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Chapter 547 The call of the distant ancestors

Emperor, should we leave? An immortal said tremblingly, looking at the twisted figure in the dragon evil.

When the other immortals saw the strange man gradually growing a tail, they all looked awe-inspiring and said one after another: Emperor Xiao, this thing is definitely not a kind thing, let's leave quickly!

Emperor Xiao felt awe-inspiring and shouted in a low voice: Let's go!

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the dragon evil rising and shrinking before being taken into the body by the dragon-headed monster.

Emperor Xiao was frightened and quickly led everyone away. This dragon evil was no small matter. Even heavenly kings like him did not dare to inhale it and refine it. The monster in the dragon evil must be very powerful and terrifying!

He is the emperor in charge of music in the Immortal Court. The Supreme Immortal Emperor and the Daluo Immortal entertain distinguished guests. If they want to listen to music, he is responsible for arranging it. He also has no real power. He is under the emperor Zhou Wu. He consciously fears that facing such dragon immortals who have survived since ancient times, he is afraid of disaster!

In a hurry, he looked back and saw that the dragon had completely disappeared, leaving only a tall weirdo with a dragon head and body standing there. The clothes on his body were somewhat familiar.

Kou Jie, Kou Jie!

The dragon-headed monster raised his tail and smiled, Somehow, after the tail grew, I felt that it was natural to have a tail... Wait a minute, I feel the call from the blood of my distant ancestors... No, how could I feel it? The call of our distant ancestors? Ignore him!


The dragon-headed monster swung up, and wind and thunder suddenly rose. The corners of Xiao Dijun's eyes twitched wildly, and he saw the dragon-headed monster riding the wind and thunder, rolling towards him and others.

Koujie, koujie, there are some humans here, let's eat a few of them for a taste. I haven't eaten anyone yet...wait a minute, am I not a human? Leave him alone!

The dragon-headed monster pounced down, and Emperor Xiao suddenly felt an evil wind blowing against his face. The sense of oppression was so strong that he was truly a powerful enemy that he had never encountered before. Even Xu Ying was not as strong as the oppression that this dragon-headed monster gave him!

Especially the dragon evil energy coming from this evil man's body even made his own energy and blood ready to move, and there was a tendency for him to be assimilated!

Xiao Dijun screamed, and countless musical instruments flew around him, such as harps, flutes, reeds, zither, drums, bells, cymbals, chimes, xuns, flutes, flutes, and conchs, big and small, square and round, flying around him in the sky, and the music was played together. A fairy music dojo.

In the dojo, the great road is the music, playing an extraordinary movement.

From those musical instruments, under the strings and flutes, bright notes flow out one after another, turning into chains of Taoism, leaping and intertwining in the air, forming a magnificent Taoist tree. The music enters the Taoism, and the music theory is the truth, which is unique!

In terms of musical attainments, Xiao Dijun is indeed the best in the world, unmatched by anyone!

But the next moment, Xiao Dijun's dojo was blasted by the dragon-headed monster. Thousands of musical notes hit the dragon-headed monster, but they were blocked by the dragon scales. The attack of his Huazhang Dao Tree only shook the figure of the dragon-headed monster.

The dragon-headed monster would not dodge or dodge any of his attacks, he would bear it forcefully, rush in front of him, use his dragon claws as his palms, and slap him with one palm!


His entire Xianyin Dojo was shaken and moved backwards, as if the entire space was cut open and flew backwards.

Xiao Dijun's face trembled violently, folded into folds, and with all his strength, he raised his hands and gathered his most powerful magical powers to face this blow!

In front of him and behind him, the rhythms of countless musical instruments burst out, Gong Shangjiao Zhengyu, five notes and twelve rhythms, gathered into a torrent of rhythm and rhythm!

The next moment, all the music and rhythms were shattered, Xiao Dijun groaned, his bones, flesh, tendons, and membranes split, and he flew backwards.

The dragon-headed monster was so fast that he actually caught up with him, reached out to grab his head, picked him up, then opened his bloody mouth and tried to stuff his entire body into his mouth!

My life is at risk! Emperor Xiao was completely disappointed.

At this moment, the dragon-headed weirdo suddenly remembered something, showed a look of horror, left Emperor Xiao and roared away, only to hear the dragon-headed weirdo's voice coming from far away: What's wrong with me? How can I eat him? ? I should wait until he captures the treasure of Longting and snatches the treasure from his hands before eating him!

Xiao Dijun landed on the ground, and as soon as he calmed down from the shock, he saw the strange man with the dragon head disappearing away.

In the Yingzhou Cave Abyss, the Goddess, Fairy Gushe and others also looked at each other, and the Penglai immortals were talking about it for a while.

It doesn't matter.

The goddess raised her hand to stop the discussion among the immortals in Penglai and said: I just made a prediction. Xu Immortal Master was just confused by the dragon's energy and evil energy. He will just refine the dragon's energy after a while. On this trip, we will encounter misfortune. Turn it into good luck and have good luck!

