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Chapter 572: Have your own sense of proportion (Third update!)

Earthly Immortal Realm, Tianhai Ferry.

Tiangong of the Ministry of Tiangong dragged many sunken ships out of the sea and selected complete parts to piece them together. If they couldn't find complete parts, they cast them on the spot.

There are other heavenly workers who have taken nine innate spiritual roots from the heavenly road. These spiritual roots are the backbone of the heavenly road, and the source of these nine spiritual roots is actually the nine dragon beards of the distant ancestors of the dragon clan.

The physical body of the distant ancestor of the Dragon Clan was extremely powerful and had incredible abilities. The physical body could penetrate the three realms and connect to the underworld. However, this physical body was also damaged in the catastrophe at the end of the ancient era.

The Ministry of Heavenly Works took these dragon beards just to lay them on the broken Lingguang River to facilitate passage.

Now that the golden ship has been repaired and the aura river has been connected, the Immortal Emperor couldn't help but be happy and sent an order to reward the Ministry of Heavenly Works.

Just as he was about to board the golden ship, he suddenly felt something in his heart. When he looked back, he saw several Taoists with ancient looks coming hand in hand, and his heart skipped a beat.

A few old guys from Daluotian are here to beat the autumn wind.

He calmly bowed to Dao Lord Jiugong and others and said, Are these Dao brothers coming all the way here just for that dark area?

Jiugong Daojun smiled and said: Your Majesty, that is the human world, and it is extremely dangerous. You can't control this golden ship of the Three Realms, so you should leave it to us old bones to take the risk for Your Majesty.

The human world?

The Supreme Immortal Emperor really knew nothing about this. The old guy in Daluotian always concealed all kinds of information from him, kept him in the dark, and regarded him as a puppet on strings, who could be manipulated at will.

This human world is obviously extremely important, otherwise Jiugong and the other old guys wouldn't have waited until I repaired the golden ship and the aura river before coming out!

The Supreme Immortal Emperor calmed down and said with a smile: You are old and don't rely on your muscles and bones for strength. You are all seniors. The human world is very dangerous. It is better for me to accompany you to move forward together.

Taiyuan Taoist said: Your Majesty is the co-lord of the three realms, how can you take risks with us? If something goes wrong, it will not be a blessing to the world.

The Immortal Emperor's eyebrows twitched slightly. Since Taiyuan Taoist said this, it means that these guys from his hometown have reached an agreement. If he still insists on going to the human world, it will be rude and he will be violent.

The Immortal Emperor's eyes flashed, and he was about to endure the humiliation and give up the golden boat to them. Suddenly he heard a vicissitudes of voice: The golden boat is so big, if there is one more person and one more person, it won't sink, right?

Ancestral God?

Everyone was shocked, as if facing a formidable enemy, How did his injury heal so quickly? And what's going on with this bell? Why is it so ugly?

The figure of the approaching person moves, and the stars in the sky move with it. The stars are brilliant, the galaxy is gorgeous, and it is as magnificent as poetry.

In His hand, He held up a strange bell with a dragon head. It looked ugly, but what was astonishing was that the body of the bell was composed of immortal spiritual light, emitting this astonishing throbbing!

The Ancestral God appeared in an old form and walked towards them, making them even more nervous. Each of them secretly prepared their own wonderful magic weapon.

Their magic weapons are far away in the Daluotian, which is far above the nine heavens. At this moment, these magical weapons with unpredictable power are emitting unparalleled power one by one, flying up from the Daluotian as if they are about to destroy the world!

But when they saw the ancestor god approaching, his physical body quickly became younger, transforming into a rich and handsome young man. The stars in the sky and the rivers also moved accordingly, and they suddenly made up their minds.

Jiugong Daojun said politely: Since the ancestor gods invited us, how can we refuse? Your Majesty, the golden ship is very big, so you can get on board.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor smiled slightly, knowing that they were afraid of the ancestral gods, so he allowed himself to go with them.

