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Chapter 598 Snake Catcher Says

Emperor Jiuyou's body trembled and he said in a trembling voice: Boss Yang, do they look alike? Do they look alike?

Emperor Yang Long's eyes were fixed on the person who spoke, his heart twitched, and he said nothing.

I saw the man in green gathered a few immortals, set up a steamer at the ferry, and was steaming steamed buns. The steam was steaming and smelled like fireworks.

Those immortals were all grabbing a steamed bun, looking forward to it, waiting for Xu Ying to have a decisive battle with the Changsheng Emperor, so they could eat the steamed bun with their own blood.

Emperor Taixiao's white hair trembled, and he said in a trembling voice: It looks like, it looks too much like...but it must not be him...

Que Lindi chuckled and said: It's definitely not him. He has been dead for almost 600,000 years! His Dao Jing is still in the realm of Taixu...

Emperor Yang Long spoke, but his throat was so dry that he could barely make a sound: Da...cough, don't panic, everyone. Even if he survives, the Holy Lord is still there. This guy is just someone who looks like him, Let’s not scare ourselves.”

The eight great emperors each calmed their minds, but the young man selling human blood buns looked so much like the man who couldn't even lift it, which made them feel anxious.

At this time, the arrival of Xu Ying and Emperor Changsheng attracted their attention.

The Changsheng Emperor looks like a young man, but his hair is snow-white. Xu Ying only looks about fourteen or fifteen years old, but his face is slightly tanned by the sun.

The Changsheng Emperor, as the great emperor of the Nine Heavens, is aloof, but Xu Ying is a fugitive who has been on the most wanted list for tens of thousands of years. He was only exonerated a few years ago, but he still has not been reused.

These two people, who were incompatible with each other, actually wanted to face off at Tianhai Ferry, shocking the world, and naturally aroused people's curiosity.

There are many legends here. It is said that the Emperor has a nose and eyes. Some say that the Changsheng Emperor is an emperor who faked his death to escape and allowed the East King to cause trouble and harm the East King. Xu Ying was not angry about his uncle's death, so he challenged the Changsheng Emperor to avenge his uncle and maintain the dignity of the emperor's family. ——Xu Jing is the emperor’s son-in-law, and Xu Ying is the emperor’s grandson.

Others say that Emperor Changsheng plotted to seize the throne, and that the Eight Emperors of the Nine Heavens were deceived by him, and almost sent Emperor Changsheng to the position of Immortal Emperor. Fortunately, Xu Ying turned the tide at the critical moment, exposed Emperor Changsheng's true face, and helped the Immortal Court Building to be restored. pour.

There are also rumors that the Changsheng Emperor severely injured the Eight Emperors of Jiutian and coerced the Eight Emperors to usurp the throne. As a result, the emperor's grandson Xu Ying rescued the Eight Emperors and fought a decisive battle with the Changsheng Emperor.

All in all, Emperor Changsheng usurped the throne and plotted rebellion. Xu Ying was ordered to face the crisis and fight to the death with Emperor Changsheng.

Emperor Taixiao found out about these rumors and said angrily: Which bastard spread these rumors?

Several other great emperors shook their heads. They had been recovering in the Ministry of Finance these days. They were worried that someone would take the opportunity to kill them, so they did not go out for a walk.

There were many people coming to watch the battle this time. In addition to the Nine Heavens and Eight Emperors, there were also soldiers from the Dou, Taisui, Finance, Lei, Fire and Water departments. In addition, there are various Yuan Lords, Emperor Lords, Immortal Lords, and Immortal Kings.

The number of Sanren is even greater, dozens of times that of Immortals with official positions, and they are a sea of ​​people. Among the Sanren, there are many masters who retired from the Immortal Court, some are strong men who had to resign after failing in the struggle, and some are simply members of the Immortal Family who failed in the rebellion and had to flee, a mixture of good and bad.

In addition to them, there are also masters from the ancestral court, who are also quite eye-catching.

