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Chapter 576 Peak Supreme

Earthly Immortal Realm.

Liu Guanyi finally arrived at Da Luo Tian. Behind him, the Lord of Yang Tian, ​​the ninth level of Jiutian, Yang Long Emperor, was sleeping like a baby at the moment. He sobbed when he fell asleep, as if in a nightmare. Didn't wake up.

A bunch of traitors, incompetent people.

Liu Guanyi clapped his hands and walked into Daluotian.

Nine great emperors including Cangtian Qinghua Emperor, Haotian Caiwei Emperor, Xuantian Fuyue Emperor, and Juntian Quelin Emperor were all knocked down by him. However, Liu Guanyi did not kill him, he just taught these juniors a lesson.

His target is Daluotian.

The first Daluo dojo he came to was that of Jiugong Daojun.

Liu Ruyi and other girls have been in a mess for a long time. They want to fight but don't dare to fight. They don't know what to do. Emperor Zhou stepped forward and said, Senior, is he here to seek revenge or is he here to visit?

Liu Guanyi smiled slightly: Seeking revenge.

Zhou Tianzi said neither humble nor arrogantly: Junior is a disciple of Jiugong Daojun. The master is not here, and the disciples have to guard the mountain gate. Senior comes to seek revenge, so I have to bear it. Senior, please forgive me! After that, he encouraged his cultivation and rushed forward. .

Liu Guanyi waved his sleeves gently, and Emperor Zhou spun around, flew out and fell to the ground.

Liu Guanyi said to Liu Ruyi and others: You fork him out.

Liu Ruyi and others did not dare to stop him, so they had to pick up Emperor Zhou and leave. Liu Guanyi looked up at the Daluo Dojo and sneered: Jiugong, how long are you going to hide?

As soon as he finished speaking, another Jiugong Taoist laughed loudly, descended from the sky, floated to Liu Guanyi, and said with a smile: Liu Guanyi, the Ten-Dead Heavenly Lord, you were exiled to the Black Realm by Qingxuan, I didn't expect you to still be here. You can run out. Since you ran out, why don't you hide? Aren't you afraid of death?

This Jiugong Taoist is the heaven and earth soul of Jiugong Taoist.

Liu Ruyi and others did not know that there was also the Heaven and Earth Soul of Jiugong Daojun hidden in the scene. They were all shocked when they saw this situation. Especially Liu Ruyi, who has followed Jiugong Daojun for more than 100,000 years, saw his heaven and earth soul for the first time.

When Emperor Zhou saw Taoist Jiugong, he breathed a sigh of relief: The bet was right.

Liu Guanyi snorted and said: I just want to ask you, how did Qingxuan die? Do you want to take the initiative to tell me, or should I capture you, search for your soul, and strip out all your memories? Check it bit by bit?”

Taoist Jiugong's expression suddenly changed.

Liu Guanyi, the Ten-Dead Heavenly Lord, was a top ruthless figure who followed Qingxuan back then. Because he often dug and robbed tombs, he learned a lot of tricks and was praised by Qingxuan as a treasure house of supernatural powers.

Searching for souls and stripping away memories, he must know this evil method!

Jiugong Taoist said: The death of Supreme Qingxuan has nothing to do with me...

Is it relevant? I'll look at it myself!

Liu Guanyi came to him and reached out to grab him between the eyebrows. Taoist Jiugong was shocked and angry, and sneered: Ten wastes, today is not the past! You have been exiled to the Black Realm for 600,000 years, do you think you can still survive now? Are you going to succeed? Look at my wonderful treasure!

Countless magnificent fairy runes suddenly appeared in the Daluo dojo above his head, and when they dropped down, each fairy rune was composed of a complete fairy road. When the runes appeared, the sound of the fairy road lingered in the heavens, strengthening it. Da Luo Dojo.

Those runes suddenly closed in the middle, forming an extremely thick golden book. It was the Ten Thousand Dao Golden Book of Jiugong Daojun!

Liu Guanyi held up the sky with one hand, and the ten realms of Taoism erupted, shaking the most precious treasure of the wonderful realm, the Ten Thousand Dao Golden Book, and grabbed the Taoist of the Nine Palaces with the other hand.

The brilliance of the ten thousand golden avenues illuminated the fairy world, forming a golden dome. The light pressed down, making the muscles of Liu Guanyi's arms twisted and twisted.

At the same time, a fairy sword flew up silently and stabbed Liu Guanyi in the back of the head. It was another enlightenment treasure of Jiugong Daojun, the Nine Jue Killing Immortal Sword!

Although this sword was severely damaged by the distant ancestor and twisted into twists, it was restored by Jiugong Daojun and its power is still extraordinary!

If Liu Guanyi was stabbed into the back of the head by this sword, half of his life would have been lost!

Jiugong Daojun left the fairy world and went to the human world. It seemed that his dojo was empty, but in fact, murderous intent was everywhere. Even if Jiutian rebelled, there was no way he could shake his dojo!

But behind Liu Guanyi, a coffin suddenly flew out. The coffin exuded a fierce aura and met the Nine Jue Immortal Killing Sword with a clanking sound.

