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Chapter 602 The Way of Heaven on Earth, Recovery

Between the human world and the celestial world, the cesspit of the universe.

This place is called a cesspit, which is quite polite. In fact, this place is thousands of times worse than a cesspit.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor, Supreme Creation and Taoist Yu Ji drove a small wooden boat, which could only accommodate three people, and struggled to cross the cesspit of the universe.

This place is filled with broken time and space, and the fragments of time and space form turbulence, roaring and sweeping, sucking the small wooden boat they are in into, dragging them into the boundless darkness.

The three of them are all rare masters in the world. Even Yu Ji Dao, who is the weakest in cultivation, has fought with Jiugong Taoist in the dark world and both sides have suffered losses.

Although he no longer has the geographical advantage, his cultivation strength is still extraordinary.

But even the three of them can only protect themselves in the turbulence of time and space, and it is difficult to break out of the turbulence for a while.

After being in the same boat for so long, the three of them discovered that the history of the cesspit was older than they had guessed, and could even be traced back to the Dragon Court era, or even older times!

Because the cesspit is filled with all kinds of things thrown away in these ancient times, such as good friends, or the bones of good friends, or the magic weapons of good friends, or lovers, lovers, fathers and mothers, and so on.

In addition, there is the emperor's head, as well as various severed Tao injuries, various negative emotions, a silenced world, out-of-control Taoism, and so on.

This place is too evil. Just the atmosphere that fills it makes the three supreme beings feel like they are being polluted at any time.

The pollution of the immortal world in the Earthly Immortal Realm is really nothing compared to the pollution here.

Watch out!

Taoist Yuji suddenly issued a warning, tried his best to control the wooden boat, and tried his best to dodge to one side.

The small wooden boat was traveling backwards against the turbulence of time and space. A huge vortex appeared in the turbulence ahead. The boat was as fine as dust in front of this vortex and would be swallowed into the whirlpool at any time.

The Immortal Emperor Supreme and the Creation Heavenly Lord each took action to stabilize the boat, resist the swallowing of the whirlpool, and rush outward.

Suddenly, more than a dozen colorful tentacles flew out of the whirlpool. They were unknown monsters. They had flesh and blood and magic weapons. They were glued together. They were weird and disgusting. They even had human faces or bodies in some places, and they were fiercely attacking the boat. Smash it hard!

This is a strange creature formed by mixing strong men, distracting thoughts, Taoist injuries and other substances thrown into the cesspool under the influence of chaotic time and space!

The three of them controlled the small wooden boat to avoid it quickly, but were forced closer and closer to the whirlpool by the tentacles.

You take control of the ship, and I'll fight it! the Immortal Emperor said loudly, attacking the tentacles.

He collided with the tentacles that hit him, and his body was immediately covered with sticky mucus, dark green and fishy, ​​with dozens of kinds of injuries inside, invading his body!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor endured the discomfort and used the Ten Jue Taixu Dao Jing Gong to block the tentacles coming one after another.

Those tentacles struck him with great force, making him extremely uncomfortable.

Today's era is okay, the best friends thrown in are Da Luo Jinxian at most, but in the ancient times and the Dragon Court era, even the existences of Da Luo Wonderful Realm and Dao Realm Eighth Heaven were thrown in!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor doesn't know what the original nature of these tentacles is. It seems that they are monsters derived from the strong men of the ancient era or the Dragon Court era.

He fought hard, and the Supreme Creation and Taoist Yuji struggled to move the small wooden boat, and finally moved out of the big whirlpool bit by bit. The tentacles were out of reach, so they reluctantly retracted the tentacles and got back into the whirlpool, sinking down.

The Immortal Emperor and others each breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed.

Rushing in the turbulence of time and space is more difficult than fighting a powerful person in the Supreme Realm.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor suddenly said: Uncle Creation Master, Uncle Fish Machine Master, if we encounter similar creatures again, we will take turns to fight against them.

The Supreme Creation said displeasedly: My dear nephew, we are in the same boat, and our efforts are no less than yours. We don't have to divide them so carefully, right?

The Immortal Emperor said nothing and opened his clothes.

The Supreme Creation and Taoist Yuji looked and saw a few pieces of mucus under his clothes. The Taoist injuries contained in the mucus were clearly imprinted on his body!