Among them, the Four Saints of the North Pole and Young Master Ning Qing are the most eye-catching, especially the appearance of the supreme magic weapon, the Jade Plate of Guidao, which attracted the eager attention of many people.

Pingnan Tianjun, Jinhe Sword Lord and others who live in the corpse ghost fairyland are also very eye-catching.

There are also the Ancestral Court's Little Heavenly Lord, the Demon Emperor Jin Buyi, the big snake An Qi, the fool A'fu, the Four Saints of the Ancestral Court, the four evil spirits of the Ling family and other weird-looking people, who are very eye-catching.

More importantly, the major ancestral families also sent people.

Only then did the Immortal Realm realize that without their knowledge, a huge force had gathered in the ancestral court. This force included the restorers of the old days and the elites of the new era, which had invisibly threatened the rule of the Immortal Realm.

Aying! We are back!

Lan Suying's voice came, Your parents and wife are fine!

Xu Ying looked around and saw a terrifying throb. The figure of the evil Buddha Gao Bodhi emerged from the broken void. He stepped on the red lotus, covered in karma and chains, and attacked Xu Jing!

I don't know what chance this evil Buddha got, but he cultivated the Bodhi Fire Tree and the Red Lotus Karma Fruit, and defeated Xu Jing continuously.

Xu Jing Tianzun mobilized Dao Fruit and fought hard. Lan Suying, Shen Po, Gu She, and Yuan Tiangang worked hard in the Yingzhou Cave Abyss behind Xu Jing's head, calculating the evil Buddha's supernatural powers and instructing Xu Jing to fight against it.

The six great Nuo ancestral caves behind Xu Jing have moved to the extreme, but compared with the Evil Buddha Gao Bodhi, they are still much inferior.

At this moment, three more heavenly kings arrived and joined forces with the evil Buddha Gao Bodhi to besiege Xu Jing!

Zitong Yuanjun was floating in Yingzhou, doing his best to help them resist the incoming magical powers. She also has a cyan Taoist fruit, presumably obtained from the ginseng Taofruit that Xu Jing gave her in the name of Xu Ying.

However, Yuanjun Zitong's level of cultivation was still very different from that of the three Heavenly Lords, and everyone was still in a precarious situation.

Seeing this, Emperor Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief and said in his heart: Now Xu Ying's mind has to be confused. Ji Bodhi is indeed my good helper!

Xu Ying said loudly: Gao Bodhi, I wonder how my parents offended the old Buddha? Please give them a thin face and let them go!

Ji Bodhi chuckled and said, Since Young Master Xu has invited me, I have to give him a favor. Emperor, I helped you hunt down Xu Ying's parents for ten days. I have repaid your kindness!

He withdrew from the battle, but did not leave. He obviously planned to stay here and watch the battle.

Yan Shui Han, Feng Lou Chun, and Li Wanzhong faced off against Xu Ying, but they suddenly lost. The cultivation strength of the three heavenly monarchs is also top-notch, but Xu Jing has six great Nuo ancestral caves, the Tao fruit cultivated by ginseng Tao fruit, and the help of divine fortune tellers such as Lan Suying, so it is not difficult to fight against the three of them. Down,

The three of them were injured one after another and had to escape and disappeared without a trace.

Emperor Changsheng's face darkened.

Jijue Buddha came to Gao Bodhi, bowed to him, and asked, Evil Buddha, why don't you continue to hunt him down? Could it be that you have turned around and found a safe haven?

Ji Bodhi said: The Emperor is mean and ungrateful. If he wins and becomes the Immortal Emperor, he will definitely try his best to kill me to prevent me from exposing some of his dark history. Although Xu Ying hates him, if he wins, he will I won’t do this, but will give me a place in Buddhism.”

He glanced at Ji Jue and saw that Ji Jue had made great progress during this period and had already entered the Buddha realm. He was very hopeful in his heart: Ji Jue is indeed the son of Buddha that the Buddha and others like. He will definitely become a great master in the future and become great. Buddhism.”

