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Chapter 524 Lao Liu’s silly son

Suddenly, Su Yeqing felt something. He looked towards the way he came and saw Dong Wang limping into the dojo formed by the Golden Immortal Taoist Chain.

I deeply admire your Excellency's uncanny calculations. I thought I was the most powerful calculator in the world, but I never thought that there are people like you in the universe, whose calculation power is even better than mine.

Dong Wang's eyes flickered and fell on Su Yeqing, saying, But there are only two factions of divine fortune tellers in the world. One faction is the lineage of divine fortune teller Tian Chou Chou. I have already learned Tian Chou Chou's divine fortune teller, and he is the defeated general under me. I heard that he also has a senior sister, although I haven’t met her yet, I don’t expect her achievements to be more than this.”

He paused and said: The other faction is the Supreme lineage. The calculations of my Immortal Emperor family are unparalleled in the world. Apart from my father, I am the only one who has achieved anything. And your calculation power is really amazing. , even the incarnation of Emperor Changsheng can calculate to death. You instigated Xu Ying and asked Xu Ying to kill the incarnation of Emperor Changsheng and seize his supreme magic weapon, the Mountain, Water, and Heaven Ruler. This series of magical calculations makes me deeply admired. Father!

Su Yeqing looked strange: Father? Does the Eastern King think that I am the Supreme Immortal Emperor?

Dong Wang sneered and said: You just said that Xu Ying is already a Little Supreme. You are in the same realm and can only be like this at most. This sentence has exposed your true identity!

Everyone knows that there is only one supreme being in the world today, and that is the Immortal Emperor!

Su Yeqing said that Xu Ying was the Little Supreme, and also said that he was in the same realm as Xu Ying and had about the same strength, which undoubtedly indicated that he was the Supreme of the Immortal Realm today!

Su Yeqing smiled and said: I am proficient in divine arithmetic. Could it be that I have calculated that you are nearby and deliberately said this to lure you out so that I can kill you?

Dong Wang laughed at himself: You are the only divine calculator in the world who can surpass me in computing power. I have thought that I am the best calculator in the world all these years, but I didn't expect that I am not. Father, you have hidden it well enough!

He stared at the white-clothed young man Su Yeqing, feeling quite unhappy. He changed the subject and said loudly: I am your son! Why are your elbows turned outward? Brothers in battle, father and son fight. You and I are proficient in divine arithmetic. , you help me seize the mountains and rivers, and pick the ginseng and Tao fruits. I help you defeat the emperors and deities, suppress the Changsheng Emperor and other tycoons. You and I, my father and my son, will be forever strong! Why do you need to support outsiders?

Su Yeqing, a young man in white clothes, kept looking at him quietly with a smile on his face, letting him vent his anger, and said leisurely: Meng Long, you let me down.

King Dong was startled, not understanding what he meant, and said, How could I disappoint you?

Su Yeqing said: A lion fights a rabbit with all his strength. But you cherish your feathers and your life, and you dare not come in your true body. You actually come here in disguise just like the Emperor and Tianzun.

Dong Wang laughed and said: Who dares to use his true body without the strength to crush the heroes? Father, you are a little unwise!

Su Yeqing shook his head and said: Meng Long, you got my true inheritance. You should be in a higher position and set your sights higher, but you are willing to lower yourself and compete with the emperor and Tianzun, which disappoints me. You are my prince. , who dares to attack you if you use your real body in the lower realm? You are fighting for the ginseng fruit tree openly and honestly, who dares to do anything against you?

He unconsciously changed I to I in his words.

King Dong's eyes widened, wanting to refute him and tell him how terrible people like the Emperor and Tianzun were. But when he thought that the man opposite him was the most powerful man in the world, he couldn't say the words that came to his mouth.

For the Supreme Being, people like the Emperor and the Heavenly Lord are all suffering from scabies and are nothing to worry about.

Su Yeqing said: If you don't dare, you can only fly into the grass as an eagle to compete with the sparrows. A great situation has been ruined by you. You have disappointed me.

King Dong said: If your son disappoints his father, then he will satisfy his father, right? Who is your biological son?

Su Yeqing said with a gentle expression: Of course it's you.

He suddenly waved his sleeves lightly, and a cold light shot out. In the horrified eyes of Dong Wang's clone, the cold light pierced the head of Dong Wang's clone and came out from the back of his head!

Dong Wang showed an expression of disbelief, and the back of his head exploded with a bang, and the cold blue light flew back and danced around Su Yeqing.

King Dong was swaying and said: Tiger poison cannot eat its seeds, you are so cruel...

Su Yeqing looked desolate, shook his head and said: Meng Long, although your avatar is dead, this place is Wuzhuang Temple, a world of its own. Your real body cannot sense that I am killing you for my father. The relationship between you and me as father and son will not Change.

Dongwang made a pop, fell to the ground, and died.

Su Yeqing's eyes flashed. When his avatar's soul energy was completely dissipated and his consciousness collapsed, he breathed a sigh of relief and turned around to walk towards the ginseng fruit tree dojo.

