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Chapter 679 The Ninth Realm of the Ancient Times

The Holy Lord and his party headed towards the Ancestral Court of Tiandao. When they were about to arrive at the Ancestral Court of Tiandao, they saw a tall and thin figure standing outside the Ancestral Courtyard in the distance, carrying a long sword on his back.

There was a green light above the man's head, and in the blue light there was a hole rotating, and the light of the hole was as bright as a river of stars.

Lu Daozun.

Everyone was surprised.

Jun Wudao snorted and muttered: I wonder if by killing this boy, his Taoist scenery can be transplanted into my body? In this way, I can be both a wonderful realm and a supreme being!

Everyone was horrified and hurriedly stayed away from him.

When the Holy Lord walked up to him, Lu Daozun greeted him and said: Thank you Holy Lord for giving me six hundred thousand years of purity. However, all the twelve wonderful people who are alive have already arrived. If the breathing one among the six does not come, wouldn't it mean that he has been outcompeted by others? ?”

The Holy Lord returned the gift and said: Six hundred thousand years ago, you and I had a gambling fight. You lost one move and you will never be able to take another step beyond the Wangxiang Tower for the rest of your life.

Lu Daozun was full of immortality and smiled slightly: We made an agreement back then, when I can take your move, when I will walk out of Wangxiangtai. So today, I walked out.

The Holy Lord said: Do you think you are capable of taking my move today?

Lu Daozun let out a long roar, and the long sword flew out from the sword box. The sword light filled the sky like a star river, and he roared towards the Holy Lord!

The Holy Lord sneered: It's not as good as Yao Luo...

Before he could finish speaking, Lu Daozun stepped on his feet, and the space rotated. In an instant, the Holy Lord seemed to be in Wangxiang Terrace. The sword light that came like a galaxy actually conveyed the fateful charm of time travel like Wangxiang Terrace, traveling through time. Come, let the Holy Lord have nowhere to hide!

The Holy Lord snorted, and thousands of rays of light flew around, shaking the sword's light.

He noticed that there was sword intent coming from behind him, and he suddenly looked back. He didn't see the sword light, but what he saw was his childhood and his hometown.


Lu Daozun's fairy sword came and stabbed him in the heart.

The Holy Lord looked down and saw that his two fingers were clamping the sword, causing the sword to not penetrate.

What is this move called? he asked in a low voice.

Lu Daozun said: Looking back at Wangxiang Terrace.

The Holy Lord nodded slightly, walked forward, and said, You passed the test.

Lu Daozun followed him and smiled: Thank you, Holy Lord, for your help.

The Holy Lord did not speak. This time he did not attack Lu Daozun, but just took one of Lu Daozun's moves. If he takes action, no matter how sophisticated Lu Daozun's Taoism is, he may still not be able to withstand his attack.

——He is already stronger than before he cultivated himself. The new supreme realm is half or one realm higher than the previous supreme realm. Lu Daozun did not cut off his own cultivation and rebuild a new way. Instead of narrowing the gap with him, it actually widened.

Everyone entered the Tiandao Ancestral Court and looked up, only to see that a building ship had begun to take shape. Yu Xuanji and a pretty girl were flying around the building ship, using various tempering techniques to temper the building ship.

The skills of the two were astonishing, dazzling Shengzun and others.

Kuyang Daojun said: If Yu Ji has a better brain, he can slightly evolve the casting method and use it as a magical power for attack. Who in the world can withstand his punch?

As soon as he said this, the others waved their hands. Dan Xuanzi smiled brightly and said: Don't say it, don't say it. If you say it, he has figured out the fighting method, who will refine the magic weapon for us?

Daojun Kuyang woke up and immediately stopped talking about it.

When everyone walked up to them, they suddenly saw a man, a lunatic with a leprosy head. He shouted at everyone he saw: Hey, I'm defeated!

The Holy Lord looked livid and said coldly: Yao Luo has gone crazy, let him live the rest of his life in peace! Who brought him here?

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the good-for-nothing Qingxuan walking out from behind the boat and said with a smile: It's just that he's crazy, it's not that he can't be saved.

When the Holy Master saw him, his momentum froze.

The others were filled with murderous intent and each took a step forward.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan said with a smile: I, this good-for-nothing, and this madman, can't we get on the ship?

The Holy Lord exhaled a breath and said in a deep voice: After we leave, you will become the Immortal Emperor. This is what we owe you.

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan said with a smile: Immortal Emperor? Who cares? Only fools like you treat him like a treasure and kill him until your eyes are red.

The Fire Bell Fairy took a step forward and shouted: Of course, if you don't want to attack us, we can kill you first? Bird Jin Gongzang, you must want to close the hole in our hands and kill us!

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan sneered: Back then, I should have included you in the harem first, then made Qiongtai the emperor, and then married Yuanying! Disintegrate you bastards, and then kill you one by one!

