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Chapter 555 The Death of the Distant Ancestor

Old Six!

Xu Ying saw the flying golden seal celestial being from a distance, and was shocked. He hurriedly shouted towards the immortal spiritual light channel in the sea of ​​consciousness, Lord Long, hide now! The sixth man from the immortal world is coming!

Lan Suying calls herself Su Yeqing, ranking sixth. Xu Ying thinks that Lan Suying is the Supreme Immortal Emperor, so he calls the Immortal Emperor Lao Liu.

When he saw the ancestral dragon offering sacrifices to the golden seal celestial being, he figured out the whole story like lightning in his mind, so he sounded a warning to let the dragon at the other end of the passage beware!

Then a rapidly growing small boat came into his sight. The fairy sword passed over the small boat, and the light bloomed, illuminating the branches of the Tao tree.

The Supreme Immortal Emperor! The Taoist Lord of the Nine Palaces! Taoist Taiyuan and Saint Luo! These old men!

Xu Ying suddenly understood the causes and consequences of Longting's appearance.

Tianzun arranged the Dragon Court, and the Immortal Emperor, Taiyuan, Jiugong and others must have noticed it a long time ago. Regardless of Tianzun's arrangement, their target was not the treasure of the Dragon Court, but the distant ancestor soul, so they were happy to follow the trend!

Tianzun thought he had a plan, but he didn't know that in front of these existences, it was as ridiculous as a child's game.

The Immortal Emperor is the only Supreme Realm existence on the surface today. Taiyuan, Jiugong and Luo Shengren are the Great Luo Immortals above the Nine Heavens. They are rivals, but they are also partners!

Xu Ying stirred up his spiritual consciousness and transmitted the message through the channel, thinking, Sage Luo sent people to rescue Wei Xu with great pains in order to deal with the Immortal Emperor Supreme, but he was robbed by the Immortal Emperor Supreme on the way and took Wei Xu away. They The relationship between them is not good. But when facing an extremely powerful existence like the Dragon Clan's distant ancestor, they have the same interests, so they can work closely together to deal with the distant ancestor!

His call was passed through this passage, and I don't know if Dalong heard it, but there was never any response from the other end of the passage.

Xu Ying's heart sank, and he remembered the time when he was looking for the big dragon in the sea of ​​consciousness. At that time, he searched for a long time before he found the big dragon.

The consciousness of the distant ancestor is a group consciousness, with the dragon as the leader. Besides him, there are countless consciousnesses of dragon immortals. This kind of cluster has great benefits and can form an extremely powerful collective, but it also causes a big disadvantage, that is, it is difficult for other dragon immortals to get early warning and spread it to Dalong's mind.

Xu Ying gritted his teeth, suddenly summoned all his spiritual consciousness, and plunged into the immortal spiritual light channel. This passage is the passage through which the dragon descends into his mind, but since the dragon can descend, it will definitely return to his body, so the passage must be mutual.

Otherwise, he will not be able to go back after he comes!

You save my life, I'll give you one back!

All the consciousness in Xu Ying's physical body suddenly emptied, leaving only the body. His spiritual consciousness went straight to the brain of the distant ancestor's soul through the spiritual light channel!

In the Yuanshen of the distant ancestors, countless dragon immortal consciousnesses are either flying around or crawling and taking a nap. Some are playing with each other, and some are facing each other, swallowing a dragon ball and playing. You come and I go, which is very interesting.

The big dragon was lying there lazily, too lazy to exercise. There were hundreds of dragon immortals beside him to help him comb his mane, pick his teeth, and wipe his scales.

At this moment, a spiritual light suddenly flashed in the sky, and Xu Ying descended from the sky and landed in his sea of ​​consciousness and universe!

The dragon hurriedly raised its head and shouted: Human, are you here to seize my body?

He was inexplicably excited, as if there were thousands of lively young dragons jumping around in his heart: I've never done this kind of trick before, you can give it a try!

Xu Ying said loudly: Master Long, Lao Liu is attacking your soul, hide quickly!

Dalong smiled and said: Attack my soul? My soul is the best in the world, who can hurt...