Everyone was relieved.

But the goddess was secretly worried. Xu Ying's moral conduct was extremely high, reaching a level that was difficult for her to calculate. Her calculations against the Emperor, Tianzun, and others were often inaccurate, and she was wrong six or seven times out of ten. But the same was true for her calculations against Xu Ying, and she was wrong four or five times out of ten times.

She didn't calculate the good or bad luck of this trip just now, she just comforted everyone not to get into trouble.

I wonder what the Immortal Master's condition is like? If the Wulei Golden Body can refine the dragon's evil energy, the Immortal Master can return to normal, but if he cannot refine the dragon's evil energy...

Just when she thought of this, she saw that Xu Ying, who had turned into a dragon-headed monster, was urging his golden body to refine the dragon's evil energy while continuing to absorb the dragon's evil energy from all around.

The goddess' face was as black as coal: It's hopeless!

However, the immortals in Yingzhou have never been assimilated by the dragon's evil energy, which shows that Xu Ying is also secretly taking care of them, controlling Yingzhou and rejecting the dragon's evil energy.

Judging from these actions, Xu Ying did not completely lose his mind.

Xu Ying felt more comfortable than ever before, running like flying, following the call from his distant ancestors, and ran towards the depths of the Longting.

The strange call from the depths of the Dragon Court became clearer and clearer, making him eager to go there.

However, this ancient call seems to come from the bloodline, something is not right.

Xu Ying thought to himself as he ran wildly, Dragon Court has already declined before Demon Court, so the era of Dragon Court must be extremely ancient. I don't know how many millions or tens of millions of years ago it was. It's impossible for anyone to survive! Then! The distant ancestor of Longting is calling, what is going on...ignore him!

Although his sanity still exists, he is also affected by the fierceness of the dragon's energy, and his judgment is not as good as before.

Xu Ying knew that something was wrong, so he kept activating the leak-free golden body, refining the dragon's evil energy, and tried his best to get rid of this influence. However, the strange thing was that the dragon's evil energy continued to pour into his body.

I have a question!

Xu Ying felt awe-struck in his heart. The call from his distant ancestors had acted on the remaining dragon energy in his body and had already affected his control of his body!

What affects my judgment actually comes from my distant ancestors! There must be something weird in this!

This distant ancestor is a distant ancestor, but he is the ancestor of the Dragon Clan.

Xu Ying ran towards the dragon court, and traces of other dragon-shaped creatures gradually appeared around him. Those dragon-shaped creatures were other people affected by the fierceness of the dragon's energy, and were also attracted by the call of their distant ancestors.

It's just that these people don't have much self-awareness, they are confused and only know how to act instinctively, which is very different from Xu Ying.

Master Zhong!

Xu Ying called out, and suddenly the big clock flew out: Master Zhong is here!

The sound of the bell trembled, suppressing less than half of the alien dragon energy and ferocious energy in Xu Ying's body.

Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief. He could finally control his physical body to resist the strange call of his distant ancestors. At the same time, he activated his seamless golden body to accelerate the refining of the fierce dragon energy.

However, he needs to join forces with the big bell to confront the call of the distant ancestors.

That kind of call still affects Xu Ying's physical body all the time, making him sometimes unable to move independently. Whenever this happens, he will absorb a lot of dragon energy and evil energy.

At this moment, he has arrived at Longting. Looking around, there are huge palaces everywhere, where giants like Xing Daoyuan, the owner of Niwan Palace, live, majestic and majestic.

Qianlong Palace!

Xu Ying looked up and saw that from the threshold of Qianlong Hall to the lintel, it was a hundred feet high!

Although Xu Ying is now transformed into a dragon, he is only three to five feet tall, far less than the height of the giant in Qianlong Palace.

Are dragon giants so huge? Is this Hidden Dragon Palace the place where dragon immortals live?

Xu Ying walked into it, but saw that Qianlong Hall was deep and someone must have entered it. There were several corpses lying on the ground on the road.

He looked to both sides and saw that on both sides of the main hall were extremely ancient shrines, which were extremely tall and solemn. Sitting in the shrines were some giants with dragon heads and human bodies, filled with immortal energy and power, and were solemn and solemn.

Some giants with dragon heads and human bodies have flying eyebrows and beards. Their eyebrows are very long and very agile, as if they are still alive.

Behind them, there is something similar to a dojo, formed into a disk, with dragon-like textures in the disk, which is extremely complex and mysterious. However, there are no Tao trees in these disk-shaped things, so they should not be Taoist temples.

The cultivation system of the dragon clan should be different from the cultivation systems of later generations.

These dragon immortals are all deceased.

Xu Ying walked forward and kept looking around. There were a lot of dead dragon immortals in the Qianlong Palace. When he came to the depths of the Qianlong Palace, he saw the corpses of more than two thousand dragon immortals, which made his scalp numb.

