elder, Qing Qiufeng, stroked his beard and said with a smile: My disciple Yuanzhuang may not be inferior to Ying Wuye.

Suddenly, a loud laugh came, and another hero from Longhua City walked towards him with extremely powerful momentum. Wherever he passed, dragon clan immortals were crushed by his momentum and fell from the sky one after another.

The dragon man was ferocious and domineering. He suppressed all those who stood in his way and said: Yuanzhuang, Ying Wuye, you have not yet reached the seventh level of cultivation. This battle requires me, You Longbi, to come personally!

Elder Yu smiled and said: My disciple You Longbi is the number one among the younger generation of Longhua.

Ying Wuye, Yuanzhuang and You Longbi were the three heroes of Longhua City. They were the three most powerful among the younger generation. They were the disciples of their three clan elders and the three most outstanding people in Qianyuan Academy.

Ying Wuye knew that the cultivation levels of Yuanzhuang and You Longbi were not inferior to his own, so he took the lead and walked towards Xu Ying, saying: This person considers himself a barbarian. If a barbarian comes to be educated, if he doesn't show some real skills, , but he was ridiculed by the barbarians! I will teach him first!

He let out a long roar and activated the Five Candle Burning Heaven Technique. The seven levels of Taoism unfolded, and his momentum rose again and again.

In that realm, the five strange fires were like candles from the netherworld, and they also looked like the eyes of something huge. There was darkness behind them, with only the candles burning faintly.

Just as Ying Wuye walked forward, Yuanzhuang and You Longbi also walked out, each activating their exercises. Yuanzhuang practiced the Futu Tianxin Jue, and You Longbi practiced the Creation Xuan Gong.

These two techniques and the Five Candles Burning Heaven Technique are all unique skills brought back from the other side by the golden ship that crossed the world. Each technique points directly to the realm of immortality!

The three of them found that the two people beside them rushed towards Xu Ying with them, and they all hesitated: We are here to educate the barbarians. If we rush over together, wouldn't we be ridiculed by the barbarians?

The three of them stopped in unison, and Ying Wuye laughed and said: Two senior brothers, today we should decide the winner first. Whoever wins will have the opportunity to educate the barbarians!

You Longbi said: That's exactly what I meant!

Yuanzhuang said with a smile: After defeating you two, it will not be too late to educate the barbarians!

The three of them were fighting high, and each pushed their skills to the extreme. The seventh level of Dao Realm was fully activated, and they were about to win. Suddenly, the Yuan Shen behind Xu Ying raised his big hand, and suddenly the sky became bright and covered the three of them!

You are too long-winded!

This palm was astonishingly dull. When pressed down, countless lightning bolts flew around the palm and exploded from the inside out. It was as if the energy hidden in the void was squeezed out by his palm and turned into thunder and released!

Ying Wuye, Yuanzhuang and You Longbi felt that this palm was aimed at them, so they made a prompt decision, summoned all their magic power, and activated their magical powers to meet it.


Xu Ying Yuanshen crushed all the magical powers of the three of them with his big hand, knocked them down from the air, and smashed them to the ground!

When the palm was raised, the ground was hit and settled deeply, leaving only the foreheads of the three people exposed.

Xu Ying was still looking at his eyes, nose and heart, and the Immortal Soul spoke, his voice shaking Longhua City: In the majestic world of immortals, in the majestic Dragon Court, I have learned the secret knowledge from the other side, my bloodline is noble, my Taoism is prosperous, how can I, a barbarian, not be allowed to do anything? Open your eyes. The Taoist methods you used are vulgar and vulgar. They are in no way better than a barbarian like me. I am disappointed.

He slowly opened his eyes, his eyes shining with light, and he said coldly: Who else wants to educate a barbarian like me?

Princess Mingman was startled and quickly said to Elder Cang Jue: Elder, I want to learn this!

