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Chapter 565: Doing many evil things (please vote for me)

The young man was still alive all night long. In the early morning of the next day, many wanderers flew away reluctantly. Finally, there was a bone wanderer who wanted to give Xu Ying another hard blow, but the sun came and the bone wanderer It seemed that he was extremely frightened by the sunlight and flew away immediately.


When people heard the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, they leaned on the window lattice and looked out. They saw the young man hitting the ground, bouncing twice and motionless.

Are you dead? People looked around.

At this time, the young man raised an arm and crawled hard.

He's not dead!

The people in this village were suppressed. Since ancient times, no one can survive the words of the wanderer!

Those Bone Wanderers are a kind of strange creature that hangs out in the wasteland. They always appear at night and make strange cries. If they hear strange noises, they will appear like ghosts and kill and eat the creatures that make the noise.

Over the years, the babies born in the human race neither cry nor fuss, because the ones that cry have been eliminated long ago.

Also eliminated are those who snore while sleeping, as well as the beasts and monsters that hunt day and night.

No creature can compete with the rogue here.

They either adapt or perish.

The villagers were extremely curious, but also had an inexplicable fear of the young man and did not dare to come near. The unknown is always scary.

When it was time to eat, they saw the young man climbing under a big tree, trying to hold his upper body up and leaning against the tree, looking very weak.

After Xiaoman finished eating, she ran out quietly and cautiously approached the big tree. Her father trembled behind her: Xiaoman, come back quickly, be careful of monsters!

The wanderers fought in groups all night but were not killed. It was obvious that they were either monsters or gods. In recent years, no gods have ever fallen from the sky, so they must be monsters.

Xiaoman didn't dare to get close. The young man looked at her with a dark look and suddenly made a face at her. The girl was so frightened that she turned around and ran away, crying incessantly.

Xu Ying laughed loudly, but he pulled at the wound and grimaced in pain.

After a late night of hard work, he looked much better. In addition to reattaching the bones of an arm, he also repaired his throat, neck and skull.

At the rate of progress of Wu Leo's golden body, he can restore his physical body in just a few days.

However, Dao Weeping still caused great damage to his Ten Scenes of Luotian. Among the Ten Scenes of Luotian, there is a Dao flower, which was condensed by him taking the ginseng Dao fruit. It contains extraordinary power. Now this Dao flower actually has The momentum of decay!

Among the ten scenes of Luotian, the sea of ​​chaos is turbulent, and the stench of Qi is constantly emerging from the sea. The two black and yellow Qi collapse and are annihilated, the clear sky of glass is polluted, the immortal aura is dim, the Yujing fairy city is decayed and collapsed, and the Tai Chi fairyland has become filthy. It's unbearable, the divine bridge is broken, countless corpses of Promise are floating in the indefinite river, and the flames of the void are unstable, and it seems that they may be extinguished at any time.

His Hunyuan Dao Scenery, Taiyi Dongyuan, was not affected much. But he couldn't mobilize Taiyi Dongyuan.

The Ancestor God has done me a terrible job. If I can't repair my body as soon as possible, I'm afraid that the next night, my cultivation will be destroyed by the cries of these bones and skeletons. Even if I survive, my cultivation will be greatly damaged.

Xu Ying closed his eyes and concentrated, looking inside at the hidden scene. He saw that all the Tao phenomena he had comprehended had decayed and disintegrated. Under the Tao's cry, everything was doomed!

Whether it was the Tao images of the supernatural powers such as the Burial Dao Yuan and the Eight Wastelands Sun Refining Furnace that he realized in his first life, or the various magical powers he learned from the Emperor, Cangtian Emperor and others, they all turned into nothingness in the Tao cry. .

They are like rootless duckweeds that appear to be growing in the water, but when the torrent arrives, they are gone with them without any foundation.

These magical powers are not immortal magical powers.

Xu Ying continued to observe his own hidden scene. Of all his magical powers, only the Taiyi Golden Bridge remained. It was not destroyed by Dao Weeping, but it was also affected by Dao Weeping. It was not as magical as before.

Immortality, how to achieve immortality?

The two Taoist ancestors of Taiqing and Shangqing may not be able to answer this question, so naturally he has no way of answering it.

He checked his various magic weapons again, and his heart sank. Except for the Shanshui Zhangtian Ruler, the other magic weapons were all rusty and affected by Taoist crying. Many of the Tao patterns or runes on the magic weapons were messed up.

The loss is so big this time, I can't make up for it even after crossing the three realms!

Xu Ying shook his head and continued to activate the leak-proof golden body. He suddenly noticed that as the sun rose, there was an inexplicable Taoist rhyme emanating from the sky and the earth.

Hey, the heaven and earth in this world are reviving!

Xu Ying was inexplicably surprised. He raised his head with difficulty and looked around. He couldn't see anything unusual in the sky, but there was indeed a wonderful avenue between heaven and earth that was slowly reviving and awakening!

