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Chapter 675 Huanhua

The Holy Lord still failed to get what he wanted, and the two returned to the ancestral court of Tiandao.

Xu Ying asked about the next plan of the Holy Lord, and the Holy Lord said: Now there are six twelve masters, and there are still Lu Daozun, Qiongtai, Yaoluo, Jun Wudao, Kuyang, Boshan, Danxuanzi, Yuanying, Dong Shi, Luo Xiao, Huo Ling, and Luo Shengren. Qiongtai has gone to the Celestial Realm. I need to find the remaining people, integrate their strength, and prepare to intercept the Celestial Realm.

He had some hidden worries in his heart, because most of these people had given up their previous cultivation and practiced new ways.

Practicing a new way cannot be achieved overnight. Even if many of them were in the Great Luo Wonderland before, they may not be able to break through the profound barrier of life and death and realize the Supreme Way.

The Great Luo Wonderful Realm and the Supreme Realm are two completely different realms.

If they fail to cultivate to the Supreme Level, their strength will inevitably be much lower than before.

Xu Ying thought: In that case, I won't keep you. You go find them first and teach them how to practice. Taoist Yuji is studying Cuiyan, trying to figure out the principle of Cuiyan passing through the gel zone. If it succeeds, we can build a ship that can pass through the gel zone. Then, we won’t have to wait for the Ancestral God and others to die in battle to send the Cuiyan Tower ship.”

The Holy Lord nodded slightly and said, What if Taoist Yuji can't study it? So what?

Xu Ying said calmly: The sacred object of my Shiquan Dao Sect, the green rock of the human world, can also pass through the gel zone. You don't care about your life, so why should I care about this treasure?

The Holy Lord looked at him. After a moment, he felt unwilling and said, You really don't need me to help you break through?

Xu Ying shook his head.

The Holy Lord sighed, called Lou Mingyu, and said: Your new way is not yet complete, and you need to continue to comprehend and practice. You also need to practice the immortal magic on the green rock.

Lou Mingyu said yes.

The Holy Lord waved his hand, turned and left. As for the injuries that Xu Ying left on him, he also had considerable knowledge of Cuiyan Avenue, so it was no problem to heal them himself.

Now that he has returned to the Supreme Realm, in the world, only the ancestor gods and distant ancestors are worthy of being his opponents. Even the Zhuxian Broken Sword is not his opponent if no one controls it.

When he goes, he must integrate the six former twelve gods and turn them into a powerful force to support the ancestor gods!

Xu Ying watched him go away, then turned around to see Taoist Yuji.

Taoist Yuji was trying to remove a piece of green rock, but the green rock was extremely hard. Even if he used any magic weapon, he could not damage the green rock at all.

This object can break through the world of immortals. It's not that easy to knock off a piece. Xu Ying reminded.

Taoist Yuji used fire again, and then quenched it with cold water, hoping that thermal expansion and cold contraction would cause the Cuiyan to break on its own. It's just that even if this green rock is burned by the Chaos Immortal Fire, it will be cold to the touch and completely useless.

Taoist Yuji thought hard and was helpless with the piece of green rock. He said: If we can take down a piece of green rock and go to the gel zone to test it, maybe we can find out whether the green rock can pass through the gel or whether the Taoist method on the other side can. Go through the gel.”

When Xu Ying saw this, his heart moved slightly and he said, Taoist, please wait for me for a moment. Maybe I can find a way!

He immediately flew away, and not long after, Xu Ying returned in a hurry. Taoist Yuji was about to ask him what he could do, when suddenly a murderous aura came to him, a broken sword fell from the sky, and struck the green rock with a clang, and fire suddenly spread everywhere. .

The people surrounding Cuiyan were hit by the majestic air waves and fell in all directions, in shock and uncertainty.

The remnant sword was the Immortal Killing Sword. In one blow, it failed to hurt Cuiyan. He couldn't help but be furious. Then the sword energy became even sharper and stabbed towards Cuiyan!

However, the green rock remained motionless.

Taoist Yuji took a breath: This thing is too hard! Weird, who carved the words on the green rock? Those who can leave the words are probably already in the immortal state. ?”

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly. In addition to the text on the other side, the words on the green rock also had the Taoist patterns left by Xuhuang Daojun. Could it be said that Lord Xu Huangdao has also entered the immortal realm?

His heart moved slightly, and he adjusted the seven caves and abyss, and said in a deep voice: Master Jian, I'm coming!

The Zhuxian Broken Sword quickly shrank, blended with his aura, and the human sword became one. Xu Ying sacrificed the sword with all his strength, and overwhelming mana poured into the Zhuxian Broken Sword, and slashed down at the corner of Cuiyan with one sword!

The sword light was like a sword, and with a sneer, it cut off the corner of the green rock!

The green rock fell to the ground and made a small pit in the ground!

The Zhu Xian Broken Sword was extremely joyful, flying around Xu Ying.

Xu Ying was not happy, and thought to himself: I'm afraid there is still a big gap between me and Lord Dao. Lord Dao should have written the Immortal Mysterious Skill on the green rock with his fingers, but I have used the Zhuxian Sword to write down the immortal skills. profit.

