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Chapter 677 Return of Emperor Haotian

The heroic spirit of Emperor Haotian?

Behind Elder Long Dai, Xu Ying came to kill him, and was about to stab Long Dai again. Hearing this, he was not only shocked.

Emperor Haotian, didn't he abdicate the throne to Emperor Taihao and then die without any illness? he exclaimed in shock.

According to history, at the end of Emperor Haotian's reign, Emperor Taihao summoned Taihao Dongyuan and achieved extraordinary achievements. Emperor Haotian felt ashamed and felt that his virtue was meager and inferior to Emperor Taihao, so he abdicated the throne three times.

Emperor Taihao shied away the first two times, but he couldn't shirk the third time, so he had to reluctantly accept the throne.

After that, Emperor Haotian lived in his old age, and a generation of immortal emperors died without any illness, so that the whereabouts of his Taiyi Cave Abyss were also unknown.

This is official history.

Of course, there are also rumors in the countryside that Emperor Taihao seized power, forced the palace three times, forced Emperor Haotian to give up his throne, and finally succeeded in severely injuring Emperor Haotian the third time. After Emperor Haotian was injured, Emperor Taihao asked him to hand over Taiyi Dongyuan to prevent him from making a comeback. Emperor Haotian hid Taiyi Dongyuan and was killed by the furious Emperor Taihao.

This is just unofficial history.

However, many people believe it, even Empress Ziwei is convinced.

Because that's what he does.

Xu Ying once believed in the second version, but there were also some doubtful aspects, such as the whereabouts of Taiyi Dongyuan.

When Qingxuan attained enlightenment, Taiyi Cave Abyss should have been summoned from the other side by his enlightenment of Taiyi. After Qingxuan's death, Taiyi Dongyuan also returned to the other side, and was later recalled by Xu Ying.

Therefore, Xu Ying guessed that after the death of Emperor Haotian, Taiyi Dongyuan automatically flew back to the other side.

However, I didn't expect to hear the news that Emperor Haotian's heroic spirit has returned to his homeland.

The chained alien was pulled to the golden coffin, and he laughed and said: Hao Tianzhen is really dead? He died well and deservedly died! We were ordered to pursue him to see if the old thief was really dead. , if he dies, even his body will be destroyed! To avenge my millions of people...


A chain penetrated the stranger's head and strangled him.


Xu Ying became excited when he saw it. He pierced Elder Long Dai's heart with a sword and murmured, Didn't Emperor Haotian die in the hands of Emperor Taihao? He is on the other side and has an unknown past? Otherwise, why should he be different? Man wants to prevent his heroic spirit from returning to his homeland?”

Elder Long Dai vomited blood and struck out with a palm of his hand. Xu Ying dodged and said loudly: I promise you, the new Taoist ancestor of the Earthly Immortal Realm, is here to welcome the heroic spirit of Emperor Hao Hao back to his homeland!

When Elder Long Dai heard this, he felt awe-struck: This guy is a master at forming gangs!

He activated the Tianbao Taoist Wheel, and while fighting again in front of the Immortal Palace, he said loudly: Long Dai of the Immortal Realm below, I promise that this beast will not become a king from the other side, and murder the master of the other side, and I also ask the Taoist brothers from the other side to help me. !”

When he saw the chains that trapped the stranger just now, he knew that the other party had returned from the other side, and it must be a strong man from the other side who had fled here. According to the words of the stranger who died just now, Emperor Haotian had a very high status on the other side. When he fled, he was constantly pursued by soldiers, so he also had the idea of ​​forming a gang.

Suddenly, several more chains flew out and locked onto Long Dai.

Long Dai jumped into the air, avoiding the chains, and was shocked and angry: What went wrong?

After all, he had only been in the Earth Immortal Realm for a short time, and he didn’t know much about the history of the Earth Immortal Realm. Although he could tell that these people came from the other side, he didn’t know that Emperor Haotian was the first generation of human Immortal Emperors, so he formed cliques. fail.

Xu Ying took the opportunity to urge Wu Ji to achieve enlightenment, and with a single point of his finger, a long river of time rushed past and penetrated Long Dai's body.

