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Chapter 600 Beat the emperor to death! (Please give me a monthly ticket!)

Xu Ying grabbed a steamed bun in each hand and walked towards Emperor Changsheng while eating it.

The steamed buns steamed by Waste Qingxuan were soft, glutinous, sweet, and had the aroma of wheat. Xu Ying ate one in two or three mouthfuls, held his neck to swallow, and finally kneaded the whole bun into his mouth and chewed it.

Darkness surged outward behind him, like a billowing black cloak. Branch-like textures flew in the darkness, with cries that shocked the soul, forming a majestic ancient god, looming in the darkness, with a sense of oppression. stronger.

Crash, the sound of water sounded.

The nine magic weapons, including the Twelve Layer Tower, the Yaochi, and the Divine Bridge, flew up from the depths of the sky and sea, bringing with them large splashes of water, and the water poured down.

The nine magic weapons flew back behind Xu Ying, arranged in an arc, and hung in the air from top to bottom.

The mountains and rivers flew up to the sky, fell into the Ruyi Daluo Tian above Xu Ying's head, and floated.

Yingzhou is erected, shaped like a ring, hanging between the nine magic weapons and Luo Tian. It is larger than Luo Tian, ​​and it is unfathomably deep inside.

Xu Ying in white and Xu Ying in yellow continued to push the people watching the battle back, and shouted: Everyone below the Heavenly Lord, please leave the field. Don't watch the battle!

People rushed back and did not take it to heart. Previously, Xu Ying had a fierce fight with the Changsheng Emperor, and even knocked many people away and disappeared. But the remaining people are strong enough and far enough apart.

Even if it was Xu Ying's Heaven and Earth Soul that was shot just now, and Xu Ying's true body is being shot now, it wouldn't be that strong.

After retreating a little distance, he was still forced to push by Xu Ying in white and Xu Ying in yellow.

At this time, someone heard a faint sound coming from the darkness behind Xu Ying, like the sound of wind, and something seemed to be whispering in the sound of wind, mixed with crying.

People who heard this strange sound suddenly lost control of their Taoism, and the Taoism they cultivated rapidly collapsed, and the Taoism backlash followed closely. Even if someone vomited blood, their souls were also collapsing, and their souls were steaming!

The people next to him hurriedly pulled him to escape, but they couldn't pull him any further. They saw the man standing there blankly, his own path rapidly disintegrating, and he suddenly opened his mouth, and that strange sound came out of his mouth!

This cry is as easy to contaminate as the plague, spreading from that person's mouth and spreading in all directions. Those who heard the cry were quickly attacked, their cultivation collapsed, their souls collapsed, and even their flesh and blood were decomposing!

They froze in place, each one opening his mouth and letting out a sharp cry!

One spreads to ten, ten spreads to hundreds, hundreds spreads to thousands, and soon there is chaos all around.

The others were far away and immediately fled away upon seeing this. Only those beings with powerful and profound cultivation that surpassed the Heavenly Lord, such as the Eight Emperors of the Nine Heavens, the Evil Golden Immortal and others, remained in place without being disturbed by Tao Weeping.

They have attained Daluo enlightenment and their cultivation is advanced enough.

In addition to them, there were also Ning Zhong and Xu Jing. Their own Dao Fruits emerged involuntarily. Under the impact of Dao Weeping, the Dao Fruits shone brightly, blocking Dao Weeping.

An Qi's Vajra was inspired by Dao's cry and flew in the air, buzzing and spinning. The hole of light shone down, protecting everyone around him.

Ning Qing's returning jade plate also flew out, blocking the crowd of people from crying.

Among the Jade Plate of Returning to the Dao and the Diamond Diamond, one is the supreme magic weapon and the other is the supreme treasure of the Wonderful Realm. The Dao cry emitted by Xu Ying is just the aura leaking out and is not intended to target them, so these treasures can be easily blocked.

As for the good-for-nothing Qingxuan who was selling steamed buns at the ferry, he was not affected by the cry. There were many immortals gathered around him, and they were all trembling in the face of such a strange situation.

Emperor Changsheng's expression suddenly changed.

This sight reminded him of an ancient legend.

