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Chapter 612 Who dares to touch my crops? (Please ask for monthly tickets at the end of the month!)

The person whose body seemed to be wrapped in a thin film was extremely fast and had already passed through many Dao phenomena in the Daming Palace and entered the Dao Seed!

The Daming Palace is the testing ground of the Holy Lord. There are endless Taoist phenomena in it, all of which are imagined by the Holy Lord. Each Taoist phenomenon is a great magical power of the Qi Refiner.

Although the power is not comparable to the magical power of immortality, the power of the evolution of the Holy Lord is naturally extraordinary.

However, the person who broke into this place did not trigger any Taoist phenomena at all, so he rushed directly. Lou Mingyu was awestruck: Even if this person is not Ming Zun, his cultivation strength is not much worse than Ming Zun!

He made a prompt decision and activated the countless Tao seeds!

The Holy Lord's Great Luotian seems to have no defensive measures, but the most powerful defense is the Holy Lord's research. Those Tao seeds, Tao trees, flowers, fruits, and Tao scenery are all derived from the Holy Lord's hard work and enlightenment. It’s done, it’s extremely powerful!

Countless Tao species exploded with power at this moment, like countless rays, connected in series with each other, forming an extremely dense net!

The thin-film man had a weird figure. He could still shuttle back and forth in the net. He rushed inside quickly. Even when he encountered a place that he couldn't pass through, he used his short and exquisite magical powers to break through the light of the Tao and easily slipped into the Tao. tree forest.

Lou Mingyu was shocked and hurriedly mobilized his magic power to activate the Daoshu Forest.

There are countless Taoist trees in the forest. Each Taoist tree contains different avenues and naturally has different Taoist power. However, at this moment, all the Taoist trees converge into one body, heading straight towards the thin-film man with overwhelming force.

The Tao tree is bred from the great road and has its own magic power. Lou Mingyu only needs to mobilize the power of the Tao tree itself. However, it is not easy to mobilize the power of these Tao trees, and one needs to be proficient in the corresponding Tao.

He is the descendant of the Holy Lord, who was not stingy in teaching him Taoism and magical powers. Lou Mingyu is also very studious and smart, and he has learned all the Taoism and magic in the Daming Palace.

He mobilized the Dao trees this time, and the power of tens of thousands of Dao trees was activated. The power was truly earth-shattering!

The thin-film man jumped back, turned over in mid-air, put his head on his feet, pushed forward with both palms, and collided with the confluence of thousands of paths in the Daoshu Forest!


The forces of the two sides collided, and a Tao tree suddenly appeared behind the thin-film figure. The Tao fruit flew up from the Tao tree, opened with a buzzing sound, and evolved into a great Luotian, made of pure Tao, and extremely solid.

Luo Tian's light shined so brightly that it actually withstood the surging power of thousands of Taoist trees.

The thin-film man flashed like a ghost, rushed into the Dao tree forest, and rushed forward at a high speed. His whole body seemed to have countless arms, and he used short and quick magical powers to attack thousands of Dao trees along the way. All the Daowei are blocked!

Wherever the film man passes, Taoist trees are either broken or uprooted, invincible, and the next moment they burst into the boundless ocean of Taoist flowers!

He is an existence from Daluo Wonderland! He is not Mingzun, and he is not here to seek his promise, but to kill the Holy Lord Daluotian for revenge!

Lou Mingyu was shocked, and without thinking, he immediately mobilized countless flowers to intercept this person.

The power of the Daohua Ocean is more than ten times that of the Dao Tree Forest.

But the thin-film man's attainments in small magical powers were so high that Lou Mingyu had never seen them before. His small magical powers were short and fast. He could activate them with just raising his hand, moving according to his will. They kept erupting like fireworks, and they actually exploded in the vast ocean of Dao flowers. Before the power explodes, cut into the ocean and create a path!

Lou Mingyu saw that flowers kept rising along the way. Flowers of various colors were flying and falling, colorful and indescribably beautiful.

Which uncle invaded the Daming Palace?

Lou Mingyu suddenly stopped urging Daohua Wangyang and said loudly, Please leave your name.