Long Dai suddenly became older and scolded: Xu Ying, if you have the ability, fight alone!

He encouraged his cultivation and practiced the eight immortal methods that were promised to him to remove the Tao damage caused by it, and only then did he stop aging. Although it had stopped, the injuries were still there, and the aging of the physical body and soul was more serious than before.

But what alarmed him most was the aging of the avenue he practiced.

This kind of aging is almost irreversible for existences at the eighth level of the Tao Realm!

The magical power of time is no small matter!

The chains were flying up and down, extremely sharp, and never left his body, making him extremely passive.

While Xu Ying was killing him, he secretly praised Long Dai for his awesomeness. Elder Long Dai is the strongest opponent he has ever encountered. Even if all the caves and abyss come out, they cannot take him down. Even with the help of those chains at this moment, he couldn't be killed in a moment.

But Long Dai was now injured more and more, and it was difficult to escape even if he wanted to.

Finally, the eight powerful figures carried the golden coffin and walked out of the amber time. When their figures left the amber time, the time immediately became dimmed, and the passage was annihilated.

A vast and vast aura leaked from the golden coffin, shaking the Taiyi Cave Abyss, and the Taiyi Avenue also emerged, making the Cave Abyss glow with glow and the avenue scream sadly, as if sensing the death of the old friend.

With just a breath, Xu Ying and Long Dai felt as if they were under heavy pressure, and their hearts were awe-inspiring.

Xu Ying's eyes fell on the eight people and he was startled: They are human race, not aliens!

Those eight people were much taller than ordinary people. Walking in amber time, they looked like strangers on the other side from a distance. Their cultivation is so powerful that they all give people the impression that they are all at the pinnacle of excellence!

They are wonderful realms, not supreme beings!

Xu Ying immediately noticed their cultivation realms, Wonderful Realm and Supreme. One was the old way and the other was the new way. Wonderful Realm mainly cultivated Tao, Trees, Flowers and Fruits, and Supreme mainly cultivated Tao Scenery. It was easy to judge.

It's just that these eight people have wounds visible to the naked eye everywhere. Swords, axes, whips, palm prints, and various injuries have invaded their bodies and souls!

The golden coffin was also filled with all kinds of amazingly powerful magic weapons from the other side, exuding a monstrous aura that made it difficult for people to approach.

It is hard to imagine how many interceptions these eight people encountered while carrying the coffin of Emperor Haotian. There must be corpses everywhere along the way.

Those who died in the hands of the useless Qingxuan should be the few pursuers who came here before them. They planned to ambush them in the Taiyi Cave Abyss, but they were ambushed by the useless Qingxuan.

Xu Ying looked strange. That good-for-nothing Qingxuan was a glutton, so he beat the pursuers to death one by one and ate them as demons.

If he knew that what he ate was not a demon from a foreign land, but a stranger from the other side... he would probably eat it too, Xu Ying thought to himself.

Suddenly, two of them soared into the air and began to cultivate. In an instant, the Tao trees flew into the air, and the Tao fruits hung on the branches. The Tao trees and flowers and Tao fruits all became unusually tall and strong. Attack!

Taiyi Avenue!

Xu Ying was extremely shocked. What these two people used was the Huan version of Taiyi Dao, which was different from the Taiyi Dao he practiced. What was even more strange was that the Taoist trees, flowers, and fruit cultivated by Taiyi Dao showed the same kind of flowers in front of Xu Ying. Different ways of cultivating the Great Dao!

However, the injuries of these two people were too serious. The Dao trees were incomplete, the Dao flowers were withered, and the Dao fruits were broken. They should be the Dao injuries they suffered while guarding the body of Emperor Haotian along the way and fighting with the pursuers!

Even if they transform, they are no longer in their peak state!

If it were one person, Elder Long Dai could still handle it, but when the two of them attacked together, within three moves, Long Dai vomited blood, and within ten moves, the old dragon clan man was knocked down.