It wouldn't matter if they were ordinary dragon immortals, but the remaining aura of these dragon immortal corpses sitting in the shrine could even make Xu Ying feel oppressed!

These dragon immortals should have been in the realm of the Heavenly Lord during their lifetimes!

Xu Ying calmed down, and as he went deeper, he gradually felt that the call from the distant ancestor was difficult to suppress. It seemed that the fierce aura of the Qianlong Palace and the dragon energy were too strong, making it difficult for him to resist the call of the distant ancestor.

He was about to return the same way when he suddenly saw a corpse lying on his back in the temple. He was shocked: The Queen of the Three Saints of Beihai! Why did he die here?

The three sages of Beihai, the first sage Zhou Ziyu, the second sage Sun Yujiang, and the second sage Guan Fei, are immortal kings and were named the sages of Beihai by the Immortal Court, so they are called the Three Sages.

These three Immortal Lords have extremely extraordinary methods. They once teamed up with the Six True Masters of Daohai and the Twelve True Masters of Tiansheng Mountain to besiege Xu Ying for three days and three nights, and helped Xu Ying improve his cultivation by a large margin. Therefore, Xu Ying had a deep impression on them.

He came forward cautiously and saw Hou Sheng Guanfei's eyes widening with eyes wide open.

Xu Ying saw a clue and stretched out his hand to lift it. He was still more than ten feet away from Hou Sheng Guan Fei, and Guan Fei's body floated up on its own, spinning slowly in the air.


Xu Ying was surprised that Guan Fei's body was actually empty, with no flesh and bones inside!

However, there were no wounds on Guan Fei's body. Xu Ying let the body float parallel in the air, but he saw a big hole at the top of Guan Fei's head.

It seems that Guan Fei's flesh and blood skeleton found this skin boring, so he opened his scalp and came out of it!

Xu Ying frowned slightly and looked around. There were several corpses beside Guan Fei. Judging from their clothes, they should be Qi Refiners. These people seemed to be indifferent, their heads were opened, and there was no flesh and blood inside.

Could it be the Qi Refiners from Longxing World? Could it be that Guan Fei used the Qi Refiners from Longxing World to harvest the treasures here, so he suffered backlash?

Just when he thought of this, he saw several more corpses in front of him.

He walked forward and saw that one of the corpses was none other than the First Saint Zhou Ziyu. His death state was the same as Guan Fei's, with his scalp peeled off and completely devoid of flesh and blood. It's just that Zhou Ziyu is stronger and leaves some clues.

Xu Ying looked at his body carefully, frowning, it was as if Zhou Ziyu had a dragon living inside him, breaking open his Heavenly Spirit Cap and crawling out of his body!

The big bell shouted: Ah Ying, you can't go any further, the dragon energy here is too fierce, I'm starting to grow dragon scales!

Xu Ying looked up and saw that there were indeed a few scales growing on Master Zhong's outer wall.

Master Zhong, there is no need to worry. You are a magic weapon and there will be no problems. Xu Ying consoled him.

He walked forward again and found the body of Yasheng Sun Yujiang!

Sun Yujiang's corpse was the same as the first saint and the later saint. The scalp was opened, and the bones and flesh inside crawled out, and the peeled skin was thrown to the ground!

Without luck, you can't take the Dragon Court treasures. Is it really so powerful?

Just when Xu Ying thought of this, he suddenly felt something in his heart: There is someone in front of you!

He floated forward quietly, and unknowingly arrived at the deepest part of Qianlong Palace. He saw dozens of weird people with dragon heads and bodies kneeling on the ground, their bodies covered in blood, muttering something in front of them. A banner-shaped magic weapon is used to prostrate oneself in obeisance.

The flag-like magic weapon floated in the air, rolling constantly. The surface of the flag was white, but inside there were streaks of black energy, like dragons and dragons, flying on the surface of the flag in large numbers.

Ah Ying, I seem to be unable to bear it any longer! Da Zhong said through his voice.

Xu Ying was about to retreat when suddenly the big bell clanged. Its surface was covered with dragon scales, its mouth turned into a dragon's mouth, and it was full of sharp teeth. The bell body was like a dragon's head, and even the bell nose turned into a small chilong!

Kou Jie Kou Jie! Ah Ying, I feel great now!

Da Zhong was inexplicably excited and said, I heard the call of my ancient ancestors, asking me to go!

Xu Bing hurriedly sent a message: Master Zhong, calm down, you are a Zhong, where did you come from a distant ancestor?

Suddenly, the dragon-headed monsters who were bowing to the banner-shaped magic weapon all turned their heads, twisted their heads from the front to the back, and looked at them all!

Xu Ying was shocked: If I can survive, I will definitely be able to ascend after this beating. But I'm worried that I won't survive...

These dragon-headed monsters were so powerful that he worried that his current flawless golden body would not be able to prevent these dragon-headed monsters from joining forces to attack him!

At this time, a strange man with a dragon head stood up and asked: Fellow Taoist, have you also succeeded in seizing the body?

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