What's more, you are not my son. Meng Long, you are my brother. You don't know that the Supreme One and you are not the only ones in our Immortal Emperor family who are proficient in divine arithmetic.

Su Yeqing looked at the ginseng fruit tree dojo, his figure gradually disappeared, and whispered, I want to help, but I can't help you, of course I can help my own son!

Xu Ying came to the ginseng fruit tree dojo. For some reason, the ginseng fruit tree erupted in power from time to time, and dazzling light burst out, destroying everything in its path!

The injury on Mingyue's face was caused by the light from the ginseng fruit tree. This light was so powerful that Tianjun's clone couldn't bear it at all.

In this situation, the only option is to escape.

It should be because this Taoist tree is getting closer and closer to the real world. The frequency of ginseng fruit tree outbreaks is getting higher and higher, making this place more and more dangerous.

Xu Ying looked at the ginseng fruit tree dojo and marveled in his heart.

This fruit tree is majestic and majestic, like an immortal spiritual light rooted in heaven and earth, forming the shape of a Tao tree, with Tao fruits in the form of Yuan Shen hanging on it!

Each Tao fruit shines brightly!

By taking this Tao fruit, you can become half a Daluo Golden Immortal.

Su Yeqing's voice came from behind him. Xu Ying turned around suddenly and saw the boy in white standing not far behind him.

Su Yeqing smiled slightly, stepped forward and said: Xu Tianzun is indeed worthy of his reputation. He lured the incarnation of Emperor Changsheng to deliver the final blow. You took the opportunity to kill his avatar and seize his mountain, river and sky ruler.

Xu Ying raised his eyebrows and said with a half-smile, If it weren't for Master Su Liu's guidance, I wouldn't be able to win this treasure. You have most of the credit for the landscape and the ruler of the sky, so I don't dare to take the credit.

He took out the supreme magic weapon, held it in both hands, bowed and said: I will present this treasure to Mr. Su Sixth, it is not a sign of respect.

Su Yeqing smiled and said: If I reach out to get this treasure, and you sacrifice the mountains and rivers to the sky and beat me to death, wouldn't I be wronged?

Xu Ying was surprised and said: Master Su Liu actually doubts my character, Xu Ying? My Taoist heart is as clear as the sun and moon, and the sky can tell me!

Su Yeqing sighed with emotion: I'm also a little confused. Your heart wasn't so dark before, why has it turned dark now.

He shook his head.

Xu Ying secretly thought about how confident he was that he could kill Su Laoliu now that he was sacrificing the Shanshui Zhangtian Ruler.

It's just that Su Yeqing gave him an unfathomable feeling, which made him dare not take action even if he had mastered the rules of mountains and rivers.

Su Yeqing came to him, put his hands on his back and looked up at the Tao fruits on the ginseng fruit tree, and said: Wuzhuang Temple is a world of its own, closed internally, and the Tao avatars of the Emperor, Tianzun, Yuan Jun, Dong Wang and others have died. Here, although they cannot sense what happened to their Tao avatars, they can sense their death.

Xu Ying saw him so close and wanted to take action, but he didn't dare.

Su Yeqing was confident, standing in front of him, as if tempting him to take action, but the more Su Yeqing acted like this, the less Xu Ying knew about his depth, and the less he dared to take action.

The emperor, Tianzun and others are as strong as they can be. They are already on their way.

Su Yeqing smiled slightly and said, They have come from the immortal world and are furious. If Xu Tianzun comes out of Wuzhuang Temple at this moment, he can meet them by chance.

In the Yingzhou Cave Abyss, the goddess's voice was hoarse and she transmitted a message to Xu Ying: Impossible! This Su Laoliu's divine calculation will never reach this point!

She looked a little frightened and shouted: There is no way he can calculate every move of the people outside in Wuzhuang Temple!

What frightens her even more is that some of the three heavenly kings, the Emperor, Tianzun, and Dongwang, have reached the perfect state. Some of their Taoist practices have reached the supreme state. It is impossible to calculate them using divine calculations!

The higher the Taoism, the more inaccurate the calculation is!

But this Su Yeqing knew the movements of the Emperor, Tianzun and others very well. This kind of calculation was so miraculous that it was beyond the scope of her understanding!

Xu Ying's face was gloomy and his eyes were turning rapidly: I give him a ruler, and if he misses a hit, he immediately jumps into the canopy to escape. Can he kill me?

Su Yeqing turned around and glanced at him, only to see that his eyes were spinning as if they were about to fly, and he said with a smile: How could the Changsheng Emperor be willing to have his mountain, water, and sky ruler taken away by others? Before they After that, the Changsheng Emperor also came. His strength is unfathomable and he is one of the beings with the highest achievements in the immortal world.

Suddenly, Xu Ying's face stopped changing and his eyes stopped moving around. He bowed to the ground and said seriously: Thank you, Mr. Su Liu, for your advice!