The two people's scalps were numb. The slime monster's hand did not hurt the Immortal Emperor, but only contaminated him.

The so-called pollution is to let the Taoist wounds thrown here grow on his body!

Such weird pollution is hard to guard against!

The Supreme Creation nodded and said, Okay! Let's take turns.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor urged Dao Jing Gong to try to refine these Dao injuries, but these Dao injuries were stubborn diseases that even the strong men in ancient times could not refine, so they could only be cut off and thrown here.

Those strong men couldn't refine it for thousands of years, let alone him?

The Tao wounds had grown into his flesh and blood and began to invade his Tao methods.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor gritted his teeth, raised his hand suddenly, cut off the contaminated parts of his body, and threw them into the turbulent flow of time and space.

Supreme Creation and Taoist Yuji watched this scene and couldn't help but feel horrified.

No more rest!

Taoist Yuji cheered up and shouted, If we are inert, we will be invaded by all kinds of negative consciousness here! We must rush out of here at one go!

They continued to rush forward, broke through the turbulence of time and space, and finally saw the immortal light surging on the opposite side.

The three of them were overjoyed and rushed to the other side with all their strength.

The turbulence of time and space became even more crazy, the broken time and space impacted, and suddenly a huge whirlpool appeared. This time, the Supreme Creation came to act as the monster in the whirlpool. The three of them worked together and finally broke out of the whirlpool and rushed into the long river of spiritual light!


Accompanied by the sound of surging water, they finally rushed out of the cosmic cesspool and reached the other side.

Supreme Creation laughed, his voice full of joy. Taoist Yuji and Supreme Immortal Emperor could not hide their smiles. Taoist Yuji laughed and said: I'm afraid this is the first time in history that we have escaped from the cesspit of the universe.

Suddenly, the laughter of the Supreme Creation stopped and he looked straight ahead.

Taoist Yuji and the Supreme Immortal Emperor were surprised. They followed his line of sight and the smiles on their faces froze.

In front of the small wooden boat, he saw that the long river of spiritual light was cut off again, and the second cosmic cesspool appeared in front of him.

The Immortal Emperor remembered something, his face turned pale, and he said: The Lingguang River was broken into ten parts, and there are nine cesspits in total. The one we just crossed was the first one...

There are eight more...

The corners of the Supreme Creation's eyes trembled violently, and he gritted his teeth and said, Everyone, please don't give up halfway!


The Supreme Immortal Emperor also cheered up and said in a deep voice, If you don't accumulate steps, you can't reach a thousand miles. A road of thousands of miles can be traveled with just one step!

However, Taoist Yuji backed down and said, If we jump back to the cesspool just now, we can still return to the human world, so we don't have to work so hard.

The Supreme Creation and the Supreme Immortal Emperor are murderous and have evil eyes.

Taoist Yuji sighed and said, Okay.

They moved on, steering the wooden boat into the next cesspit.

Moving forward with such difficulty, they even encountered many attacks from monsters, but they still persevered and gradually reached the fifth cesspit.

While they were struggling in the cesspit, suddenly the human world became brighter, and the light of heaven illuminated the darkness, and even the cesspit of the universe was illuminated.

The three people stood on the boat and looked back blankly at the human world. They saw the changes of heaven in the human world, and the dark world and the heaven and earth formed a balanced harmony.

The Supreme Creation was stunned, and suddenly said: Ancestral God, have you unified the world and heaven?

This scene is exactly what the Ancestral God comprehended and understood the way of heaven in the dark world, and brought the dark world and the world of heaven and earth into his own territory!

Taoist Yu Ji suddenly said: The Ancestral God will control the dark way of heaven and unify the heavenly way of the human world. Does this mean that the power of the Ancestral God can penetrate the human world and the immortal world?

The faces of Supreme Creation and Supreme Immortal Emperor turned gloomy.

Yuji Taoist said: We can follow the power of the ancestral gods and return to the earthly immortal world!

The Supreme Creation sighed: The Ancestral God may not be happy. Moreover, we are trapped in the fifth cesspit. There are four cesspits behind us and four cesspools ahead. Just swim honestly.