Taoist Master Yuanying spat at him happily and said with a smile: Death is not serious.

When the others saw this, they were horrified: Fortunately, Qingxuan cut off his distracting thoughts, otherwise I'm afraid he would really succeed!

Everyone was filled with murderous intent, and everyone had evil eyes.

At this moment, two new generation supremes, Ji Jue and Wei Xu, stepped forward. Ji Jue put his hands together and said: Brothers, the young monk has also attained the supreme status. This time...

Get out. Jun Wudao's face darkened.

Ji Jue was stunned.

Lord Kuyang said: Get out!

The others all said, Get out! Get out!

Wei Xu said: I am also the Supreme, why should I get out? Most of you have not attained the Supreme, and you are not as good as me...

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan's face darkened: You dare to call me I in front of us? Get out!

The Holy Lord also snorted coldly and said: Although some of them have not yet attained the Supreme Being, as long as they are in danger in battle, they will definitely be able to break through. You are the juniors who have just become the Supreme Being, and you are not yet qualified to do so.

Ji Jue and Wei Xu were angry, their eyes widened, and they wished they could save these old guys, but some of them couldn't beat them, so they had to retreat angrily.

They also know that this is the accomplishment of the waste Qingxuan, Shengzun and others. They have just reached the Supreme Realm and have a bright future. They are not worthy of dying in the Immortal Realm.

At this time, Liu Guanyi, the Lord of the Ten Wastes, rushed over with a coffin, and walked up to the Waste Qingxuan with an arrogant expression.

Taoist Master Boshan sneered: Heavenly Lord is still a waste, get out!

Liu Guanyi glanced at him and said coldly: If I don't go, no one like you disloyal and unjust bastards will survive! You are just a bunch of trash!

Everyone was furious and wanted to fight with him.

The Holy Lord raised his hand to stop them and said in a deep voice: Liu Guanyi, how many coffins do you have left?

He had seen how powerful Liu Guanyi was. When he was in his prime, Liu Guanyi forced his way into Da Luotian, and he slapped him. Although he did not use all his strength, a master like Liu Guanyi would definitely die very simply.

But Liu Guanyi used a strange method to make a coffin. There is a Liu Guanyi in the coffin. The closer to the back, the more powerful it becomes. Liu Guanyi actually relied on this hand to receive his palm, which surprised him greatly.

Six mouths. Liu Guan said.

The Holy Lord nodded slightly and said, You can go.

He looked at these people and suddenly smiled and said: The six deities and twelve mysteries are no worse than those corrupt people like Empress Ziwei and Taoist Taiqing!

Everyone couldn't help but laugh and nodded: That's right, that's right! Are those rotten people who have been overthrown by us worthy of being compared with us?

Suddenly, a voice came: I want to go to this battle too.

As soon as these words came out, everyone frowned and looked at the source of the sound. They saw a tall young man walking towards him, it was Xu Ying.

Everyone frowned even more tightly, and Patriarch Boshan shouted: Get out!

Xu Ying glanced at him, and Patriarch Boshan quickly shrank his neck. Thinking of the battle between Xu Ying and the Immortal Emperor, he couldn't help but shudder.

Dongshi Danxuanzi and others planned to join in, but when Xu Ying glanced at them, they all remained silent and did not dare to say anything.

Waste Qingxuan said: Xu Daozu, you should stay in this battle. This battle is for us, the founders of the new Immortal Court, and has nothing to do with you.

When he came forward, Xu Ying had to give him some respect so that he wouldn't be glanced at with a cold gaze.

The Holy Lord said: You are the ancestor of the new way, and you will have more prospects if you stay. After you become the supreme master, you will definitely surpass us and shine.

Xu Ying smiled and said: I don't want to fight the enemy with you, I want to go to the immortal world.

Everyone's bodies were shaken, and Patriarch Boshan shouted: Let it go, let it go, let it go...

Xu Ying glanced over, and Patriarch Boshan swallowed the word fart on his lips again without saying it.

The Holy Lord sneered: Go to the Immortal Realm? Can you do that? You are not the Supreme One yet!

The good-for-nothing Qingxuan said calmly: You're still a little bit hot.

Xu Ying smiled and said, I can't do it, but you old guys can?

Everyone was furious, and if they hadn't thought of him as the ancestor of the new way, they would have swarmed up and taught him a lesson.

Xu Ying said: Taoist Wukong can survive in the world of immortals, so can I. He cultivates a golden body without leakage, and I also cultivate a golden body without leakage. The beatings I receive are no less than him.

Before the Holy Lord could speak, Xu Ying said coldly: I am not here to ask for your consent, but to inform you that I have a place on this ship.

The Holy Lord was so angry that his palms trembled. The only person in the world who was qualified to say this was Xu Ying. All those who practice the new Tao must worship the ancestor before they can be called Tao ancestors.

A few days later, the building ship had turned emerald green and had the ability to enter the gel zone.