It's not that these old guys are no match for the Ancestral God, but they are worried that the Ancestral God will fight them to the death, and they don't want to be seriously injured, so they want to drag me with them.

He knew very well that if he really took action, Jiugong Taojun and others would make him a scapegoat to hold back the ancestor god, and then these old guys would take the opportunity to severely damage the ancestor god and seal it.

As for killing the ancestor god, they had already tried it once before, but they could only severely injure the ancestor god but could not kill him. They even lost a fellow Taoist because of this matter.

The Ancestral God smiled slightly, as if he had already expected this result, and he did his duty and took the lead in boarding the Three Realms Golden Ship.

Taoist Jiugong and others looked at each other and boarded the golden boat.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor got on the boat and said with a smile: You are all seniors, but I am the only junior here, so I will drive the boat.

Taoist Taiyuan was afraid that he would tamper with the golden ship, so he smiled and said: There is no need for this. You and I will each use a ray of vitality to move this ship.

Everyone nodded, each stretched out a finger, and a stream of vitality flowed out from the fingertips and invaded the hull. The golden boat gradually set sail, sailing along the long river of spiritual light composed of the dragon's body, towards the darkness at the end of the long river.

The long river of spiritual light was intermittent, and the connecting parts were just relying on dragon beards, which was very dangerous. Although the innate spiritual root is powerful, it is actually not very stable. It was interrupted by Xu Ying back then, so this trip was quite bumpy. Even if the people on this ship are the most powerful beings in the world, it is inevitably a bit thrilling at this moment. .

Everyone on the boat had their own thoughts and remained silent. Only the dragon bell was very busy. It flew up from the hands of the ancestor god, and flew to the bow and stern of the ship. Sometimes it hung in front of the Immortal Emperor, and sometimes it ran in front of Jiugong Daojun and others.

The Immortal Emperor's eyes fell on the Dragon Bell and he raised his eyebrows.

Taoist Lord Jiugong and Taoist Taiyuan also laid their eyes on the Dragon Bell. They looked at each other but remained silent.

They had all participated in Longting's plot to plot against their distant ancestors, and they couldn't help but think of it when they saw Longzhong's immortal aura. Although the Ancestral God did not participate in the Dragon Court matter, Xu Ying did. There is no guarantee that the Ancestral God will also harvest the distant ancestors through Xu Ying.

At this time, the big bell floated up, with two eyeballs growing out of the bell, spinning like a dragon's mouth. It opened and closed, making a sound like a broken gong: Ancestral God, Ancestor God! Look! The human world! The world is bright again!

Everyone heard this voice and gave up their previous guesses.

It's not the distant ancestor. How could the distant ancestor be so ignorant? It's the big bell named Mr. Zhong from Xu Ying's family.

However, everyone still looked into the darkness and saw that there was indeed a purple light shining there, which was extremely dazzling and lit up the magnificent human world.

But this kind of lighting was only temporary. Soon the darkness came back, swallowing up the world, leaving only a few scattered lights.

What is the ancestor god doing in the human world this time?

The Supreme Immortal Emperor's eyes flashed, trying to calculate the ancestor gods, but he expected that even if he calculated such existences, he would not be able to calculate it, so he had to give up and thought to himself, Is the ancestor god here for that purple light? Or is it for that increasingly larger spot of light? ?”

Hey! It's on again! the big clock exclaimed.

Everyone looked and saw that not long after the time passed, the purple light flashed again, but the spot no longer expanded and was still the same size as before.

The time interval between the appearance of the purple light seems to have been greatly shortened.

Taoist Taiyuan asked in surprise, Did something unknown happen here?

When he said this, his eyes fell on the face of the ancestor god, hoping that the ancestor god could answer this question.

The ancestor gods and old gods are still there, unmoved.

Taoist Taiyuan smiled and said: The Earthly Immortal Realm is gradually recovering. The Ancestral God's cultivation strength must have recovered a lot, right? The Taoist injuries from back then must have been healed, right?