There is even an imperceptible sound of Taoism that circulates between heaven and earth!

At this time, the busy villagers stopped what they were doing and stood motionless on the spot, with their arms spread out and their palms pointing to the sky. They seemed to be doing some weird ritual, and they seemed to be feeling the separation between heaven and earth with their hearts. The broken avenue of heaven and earth.

The children who were playing in Xiaoman's small building also stopped playing, pretending to be imitating adults, and also comprehending the great avenue of heaven and earth with their hearts.

They form a harmonious unity with this world, this piece of nature.

The way of heaven is reviving. They understand the way of heaven and understand nature. At the same time, the way of heaven is also restored by them bit by bit under their enlightenment!

Xu Ying couldn't help but be moved when he saw this scene.

The Ancestral God didn't understand why the light suddenly appeared after the human world was destroyed and it had been immersed in darkness. Why the heaven suddenly revived. In fact, this is not sudden.

He said silently in his heart, But the people who have been working hard to survive on these ruins for thousands of years are still comprehending the way of heaven and transforming nature.

If you don't accumulate steps, you won't be able to reach a thousand miles; if you don't accumulate small streams, you won't be able to reach a river or sea.

After thousands of years of ordinary people's insights, the ruins of the human world have accumulated thousands of years of people's sporadic insights, and finally ushered in the resurrection of heaven!

Facing the catastrophe, the dragon clan chose to use three plans to avoid the catastrophe in an attempt to escape the catastrophe and come back. Facing that disaster, they had no power to resist.

But those ordinary creatures survived this catastrophe, transformed the nature of heaven and earth destroyed by the catastrophe, and reawakened the avenue of heaven and earth.

This kind of power was unimaginably weak, yet so powerful that it shocked Xu Ying's heart.

They are in harmony with the way of heaven! This is entering the way!

He was a little unbelievable. It was extremely difficult to enter the Tao. It required people with extraordinary talents to enter the Tao. How could these ordinary people be able to enter the Tao when they clearly had no cultivation skills?

If they knew how to practice, how could they make rapid progress and become immortals in just a few decades?

He sat under the tree, closed his eyes, and understood the way of heaven like these mortals, and was in harmony with the way of heaven and nature.

After a long time, the Heavenly Dao gradually returned to calm and became stronger than before. People also woke up from entering the Dao one after another. The adults continued to work, and the children continued to play and have fun.

Only a few people with better understanding were a little puzzled. For some reason, they noticed that the recovery speed of the great road between heaven and earth had greatly increased.

Xu Ying also woke up from entering the Tao and sat under the tree. Suddenly, his heart moved slightly: My cultivation is still there. Although the Tao method cannot be used, my cultivation has reached the stage of ascension. Doesn't this mean that I am now Can you sense the catastrophe of heaven and earth, overcome the catastrophe and ascend?

He blinked his eyes. He didn't need to understand the way of heaven like these mortals. He could completely summon the heavenly tribulation and realize the way of heaven in the process of overcoming the tribulation!

After surviving the heavenly tribulation, I will obtain the way of heaven in the human world, which will definitely benefit the people here!

Xu Ying was so confident that he immediately felt the heaven and the earth respond, and used his own calamity to summon the calamity cloud!

It couldn't be easier for me to survive the catastrophe!

After a while, he looked up at the sky, and the smile on his face gradually stiffened.

People who were working hard in the fields also stopped their work and looked up at the sky. They saw dark clouds in the sky, forming a rotating vortex. The vortex became bigger and bigger, covering the surrounding areas!

This dark cloud has exceeded their field of vision, covering an increasingly wider area.

With their mortal bodies, they couldn't see the limit of this calamity cloud, but Xu Ying could see clearly that this calamity cloud had already exceeded the thousand-mile radius of the heavenly calamity in the earthly immortal world, reaching thousands of miles away!

And, it’s still expanding!

The power of God was so powerful that even he felt a little palpitated, and his heart stopped beating for a while.

Suddenly, the calamity cloud began to shrink. The energy in the calamity cloud seemed to be absorbed by something, causing the thickness and breadth of the cloud layer to shrink continuously. When the calamity cloud shrank to about a hundred miles, Xu Ying's face turned pale.

The calamity cloud above his head became golden, a hundred times brighter than the sun!

The golden calamity cloud is still shrinking, reaching the size of a hundred feet, and the color of the calamity cloud has changed from gold to cyan.

The blue thunder in the cloud was moving, and every time it moved, Xu Ying felt an uneasy feeling of being doomed.

“There’s something wrong with this cloud!”

Xu Ying felt a little panicked, and hurriedly threw himself on the ground, using one arm to crawl hard, trying to escape from this place. Above his head, the hundred-foot blue cloud was still shrinking, and soon turned purple, only half an acre in size.