Cry! Emperor Taixiao's trembling voice came, confirming his thoughts.

Emperor Taixiao's face was earthy. Emperor Changsheng was young and had never experienced Taoist crying, but he had experienced it.

Six hundred thousand years ago, it was the Taoist cry originating from the various caves and abyss that destroyed the rule of Ziwei Immortal Court and ended the power of Empress Ziwei.

At the same time, it was also that Taoist cry that destroyed the deep-rooted forces of the major ancestral families!

For thousands of years after the Taowei ended, the decomposed Tianjun could still be seen in the ancestral court, wandering among the mountains and rivers, spreading Taowei everywhere.

In addition to Tianjun, you can also see some rotten skeletons, without flesh and blood, leaving only white bones. They walked at night, plundered everywhere, and hunted living creatures that could make sounds, which became the nightmare of that era.

In that catastrophe, the old way collapsed, countless people died, corpses piled up like mountains, and blood flowed into rivers. Looking around, it was devastated!

After such a long time, Emperor Taixiao didn't expect to see Dao Cry again and hear that weird and unpredictable sound!

This world is about to collapse, and all kinds of monsters and monsters will appear!

Although Emperor Taixiao survived that cry, the price he paid was extremely heavy. His fellow disciples died, all his relatives and friends were bereaved, and even he himself narrowly escaped death several times.

Who would rebel unless they had to? It was precisely in that era that he couldn't survive, so he embarked on the path of overthrowing the old way and supporting the new way.

At this moment, Emperor Taixiao heard Dao cry again, and the fear deeply rooted in his memory emerged again.

The same goes for several other great emperors.

The damage Dao Weep caused to Ziwei Immortal Court was too great. In just a few days, it destroyed the foundation of a prosperous Immortal Court, and left its poison for thousands of years, destroying an era.

But how could Xu Ying know how to cry? They were confused.

Emperor Changsheng remembered another thing. In the Wuzhuang Temple, the two boys Qingfeng Mingyue fell into a half-dead state, retaining their bodies, but hiding the extremely terrifying Dao Weep in their bodies. They caused trouble in the Wuzhuang Temple, killing him and The clones of Dongwang and others suffered heavy casualties.

At that time, he rushed over and wiped out the breeze and bright moon with one finger.

From then on, he knew that Dao Wei had not really disappeared. There were still some hidden corners in the world, and Dao Wei existed in the world in strange ways.

Did Xu Ying go to some mysterious place and collect some Taoist cries?

Just when he thought of this, he saw the clouds and mist swirling behind Xu Ying, like wings, covering all sides, absorbing the crying that invaded everyone's body.

Those immortals who had almost died just now, and now they had narrowly escaped death, couldn't help but feel horrified in their hearts. They hurriedly fled around, not daring to come closer to watch the battle.

It was rare to find silence all around.

Only the darkness surged behind Xu Ying. An ancient god stood in the darkness and did not move.

The Changsheng Emperor was shocked and uncertain, and this scene gave him fear.

Xu Ying's move showed that he did not find Dao Weeping in a secret realm, nor did he refine Dao Weeping and use Dao Weeping as a weapon. He has clearly understood the principle of Tao Weeping and refined Tao Weeping into magical powers!

People always have an inexplicable fear of unknown power. Although the Changsheng Emperor is a Daluo Jinxian, it is difficult to maintain this idea.

But the next moment, there was no fear in his heart. No matter whether the power Xu Ying mastered was Tao Weeping or not, it still needed cultivation as a foundation and support.

In addition to cultivation, magical powers are also needed as a means.

He had already verified his cultivation and magical powers just now. Although Qing Yi Xu Ying tested his cultivation and magical powers, he also found out Xu Ying's methods.

If Xu Ying in Qingyi hadn't sacrificed the Shanshui Zhangtian Ruler just now, he wouldn't have been able to sustain so many moves in his hands, and he would have died in his hands in at most three moves.

Xu Ying, without the mountains and rivers and the ruler of the sky, you are nothing! Emperor Changsheng sneered.