In the early morning of the Earthly Immortal Realm, Xu Ying met the Heavenly Demon Emperor. The Changsheng Emperor fought Xu Ying for himself without being disturbed and killed the Heavenly Demon Emperor, so he unexpectedly survived.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor was not aware of Xu Ying's murderous intention. He was just a remnant of the emperor's thoughts, and Xu Ying had no hatred towards him.

Back then, Emperor Changsheng got three ginseng Tao fruits. He took one of these three Tao fruits himself and planned to give one to his son Ling Wuxin and one to his woman Yuan Jun. But Ling Wuxin was dead. Ming Ming The emperor gave Yuanjun a ginseng fruit, and the Changsheng Emperor gave his own to Dongwang. Now, he still has one ginseng fruit left.

Xu Ying glanced at the Heavenly Demon Emperor and said, This ginseng Dao Fruit is missing. I asked Dou Bu to search Yantian, but there is no trace of the Dao Fruit. Since the Changsheng Emperor did not leave the Dao Fruit, then It must have been given to the person closest to me. This person is not Ling Wuxin, but someone else.

The Demonic Emperor said: Do you suspect that he still has children outside and that he gave the remaining Dao Fruit to his children?

Xu Ying nodded.

The Demonic Emperor said: It is impossible for him to cut out this memory and put it here with me.

Xu Ying said: I know. I will not continue to find out who are the children of the Changsheng Emperor. My father is right, I do not live for hatred. My revenge against the emperor ends here.

He looked at the dawn of the Earthly Immortal Realm, his eyes dim, and said: What I want to deal with from now on is the person behind the Kunlun tragedy. The person who picked up the emperor in the car when he walked out of the moonlight world.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor didn't know who he was talking about, and said: The Nine Heavens and Eight Emperors are preparing for Xu Jing's ascension to the throne. They opened the seal of the Supreme Cave Abyss and allowed Xu Jing to enter it to practice. They are also preparing to find an outstanding Heavenly Lord to let him He broke through the Tianjun realm and became a Daluo Golden Immortal, filling the missing position of the Changsheng Emperor.

Xu Ying asked: Can you find it?

You can find them. There are quite a few Heavenly Lords in the Immortal Realm, and many of them are stuck in the realm of Heavenly Lord Perfection, without enough resources to advance to the next level.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor said, Jiutian is willing to release this quota, and I don't know how many Heavenly Lords will break their heads for it. Moreover, this time Dongwang rebelled, more than a million immortals died, leaving more than a million quotas vacant. This is also a great opportunity to stabilize people's hearts. .”

He smiled and said: The Immortal Realm is best at organizing funerals. The vacant positions of Heavenly Lord, Emperor, and Yuanjun are all high-ranking officials, and I don't know how many people are watching. In addition, there are many Immortal Kings and Immortal Lords. I don’t know how many people are eyeing the quota for heavenly immortals and earthly immortals. And those Qi masters who have not ascended are staring at the pit left by the millions of people who have been promoted. In this way, everyone has the opportunity to ascend. Everyone is happy with the opportunity, and the fairy world is less likely to be turbulent.

In the past, there was no channel for ascension. Everyone was trying to climb up, so there might be turmoil. In addition, Ming Zun disappeared, the three wonderful realms fell, the dragons were leaderless, and the situation in the Immortal Court was extremely dangerous.

But now after a turmoil, many seats have been vacated. With everyone keeping an eye on these seats, there is no need to cause greater turmoil.

One more interesting thing.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor smiled and said, After the death of Emperor Changsheng, the Eight Emperors seized the Nine Great Cave Abyss, and unexpectedly found a man named Ji Man. He took the opportunity to snatch away the Nine Great Cave Abyss and fled. Emperor Jiuyou chased him to Da Luo Tianshang, only to find out that he was Disciple of Lord Jiugong. When King Dong tried to seize the cave, he failed to find him because he was in a hurry, so he survived. Later, the nine caves fell into the hands of the Changsheng Emperor, and the Changsheng Emperor was not aware of it.

Xu Ying couldn't help but be surprised.

Ji Man is the Emperor of Zhou, and he can survive in such a dangerous situation. I have to say that he is very lucky.