The Nine Jue Killing Immortal Sword failed to pierce the coffin. The ferocious aura emanating from the coffin even distorted the Daluo Dojo, making people extremely uncomfortable. It was as if there was a peerless murderer hidden in the coffin who might jump out of the coffin at any time. Start killing!

At the same time, Liu Guanyi's other hand had already grasped Taoist Jiugong's face, squeezed the head of the heaven and earth spirit to explode, restrained his soul, and pulled his soul out of his headless body!

Back then, I entered Taiyi Tianzun's dojo alone and killed ten of his heaven and earth souls. Do you think I can't deal with you after you have cultivated to a wonderful state?

Liu Guan looked fierce, holding on to the soul of the spirit of heaven and earth, making him struggle to escape, and flew up to attack the ten thousand golden books in the sky.

His body flashed, and he exchanged dozens of moves with the Ten Thousand Dao Golden Book. Suddenly, with a sneer, he tore a page out of the Ten Thousand Dao Golden Book!

The supreme treasure Ten Thousand Dao Golden Books have their own spirituality. After being damaged, a golden light was hurriedly shot down, illuminating Liu Ruyi, Zhou Tianzi and others. The Nine Jue Immortal Killing Sword flew up and rushed into the golden light, and was carried away by the golden light. The sword was put into the book and flew away through the air.

Liu Guanyi accepted the page of the golden book without stopping him.

His golden coffin flew towards him, fell into his shadow, and disappeared.

Liu Guanyi spread his hands to both sides. Taoist Jiugong's soul was pulled by him and exploded, turning into countless moving scenes.

This is the memory of Jiugong Taoist. When he unfolded it, Jiugong Luotian Dojo was filled with Jiugong Taoist masters walking around. Some were talking, some were practicing, some were laughing, and they had various expressions. One thing is enough.

Liu Guanyi quickly checked, looking for clues from the past. Jiugong Taoist is the heaven and earth soul of Jiugong Taojun, and there must be some memories about Qingxuan's murder.

However, when he found Taoist Jiugong's memory from 600,000 years ago, he found that this memory seemed to have been deliberately erased and had not been retained.

Liu Guanyi frowned, suddenly raised his sleeves, and the Jiugong Luotian Dojo suddenly collapsed.

He flew up, left the dojo, and headed towards Taoist Taiyuan's Luotian dojo.

Taiyuan Taoist's Heaven and Earth Yuan Shen had already received the news and was waiting. Liu Guanyi ignored him and went straight to kill him. In just a few moves, he wounded Taiyuan Taoist's wonderful treasure, tore out the memory of Heaven and Earth Yuan Shen, and started all over again. Finished it to the end.

Liu Guanyi frowned: There is still no memory of Qingxuan's death!

He blasted Taoist Taiyuan's Luotian Dojo with one palm, flew up and rushed to Saint Luo's Luotian Dojo.

However, as soon as he left, the master of Niwan Palace appeared on his back, carefully collecting the fragments of his teacher's heaven and earth soul, and then putting away those broken memory fragments.

His eyes flashed. These were definitely unimaginable treasures. The soul of heaven and earth contained the great way practiced by Taoist Taiyuan, and the memory fragments were even more remarkable. They contained Taoist Taiyuan's cultivation memories!

I can take this opportunity to find out whether the Tao Zhuan Heart Sutra taught to me by Taoist Taiyuan was tampered with or not!

The owner of Niwan Palace's eyes flashed and he thought, He shouldn't have any flaws in his heaven and earth spirit, right? As long as I find out where he is doing his tricks, I will be able to counterattack him in the future if he tries hard to find out. !”

On the other side, Liu Guanyi smashed Saint Luo's Luotian Dojo, walked out of the ruins with a gloomy expression, and stood at the highest point of the fairy world overlooking the entire fairy world.

There is no memory of Qingxuan's death in the memory of Saint Luo's Heaven and Earth Soul.

The existence of these three Daluo Miaojing has completely erased the memory of Qingxuan's death.

His eyes were gloomy, and at this moment, the black realm of the universe came into view. In his time, the human world was called the Black Domain, a place of exile. At this moment, this Black Domain was becoming brighter at an astonishing speed, and the light was extremely dazzling and brilliant!

This is...the old stubbornness of the ancestor god inspired the way of heaven in the human world!

Liu Guan's eyes shot out with a sharp light, Does the Ancestral God plan to regain his peak strength?

For a enterprising person like him, the Ancestral God is an outright die-hard and a supporter of Empress Ziwei. If he wants to overthrow the old era, the Ancestral God must be eradicated first.

At that time, Liu Guanyi was also the planner and participant in the battle of Tiandao Ancestral Court, so he did not have the slightest favorable impression of the Ancestral God.

However, the old era has passed. It is a good thing for the world to have the ancestor gods restore the way of heaven in the human world after all. Liu Guanyi said in one heart.

The light of heaven in the human world became more and more intense, covering an ever wider area, expanding at an alarming rate, gradually covering most of the black area and illuminating the black area!

Such powerful magic power made Liu Guanyi unable to help but feel moved and sighed to himself.

At this time, the mana restored by the Ancestral God has surpassed the period of the battle in the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Court!