When Xu Ying saw that his parents were safe and sound, he felt relieved and walked towards the Changsheng Emperor.

Emperor Changsheng looked calm and was not discouraged by being beaten by the useless Qingxuan, Taoist Yuxu and others.

Yuxu, Emperor Xu, Demon Ancestor, Taiqing, and the mysterious man selling steamed buns.

The Changsheng Emperor said calmly, Xu Ying, if you ask these five people to attack me on the eve of the decisive battle, it is not a setback for me, but a rare opportunity to sharpen it. I am just a knife, but after their sharpening, I have become Stronger. You must have wasted a lot of energy running around asking them to take action. If one thing goes down, the other will go up, and you will definitely lose.

Xu Ying smiled slightly: The person you invited to deal with me is also quite good, Emperor Yan Tian, ​​right? Three moves, I only made three moves, and he was severely injured by me. Now I don't know where to hide to heal.

The corners of Emperor Changsheng's eyes twitched, and then he smiled and said: Xu Ying, there is never a word of truth in your mouth. If you defeat Emperor Yantian in three moves, you will be in the supreme realm, but you are not.

Xu Ying sneered and said: The Supreme Realm? I'm going to kill a prisoner who just escaped from prison. Why do I need the Supreme Realm? Where is Emperor Yantian now? Why don't you dare to show up? Haven't you been defeated by my three moves and have no face to see you?

Emperor Changsheng glanced around and found no trace of Emperor Yantian.

Xu Ying smiled and said: Now there are rumors about you everywhere in the Immortal Court, saying that you seek power and usurp the throne. Your reputation has been completely ruined. Emperor, you are no longer destined to be the emperor, and you will die in my hands today. It is a double happiness. .”

Emperor Changsheng said: You have done a lot of things these days. Xu Ying, you are a fool and work too hard on trivial matters. You are destined to fail! As for the so-called people's hearts, I have never cared about it. As long as you are strong enough, Even if I am unpopular, I am still the Immortal Emperor!

Xu Ying smiled and said: You are one step behind. You should not lose your identity as emperor. If you are still emperor, you can also let the immortals under your command spread rumors about me. Without your identity as emperor, you, the Immortal Emperor, are The wood carvings and clay sculptures on the altar are just for decoration.”

Emperor Changsheng laughed and said: Promise, promise! In the past, you were a hero, a hero, and a man. But now you are acting like a villain. You are not a hero at all, not a hero at all, and you are not a man! In the past, I promise that for my mother, I can be willing to be manipulated by the Immortal Emperor, have the courage to ascend, even if I enter the enemy camp, I will still talk and laugh, still chat with each other, swore sworn vows to the Heavenly Lord, make friends with me, and go in and out of Yuanjun's palace without avoiding gossip.

In the past, Xu Ying had far-reaching wisdom and became an Immortal King in his weak years. He entered and exited seven times to establish the foundation of the Supreme Being. He could be exquisite in all aspects, he could endure humiliation willingly, he could hold back and not show off, he could be lustful but not lewd.

This person does not worry about victory, but thinks about defeat first. He plans his plans early, ascends to heaven seven times, descends to heaven seven times, searches for his father and saves his mother, hides in three mountains, and waits for a comeback!

He is also tough. Facing my Purple Nether Sword, the pain of cutting flesh and scraping bones, and the wounds of cutting off realms, he doesn't even frown. He has been fooled by me for 48,000 years, but he still often gets angry and tries to get rid of control.

The Changsheng Emperor was righteous and scolded: If the person standing in front of me today is Mr. Xu, I will admire him as a person even if I fight with him. But it is you who is standing in front of me now, which makes me feel contempt and disgust. heart of!

Xu Ying looked calm and said with a smile: This is because you killed that great hero and man back then. The man who is alive now is just as dirty as you, so you despise and hate him, right?