Emperor Changsheng came in person, which frightened him a little.

Mr. Su Liu smiled and said: Did I give you any advice? I just told you that the danger is coming and that many people will come to kill you.

The most dangerous thing is not that danger is coming, but not knowing that danger is coming. Mr. Su Sixth has given me so many pointers, which undoubtedly saved my life!

Xu Ying straightened up and said with a solemn expression, Xu has no repayment for Mr. Su Liu's life-saving kindness. He is not grieved! I hit it off with the young master. He is the sixth oldest. I think there must be five brothers and sisters in front of me. I don't know what I can do. Do you want to be sworn brothers with different surnames from fellow Taoists?

Su Yeqing was stunned.

The goddess was deducing Su Yeqing's origin, and suddenly she felt that the barrier blocking Su Yeqing's origin was loosened, and she was startled in her heart: He is not a being in the Supreme Realm? He is a master who is proficient in divine arithmetic!

Even if the existence of the Supreme Realm is shaken, it is difficult for her to figure out anything.

But the moment Su Yeqing's mood wavered, she immediately realized that Su Yeqing was relying on a strange barrier to deceive her divine calculations!

Xu Ying struck while the iron was hot: I wonder how many brothers we have? No matter how many there are, I will not ask you to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but I want to die in the same year, the same month and the same day!

Su Yeqing forced a smile and said: It's not that I don't want to sworn sworn sworn brothers with Xu Tianzun, but that I still have five brothers and sisters, and I need to consult them before I can decide whether to sworn sworn sworn friends with you.

Xu Ying smiled and said: Then we are sworn sworn brothers and it has nothing to do with them. If they are willing to accept me as a younger brother in the future, I will sworn sworn brothers with them again.

Su Yeqing shook his head and said: Shall we become sworn brothers? I'm afraid something is not right...

Xu Ying said displeasedly: Your Excellency, you are trying to resist me. Are you looking down on me? Are you unwilling to die in the same year, month and day with me?

Su Yeqing hesitated and said: That's not the case...

Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: Since you don't look down on me, you probably think highly of me and love me, that's why you give me so many pointers. I have received so many pointers from you, and if I don't kowtow to you, I feel guilty inside. Let's We are sworn brothers with different surnames, and I will introduce a few of my close brothers to you!

Su Yeqing couldn't help but get angry: How did Xu Jing teach his children? He didn't know what was good or bad, so he forced people to swore sworn vows with him! People didn't want to swore sworn vows with him, so he forced others to swore sworn vows!

Xu Ying smiled and said: Come, let's kowtow! I'll kowtow first...

He bowed down and suddenly rushed towards the ginseng fruit tree dojo, shouting: Qingfengmingyue, why don't you clear the way?

In Yingzhou, the bright moon looked stupid, but Qingfeng Taoist boy immediately woke up and quickly activated his Taoist skills to help him open the ginseng fruit tree.

The little Taoist's injury is far from healed, and it is quite difficult to open the dojo.

The light erupted from the ginseng fruit tree in front and swept over. Xu Ying rolled and rolled to avoid the light and shouted: Hurry up!

Qingfeng stood up and floated outside the Yingzhou Cave Abyss, inciting the remaining mana to open a path. Xu Ying jumped up and down, dodged left and right, avoided the invasion of the light of the ginseng fruit tree, and went deep into the dojo!

He set up a golden bridge and flew across it. The light spewed out from under the bridge with terrifying power.

If he is hit, even his immortal spirit will not be able to withstand it!

Xu Ying jumped on the bridge, avoiding the intersecting lights. He landed and rolled for several weeks, jumping uncertainly like a civet cat, and finally reached the ginseng fruit tree with many dangers.

In Yingzhou, Shenpo, Yuan Tiangang and others were sweating for him, but they were relieved when they saw him coming under the fruit tree.

Xu Ying jumped up and turned around to look outside the dojo. He saw Su Yeqing standing outside the dojo and did not follow him.

Xu Ying laughed and said: With this natural chasm, even if you are the Supreme, why should I be afraid of it...

Su Yeqing stepped into the dojo and strolled around. The light from the fruit trees crisscrossed around him, but never hit him.

Su Yeqing smiled all the way to the ginseng fruit tree and looked at Xu Ying with a half-smile.

Xu Ying's expression was gloomy and uncertain. After a moment, he smiled cheerfully and said, Does Mr. Su Sixth still lack a son?

Su Yeqing was furious: This old guy Xu Jing has really taught his son bad things!

At this time, the goddess finally figured out part of Su Yeqing's origin. She was so excited that she quickly sent a message: Immortal Master! Su Yeqing is his pseudonym! I have calculated his real name, and it is Lan Suying!

When Xu Ying heard this name, he had no impression at all, and thought to himself: The Supreme Immortal Emperor actually has such a delicate name?

————The little girl is fine. The doctor said it was a sequelae of COVID-19, a fever caused by acute urticaria, not pneumonia. Thank you all for your love!

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