Before he could finish speaking, suddenly the sea of ​​​​consciousness and the universe began to shake violently. The sky collapsed and the earth shattered. Terrifying waves struck, penetrating the sea of ​​​​consciousness and turning into bright rays of light. Wherever the rays of light passed, the consciousness of a Dragon Immortal was beaten to ashes. !

The sneak attack has begun.

In the sky of the ancestral court, the head of the distant ancestor's soul plunged into the abyss. This timing is extremely clever.

There was no one in the Dragon Court who could threaten the Yuanshen of the distant ancestors, and the strongest Tianzun was also slapped away by his tail. He could relax and return to the Yuanhai.

He was summoned by the Dragon Immortal of Longting and came to Longting without much defense. After all, he was invincible. He had no opponent in the world, past and present. In addition, he has no physical body and cannot predict the future on a whim.

He was eager to return to Yuanhai to prevent his soul from collapsing.

But that's when the attack happened.

The Immortal Emperor's Supreme Golden Seal Immortal Ribbon soared into the air and suddenly burned in the air. A big hand flew out from the blazing immortal fire, and the five fingers of the palm jumped. In just a moment, it was like being born with thousands of fingers, transforming into different seals. , with the burning fairy fire, he slapped the Yuanzu Yuanshen hard!

After this blow fell, the long dragon body of the distant ancestor soul shook violently in pain. The power that invaded his soul cut his body wantonly, looking for gaps to attack and destroy his body!

At the same time, Taoist Taiyuan's branches shed thousands of rays of light, like silver fish, cutting along the scales of the distant ancestor Yuanshen.

A fairy sword flew out immediately and pierced the body of the distant ancestor's soul. It penetrated his body like a broken bamboo, stabbed along the texture, and went straight to the brain of his soul!

The three-inch boat that came from Chen Chaosheng's eyebrows has now turned into a building that is thousands of miles long. Standing on the bow is a giant towering up to the sky, urging the building to move, and slamming into the huge body of the distant ancestor Yuan Shen. The distant ancestor was knocked into a twisted state!

The Yuan Ancestor Yuan Shen struggled, and the dragon's tail swept away. With a bang, the surface of the ten thousand-mile building ship exploded continuously, and the buildings fell apart. The tall giant on the building ship rose into the sky, landed on the dragon's back, and shouted: We can’t let him enter another time and space, we must first break his soul!”

The claws of the Yuanshen Yuanshen stretched out and grasped the branches of the Dao tree, and at the same time, the body struggled to swim towards the abyss.

He grabbed the branch, and suddenly the branches grew and extended infinitely, climbing along his limbs and tying him up.

The Yuan Shen of the distant ancestor shook his body and was about to break the Tao tree. The mane that grew wildly on the back of his head was like thousands of sharp sword rays, killing the giant who stood tall on the sky and the earth, forcing him to retreat.

At the same time, the light surged in his body, forcing the fairy sword to fly out of his soul, unable to continue causing damage!

Even if they have the upper hand, even if the head of the distant ancestor's soul has entered the abyss, the distant ancestor can still easily defeat them!

At this moment, the big hand transformed from the golden seal seal turned into a palm force that filled the sky, and was printed on the lower abdomen of the distant ancestor Yuanshen.


This blow caused the Yuan Ancestor Soul to arch its body upwards, making it unable to fight against the other three treasures. The fairy sword took the opportunity to pierce his belly, and the branches of the Tao tree grew wildly, locking him completely. And the giant pierced the body of the distant ancestor's soul with both hands and extracted the dragon's tendons!

The ground in Longting trembled, the sky collapsed, and it was a scene of world destruction.

Seeing the distant ancestor being attacked, a group of dragon immortals jumped into the air and tried to rescue them. However, before they could get close, they were shattered to pieces by the shock wave generated by the confrontation between these beings!

Suddenly, the branches of Taiyuan Taoist's Dao tree broke one after another, and Jiugong Taoist's fairy sword let out bursts of whining, flew out of the body of the distant ancestor Yuan Shen, but was caught by a dragon claw and twisted into twists!

The giant was the great body of Saint Luo. His body was pierced by the ancestor's mane, and it was riddled with holes. His road-carrying ship was also swept by the dragon's tail, fell from the sky, and ignited a raging fire!