The Changsheng Emperor's breath was stagnant and he could not continue speaking.

Xu changed his mind and became like him. How could he scold himself?

Today's fairy world has no room for heroes and heroes like Xu Ying.

Xu Ying's eyes fell on the good-for-nothing Qingxuan, who was holding hot steamed buns and preparing to dip some of his heart's blood into them to cure tuberculosis, and said, Actually, there was no room for it as early as 600,000 years ago. Qingxuan didn't see this, so he was defeated. .”

In the past 600,000 years, how many heroes have you defeated? Even you, who were originally heroes, have gradually become what you are today. You appreciate Xu Ying only for the person you used to be. Xu Ying dies. The one you killed. Also dead is the you, the one you used to be!

I've seen what you look like now in the Yuanshou world. You carry sickles, waiting to harvest leeks, and you sit firmly on the fishing platform, waiting for the fish to take the bait. I've seen you wearing different masks, and some of them are full of smiles. Some are all compliments, some are flattery and flattery. Some masks have the words Lord Qingtian, some have justice, some have the common people, and some have the common people, but in fact they are all for harvesting .”

Xu Ying's eyes were dark, and the smile on his face faded: I have seen you, in the countryside of Yongzhou. You have black skin and white skin, but hidden under your beautiful appearance is a poisonous heart. You are hidden in the cave. , hiding in the grass, curling up, watching every move outside, waiting for the opportunity to prey.

When the opportunity comes, you will prey on your opponent. You will use your fangs to pierce the opponent's body and inject lethal venom. When the opponent dies, you will open your big mouth and swallow the opponent bit by bit, slowly Digest without even spitting out the bones.”

An Qi excitedly poked Ling Siyi beside him: Madam, A Ying is talking about me!

Ling Siyi rolled her eyes at him: He's not talking about you! He's talking about people like the Emperor and Tianzun!

An Qi couldn't hide his excitement: Anyway, it's me you're talking about!

I can't catch a strange snake like a great hero, otherwise I will be poisoned and die. I can't fight a fair duel with a strange snake like a great hero, a great hero will definitely die in the mouth of a cunning strange snake. Nor can I be like a man. , a real man cannot see the poisonous snake under his feet.”

Xu Ying's eyes fell on the Changsheng Emperor and said, I must be more cunning than you strange snakes and more careful than you. My attacks must be ruthless. I must confirm that you are dead, not dead but not stiff. That's the only way , I can survive.”

Emperor Changsheng was silent for a moment, sighed, and said: Xu Ying, we are the same kind of people. I also had a hero's dream in the past, but after arriving in the immortal world, I realized how ridiculous it was. I must change, not change. All we can do is get a bloody head.

No. We are different.

Xu Ying looked at Little Tianzun, at An Qi, at Xu Jing, Lan Suying, at those familiar people, and smiled, Although I am as cunning, as ruthless, as patient, and as searching as you are. Opportunity, but we are not the same kind of people. There is still a hero, a hero, and a man living in my heart. He is admired by others, but you do not.

The Changsheng Emperor was silent for a long time, then suddenly smiled and said: Xu Ying, I just want to ascend. I have the ability to ascend to the Supreme Realm, and I have the ability to become the Supreme. Why should I become the Great Luo Jinxian? Why should I become a decoration? The Nine Heavens and Nine Emperors are just decorations!”

The expressions of the other Nine Heavens and Eight Emperors changed drastically, and they all became angry.

Suddenly, nine heavens and ten earths appeared behind the Changsheng Emperor, standing tall, showing majesty and domineering!

That Ninth Heaven is almost exactly the same as the Ninth Heaven in the Immortal Realm!

I should have guessed a long time ago that the Changsheng Emperor is the emperor. Xu Ying looked at the exquisite Nine Heavens behind him and thought to himself.

——Thanks to book friend 20201114061015853 and fantasy 30 years two Taoist friends for their rewards! ! There are almost five hundred alliance leaders who will ascend one day! ! !

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