Without saying a word, the thin-film man walked straight through the vast ocean of flowers. Countless fruits hung high in front of him, exuding heart-stopping fluctuations.

Lou Mingyu suddenly withdrew his strength just now and did not continue to use Daohua Wangyang to block this person, just to mobilize the Dao power of thousands of Dao fruits here.

The power exuded by the Dao Fruit is ten times that of the vast ocean of Dao Flowers!

Rao Shi Na Miao Ren was the leader of the rebel army in the uprising that year. He participated in the battles to annihilate the major ancestral courts such as Demon Ancestor, Ancestral God, Shangqing, and Yuxu. He also participated in the decisive battle to siege Ziwei Immortal Court. Now he faced the Daming Palace. The Dao Fruit is overwhelming, and I can't help but feel a little palpitated.

Holy Lord Yuan Yu has produced a lot of good things in recent years!

The thin-film man suddenly moved and rushed towards Daoguo Wangyang. The next moment, thousands of Daoguo powers exploded, blocking him, forcing him to fight head-on with the Daoguo power!

The thin-film man repeated his old tricks, once again activating the Dao Tree Dao Fruit and Daluotian, and faced off against thousands of Dao Fruits!

However, this time the power of Dao Fruit Wangyang was too great. The Dao Fruits were like a great golden immortal. The Dao Power struck him, shaking the Da Luo Tian, ​​causing the Dao Tree to sway and retreat continuously!

The thin film man is also amazing, he can actually use some magical powers under such pressure.

His little magical power is so wonderful that he can block the impact of thousands of Dao fruits one by one, which is dazzling. Lou Mingyu has never seen anyone who can refine small magical powers to such a level, not even the Holy Lord!

He staggered back without showing any sign of defeat, and finally took the blow and steadied himself.

The Holy Lord is worthy of being a Holy Lord.

The thin-film man finally spoke, his voice was low and he couldn't distinguish the sound lines, and praised, He met the ancestor god in the human world, and when he was not here, he was able to block me with only the arrangements he left behind and one disciple. That year The big brother of the rebel army is indeed worthy of his reputation!

At this time, another thin-film man walked through the forest of Tao trees and the ocean of Tao flowers, came to his side, and said leisurely: The Holy Lord's cultivation strength was always above Qing Xuanzi's back then, until Qing Xuanzi created the method to prove the Supreme Tao. Only then did he climb ahead of him. But even so, the gap in cultivation did not widen too far. The Holy Lord also attained the position of honor shortly after Qing Xuanzi attained enlightenment.

This film person's face also seems to be covered with a film. Although the facial features can be clearly seen, the specific appearance cannot be seen clearly.

Lou Mingyu's face suddenly changed. One thin-film man had already made him feel strenuous, and another one came, making him feel even more stressed!

I wonder if the vast ocean of Dao Fruit left by the teacher can be blocked?

Just when he thought of this, he heard another voice coming, approaching here quickly: After defeating other supreme beings and the Great Luo Wonderland, he monopolized the four great caves and abyss, and gathered the world's treasure troves. He has been able to achieve his current level of cultivation in these years. Normal. If I have such huge resources, I may not be inferior to him.

The person who came was also a membrane man, taller than the other two, and his face was covered by Da Luotian's space membrane, making it impossible to distinguish his true face.

Lou Mingyu's heart suddenly sank.

Among these three people, I don't know if there is Ming Zun.

He was desperate. Could he really be able to stop so many strong men by himself?

However, aren't the six immortals and twelve mystics who are already dead and incarcerated on death row? Why did three more people appear all of a sudden?

He looked back and saw that Xu Ying was still silently practicing and knew nothing about the outside world.

This time, it was me, Da Luotian, who got him involved and dragged Junior Brother Xu into the grudge with the Holy Lord. These people came here to exterminate our Holy Lord, Da Luotian, and take revenge! Junior Brother Xu came here to avoid Ming Lord. , but got implicated.”

The three masters looked at each other, obviously they didn't know each other, no one recognized each other, so the distance was not too close.

None of the three of them looked their true colors at the moment, in order to hide their identities.

After all, the battle between the Holy Lord and the Ancestral God has not yet determined life and death. If the Holy Lord is not dead, their identities will be exposed and they will be the ones who die.