He jumped to leave, but suddenly chains flew out from under the golden coffin, piercing his body and pulling him back. The two men, one on the left and one on the right, killed Elder Long Dai with extremely agile attacks!

The two of them turned around and looked at Xu Ying.

Hongmeng Ziqi is indeed recognized by the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and has the luck of the Taoist ancestors.

One of them returned to the golden coffin, and the other said politely, Mi Lun, a disciple of Emperor Haotian, please see Xu Daozu. This is the name your Majesty gave me. The so-called latitude and longitude district Yu, Milun Yi Xian.

Seeing that he was following the etiquette of a junior, Xu Ying hurriedly returned the courtesy and said with a smile: There is no need to be too polite. Several fellow Taoists, there was a generation of masters here before me who have been guarding this land on the other side, named Qingxuan, so as not to Invaded by gods and demons from the other side. By chance, I took over as the master of Taiyi Cave Abyss.

The Miaojing strongman named Milun said: This Qingxuan should have summoned Taiyi Cave Abyss after the death of my Majesty. This Taiyi Cave Abyss was originally a trap. Xu Daozu, please forgive us for being rude. , let’s bury His Majesty first.”

Milun carried the coffin of Emperor Haotian, and the eight of them flew out of the cave abyss with auspicious clouds.

Xu Ying grabbed the chain and chased after him. He saw that the eight people were getting faster and faster, flying out of the Taiyi Cave Abyss and heading towards the Earthly Immortal Realm.

Xu Ying followed him all the way, and saw the eight people traveling around the mountains and rivers with the emperor's coffin, as if they were letting the people in the coffin see the homeland they once guarded.

Finally, they came to the ancestral court and entered the Ziwei ancestral court.

Nan Ziyan was shocked when he saw the eight people and the golden coffin. He also saw Xu Ying coming, so he hurriedly came to them and said politely: Xu Daozu, what's going on?

Xu Ying told the truth: Emperor Haotian passed away, and his eight disciples escorted the emperor's coffin back from the other side and returned to his hometown for burial.

Nan Ziyan lost his voice and said: Emperor Haotian? Hasn't he died long ago? There is still his imperial mausoleum in Qianshan Mountain!

Xu Ying asked: The empress came here some time ago to awaken the heroic spirits of the immortal emperors of the past dynasties and asked them to go to the immortal world to help in the battle. Is there Emperor Haotian among them?

Nan Ziyan shook his head. At that time, only the bodies of the four great emperors Taihao, Shaohao, Haoying, and Haohong were awakened, but not Emperor Haotian.

But why did you come back from the other side? Nan Ziyan was still a little unbelievable.

Xu Ying also knew nothing about this.

The eight strong men carried the golden coffin of Emperor Haotian and walked into the mausoleum that had been built. Suddenly, the mausoleum was filled with thousands of rays of light, lingering in the sky for a long time.

This breath is sacred and ethereal, coexisting with the Tao, and the Tao is the same as the body.

This aura... Nan Ziyan's expression changed drastically.

Xu Ying's face was equally solemn and he said softly: Immortal realm.

The aura leaking from the imperial mausoleum is far inferior to that of the Holy Lord. It is definitely the aura blooming from the existence of the immortal realm.

Emperor Haotian should have entered the realm of immortality before his death!

How can a person in the immortal realm die? Nan Ziyan murmured.

Xu Ying shook his head and walked towards the Emperor Haotian's Mausoleum in Qianshan. Nan Ziyan followed him and the two of them arrived outside the Emperor's Mausoleum. Milun and others were preparing to seal the Emperor's Mausoleum and seal the eight of them in the Emperor's Mausoleum.

Milun stretched out his hand to stop the two of them, and said: Xu Daozu, the eight of us have been fighting all the way. Our life has been cut off. We have only relied on one obsession to reach this point. Now we have run out of fuel. Guarding His Majesty's mausoleum is also a destination. .You two, please come back.”

Xu Ying also saw that something was wrong with the situation of the eight of them, and said: We are just going to pay homage to His Majesty. Also, just now, fellow Taoist said that Taiyi Cave Abyss is a trap, what does it mean?