Taoist Yuji tried to pick up the green rock, but failed to lift the green rock.

He let out a sigh and used all his magic power, but the fist-sized green rock didn't move at all.

He is an existence that can compete with the masters of Wonderland. How amazing is this power? It’s no longer a matter of holding the stars in your hands and playing with the sun and moon.

But this fist-sized green rock seems to be extremely heavy, weighing far more than the sun, moon and stars!

Xu Ying stepped forward, gently stretched out his hand, grabbed the piece of Cuiyan, and said with a smile: If you don't understand the Cuiyan Avenue, it will be difficult to grab the Cuiyan.

Taoist Yuji looked at Cuiyan carefully and said: Weird, I have never seen such a strange weapon refining material...

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly: Is this a weapon refining material?

Taoist Yuji nodded and said: Cuiyan should be a material for refining magic weapons, but there should be no such material in the three realms of heaven, earth and man. Most likely this thing can only be found on the other side. Come with me, let's go to the condensation Glue zone!”

Xu Ying took the green rock with him and boarded Yuan Weiyang's golden ship to transcend the world. Zhuxian Canjian was extremely curious and followed him.

Yuan Weiyang urged the golden ship to sail towards the gel zone outside the Celestial Realm.

Not long after, they came to the gel zone and looked up, only to see the dragon's bones frozen there like bugs in amber. In addition, there are extremely powerful dragon immortals who are also fixed in time and space. Some of them can only move one step in ten days and a half.

It's just that this speed is too slow, and it may take hundreds of millions of years to get out of the gel zone.

Yuji Taoist said: Use the Cuiyan Taoist method to sacrifice this thing.

Xu Ying followed his words and raised the piece of green rock. The green rock flew out into the gel zone and slowly submerged into it.

Taoist Yuji took out a few more immortal artifacts inscribed with Cuiyan Taoism, sacrificed the artifacts, and did not enter the gel zone.

Under Xu Ying's control, the green rock slowly flew into the gel zone, as if it was entering something extremely viscous.

However, the immortal weapons sacrificed by Taoist Yuji were all fixed on the surface of the gel zone.

The Zhuxian Broken Sword was quite curious and flew towards the gel zone. The next moment, it was solidified on the surface of the gel zone.

Xu Ying hurriedly took back the piece of green rock, holding the green rock with his palm, cautiously approached the Zhuxian Sword, grabbed the incomplete sword body, and finally rescued the sword.

Zhu Xian Can Jian was still frightened and did not dare to try again.

It is indeed the function of Cuiyan. This gel material can solidify time and space, but Cuiyan can travel through the solidified time and space! The materials used to refine the supreme magic weapon are not even worthy of carrying its shoes!

Taoist Yuji was inexplicably excited and said, Using this kind of green rock to refine treasures, even if you just add a little bit to the magic weapon, it can surpass the supreme magic weapon!

Yuan Weiyang said: But, how can you grind the green rock into powder and add it to the magic weapon?

Taoist Yuji turned his head and looked at Xu Ying and Zhu Xian Broken Sword.

Xu Ying was startled: You mean to cut the green rock into pieces with one sword and cut it into powder?

Taoist Yuji nodded, a little stunned, and said: I know this is very difficult, but this is the only way.

Xu Ying looked at the Zhu Xian Broken Sword and said, I don't have a problem, it's just a loss of mana. But Master Jian...

The Broken Sword of Zhuxian flew next to Taoist Yuji, and each person came to a distance with one sword. Taoist Yuji sometimes nodded and sometimes shook his head.

Just listen to the voice: No, no, it's impossible... That won't work either. It goes against my heavenly ethics. I'm not Zhu Chanchan... I didn't cripple you, I'm just going to kill you. The fragments were melted and forged into the Great Luo Futian Sword... Well, this won't happen again!

One person and one sword negotiated the terms, and then turned back. Taoist Yuji looked sad and sighed. Apparently he was coerced by Zhu Xian Broken Sword and agreed to some of its conditions against his will.

The Golden Ship was about to return to the Ancestral Court of Heaven when Xu Ying suddenly saw only a ray of emerald green light in the gel zone. He couldn't help but feel awe in his heart and said: The green rock in the Heavenly Immortal Realm has returned to the Heavenly Immortal Realm!

When Yuan Weiyang heard this, he immediately understood what he meant, and lost his voice: They are going back to bring in reinforcements!

The two people looked solemn. The strong dragon on the green rock was still unable to catch up with the green rock building ship where the ancestors and others were, so they returned to the world of immortals.

When they come back again, I'm afraid they won't bring the same people now, but something even more powerful!

There might even be an immortal realm master!

The Ancestor God is in danger!

Xu Ying took a long breath and said in a deep voice, Weiyang, let's return to the ancestral court first!

Yuan Weiyang immediately controlled the golden ship that crossed the world and sailed towards the Ancestral Court of Heavenly Dao. Xu Ying was on the golden ship and activated the Zhuxian Broken Sword. The human sword merged into one and slashed down on the green rock, splitting the green rock into two!