Suddenly, the three masters moved together and rushed towards the vast ocean of Daoguo.

Lou Mingyu shouted angrily, mobilized all the Dao Fruit he could mobilize, and attacked the three people. At the same time, his body floated backward.

The Dao Fruit formed a torrent of Dao power. In the Daming Palace, thousands of Dao roared, and the power that exploded was shocking. It was a power that made these three thin-film people afraid!

But these three people rushed forward to face this force. If they couldn't fight against the power in the Daming Palace, how could they deal with the Holy Lord?

The three of them used their magical powers one after another to confront the Dao Fruit Dao Scenery. In an instant, the first thin-film man used his Dao Tree Dao Fruit, and even had a wonderful treasure, which was a four-legged cauldron. The inside and outside of the cauldron were densely packed with carvings. It depicts the sun, the moon, all the phenomena, the runes of the great road, and there is purple air in the cauldron, which is extremely heavy.

The first thin-film man sacrificed the cauldron, but saw the purple energy hanging upside down, protecting his whole body, and the aura of the Eternal Emperor appeared.

This cauldron was apparently made from the cultivation of Empress Zhan Ziwei.

The most precious Ziweidang Demonic Cauldron! And such little magical powers!

The second thin-film man suddenly laughed loudly, Isn't this Taoist Master Luofu? Isn't this Brother Gu Dao?

The first thin-film man felt awe-inspiring. He was indeed Luofu Taoist Gu Bu Nian. He thought to himself: This person recognized me and took advantage of me. Most likely he will complain to the Holy Lord before he is dead.

Luofu Taoist Master immediately looked towards the second thin-film man, and saw this man taking action, and ten Taoist visions appeared behind him, with various phenomena.

This is a supreme being. Although he still wants to conceal his true identity, the Daming Palace is too powerful, forcing him to use his full strength.

But he saw that the ten avenues behind him suddenly stood up and spliced ​​together to form a huge disc-shaped object, slowly rotating, with various avenue textures flowing endlessly on it.

The Tao power bursting out from the thousands of Tao fruits and Tao scenery impacted this person, and was directly distorted by the disk-shaped object behind him, changing the structure of the Tao, changing the structure of magical powers, turning into flowers and auspicious clouds, flowing past behind him. .

The magical power to transform enemies, endless creation!

Gu Bu Nian, the master of Luofu Taoism, laughed loudly, Supreme Creation Yin Yuan, your magical power of creation is truly well-deserved! I heard that you died that year, and even the Supreme Magical Treasure Returning to the Dao Jade Plate was taken away. Why did you pretend to be dead again today?

The two were old acquaintances, and when they saw each other's abilities, they recognized each other.

The Supreme Creation snorted coldly. Although it was disgraceful for him to cheat a corpse, Gu Bu Nian was also quite unbearable back then.

I heard that Lao Gu, you were captured by the Holy Lord and suppressed in the abyss of the sky. When did you come out? the Supreme Creation said with a smile.

At this time, the third thin-film man had no choice but to use all his means. The six avenues of scenery emerged behind him, but they were the Sea of ​​Chaos, the Black and Yellow Er Qi, the Glazed Clear Sky and other strange phenomena, which were also recognized by the two of them.

It turns out to be Ming Zun!

Taoist Master Luofu and Supreme Creation looked at each other and smiled. Taoist Master Luofu said, You and I share the same hatred. We should eradicate the lair of the Holy Master and take revenge!

The third thin film man is the Immortal Emperor Supreme. He is not here for revenge, but to pick the fruit of Xu Ying. He is not the same as the two of them.

However, Lou Mingyu quickly retreated with Xu Ying, but Xu Ying remained motionless, which made him secretly worried: Did that boy Lou Mingyu reap the fruits I sow?

The three of them each recognized each other, and became much less defensive about each other. They were able to attack with all their strength against the Daoguo and Daojing of the Daming Palace.

The three of them worked together to fight through Daoguo Wangyang and came to the opposite side. Before the three of them could stand firm, they suddenly saw an endless Dao realm opposite them, and they couldn't help but feel horrified: Fell into a trap!