Milun hesitated for a moment, then led the two of them into the emperor's mausoleum, saying: Back then, His Majesty had already left the Immortal Realm of Earth and went to the void to find the other side. Emperor Taihao wanted to be the emperor, so he abdicated to him and led eight of our disciples. From here Go to the other side.”

Xu Ying was stunned. Is there really a true abdication in history?

Nan Ziyan was also shocked. This was different from what Empress Ziwei told him. Empress Ziwei's mouth was full of all kinds of conspiracies and killings every time the dynasty changed.

Milun continued: Your Majesty has doubts about Cuiyan. The Taoism recorded on it is too profound, far beyond what it is today, but it is also unclear, which makes him suspicious. He once met a strange person, and that person Only with the guidance of a stranger can we achieve success. According to that stranger, there is another shore in this world, and the Taiyi Cave Abyss comes from the other shore.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly, Lu Yiren from the human world!

Lu Yiren once said that when he was meditating in front of the green rock in the Earthly Immortal Realm, there was a young man named Hao who was also there.

Milun said: The stranger told him that the other side is a pure land without disputes, which is extremely beautiful. However, when your majesty was practicing, he realized that the method from the other side of the pure land might have big loopholes.

They came to the palace of the emperor's mausoleum, where Mi Yi, another disciple of Emperor Haotian, was guarding him. Various injuries broke out on his body and he was covered in blood.

Mi Yi himself was petrifying, sealing himself, his voice rumbled and vibrated, and he said: Your Majesty once told us that the summoned cave abyss is filled with the Taiyi Avenue. Where does the Taiyi Avenue in the cave abyss come from? The cave abyss contains the Taiyi Avenue. Where does the spirit energy come from? Where does the cave lead to? These mysteries are unsolvable, and he is always uneasy, feeling that Taiyi's enlightenment is a hidden danger...

At this point, his body turned into a stone statue and remained motionless.

Mi Xian on the other side was also petrifying himself and said: If you want to find out the truth, you need to go to the other side. So he told Emperor Taihao that before he gets the truth, everyone must be prohibited from practicing Taiyi Enlightenment.

Xu Ying was shocked. Emperor Taihao forbade the spread of Taiyi's enlightenment, and he was infamous for this. He didn't expect this to be the reason.

Taiyi enlightenment was pioneered by Emperor Haotian. The method of deciphering green rock carvings has benefited countless people. He himself actually said that Taiyi's enlightenment was a hidden danger. How ambitious was this?

However, where Dongyuan's fairy spirit comes from is indeed a question.

At that time, people only knew that through enlightenment of Taiyi, they could summon the cave abyss. The cave abyss was filled with the spirit of immortals and the great road, but where this energy came from, few people explored it.

Emperor Haotian was the first to discover this problem and took action.

Mi Yi and Mi Xian have turned into stone statues, motionless.

They still have their last breath left. If a foreign enemy invades, they will wake up and fight the invaders.

Milun led them into the emperor's mausoleum and came to the coffin of Emperor Haotian. He said: At that time, the human race gained the throne and masters emerged in large numbers, and the demon race was unable to fight back. So His Majesty abandoned the throne and led us for tens of thousands of years. Only then did I travel through time to the other shore. When I got there, I discovered that the other shore is indeed a peaceful and pure land. There are masters everywhere, and their Dao structure is more advanced, far beyond the Dao pattern.

Miyu's voice came. He was like a stone sculpture standing on the side in front of the emperor's coffin: But all these are appearances. Your Majesty led us to study on the other side. After we achieved some achievements, we discovered the pure land hidden on the other side. Countless bones lay beneath.”

All the green rocks they spread are traps.

All civilizations that obtain Green Rock will be harvested!

Behind every summoned cave abyss is a powerful immortal, waiting to be harvested!

So His Majesty decided to interrupt all passages to the Three Realms! Taishang Dongyuan is the first one!

The immortal he was facing was extremely powerful, but His Majesty still left him with an incurable Taoist wound! This Taoist wound should still be hanging on the Taishang Cave Abyss!

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