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Chapter 539: betrayal and separation

He has mastered ten scenes, is a descendant of the Shangqing Taoist sect, is proficient in the Huangting Sutra and the Shangqing Great Cave Sutra, and has mastered Tai Chi and Wuji. Isn't this his master, Taoist Qingxuan?

Wei Xu was only filled with fear.

Taoist Qingxuan has been dead for a long time. He had been dead for 20,000 years before he was suppressed!

Moreover, Qingxuan will never be resurrected, because the people who attack him are too powerful and will not give him any chance of resurrection.

However, nothing in this world can be avoided. What if Qingxuan is not dead?

Xu Ying's mind immediately became active, and he said with a smile: Silly boy, you finally figured it out, yes, I am Qingxuan. Come, I will teach you this technique, and after you practice it, you will become the supreme master.

He made up his mind to teach Wei Xu a skill with many backdoors. As long as Wei Xu dared to learn it, he would die if he kept it.

When Wei Xu heard this, he felt suspicious. He looked at the Taiyi Shenqiao carefully. His anxious heart relaxed and he smiled: I was stunned before and thought you were the reincarnation of the teacher. But your magical power is still too crude. , if it were a teacher who built this golden bridge, he would definitely strive for excellence and make this bridge even more perfect.

Xu Ying was unwilling to give in and shouted: Nie Zhan, think again and don't let down the test of being a teacher.

Wei Xu carefully observed his Ten Scenes of Luotian, shook his head and said: Your Ten Scenes of Luotian are indeed exquisite, but they are still not as good as the teacher's Ten Scenes of Luotian. However, your soul is not ordinary, and the true spirit will be indestructible through refinement. Gods are really powerful. Not to mention immortals, even if the immortal kings and immortals fight against you, they are far inferior to you.

Instead of beating Xu Ying, he praised her, which gave Xu Ying a vague feeling.

Zizhong, come here and beat me! Xu Ying shouted.

Your magical power touches the edge of the Supreme. Your soul touches the edge of the Supreme. The Ten Scenes of Luotian are Taoist practices, and you are also close to the edge of the Supreme. What you lack is the realm of cultivation and the physical body.

Wei Xu turned a deaf ear to his provocation and said, You have obviously practiced a strange technique. This technique can refine other people's alien ways and improve your own cultivation strength. You have been beaten so badly by me. You are not dead, but your cultivation is improving, this should be a body training method.

When Xu Ying saw that he didn't come to beat her, he waved his hand and shouted, Hit me, this coward who has been suppressed for more than 500,000 years!

Wei Xu was so angry that veins were pulsing on his face, and he sneered: Hit you? You deserve it...


Xu Ying hit him on the head with a foot and shouted: Coward, hit me!

Wei Xu's face suddenly started to bleed, and he was shaking with anger.

He shouted loudly, and Xu Ying showed an expectant look. However, he saw that Wei Xu did not attack him, but instead hit the Taiyi Bridge with a mountain-like fist.

Although Taiyi Shenqiao has supreme supernatural powers, Xu Ying is not a supreme being after all, and was full of cracks after being punched by him. Wei Xu's second punch hit the bridge, causing more cracks in the bridge!

Your body refining method can turn external attacks into your own power and strengthen your physical body and soul. The more times I attack you, the stronger you will become.

Wei Xu was hit several times and was beaten black and blue. He sneered, But I have figured out a way to solve it!

Xu Ying mobilized the mountains and rivers to attack him like a violent storm. However, when Wei Xu punched out with his third punch, there was a loud bang and the Taiyi Golden Bridge shattered!

Taiyi Shenqiao could no longer trap him, so he jumped to escape from this space!

In this short moment, Wei Xu was hit more than ten feet and was beaten to pieces, leaving him in a miserable state.

In the eyes of Chen Chaosheng, Emperor Zhong Yi and others, it was obvious that Wei Xu was defeated by Xu Ying and was trapped on the bridge by Xu Ying. He was beaten on the head and face and escaped from the sacred bridge in embarrassment.

They were awestruck: Is Xu Ying so powerful? This beast is not even a match for Wei Xu. If it comes against us...

Wei Xu's body became more and more majestic. He suddenly reached out his hand and reached into the Yingzhou Cave Abyss promised to him. He actually wanted to tear the Yingzhou Cave Abyss open. He sneered and said: Junior brother, you are hiding in the Yingzhou Cave Abyss. What?

In the Yingzhou Cave Abyss, Shen Po, Gu She, Yuan Tiangang and others were frantically deducing and calculating Wei Xu's moves. Just now, Xu Ying was able to avoid Wei Xu's fatal blows again and again and successfully survived. This was related to their desperate calculation of Wei Xu's moves. Great relationship.