His strength has doubled, and it has surpassed the wonderful realm and reached another level. Even if I cut off the long river of spiritual light, I'm afraid I won't be able to trap him.

Just as he thought of this, he suddenly saw another dark force in the black realm of the universe fighting back and colliding with the mighty force of heaven!

Liu Guanyi was shocked: This is...

Suddenly, space-time fluctuations came from the depths of the universe and were transmitted to Daluotian, shaking the already broken Daluotian into pieces flying around.

The collision between heaven and darkness in the human world releases enough power to recreate the Milky Way!

Liu Guanyi saw that the territory covered by the law of heaven quickly became dim, and then the vast territory fell into darkness. It was obvious that the ancestors had been greatly suppressed in the collision just now!

This power was so powerful and terrifying that even the Ancestral God, who had restored 50% to 60% of his peak strength, was suppressed.

Could it be that the source of this power is the green rock that fell into the human world? Liu Guanyi was surprised and confused.

At this moment, his body stiffened slightly and he felt great pressure from the void.

I knew that it was impossible for my old friends to die and only Jiugong, Taiyuan and Luo Shengren were left.

Liu Guanyi turned around and saw a supreme-level cave abyss slowly becoming clear in the void of Daluotian. That is the cave abyss of Emperor Taihao, the second Immortal Emperor of the human race, called Taihao Cave Abyss.

This magnificent cave is moving slowly, exuding the faint rhythm of the avenue.

Back then, Jiugong Taiyuan and Luo Shengren were not outstanding among our group. Like me, they were also second-rate characters.

Liu Guanyi looked at the cave and said calmly, Second-rate characters like us are not qualified to call each other Taoist friends with Qingxuan. We have to call him Taoist brother. However, at that time, Qingxuan and Qingxuan called each other Taoist friends. , and five or six others. Who is your Excellency?

Liu Guanyi, how dare you come back?

A tall figure slowly walked out of the Taihao Cave Abyss, and said leisurely, Qingxuan exiled you to the Black Realm, protected you very well, and allowed you to live for 600,000 more years. Wouldn't it be wrong if you came back to die? To live up to his good intentions?

In the black domain, the light of heaven was compressed to the extreme, and suddenly burst out again, and the bright light of heaven shone, illuminating the sky!

When the light burst out, Liu Guanyi stood up and rushed towards the tall figure. He spread out his ten realms and unleashed all the secret knowledge he had devoted himself to for hundreds of thousands of years!

Over the past hundreds of thousands of years, he had finally mastered the Taoist teachings he had gained during his half-life of tomb robbing, and achieved perfection.

His achievements are like a great Luo, like a supreme being, and also like a Taoist state. The exquisiteness of Taoism is like flowers falling from the sky.

However, behind that tall figure, the Taihao Cave Abyss began to circulate, and the spiritual energy of the entire Cave Abyss was drained out almost instantly.

The Taoist rhyme that dominates heaven and earth erupts from the body of that tall figure.

I am the only one on the eternal road!

The corner of Liu Guan's eyes trembled, and he saw the gap. The gap was so big that it was almost impossible to compete.

He immediately changed his moves, switching from offense to defense, trying to block the opponent's moves as much as possible.


The opponent slapped him with a palm, and his vision and world were all blocked by this palm.

Liu Guanyi tried his best to resist the palm, but all ten realms exploded, and then his body also exploded, causing blood mist to fly.

But at the same time as his body exploded, a coffin flew out from his shadow. The lid of the coffin was lifted, and a stronger Liu Guanyi flew out to meet this palm!

The second Liu Guan spurted blood and his body exploded.

Immediately, another coffin flew out from its shadow, and another Liu Guanyi jumped out, more powerful than the second Liu Guanyi, and met the palm of the tall figure.


He still failed to block it and continued to explode. Then a third coffin flew out of the shadow and blocked it too.

This Liu Guanyi tried his best to take the blow, but when he saw bleeding from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, he lay straight back and fell into the coffin.

The coffin lid flew up, landed on the coffin, and took advantage of the blow from the tall figure to fly away through the air at an unbelievable speed!

The tall figure stood up and chased Da Luotian out, but saw the coffin turned into a stream of light, rushed into the Taixu realm above the fairy world, and disappeared behind the Yujing Fairy City among the Ten Scenes of Taixu.

He chased to the rear of Yujing Fairy City, but there was no trace of Liu Guanyi and Coffin.

As expected of the master of all dharma who wrote the ten proofs of Taoism and Fruition.

The tall figure sighed in admiration and said with a smile, Back then, you could always come up with various ways to deal with the Taoist ancestors of the major ancestral families. Therefore, if you want to get rid of Qingxuan, you must first get rid of Liu Guanyi.

At this time, the starry sky in the universe became extremely bright again, and even the realm of Taixu was illuminated.

That was the third time that the Ancestral God mobilized all his power in the human world to compete with Cuiyan!

Ancestral God, this old guy, are you risking your life? The tall figure was also surprised, and disappeared in a flash.

————Brothers, the update this month is not slow, but the monthly pass is still missing. Please support with the monthly pass! ! !

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