The three people hurriedly shouted, using all their magical powers as much as possible to defend left and right, shouting: Back to back!

The backs of Luofu Taoist Master, Creation Supreme and Immortal Emperor Supreme were immediately close to each other, forming a triangle. On both sides of them, thousands of Dao fruits and Dao scenes erupted into a world-destroying throb, and the boundless Dao light invaded, drowning the three of them!


The Daming Palace shook violently, and all kinds of rays of light rushed out from the palace and shot out in all directions, ridding the Great Luotian with holes and even piercing other Great Luotians, causing a line of light to appear in the sky over the immortal world with a length of tens of millions of miles. Yunxia!

Taoist Master Luofu, the Immortal Emperor Supreme and the Creation Supreme were severely hit backwards. They all vomited blood and their breaths became weak. But the three of them joined forces to attack, and they were able to withstand the power of the Daoguo Daojing on both sides and push them back!

On the other side, Lou Mingyu and Xu Ying were standing in the crying corridor. Suddenly, he vomited blood, his breath weakened, and he fell to the ground with a thud.

The three supreme beings and Miaojing combined their forces to strike him, and he was seriously injured.

Lou Mingyu's eyes, ears, mouth and nose were covered with blood. He struggled to get up, and while rushing forward with Xu Ying, he released the contaminated slaves who had been sealed off on both sides of the Dao Weeping Corridor.

He staggered forward and ran away, thinking: It's okay if I die, but I must send Junior Brother Xu out! Since I want to be a boy holding a sword... Bah! Since I want to be the protector of the new Taoist ancestor, then No matter what, we must ensure his safety!

Behind them, the Immortal Emperor, Creation and Luofu Taoist Master coughed up blood and couldn't help but feel horrified.

The Holy Lord was not at home, and his true body had not yet arrived. Only the disciples of the Holy Lord, using the arrangements in the Daming Palace, seriously injured three of their peerless masters!

I’m afraid no one will believe this if I tell you something like this!

The Holy Lord's teachings can be admired by high mountains! The same thought came to their minds at the same time.

It was not Lou Mingyu who injured them, but the Holy Lord. Lou Mingyu just used the things left by the Holy Lord to injure them. Lou Mingyu's strength was still two realms behind them.

They calmed down their injuries and continued to rush forward. Taoist cries broke out, and the slaves imprisoned here rushed towards them. The Immortal Emperor, Creation and Luofu Taoist Master killed them all, and they were invincible.

Originally, these slaves were not that unbearable, but these three people were really powerful and were the top figures in the world. It was naturally very easy to kill these slaves.

Finally, Lou Mingyu appeared in front with Xu Ying's running figure. The Immortal Emperor's eyes flickered and fell on Xu Ying. Previously, he could not see clearly across the vast ocean of Daoguo, but now he can see clearly.

I saw the auras of twelve great ways floating around Xu Ying. In addition to the six ways he was familiar with and the four ways he had never perfected, there were two more ways.

One is an avenue structure formed by branch-like textures, and the other is like the heavenly way of the earthly immortal world, but it is more complicated than the heavenly way of the earthly immortal world, and seems to include other principles.

Cuiyan Avenue, the Three Realms of Heaven!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor was surprised and delighted that Xu Ying had actually made something that his master, Qing Xuan, had never made!

This was something he had never expected since planting!

Strange, why did his cultivation level drop so much all of a sudden? Did Lou Mingyu harvest my crops?

The Supreme Immortal Emperor was angry, but then he saw that Xu Ying's state was not like being harvested, but rather like he was practicing from scratch. However, the state of his cultivation was very strange, and he couldn't see the clues.

Kill these two brats first, then the Daming Palace will belong to us!

Taoist Master Luofu and Supreme Creation rushed forward, preparing to kill Lou Mingyu and Xu Ying.

Without thinking, the Supreme Immortal Emperor placed his palm on the back of Taoist Master Luofu, and pushed forward with force. The ribs of Taoist Master Luofu's back heart were cracked, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

The corners of the Immortal Emperor's lips twitched and he thought to himself: No one can touch my crops!

————It’s the last two days at the end of the month. Please vote for me. This month only has the 28th~~~

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