The purple thunder light danced in the clouds, and every time it jumped, Xu Ying felt as if he was about to fall on his head.

He crawled with one hand, dragging his seriously injured body as if flying, whizzing away.


There was a sudden thunder in the sky, and purple light illuminated the world, startling countless wanderers who were hiding from the sun. They were crowded in caves or underground. They couldn't help but shudder when they heard the thunder, and they crowded even tighter.

The world of earthly immortals, the ancestral court of heaven.

As usual, the Ancestral God helped Dalong repair the damage to his soul, and said: Old dragon, have you heard the news? The tide of the three realms, an ancient ferry appeared in the sky and the sea, and the immortals in the immortal world discovered the bones of an ancient dragon under the ferry, with aura all over it. , extending from the sky to the sea, endlessly.

Dalong said casually: This is my first physical body. It has died long ago. I gave up this physical body, flew up to the abyss, and reached great freedom.

Ancestor God said: The people in Immortal Court are exploring where this passage leads to.

Dalong said: Of course it is connected to the human world. But this is an ancient road. My body was damaged in the catastrophe. I am afraid that this ancient road has been cut off long ago, and it must be extremely dangerous.

He didn't care about the Immortal Court. He was only worried about Xu Ying's safety. After all, the revival of the Dragon Clan still depends on Xu Ying. He said: Ancestral God, I don't know why, but I always have a feeling of panic. This kid went to the human world to survive the tribulation. Nothing will go wrong, right?

of course not.

The ancestor god said, Old dragon, you underestimate me, don't you? The power of my throw is enough to send him to the human world safely without any mistakes!

Dalong said: I also believe in your strength control level. It's just...

He hesitated and said: What I'm worried about is whether he can successfully overcome the tribulation. After all, after he reaches the human world, he will definitely not be able to use Taoist magic powers, and naturally he will not be so comfortable in overcoming the tribulation...

The Ancestral God smiled and said: You are worrying too much. Since your Dragon Court era, the Heavenly Tribulation has been strong and weak. This Heavenly Tribulation does not depend on your cultivation level. It does not mean that the higher your cultivation level, the stronger the Heavenly Tribulation will be, and the lower your cultivation level, the Heavenly Tribulation will be stronger. The weaker the calamity. The real calamity is based on the response of heaven and man. The higher your virtue is and people appreciate your kindness, the less powerful the calamity is. If you do many evil things and people curse you and complain about you, the power of calamity will be greater.

He smiled slightly and said: The longer you do evil, the more times you do evil, the more people hate you, and the greater the power of the disaster. Xu Ying is not a person who does many evil things, and there are not many people who hate him.

Da Zhong had been listening to the two of them talking. When he heard this, his heart suddenly thought: Oh no! A Ying is afraid that something is wrong!

Upon hearing this, Dalong breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: This boy has a dark face but a good heart. He must be a person who has accumulated good deeds. The power of the heavenly tribulation is pitifully small.

Zu Shen said: I also think that his character is not bad and he is a teachable talent, so I favor him and give him guidance many times and let him learn Yuanshen from me.

Dalong raised his head and looked up at the sky, observing the star field in the human world. He saw that it was still dark, with only sporadic lights flickering. After a while, Dalong asked: Ancestral God, how do you judge the power of a natural disaster?

The Ancestral God circulated the immortal light and concentrated on healing him, saying: The greater the calamity, the stronger the power, but when it reaches a certain level, there will be a qualitative transformation. The energy of ordinary calamities shrinks sharply and turns into red, which is called Pure Yang Heavenly Thunder. Pure Yang Heavenly Thunder continues to shrink and turns into gold, which is called Nine Heavens Divine Thunder. Nine Heavens Divine Thunder continues to shrink and turns into cyan, which is called Qingyang Tribulation Thunder. Qingyang Tribulation Thunder continues to shrink and turns into purple. It’s called Zixiao Tribulation Thunder.”

The dragon faintly saw a hint of purple in the bright light of the human world, and said suspiciously: How much evil must be done to trigger the Zixiao Tribulation Thunder?

The Ancestral God thought for a while and said: The massacre of cities and countries will not trigger it. The annihilation of tribes and genocide will only make the tribulation clouds spread thousands of miles at most. Destroying one or two worlds will probably turn them into pure Yang and thunder. Unless someone can tens of thousands Only by making everyone in the heavens and worlds bear grudges every year can the Zixiao Tribulation Thunder be triggered.

When He said this, he couldn't help but laugh: There is no such evil person in this world.

Neither Da Long nor Da Zhong spoke. Dragon Zhong grew long dragon beards that were shaking.

The Ancestral God was a little puzzled. Seeing the dragon bell looking at the sky, he also looked up. At this moment, in the bright light of the human world, a purple thunder light exploded, illuminating the human world that was wider than the earthly immortal world. Most of it!

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