Xu Ying relied on their guidance to avoid fatal moves and try to prevent Wei Xu's magical powers from causing fatal injuries to him, so that he could save his life.

The goddess's calculation power was insufficient and she could not accurately calculate every move of Wei Xu. However, with the assistance of Gu She and Yuan Tiangang, her calculation power was greatly increased, and she could calculate 50% to 60% of Wei Xu's moves and magical powers.

This 50% to 60% accuracy rate, coupled with Xu Ying's flawless golden body, is enough to keep Xu Ying alive.

However, this time Wei Xu suddenly took action and tore Yingzhou Cave Abyss apart, exposing them.

Everyone was shocked as Wei Xu's powerful aura hit them, making everyone's auras unable to circulate smoothly and unable to compete with his aura!

This person is too strong, so powerful that he can control their life and death without taking action!

It turns out there is a divine calculator, calculating every move I make!

Wei Xu sneered and reached out to grab it. Seeing that everyone was about to be annihilated, suddenly the mountains and rivers and the sky ruler came and knocked Wei Xu over.

As soon as everyone calmed down from the shock, Xu Ying came to attack with a ruler that was ten feet long, and used the sword technique taught by Jinhe Sword Master. The ruler was vertical and horizontal, accompanied by phantoms of mountains and rivers. It was mysterious and unpredictable. He smiled and said: How do you know what you are saying? Isn’t your move a result of divine calculation? Wei Xu, you have been suppressed for hundreds of thousands of years, your cultivation is no longer what it was before, and you don’t even know what God is planning, so you will definitely be defeated this time!”

Although Jinhe Sword Lord is in the realm of the Immortal Lord, his Taoism has already reached the realm of the Heavenly Lord. Because he is upright, he has been worn by many pairs of shoes in the immortal world and does not have enough resources to advance to the realm of the Heavenly Lord.

But his swordsmanship is really exquisite. Xu Ying himself is a master of swordsmanship. In addition, he has realized the sword energy of Zhu Xian. He can fight Wei Xu with a ruler, and he can attack and defend.

Especially the Shanshui Zhangtian Ruler. After it is activated, it spreads out, dividing one into two, two into four, and four into eight, and the number continues to increase. When the sword light is moved, the landscape will cover all the surrounding space, and it will definitely hit one foot, which will make Wei Xu uncomfortable. Incomparable.

Wei Xu attacked frantically and thrust his palm into Yingzhou several times, but was blocked by Xu Ying.

Everyone in Yingzhou was frightened, and the goddess hurriedly shouted: Gushe, Tiangang, please work with me to figure out his moves without delay!

Fairy Gushe and Yuan Tiangang were originally frightened by Wei Xu, but they forgot to calculate for a while, and quickly concentrated their attention after hearing this.

They forgot to calculate just now. Xu Ying risked his life to stand in front of Yingzhou, thus saving their lives. It was okay for a short time, but over time, Xu Ying's flawless golden body might not be able to withstand Wei Xu's attack!

Fairy Gushe waved her hand gently, and lines of cause and effect appeared on Wei Xu's body. She inferred Wei Xu's actions based on cause and effect. Each cause and effect line is a move that Wei Xu will perform. The cause and effect relationship between these moves is very slight, and the cause and effect line is also extremely thin and undetectable.

Moreover, the line of cause and effect is constantly changing, and may change due to changes in the battlefield situation, making it difficult to grasp.

The threads of cause and effect are rooted in Wei Xu's body, like spider threads, extremely fine. Wei Xu is like a puppet on strings, controlled by these lines of cause and effect, and uses the moves corresponding to the lines of cause and effect to perform magical powers.

The higher the cultivation level of a person, the thinner and more difficult to detect such causal lines.

Fairy Gushe was originally unable to detect Wei Xu's line of cause and effect, but she entered Yingzhou during this period, absorbed Yingzhou's spiritual energy and practiced, her cultivation has improved greatly, and she has now reached the realm of heavenly immortals.

In addition, Wei Xu was burned in the Bagua Alchemy Furnace for more than half a million years, and his cultivation level has not yet recovered to 10%. She can extract these causal lines based on her mental calculations and unintentional calculations.

If I can change these lines of cause and effect and let Wei Xu use the moves I've planned for him, wouldn't I be able to defeat him?

Fairy Gushe thought of this and immediately tried to modify the order of these causal lines. She felt uneasy in her heart: I wonder if it can be done?

Wei Xu and Xu Ying fought for dozens of rounds, with a fierce light flashing in his eyes, and thought to himself: Junior brother has not used the Golden Bridge during this period, which shows that the Golden Bridge has been consumed a lot, and it is difficult for him to use it a second time in a short period of time! Since he If you can't use it, you can't stop me from attacking Yingzhou! As long as you devour this Yingzhou and eat all the fortune tellers, you can play with him as you like!