The Immortal Emperor's big hand was about to deliver another fatal blow when a dragon claw suddenly caught his attack and crushed it to pieces!

The attack and killing of the four supreme beings were all wiped out by the distant ancestor soul in just a short moment!

Above the nine heavens of the Immortal Realm, large Luo Tians spread out, supporting the highest heaven in the Immortal Realm. In one of the Great Luo Tians, Saint Luo looked gloomy and shook his head and said: The most powerful ancestor of the Dragon Clan in the ancient times, even if he does not have a physical body, he is still unstoppable. enemy.

His Dao-carrying building ship and Dao body were vulnerable to the distant ancestor soul, which made him quite frustrated.

In another Daluotian, the Taoist Lord of the Nine Palaces sat under his Tao tree, his face pale and speechless for a long time.

His Nine Jue Immortal Killing Sword was twisted into twists by the dragon's soul. You must know that this sword is his enlightenment treasure. He activated his enlightenment treasure from afar above the nine heavens and sacrificed Jiu Jue face to face. There was no difference with the Immortal Killing Sword, but it still failed to kill the distant ancestor soul.

Taoist Taiyuan also sighed and looked at his Tao tree, only to see that his Tao tree was dim and dull.

He picked a branch from the Tao tree and gave it to the owner of Niwan Palace. This branch looked like an ordinary branch, but it was the branch that he focused most of his cultivation on, thinking that he could bind the distant ancestor Yuan Yuan. god.

However, now the branches of this tree have been blown to pieces, and there is no possibility of even retracting it!

This dragon's cultivation level is at least one level higher than ours.

Taiyuan Taoist said silently in his heart, But it is obvious that there is no way above the wonderful realm...

In the Immortal Court, the Supreme Immortal Emperor put his hands behind his back, looked down into the lower world, and whispered: We have won.

The Dragon Court was filled with panic. The boat carrying the Taoist building crashed into the Dragon Court, burning fiercely. The giant fell to the ground, with numerous wounds all over his body spurting blood. The Nine Jue Killing Immortal Sword was spinning and flying, trying to escape. However, the sword body was twisted very much and kept flying. Spin.

The branches of the Dao tree have been destroyed, and the golden seal immortal basket has been broken into pieces. Only the huge body of the distant ancestor is still in the air, exuding a monstrous aura.

Suddenly, there was a crackling sound in the body of the distant ancestor. It was already very difficult for him to maintain the huge soul. Now after a great battle, it was finally difficult to maintain it!


Explosions came from the body of the distant ancestor soul, boom, boom, boom, and the explosions became more and more dense. This supreme soul had been taken away from its body too many times, causing its body to be filled with all kinds of alien souls and souls. The alien consciousness and mana finally couldn't bear it anymore and began to collapse!

The space began to collapse, as the huge dragon body fell down. When the Dragon Court collapsed, the space whimpered, like countless divine dragons wailing.

This most ancient existence seems to have been unable to escape the catastrophe that destroyed the Dragon Court era. It was overtaken by that catastrophe and died here in response to the catastrophe!

The ancient souls of distant ancestors collapsed in the sky and fell downwards one after another. The souls of thousands of other dragon immortals among these souls also collapsed and disintegrated.

Their souls drifted away and their consciousness disintegrated.

Suddenly, those shattered soul fragments seemed to be getting some kind of traction, and they flew in various directions!

One of them flew towards the Ancestral Dragon and roared into the body of the Ancestral Dragon. The other flew towards Yankong City and penetrated into the body of Yankong City. Another one rushed towards Emperor Zhou, and the last one rushed towards the mud that turned into the face of the Immortal Lord of Tianlui City. Master Marumiya!

They are Yuanshou people, and they seem to have a natural attraction, attracting the fragments of the distant ancestors to fly towards them automatically!

Torrents surged in the sky, and at the same time the earth shook and the mountains shook, and the fairy palaces collapsed and collapsed, as if it was the destruction of an era.

In this scene of destruction of heaven and earth, there is also a small figure with the head of a dragon and the body of a dragon moving through the broken world. That small figure is Xu Ying.

He jumped down from the altar, passed between the broken stones of the altar, leaped with his body, avoided the waves that destroyed the world, and flew towards Longyuan!