He was still a little apprehensive when facing Xu Ying. He couldn't figure out the strange branch-like texture of Xu Ying, and he was also worried that Xu Ying's real body's cultivation level could keep pace with his own, and he could exert a stronger power than the Mountain, River, and Heaven Ruler.

Exactly. Xu Ying chuckled lightly, put away the Mountain Ruler, picked off the nine magic weapons one by one, and put them into the Xiyi Domain.

Xu Ying in white and Xu Ying in yellow turned into white and yellow Qi, and returned to his body with a hiss.

Emperor Changsheng's eyes lit up and he thought to himself: You are still too young to challenge the generals.

He shouted low, and the Great Wheel appeared behind him. The twelve Wheels rotated and flew out from the Great Wheel. The twelve avatars holding the Purple Nether Swords all attacked Xu Ying!

At the same time, the Changsheng Emperor held a plum blossom branch and used the branch as a knife to kill himself. The plum blossoms on the branches were flying, forming gorgeous Taoist wheels.

The move he used was exactly the Twelve Scenery of Plum Blossoms used to kill Xu Ying in Tsing Yi. This move was pure and clear, and contained a strong Taoist charm!

Behind him, in the Great Dao Wheel, the Immortal Formation of Extermination formed a long sword, cutting through the sky and breaking through the sky. It was so powerful and powerful that it had the power to exterminate everything!

The Extinction Immortal Formation was originally a killing move developed against the Immortal True Spirit. The purpose of the Changsheng Emperor in developing this magical power was nominally to deal with Xu Ying, but in reality it was to deal with Tianzun, but the ultimate goal was to deal with the Supreme Immortal Emperor!

In his goal, if he wants to achieve the Supreme Realm, he needs to eradicate not only Xu Ying and Tian Zun, but also the Immortal Emperor Supreme.

He refined the formation into a sword in order to break through the immortal true spirit and immortal soul of the supreme realm, break through his supreme physical body, and split the supreme magic weapon and supernatural power!

When the purple netherworld swords attacked by his twelve external incarnations approached Xu Ying, a sudden change occurred. I saw the branch-like texture floating from the darkness behind Xu Ying, like bees in the mist, and a mouthful of The Purple Netherworld Sword collided, and the power of the Purple Netherworld Sword immediately weakened rapidly!

Xu Ying raised his hand and used the palm of his hand to shake the extermination sword energy cut off by the Great Dao Wheel. In the darkness, countless branch-like textures flew around, like two masses of black energy, separated on the left and right, growing from the darkness to both sides, like a pair of dark wings. , following Xu Ying's palms left and right, facing the extermination sword energy!


The power of the two people's magical powers exploded, and the extinct light and dark light surged in all directions on the sea, pushing the sky and sea to expand outward, crushing everything in its path!

Wherever it passed, the mountains and ruins on the seabed all collapsed and disintegrated, turning into rolling torrents!

Xu Ying turned over and struck down with his right hand, using the same extremely simple martial arts magical power. But at the moment he turned over, a strange phenomenon that had never appeared in the earthly immortal world suddenly came into view of the Changsheng Emperor.

He saw the outline of the Earthly Immortal Realm.

Under Xu Ying's palm, countless heavenly runes surged and turned into the outline of the earthly immortal world, which was exquisite and magnificent. The worlds of Yuanshou, Taichu, Taishi, Yongkang, Longxing, Jianwu and so on are integrated, intersecting with the fairy world and connected with the ancestral court!

Kunlun Mountain, Sumeru Mountain, Tianhe, Tianhai, and the divine bridge connecting Taixu Realm all appeared clearly!

But what horrified Emperor Changsheng the most was that the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths were just the tip of the iceberg of the Earthly Immortal Realm!

Xu Ying's palm print seemed to carry the power of heaven and earth from the earthly immortal world, and it smashed down towards him like a crushing force.

However, what Emperor Changsheng saw was not only the earthly immortal world, he also saw long dragons flying between Xu Ying's palms, like a long river of spiritual light, surging and surging.

The other one is more than ten times larger than the Earthly Immortal Realm!

This is also a kind of sealing method. It is the second seal after the Earth Immortal Seal. It is ready to be completed!