Just when he thought of this, the magical power he used in his hand hit the air, and a mountain in the distance exploded.

Xu Ying took the opportunity to activate the Zhuxian Sword Qi with Zhangtianzhi, and stabbed him with the sword.

Wei Xu was hit by a foot, and then he used his cultivation to wipe out all the Zhuxian Sword Qi that had invaded his body. He slashed his palm on the Zhangtian Ruler, causing Xu Ying's tiger's mouth to split open and making him unable to hold the Zhangtian Ruler!

Wei Xu was about to grab the ruler when he stretched out his palm, but caught it in the empty space. He was startled, and then he realized: You dare to plot against me?

His spiritual consciousness was extremely powerful. Even though he only had 10% of his spiritual consciousness left, he could still see into the void. He noticed that Fairy Gushe was calculating her own causal lines. He immediately wanted to stir up his spiritual consciousness and follow these causal lines to kill her. Kill!

At this moment, Xu Ying swept forward with a single foot to cut off all the causes and effects, but it was the goddess who figured out Wei Xu's thoughts and made Xu Ying take action in advance.

Wei Xu was unable to kill Gu She, and was hit twice by Xu Ying. Although he was not killed, the power of this supreme magic weapon repeatedly invaded his body and damaged his cultivation.

However, Xu Ying was being beaten, and his cultivation level was rising steadily, which made him feel bad.

Junior brother has a divine calculator to help me plot against me. I have only recovered less than 10% of my cultivation level. If I can recover 20%, I can kill my junior brother with my bare hands!

With a fierce look in his eyes, he suddenly gave up his promise and jumped up, landing next to an immortal king who was fighting the big bell!

Several immortal kings brought by Emperor Zhongyi are besieging the big bell. Rather than being besieged, it is more like being trapped and beaten by the big bell in the dojo.

Dazhong refined the ginseng Tao fruit and cultivated it into a green Tao fruit, which can be regarded as half a pseudo-Da Luo Jinxian.

This Dao Fruit is a treasure that can help the emperor, Tianzun and others enter the next realm, become a false Daluo Golden Immortal, and refine the Dao Fruit. The power contained in it is extremely great, otherwise it would not be possible to attract the Eternal Life Emperor to seize it.

It's just that Dazhong didn't know how to sacrifice Tao Fruit, so he couldn't fight for a long time, otherwise he would have killed those immortal kings long ago.

Wei Xu landed next to the man with a fierce look on his face. He grabbed the Immortal Lord and opened his mouth to suck in. Then he sucked out all the man's spirit, dojo, qi, blood, and magic power, and poured them into his mouth!

In just a short moment, the Immortal Lord turned into a white skeleton and died an untimely death!

Wei Xu gave a heavy squeeze, crushing the bones in his hand, and glanced at the big clock.

He stood up and landed in front of the big clock in the next moment. Suddenly, a ruler flying over the sky knocked him over. Xu Ying came to the front and shouted: Master Zhong, collect the Dao Fruit and help me!

The big bell quickly put the Dao Fruit into the bell and flew over Xu Ying's head. As soon as the bell rang, the dojo inside the bell drooped down and turned into a curtain of light, covering Xu Ying inside.

Xu Ying was startled: Master Zhong's dojo is almost the same as my Da Luo dojo!

There are also ten scenes of Daluo in the dojo of Dazhong, but the ten scenes of Daluo are not real, but imaginary Taoist phenomena. Even if it is a Taoist image, its power is extraordinary!

Xu Ying spread out his Ruyi Daluotian to protect his whole body, and with the blessing of the two great realms, he felt that it was extremely strong, but the next moment Wei Xu penetrated it with a palm!

Immortal Lord, step back to the left and swing your sword across the mountains and rivers! came the voice of the goddess.

Xu Ying took a step back to the left, holding the ruler of ten feet, and used his sword to sweep across the mountains and rivers. He used this move towards the empty space, but the next moment Wei Xu appeared under the cover of this move!

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

Wei Xu was hit four feet in a row, his head was badly bruised, and he was frightened and angry. He suddenly took a step back, exited Xu Ying's dojo, and ducked behind another immortal king.

The Immortal Lord was about to escape, but he had already caught him, and was sucked away in an instant, leaving only a skeleton of bones.

The other two Immortal Lords were originally planning to join forces with him to besiege Xu Ying, but upon seeing this situation, they had long since fled without a trace.

Wei Xu was overcome with fear, and his figure rose and fell suddenly, and suddenly he landed behind Emperor Zhong Yi. Emperor Zhong Yi was horrified: Even I want to eat this fierce god!