He activated the remaining sword and kept slashing it down, but after dozens of slashes in a row, his cultivation was exhausted. Even the seven abyss could not sustain such a terrifying consumption, so he had to stop.

It takes a lot of mana to activate this broken sword, but the broken sword's own power alone cannot split the green rock, so I can only promise to activate the broken sword myself.

When he recovered his cultivation, he raised the broken sword again and continued to chop it down.

Gradually, this piece of green rock was cut into smaller and smaller pieces, but as the number of cuts increased, there were more and more small pieces of green rock. Xu Ying needs to use more swords to cut the green rock into smaller pieces.

Fortunately, he could sacrifice the small green rock fragments, line them up in a row, and cut them in half with a sword.

He activated the broken sword and kept cutting it. After a month, he finally cut the piece of green rock until it could no longer be cut, and then he stopped.

Over the past month, he kept swinging his sword, hitting gravel as small as dust. Later, he even hit green rocks that were one-thousandth of the size of dust. Xu Ying felt that his swordsmanship had improved a lot. Understand the subtle principles of kendo.

Yuan Weiyang stood in front of him, aware that his sword intent was pervasive, and couldn't help but be happy for him.

Taoist Yuji got the Cuiyan powder and immediately took action to refine the treasure that could pass through the gel zone. The Zhuxian Broken Sword also followed sneakily.

Xu Ying raised his head and looked to the sky, and saw another emerald green light emerging from the gel zone, much faster than before, chasing the Cuiyan Tower Ship.

They are forcing the ancestor gods to fight...what is that?

His pupils shrank, and he saw a rising ray of light slowly rising from the Earthly Immortal Realm, flying towards the Celestial Immortal Realm.

Why would someone ascend to the Immortal Realm? Could it be that the Ancestral God sealed...

Xu Ying's expression suddenly changed and he shouted loudly: Weiyang! Boat! Boat!

He flew up and headed straight for the rising glow!

Yuan Weiyang reacted, immediately raised the golden key, rose into the sky, and chased after him.


The golden ship that crossed the world came roaring from behind, caught Yuan Weiyang, and immediately caught up with Xu Ying. This huge creature was as light as a feather and headed straight for the rising rays of light!

The speed of the World-Transcending Golden Ship is getting faster and faster, but the speed of the ascending glow is not slow either. Seeing that the ascending glow is about to fly into the gel zone, Xu Ying summons his magic power and punches out from a distance!

The rising ray of light suddenly exploded silently. The immortal in the ray of light rolled and rolled, and hit the surface of the gel zone with a snap. After struggling twice, it was fixed there motionless.

Xu Ying was furious, reached out and grabbed the immortal out of the gel zone, and shouted: Who let you fly to the immortal world?

The immortal was inexplicably aggrieved and said: I had just passed through the catastrophe, and then the rays of light fell and carried me up...

Xu Ying left him behind, with a gloomy expression on his face, and said, It's impossible for the seal of the ancestral god to loosen so quickly. Someone must be sabotaging it secretly. Could it be Long Dai? He's not dead yet?

He felt uneasy in his heart and said quickly: Weiyang, you go back to the Ancestral Court of Heavenly Dao first and protect Taoist Yuji! Nothing will happen to him. If we don't get rid of Long Dai, it will be a big problem! I'll stay and meet him for a while!

Yuan Weiyang was about to return to the ancestral court when he suddenly turned pale. He looked towards the direction of the ancestral court and saw streaks of rising rays of light flying from all over the earthly immortal world towards the heavenly immortal world.

Aying... She turned her head, feeling a little helpless.

Xu Ying said in a deep voice: Don't worry, I'm here. You don't know yet, back then, I spent a few days emptying buckets for the Ancestral God, and at night I went to the Ancestral God's room to become the new Ancestral God. In terms of attainments in heaven, apart from the Ancestral God, No one can compare to me!

With a roar, his own Heavenly Dao Dojo burst out, covering an increasingly wider area, looking for damage to the seal of the ancestor god.

When Yuan Weiyang saw this, he breathed a sigh of relief and immediately activated the Golden Ship to cross the world. He rushed all the way, smashed the rising rays of light, and then flew towards the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Court.

Xu Ying cheered up, found any damage, repaired it properly, and then sat cross-legged under the gel zone, motionless, practicing silently.

A few days later, Xu Ying opened his eyes and said leisurely: Long Dai, long time no see.

An old man with the body of a dragon came from afar and said with a smile: Xu Ying, you have committed a big mistake in the world of immortals and hindered my grand plan. I have to come in person and send you on your way.

Xu Ying stood up and said with a smile: Long Dai, I studied the Mysterious Art of Immortality on the Other Side, understood the eight methods of immortality, and beat the Holy Lord to death with only five moves. I just wish I didn't meet my opponent. I don't know if you can sustain it. The eighth method?”

Huan Hua!

Elder Long Dai gave a loud shout and completely transformed. He instantly transformed into the form of an ancient god. The great road behind him was like a wheel. With a pause under his feet, the eighth level of Taoism flew out.

Huan Hua!

Xu Ying activated the Cuiyan Avenue, and he also appeared in the form of an ancient god, and his body grew exponentially!

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