Everyone boarded the building boat one after another, and Xu Ying was also waiting to board the boat, waving goodbye to the people who came to see him off.

Yuan Weiyang was also in the crowd, looking at Xu Ying quietly, then suddenly ran over like flying, hugged Xu Ying's face and kissed her, then ran away.

She asked me to try the newly bought rouge gouache. Xu Ying explained to the people on the same boat.

Everyone sneered.

The building boat paused for a moment, then slowly set sail, flying towards the sky, rising higher and higher.

At the Tianhai Ferry, golden ships from the Three Realms were loaded with people from the Earthly Immortal Realm. Along with them were many Qigong Masters and Immortals. There were also tens of thousands of mortals living in their respective caves and abyss, and they began to move toward the Human Realm. migration.

This immigration to the human world has been going on for some time, sending nearly 10% of the population of the immortal world to reclaim wasteland and open up new homes. In the human world, there is still vast land waiting to be developed.

These immigrants from the immortal world will go on a three-month journey. They will travel on the long river of spiritual light and will arrive in the human world after three months.

In the human world, there are disciples from the Shiquan Dao Sect who will help them and settle them down.

One by one, the golden boats went farther and farther, and suddenly the Lingguang River became turbulent and became extremely unstable, as if there was something huge wandering at the bottom of the river. The boats almost tipped over several times!

At this moment, the Lingguang River gradually rose from the sky and the sea, getting higher and higher, and huge ships floated on the long river.

The ferry suddenly exploded, and bursts of explosions were heard from the bottom. The craftsmen on the ferry fled in all directions, shouting: The sky and the sea are going to overturn!


The huge dock gradually rose, palaces, warehouses and other buildings tilted one after another. The unfinished golden ships slid out of the dock one after another, making a creaking sound and falling to the sea.

The sea in front also became rough, and suddenly two huge dragon horns looked like mountain peaks, breaking through the sea water and rising slowly from the bottom of the sea.

The even larger dragon head also slowly emerged from the sea, and the surrounding waves surged. The head of the ancient dragon buried in the deepest part of Tianhai Ferry finally reappeared in the world at this moment!

The exciting dragon roar came, shaking the three realms!

The long river of spiritual light connecting the human world began to tremble, and some golden boats that had almost reached the human world were shaken so that they floated away from the river.

The people on the boat screamed again and again, and saw that the human world, which was so close just now, suddenly became extremely far away.

My distant ancestor, my body has not been used for a long time. Today is the day to wake up!

The aura of the river appeared in its true form. It was an extremely huge dragon. It slowly woke up and moved its body. Although there was not much movement, it threw up the golden boats that were going to cross the river one after another!

The people on the golden boat that was thrown into the starry sky suddenly felt that the golden boat became stable. They all looked around and saw that they had landed on the back of a silver dragon at some point. The dragon carried them and quickly headed towards the world. The world flies away.

The journey that originally took three months only took half a day.

The dragon dropped them in the human world, then rose into the sky and disappeared into the depths of the starry sky.

Everyone on the boat looked far away and saw that the long river of spiritual light connecting the human world and the immortal world disappeared, replaced by the boundless starry sky.

They couldn't even tell where the Earthly Immortal Realm was.

We can't go back. An immortal said blankly.

We can't go back. Communication between the human world and the immortal world has been cut off.

An older immortal said, We are the last batch of people to come to the human world. Let us stay, settle down, establish a sect, and teach disciples. In the future, our disciples will transcend tribulations and ascend and return to the immortal world on our behalf. .”

These immortals and Qi refiners led the mortals towards the depths of the human world.

On the emerald green building boat, Jun Wudao looked fierce and stared at Xu Ying fiercely. Xu Ying didn't take it seriously. He stood on the bow of the boat and watched the stars gradually go away, and the huge giant hanging between the two worlds. The dragon bones are getting closer and closer.

At this time, a bright and dazzling light suddenly came from behind. Everyone on the boat turned around and saw an extremely spectacular scene.

A giant dragon composed of immortal spiritual light came out of the sky, blocking their vision.

The giant dragon flew over, and looking in the direction, it was their little building ship!

The giant dragon probed its claws. The extremely thick dragon claws were countless times bigger than the boat!

But fortunately, the dragon's claw fell and gradually turned into an extremely thick thigh, but this thigh was still many times larger than the boat.

The giant dragon worked hard to shrink its size, compressing its thick legs to the extreme, and finally dropped one foot and stepped on the deck of the building ship. The deck creaked.

The giant dragon retracted its other leg and continued to shrink, its body also continued to shrink, and finally turned into a strange man with a dragon head and human body, with muscles all over his body and a powerful appearance.

According to legends from the ancient times, the ancestor of the Dragon Clan in the ninth level of Dao stood on a building and boat, so powerful that it made Jun Wudao timid, the Holy Lord terrified, and the waste Qingxuan worshiped him.

————The third update, yesterday’s chapter has been completed!

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