He occupies the Nine Great Cave Abyss and refuses to hand it over. He said that he would wait until the new emperor ascends the throne before returning it to the Immortal Court. He is a disciple of the Nine Palace Taoist Lord, and the Eight Emperors did not want to go too far, so they left it there first.

The Demon Emperor said, Does Xu Jing really intend to ascend to the throne? If he becomes the Immortal Emperor, you will be the Crown Prince of the East.

Nowadays, Xu Jing's prestige is very high.

Calming down the turmoil in the underworld, subduing the four emperors of the underworld and the ten palaces of Yama, and reorganizing the order of the Yin and Yang worlds, his reputation has skyrocketed.

This time there was a rebellion between the Eastern King and the Changsheng Emperor. Xu Jing strategized and sent his son Xu Ying to kill the Changsheng Emperor and quell the turmoil, which was a great achievement.

In terms of qualifications and reputation, he has no shortage of them.

Xu Ying laughed loudly, shook his head and said: My father will definitely die if he ascends the throne. I, the prince, will not be able to stay for a few days. He just went to practice in the Supreme Cave for a few days and will not really ascend the throne. For Ming Zun, To ascend the throne is to rebel. To rebel is to die. When my father ascends the throne, Ming Zun has a thousand ways to kill him.

The emperor is dead, and Xu Ying's enemy is the culprit who caused all this, the Immortal Emperor Supreme.

But the Supreme Immortal Emperor is different from existences like the Eternal Emperor and the Emperor. He is too dangerous.

Xu Ying cannot make mistakes, making mistakes means death.

He couldn't let Xu Jing make a mistake. If Xu Jing made a mistake, it would also mean death.

Currently, the Xu family father and son are the most important contributors to the turmoil in the Earthly Immortal Realm. Their contributions are so great that if the Supreme Immortal Emperor dares to touch them, he will be reviled by the world, and the Nine Emperors of the Nine Heavens will also take the opportunity to attack.

The situation in the fairy world is extremely delicate. Whoever makes the first move or whoever makes the move without permission is wrong.

The Heavenly Demon Emperor smiled and said: Xu Ying, this world is too complicated. Even as a Heavenly Demon, I feel that people's hearts are unpredictable. I am going back to the Heavenly Demon Immortal Realm. The Earthly Immortal Realm and the human world are a bit dirty to me.

Xu Ying sent him off and said with a smile: The world often says that the devil is good at understanding people's hearts, but the devil is just a distraction that people have cut off. What is really complicated is the human heart. Brother Tao, be well.


The Demonic Emperor turned into a stream of black light and flew away through the sky.

Xu Ying showed envy: The Demonic Immortal Realm is the real Immortal Realm.

At this time, there was an inexplicable vibration in time and space, and the entire Earth Immortal Realm trembled, and big waves were set off in the seas of Tianhai and Daohai.

Xu Ying was surprised and looked at the sky in the distance.

The black area of ​​the universe becomes brighter and brighter, half shrouded in darkness and half shrouded in light, black and white.

The ancestor gods must have made great achievements in the human world, which will lead to the two-point scene.

Just when he thought of this, he suddenly felt something in his heart. He looked behind him and saw a huge shadow coming into view behind the Earthly Immortal World.

That shadow covered the Earthly Immortal Realm, giving people an unparalleled sense of oppression!

The world of immortals appeared in front of the world for the first time.

However, both the heavenly world and the human world are still extremely far away.

Xu Ying stood in the wind, feeling excited. The cause of the space-time vibration in the Earthly Immortal Realm just now is the Earthly Immortal Realm and the Celestial Immortal Realm!

A larger-scale tide in the Three Realms is taking shape!

The rain in the Earthly Immortal Realm is about to come, and a more intense storm seems to be brewing.

Over the Immortal Courtyard, the Nine Heavens floated above the wind and rain, looking extremely thin, but the Da Luotian above the Nine Heavens was shining brightly. In the sky of Da Luo, a pair of eyes gazed faintly at the human world.

Two months later, at Tianhai Ferry, the immortal guarding here saw a small wooden boat floating towards the ferry from a distance.

On the boat, the three of them were dressed in shabby clothes, like old beggars who had been begging for many years. Looking at the ferry, they couldn't help but cheer and hug each other.

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