His seal technique was born out of the Heavenly Dao and has never reached the height of the Immortal Dao!

Just when he thought of this, Xu Ying's Earth Immortal Seal had already met his Twelve Scenery of Plum Blossoms.


The sky and sea shook violently, and the power of the two magical powers exploded. The plum blossom branches in the hands of the Changsheng Emperor exploded, and the petals withered. He squatted with his legs bent, furious, and shouted angrily: Tao Fruit, sacrifice——

In his dojo, two green Taoist fruits on the plum tree suddenly flew up and spun around, and the terrifying power hidden in the Taoist fruits exploded. The dojo suddenly became extremely bright, with countless Taoist chains intertwining and interweaving, forming an extremely dense field!

Xu Ying raised his other hand, and the human seal was blasted forward. The intertwined black and white scene formed by the human world and the dark heaven suddenly blasted through the layers of the Changsheng Emperor's dojo. The extremely terrifying power crushed the Changsheng Emperor's body. The body was knocked backwards!

The twelve external incarnations of the Emperor of Eternal Life were also pulled, like twelve human kites, being dragged by the Emperor of Eternal Life and flying backwards!

The first wave of the confrontation between the two has set off a huge wave tens of thousands of feet, which is rolling forward and surging in all directions. The big wave rolls thousands of miles and rushes to the farther sea.

But the next moment there was a loud bang, and the figure of the Changsheng Emperor flying upside down penetrated the waves and separated the waves.

He landed on the sea with both feet and still flew away upside down. With a hissing sound, he plowed the sponge into a deep ravine. On both sides of the ravine, the waves parted.

When the Changsheng Emperor stabilized his body and stopped the twelve external incarnations flying upside down, he saw branch-like textures everywhere in the dojo.

Even the faces and bodies of the twelve external incarnations are penetrated by branch-like textures!

A cry like a woman's meaningless chanting came, seeping from the broken dojo and reaching his ears.

Emperor Changsheng's heart sank, and he immediately felt the horror of the Taoist cry that destroyed the ancient era 600,000 years ago. His own Tao began to collapse, and his cultivation level continued to decline.

He is Daluo Jinxian, and even if he is like this, you can imagine how terrible the situation of people at that time was!

The third move, Immortal Seal!

When Xu Ying's voice reached his ears, the Changsheng Emperor suddenly raised his head, only to see a huge surging wave rushing toward him.

These huge waves were just the damage caused by the aftermath of his and Xu Ying's magical powers, and could not hurt him at all. But the next moment, the huge waves exploded, and a higher-level world beyond the earthly immortal world came into his sight!

Xu Ying's figure appeared, as tall as a nightmare, with darkness surging behind him, and an ancient god with ferocious muscles surrounding him.

The Eternal Emperor roared: I will not lose!

Behind him, the Dao tree glowed with infinite light and soared into the sky. The two Dao fruits rotated around each other. Dao flowers on the plum tree flew out one after another to meet Xu Ying's earth-shattering blow!

Immortal Seal!

Not to mention the world of immortals, even the human world has become a legend. The Changsheng Emperor doesn't know how to break it or block it. He can only see this seal falling, crushing his own Dao flower, petals withering and falling, smashing his own Dao flower. Fruit, Tao fruit fell and turned into fruit puree!

His Dao tree was shattered, Dao chains exploded one after another, the Dao wheel was shattered, and the outer avatar of a statue turned into ashes.

The Purple Netherworld Sword was broken, and the Immortal Extinction Formation was broken.

The Changsheng Emperor's hands were trembling and his body was covered in blood. He stood there blankly, staring at Xu Ying falling from the sky with wide eyes.

He still wanted to resist, but as soon as he raised his hand, Xu Ying grabbed his neck and bullied him.

Xu Ying looked down, opened his mouth, and burst into angry cries, facing his face and pouring into his body, as if he was venting the hatred of cutting flesh and bones that he suffered 48,000 years ago. Thousands of years of humiliation!

The Taoist cry poured into the body of the Changsheng Emperor, destroying his physical body, destroying his soul, destroying his Xiyi Realm, and shattering his dojo!

This unforgettable hatred was finally relieved through crying!

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