He has trapped Little Tianzun in the Immortal Formation of Ten Thousand Bells. Even if Little Tianzun has mastered the Nine Revolutions Xuan Gong, he will not be able to persist in this immortal formation for long and will soon be refined to death.

But this time, Emperor Zhongyi didn't care about refining the little Tianzun to death, and suddenly took a step forward and got into the Immortal Formation of Ten Thousand Bells.

Little Tianzun took the opportunity to wave the heavenly halberd and put it on his neck. Emperor Zhongyi said quickly: Little Tianzun, we are all in the same group!

Hearing a loud roar, Wei Xu blasted away the Ten Thousand Bells Formation with one punch, stretched out his hands to grab the two of them.

Little Tianzun didn't care about killing Zhong Yi and immediately flew up. Emperor Zhong Yi also flew up. However, the two of them saw the sky spinning and the earth twisting. The two masters failed to fly even half an inch, and instead fell into Wei Xu's hands. go!

Wei Xu had a sinister smile on his face: After eating you two, plus the two Immortal Lords just now, I can recover 10% or 20% of my cultivation level, which is enough to kill my junior brother!

At this moment, Xu Ying's Zhangtianchi attacked, and its shadows filled the sky, turned into mountains and rivers, and landed on Wei Xuhou's heart.

Wei Xu was beaten to the point of coughing up blood and staggered. The magic power he had just developed was somewhat shattered by the force of the Mountain and Water Zhangtian Ruler.

Xu Ying shouted: Fellow Taoists, give me a helping hand and sacrifice your magic weapon to kill this beast!

He threw up the Shanshui Zhangtian Ruler, and the ruler flew into the air. The Little Heavenly Lord summoned up all the magic power and poured it into the Zhangtian Ruler. After Xu Ying died in Yingzhou, two or three hundred immortals from Penglai Immortal Mountain also stirred up their magic power and poured it into the Zhangtian Ruler. ruler.

The big black dog threw aside Chen Chaosheng, shook his body, and transformed into a giant beast from thousands of miles away, pouring all his monstrous magic power into the feet!

Emperor Zhong Yi hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and summoned up his own magic power, pouring it into Zhangtian Ruler. He thought to himself: How can I allow this old devil to eat my three masters?

Chen Chaosheng hesitated for a moment, stopped, and did not chase the big black dog. He thought to himself: This Wei Xu that the teacher asked me to save has done many evil things. This person is not worth saving, so let him die here...

The foot-long ruler spread across the void in an instant, covering the heaven and earth, trapping Wei Xu in it.

Wei Xu's heart suddenly thought: Oh no!

He killed too many people without distinguishing between friend and foe, causing everyone to rebel and alienate their relatives. Instead, everyone worked together to deal with him, so that he fell into a deadlock!

Seeing this, the Goddess breathed a sigh of relief and thought to herself: I deliberately did not tell the Immortal Lord that Wei Xu was going to eat those two Immortal Lords in order to make him betray his relatives. Now, does my divine calculation surpass Lan Suying?

She thought for a moment and shook her head.

After seeing Lan Suying's magical calculations, she realized her shame and became brave. No matter how good her calculations were, she just felt that she was still inferior to Lan Suying.

Seeing that the mountains and rivers were as tall as the sky, Wei Xu was about to be killed. Suddenly, a streamer fell from the sky. With a slight swing, it spread the layers of mountains and rivers, as if it were parting the clouds and mist!

A torrent of immortality was suppressed from top to bottom, and everyone groaned. The Penglai immortals in Yingzhou each vomited blood due to the oppression. Little Tianzun and Emperor Zhongyi trembled and gritted their teeth to persist.

The sky in the ancestral court was instantly filled with immortal pollution and became colorful. In the sky-filled landscape formed by the mountains and rivers, the immortal pollution invaded. Countless plants in the landscape grew wildly and hung all over the sky, making it extremely distorted!

The streamer came straight towards Wei Xu and was about to rescue him. Suddenly, the chaotic immortal paths in the sky gathered and formed a colorful palm. With a flick of his finger, the streamer flew away into the distance as if it had been hit by an arrow.

The colorful palms reached down, clasped Wei Xu, shrank toward the sky, and quickly disappeared without a trace!

Xu Ying looked up and saw that the colorful palms disappeared, the streamers also disappeared, and only the cracks of the fairy world were left in the sky.

In his ears, the horrified voice of the goddess came: Immortal Lord, I haven't calculated anything! I can't calculate anything!

Xu Ying's heart sank slightly, as someone big in the fairy world took action.

————It’s almost five thousand words, so it’s a big chapter, right?

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