Elder Cang Jue said quickly: This boy is using the methods of barbarian cultivation in the Earthly Immortal Realm. They are much weaker than the Tao methods on the other side. Princess, please don't joke.

Palace Master Mingman curled her lips and said: But those things you taught me, I can't defeat others!

When the three elders heard this, they couldn't help but frown. If anyone else had said that, they would have been beaten to death long ago, but this one happened to be the Dragon Emperor's young daughter, and they couldn't touch her.

All around, countless dragon immortals were angry, but no one dared to step forward to challenge Xu Ying. Ying Wuye and the others are already the most outstanding young masters in Longhua City, and there are not many who can beat them.

Come together and beat him to death! someone shouted loudly.

Xu Ying shouted loudly, and the boundless and violent murderous intent of the Zhuxian Sword Intent surged out. The Dragon Immortal vomited blood and fainted from the murderous intent that wiped out everything!

There was silence all around, no one dared to speak anymore.

Xu Ying suddenly glanced towards the sky and landed on the three elders Yu Lingcai, Cang Jue and Qing Qiufeng. He laughed and said: Three elders, I, the barbarian Xu Ying, would like to ask the three elders to give me some advice!

The three elders were shocked and angry, and suddenly the body and spirit of the promise merged into one, soared into the air, and killed Cang Jue. The Wuji Zhengdao was in motion, and the fourth method of the Eight Immortal Methods, Zhu Xian, was unleashed, with the killing intention of destroying the world. The attack was really overbearing!

Cang Jue snorted and activated the Five Candles Burning Heaven Technique. This technique is indeed a profound technique that can directly reach the immortal realm. In his hands, it is completely different from that in Ying Wuye's hands!

Cang Jue's eighth-level Tao realm unfolded. The Tao realm was extremely thick, just like the world transformed by the eight-level Tao. Deep in the world, five faint eyes opened, as if his whole body's cultivation was ignited, and Elder Cang Jue's cultivation level Crazy improvement in strength!

One of the two has martial arts magical power, and the other has the magical power of the other side. At the moment of collision, Xu Ying's martial arts ultimate intention unfolds. Thousands of figures activate the Zhuxian Broken Sword from different angles, attacking Cang Jue faster or slower. go!

Such magical powers astounded Dragon City and made those watching the battle burst into gasps of astonishment!

Xu Ying competed with Elder Long Dai and gained a lot. His ability at this time was even better than when he fought with Long Dai.

Now he doesn't need to be in Huanhua, but he almost has the strength of Huanhua!

The sword intent of Zhu Xian seemed to plunge the entire Longhua Immortal City into mass extinction. It seemed that the great path everyone practiced would collapse under the light of that sword!

Previously, the Dragon Immortal who was ten miles away could still float in the air. At this moment, everyone was suddenly in chaos. One by one, they lost control of their Taoism and fell from the sky.

Behind Cang Jue, Princess Mingman saw this and trembled with excitement, cheering in her heart: I want to learn this, I want to learn from the barbarians!

Tsk tsk tsk!

Cang Jue was hit by dozens of swords in a row, causing blood to fly. He had not perfected the ultimate intention of the Tao. Naturally, facing the offensive of the ultimate intention of the martial arts, he was far inferior in terms of moves and magical powers. Moreover, the immortal-killing magical power at this time was more perfect than when Xu Ying Longdai fought. Facing such magical power, he could not resist it!

At this moment, in Cang Jue's dojo, behind the five candles, a huge idea surged out, fighting against Zhu Xian's sword intent without losing.

Xu Ying was shocked. He had never encountered a will that could compete with Zhu Xian's sword intention. Zhu Xian's sword intention was too strong and threatened to destroy the universe and return to prehistoric times. Not even the ancestral gods, not even the holy ones, have such a terrifying will to destroy!

Under this will, the great avenues of heaven and earth will collapse!

However, the ancient god's will that came from Cang Jue's Tao realm was terrifyingly powerful, making him wonder whether Cang Jue could develop such a terrifying will?