Dao Lord Jiugong, Supreme Immortal Emperor, and Saint Luo all seemed very interested in this topic.

The ancestor god smiled slightly, but remained unmoved.

However, the big dragon hidden in the big bell was extremely nervous. The big bell was heartless and still yelled, not worried about their safety at all, but the big dragon knew that the ancestral god's Tao injury had not healed!

Although Xu Ying had helped the ancestor god improve his cultivation and healed some of his injuries, before Xu Ying left, the ancestor god was still urinating blood, which showed that the injury was not healed.

Now the Ancestral God is completely bluffing. If the existences of these wonderful realms see the clues, I am afraid they will take action immediately and kill them!

The reason why the ancestor god wants to take me is entirely because this long river is my physical body.

Da Long thought in his heart, What the Ancestor God means is that if the fish dies and the net is broken, then the fish dies and the net is broken, and everyone sinks into the river together to feed the bastard!

Everyone did not know whether the Ancestral God was real or not, but seeing that He actually dared to come alone, holding only an ugly bell in his hand, they did not dare to test him.

After a few days, the purple flash would light up from time to time, and everyone on the ship had become accustomed to it and no longer cared.

They were more concerned about the injury and strength of the ancestor god. There were many temptations in their words, and they were even ready to give it a try.

The ancestor god still looked as usual, but he secretly said that it was terrible.

I might end up here this time. He thought to himself.

Suddenly, the big bell exclaimed: Ship! Ship!

Ancestor God was stunned: Old Long started to sink the ship?

However, the ship they were on showed no tendency to sink. At this moment, another golden ship came into their sight. Both ships were moving very fast and passed by each other.

The moment the two ships crossed each other, the people on the ship saw each other's faces clearly, and each of them showed expressions of shock, then anger and panic.

Ten-waste Heavenly Lord Liu Guanyi! Jiugong Taoist said in a loss of voice.

Uncle Liu! The Immortal Emperor said in shock.

Traitor! Liu Guanyi cursed angrily.

not good!

Taiyuan Taoist shouted, Liu Guanyi came here with a hatred and escaped from the place of exile. Now there is no one in Daluotian. Be careful that he takes our Daluotian!

The expressions of Jiugong Daojun, Luo Shengren and others suddenly changed. Liu Guan was very loyal to Qingxuan back then. Now that he has escaped from the black realm of the universe, he will definitely come back to avenge the injustice of the past.

Now that they leave Daluotian, won't their homes be confiscated?

Don't panic, everyone.

The Immortal Emperor said, Immortal Court is still guarded by the Nine Heavens and Nine Emperors, so there will be no serious problems!

As soon as he said this, the floating people's hearts calmed down. The Taoist Lord of the Nine Palaces smiled and said: Emperor Changsheng, Emperor Qinghua and other nine emperors are Daluo Jinxian. Liu Guanyi is just a heavenly king. Even if he was reborn and powerful, his era has passed.

Taoist Taiyuan smiled and said, We'll interrogate him after we get back.

Everyone looked at the ancestor god again, with kind expressions on their faces.

The ancestor god held the dragon bell in his hand and whispered: Old dragon, if they can't help but take action, they will all rely on you.

The big dragon in the dragon bell said: Don't worry, I'm measured!

Suddenly, Taiyuan Taoist laughed and said: The human world is near. In ancient times, the human world was also called the black realm of the universe. Ancestral God, you came to the human world for the sake of heaven...

Have you met Tuqiongdiao?

The dragon bell in the hands of the ancestor god suddenly expanded with a roar, turning into an unparalleled bell, and said viciously, If you are going to die, let's all die together!

Ancestor God quickly said: Wait a moment...


The dragon bell's power vibrated, and when it hit, Taoist Taiyuan was stunned: What's going on? Why did the ancestor god take action first?