Liu Ruyi hurriedly raised the fairy cloud, carried Emperor Zhou and the girls, and rushed towards Longyuan. On the other side, Wei Xu suppressed his injuries, picked up Zulong, and flew towards Longyuan.

Chen Chaosheng held up Yankong City and rushed to Longyuan frantically, while the master of Niwan Palace rushed to Longyuan alone.

Above the four of them, thousands of dragons were flying, and they were heading towards the door above them. Behind them, there was a terrifying scene of the annihilation of heaven and earth, and the extinction of the avenue!

The death of the distant ancestor Yuanshen completely destroyed Longting!

Xu Ying should be the first to rush out of the Dragon Abyss, break through the water of the sky and sea, and rise into the sky. Behind him, Wei Xu led the ancestral dragon to rush out of the bottom of the sea. After that, the fairy clouds spread out, rose from the sea, and surfaced.

Dragon abyss collapsed one after another. When the last dragon abyss was destroyed, the Immortal Lord of Tianlu City was able to escape.

Pieces of sky and sea evaporated, and the Dragon Court was completely destroyed and ceased to exist.

Everyone retreated one after another to avoid being involved in this great annihilation of time and space, and everyone was still frightened.

If they hadn't walked fast, they would have been swallowed up by the great annihilation of time and space and buried in it. Although the masters of Zulong, Zhou Tianzi, Yankong City and Niwan Palace all got a lot of fragments of the distant ancestor soul, they only got a small half at most!

Most of the fragments of the distant ancestor souls were destroyed in the great annihilation.

Congratulations, senior brother. Liu Ruyi smiled at Emperor Zhou.

Emperor Zhou shook his head and said: I am afraid that the fragments of my distant ancestors were obtained for Taoist Master Jiugong? Where is the joy?

Liu Ruyi smiled and said: It is precisely because of this that I congratulate Senior Brother. Senior Brother has made such a great contribution and will be reused by Dao Lord. Of course I am very happy.

Zhou Tianzi nodded lightly and said with a smile: When Ruyi said this, I felt relieved.

Wei Xu looked at Zulong and said, Did you also get the fragment of your distant ancestor for my senior brother?

Zulong looked indifferent and said: Exactly.

Wei Xu sighed and said Xiao Suo: If he gets the fragment of the ancestor, he will reach another level and become more powerful and invincible.

Zulong remained silent. He was not a person who liked to talk. Many dragon souls in his sea of ​​consciousness trembled and looked outside in horror.

He took the initiative to introduce these dragon souls into his body. When he was the Great Emperor of China, he drew the dragon veins from all over the world and gathered dragon energy into his body for cultivation. Among the four, he has the strongest dragon energy and is uniquely endowed with it. Therefore, he attracts the most fragments of the distant ancestor soul and also attracts many dragon souls to enter his sea of ​​consciousness.

The knowledge contained in these dragon souls is the greatest wealth! He said silently in his heart.

It's a pity that Xu Tianzun gained nothing and turned into a monster.

Liu Ruyi looked at Xu Ying with good intentions and said with a sweet smile, If Xu Tianzun is willing, I can help you introduce the Tao Lord, and ask the Tao Lord to help you remove the dragon aura and fierceness from your body.

I don't want to, I'm not interested.

Xu Ying waved his hand and said with a smile, Goodbye, gentlemen! After that, he turned and left.

You still have a tail! Liu Ruyi reminded.

none of your business!

Xu Ying turned around and said fiercely, Little bitch, come and hit me if you dare!

Liu Ruyi was so angry that she couldn't help but kill the general and said angrily: Xu, I have tolerated you for a long time. I will definitely satisfy your request!

The other women on Xianyun also came to kill fiercely. Although their cultivation strength was not as good as Liu Ruyi's, they were not far behind. The women surrounded Xu Ying. After a few rounds, Xu Ying fell into a beating situation and was severely beaten by the women.

After a long time, Xu Ying's physical body gradually changed from a dragon-headed body to a human-headed body. He suddenly pushed away the girls, flew out with a kick, kicked Liu Ruyi on the chest, and walked away, laughing and saying: Thank you, sisters, for helping me. Dissolve the dragon energy!

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