If it was not forged by Cang Jue, where did this will come from?

With this impact of will, Zhu Xian's magical power suddenly collapsed. Xu Ying immediately changed his moves and switched to the fifth method, Ten Thousand Ways. The avenues all around him roared, attacking from all directions. Whether it was Cang Jue, Yu Lingcai or Qing Qiufeng, they were all under his attack!

The three elders of Longhua City were shocked and angry. They each took action to meet his magical power. As soon as the four of them collided, Xu Ying suddenly felt more pressure. The feeling of impacting the Supreme and seeing the Supreme entrance came to him again. Come!

Xu Ying was so excited that he resisted the siege of the three dragon elders. He used his magical powers such as Pi Di, Zhu Tian, ​​Long Wu, Zhu Xian, Ten Thousand Dao, Years, and Reincarnation in turn to fight against the three dragon elders!

If he were an elder, he could still defeat him, but when the three elders took action, even if his Eight Immortal Techniques were the most exquisite moves he had ever created in his life, he could not resist them.

The three elders' attacks were extremely fierce, and they landed on Xu Ying's body, causing Xu Ying's whole body to shine with golden light. Xu Ying suddenly felt that his flawless golden body, which had not moved for a long time, was improving crazily again!

He tried to attack the supreme entrance, but he still fell short.

Xu Ying was furious: Three elders of the Dragon Clan, are you capable of this?

As soon as these words came out, the three elders were furious and said in unison: Huan Hua!


The three elders soared into the sky with arrogance, and each of them transformed into the form of an ancient god. Xu Ying received three of their attacks in succession, and his internal organs were almost shattered. His flawless golden body instantly reached its limit, and more and more alien avenues accumulated in his body. , beyond the limit of what he can suppress!

Although he was extremely close to the Supreme Realm, he saw death coming faster than the Supreme Realm!

Xu Ying couldn't help but activated his magical power of reincarnation, forced Elder Yu to retreat, and rushed outwards with a roar.

The three elders raised their hands together, and their magical powers exploded, hitting him in the back.

Xu Ying pushed Wu Ji Zhengdao to the extreme, and took over the magical powers of three people at the same time. An earth-shaking loud noise was heard. His figure moved away at an astonishing speed, and loud laughter came from far away: The three great masters of the Dragon Clan Elders, the big one bullies the small ones, that's all! If the three of us join forces, there's still nothing we can do against a barbarian like me!

The three elders' faces were ashen and they chased after him quickly, but they lost sight of Xu Ying.

Qing Qiufeng said coldly: If you find this person, you must not let him go! Otherwise, the three of us will lose face!

The three elders joined forces and couldn't even take down a low-level human race from the lower realm. Moreover, that human race claimed to be a barbarian and came to learn the dragon race's secret skills from the other side. If this kind of thing spreads, it will definitely disgrace the three of them and become the world of immortals. laughing stock!

The three of them acted separately and each found traces of Xu Ying. Not long after, their eyes lit up and they all found the traces left by Xu Ying and pursued them in different directions.

Not long after they left, Xu Ying appeared, staggering a little, and said in a low voice: This time, I'm a little overconfident. I shouldn't face the three elders directly. If there are two, maybe I can stably enter the Supreme Realm. . Now the injury is so severe, I’m afraid it will take a few days to recover...

He transformed the three pure beings with one qi, separated the three heaven and earth souls, and led the three elders away. However, he hid his aura here and waited until the three elders left before appearing.


Suddenly a clear voice came from behind him, I worship you...

Xu Ying turned around without thinking and reached out to grab it. He saw a dragon girl imprisoned by his magic power. She flew involuntarily and danced. The next moment, he pinched her neck and was about to die.

Such a weak cultivation level? Xu Ying was surprised and let go slightly.

The dragon girl's neck tilted and she fainted.

————Big chapter. There will definitely be another chapter tonight! !

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