The power of the dragon bell is extremely powerful. The bell is accompanied by the roar of the dragon, and its power is extremely strong. Under this big bell, the Immortal Emperor, Taiyuan and others each activated their Taoist and magical powers to protect themselves, but the golden bell under their feet The ship was not so lucky and burst into pieces under the bombardment of the dragon bell!

Everyone's feet were unsteady and they were about to fall into the long river of spiritual light. They quickly activated their magical powers and tried to stand on the river, but they saw a big wave of spiritual light coming towards them. A wave flew past, and they saw the spiritual light in the waves turned into countless huge waves. The stars are coming roaring!

Without the golden ship, this long river that traverses the three realms of the universe finally reveals its true face. It is really huge!

Jiugong Daojun sneered and chanted in a long voice: How dare you sit in control of Daluotian without earth-shaking hands?

His magic power exploded and suppressed the galaxy. In just a short moment, he suppressed the countless stars into waves of spiritual light, and the long river of spiritual light appeared under his feet again.

Taiyuan Taoist laughed and said: I have the power to bind the dragon, and I can capture the ancient dragon! After saying that, his magic power exploded, suppressing the galaxy and returning it to a long river of spiritual light.

Everything in the world is the land of the king, and the shores of the land are all the ministers of the king.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor smiled lightly, The galaxy under my feet is also my territory. How dare you make trouble?

With one single move, he suppressed the galaxy, and the aura reappeared.

On the other side, Saint Luo was not well-educated enough to recite a poem, but fortunately, he had strong magical power and suppressed the river of aura beneath his feet.

Let's see your Lord Long's peerless body!

Suddenly, a deep voice came from the river, accompanied by the sound of bells and the voice of the ancestor god: Old dragon, don't mess around!


The long river of spiritual light was like an ancient divine dragon rolling around its body. During the shock, whether it was Saint Luo, Taoist Lord Jiugong, Taoist Taiyuan, the Supreme Immortal Emperor, or the Ancestral God, they were all overturned and fell into the water.

The waves were rough, and big waves hit one after another, drowning everyone's heads.

Come and die together! the dragon's voice shouted.

The voice of the Ancestral God came: Old Long, I don't think they had any malicious intentions at the time...

God Ancestor, if I don't take action, we will all die!

I think we will die if you take action. Old Long, please be patient!

In the long river of spiritual light, their voices drifted farther and farther away.

Two months later, the purple light in the human world rose again, shining on the world and illuminating the heaven and earth.

The Purple Sky Tribulation Thunder fell and exploded Xu Ying's clothes, but it did not blow him over. All he could see was purple lightning flashing around in his body, gradually being refined by the Wuluo Golden Body.

Xu Ying stood up, and a disciple next to him brought some clothes and put them on Xu Ying's shoulders, saying, Tao Ancestor, do you still want to practice today?

Xu Ying waved his hand and said: Your understanding of the way of heaven is already very strong. You have a rest today.

The disciples retreated.

In the past two months, they have benefited a lot. They have understood the good way of heaven from Xu Ying's tribulation. Although they cannot be consistent with the way of heaven, like Xu Ying, Xiaoman and others, their cultivation has improved very quickly. .

The one who improved even more was Xu Ying.

He went from being unable to resist the Zixiao Tribulation Thunder, to gradually being able to refine part of the power of the Tribulation Thunder, to swallowing the Tribulation Thunder, and refining the power of heaven and earth into his own strength. Although his Taoism did not improve much, his physical achievements became higher and higher.

My flawless golden body can't even be penetrated by the purple sky thunder! I wonder if I can step into the darkness?

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he walked towards the darkness outside the realm of heaven.

Xianhe saw this scene from a distance and said to Xiaodao Tong Tonghao: Senior Brother Tong, after Xu Daozu passed away, you will become the acting Daozu. Congratulations.

————Third update! Thirteen thousand words have been updated today, and the missing chapters from yesterday have been added. Pigs are trustworthy! ! !

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