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Chapter 518 Senior Brother Save Me

Xu Ying looked around and found no one. The area was surprisingly quiet. He wondered, Are they at the ginseng fruit tree, fighting for the Dao fruit?

Da Zhong said: Ah Ying, you are not interested in the Tao fruit of the ginseng tree?

Xu Ying smiled and said: I gained more on the road. Previously, I had a confrontation with Ling Wuxin and found that his soul was extremely powerful, far beyond the limit that the physical body could hold. He learned from Yuanjun, and Yuanjun's skills are The Thirty-Three-Level Heavenly Gods Huigong. I was originally very envious, but after seeing the Thirty-three-Level Heavenly Queen in Wuzhuang Temple, I finally discovered the mystery of the Shenhuigong.

Da Zhong humbly asked for advice: What's the secret of Shen Hui Gong?

The foundation of Yuanjun's Shen Hui Gong is the Thirty-third Heaven, which has always been ignored by Qi practitioners. These thirty-three backbones are the key to the strength of her Yuan Shen. She has refined the Thirty-three Heavens to the extreme. , to have such attainments in the soul.”

Xu Ying mobilized the Qi of Taiyi to rise from the Five Mountains Immortal Mountain in his body, pass through the Weilu Profound Pass, go up along the thirty-third heaven, pass through the Jiaolian and Jiaji Profound Passes, and reach the thirty-third heaven!

At this moment, his soul felt a surge of majestic power, and the wind and light on the divine bridge became less harsh.

Xu Ying circulated the Taiyi Immortal Sutra, and his Yuan Shen attainments increased rapidly!

Qi masters often ignore the thirty-third heaven when practicing, and only practice the water-fire furnace cauldron and golden elixir during the refining period. They accumulate strength to attack the Jiaji Profound Pass, and then enter the twelfth-level building.

But this time Xu Ying observed the thirty-third heaven of Wuzhuang Temple, and the trend of Taiyi Qi followed suit, using the Tianhe as the waterway, running along the thirty-third heaven.

As for the water-fire furnace cauldron and Jiaji Porch during the refining period, he regarded them as important nodes for the operation of the magic.

In this way, his Taiyi Immortal Scripture operates more smoothly and improves his soul faster!

At this speed, it is no longer out of reach for my immortal spirit to reach the level of Ling Wuxin! Xu Ying was quite happy in his heart.

Because he had cultivated the Immortal Soul, the Soul's advancement was extremely slow, which slowed down his cultivation, causing his progress in the Shenqiao Stage to be less rapid than before.

But after understanding the mystery of the thirty-third heaven of the Xiyi Realm, he felt that he could quickly break through the divine bridge and open the third heaven!

Da Zhong observed his thirty-third heaven, imitated everything, and modified his own thirty-third heaven.

It has embarked on a unique magic weapon cultivation path. The key point of this path is to imitate the cultivation method of the Qi Refiner, using itself as a container, thinking about the realm of Xiyi, refining elixirs, cultivating the soul, and bathing. Yaochi, climb the Shenqiao, fly to Yujing.

The difference is that there is no need to attack the three levels to cultivate the magic weapon. Without the obstruction of these levels, although there are three less realms, the cultivation speed is faster.

You can even survive the catastrophe and ascend.

Da Zhong calls it practicing false cultivation.

The magical treasures of Xiyi Realm, Golden Pill, Yuanshen, Yaochi, Shenqiao and Yujing are all fake, but as long as you practice to the level of the immortals and build a Taoist temple, that is cultivation and true enlightenment.

Dazhong has already survived the catastrophe in Xu Ying's Daluotian, and now he has built a dojo at such a speed that even Xu Ying is stunned.

In Yingzhou, the Penglai immortals also flew out one after another to inspect Xu Ying's thirty-third heaven. Xu Ying was not stingy and allowed them to observe.

He walked into the twelfth-story building, but there was no one in the twelfth-story building. Xu Ying took a look around and found out that he had received the guidance of the ancestral gods in the Tiandao Ancestral Court and completed the twelve signs of the soul. The twelve-story building had already reached perfection.

However, this time when he visited the twelve-story tower of Wuzhuang Temple, he actually gained some insights.

The twelve-story building is where the Yuan Shen is nurtured. In addition to the twelve signs of the Yuan Shen, the mystery of how the Yuan Shen takes over the Qi and transforms into Qi is also extremely important. Xu Ying discovered in the Twelve-story Tower that the ancestor of the Earth Immortal took over the Qi and transformed into Qi. secret.

After he had comprehended the twelve layers of the tower, another two or three days had passed. In the past few days, only other immortals came up from below, but no other immortals were seen.

The Wuzhuang Temple is surprisingly quiet.

Suddenly, there seemed to be thunder exploding in the direction of Yaochi, extremely violent, and then an extremely loud sound sounded. Xu Ying looked up and saw that the sky was spinning, polluted by the immortal way, and showing distorted colors!

A war broke out in Yaochi! Xu Ying was shocked.

The intensity of this magical power is extremely terrifying. There are dozens of extremely powerful auras colliding, fighting, and fighting. Although I have not seen such a situation, from the magical powers used by these powerful people, I promise that I can distinguish the Emperor, Tianzun, and Yuanjun. , Finance Ministry Guan Tianzun, Taisui Ning Tianzun and other existences!

Wait a minute, there's Dong Wang! Dong Wang is also taking action!

Xu Ying was surprised, Could it be a big melee... No, it seems like these strong men are besieging the two of them. These two auras are too strong!

The goddess said: It seems that the Heavenly Lord and the Immortal Lord have joined forces to deal with the boy guarding Wuzhuang Temple.

She calculated carefully and said: These two boys should be dead people because they took the ginseng fruit and came back to life, but they are not completely alive.

You must meet the powerful man who can make the Emperor, Tianzun and others join forces! Xu Ying's heart moved slightly, and he immediately drove the emperor's chariot up to the twelfth floor of the self-respecting building and flew towards Yaochi.

The battle from above became more intense, and magical powers even descended from the sky and hit the emperor's chariot. The clouds billowing around the emperor's chariot blocked these magical powers.

Xu Ying urged the emperor's chariot, passed through the aftermath of multiple collisions of magical powers, and finally arrived at Yaochi.

I saw thousands of miles of blue waves in Yaochi, stretching as far as the eye can see. At this moment, the waves were surging, and dozens of strong men were fighting on this sea.

The Yaochi contains the power of life and death, which is an extremely mysterious realm. Very few people can perfect this realm, but Xu Ying has understood the secrets of life and death and refined the Immortal Dew of the Yaochi to save even the Demon Ancestor.

This is a state that he has already perfected, and even the Yaochi of Wuzhuang Temple cannot teach him anything.

Xu Ying looked at the dozens of strong men who were fighting, and saw that the six Heavenly Lords had reached five, and only the Doubu Heavenly Lord was not there. The Leibu Heavenly Lord was the strongest and had brought many masters, hiding in the cave above his head. .

However, that cave abyss is not a Tianjun-level cave abyss, but an Immortal Lord-level cave abyss, used to satisfy the mana consumption of Tianzun's incarnation.

The other four Heavenly Lords sacrificed their respective magical treasures, each treasure suppressed the heaven and earth, and the immortal way polluted the Yaochi, causing the heaven and earth to collapse.

However, each of these four deities were injured and covered in blood.

In addition to them, Dongwang, Dijun, Yuanjun and others were all injured and in extremely embarrassed condition, but they still refused to retreat and attacked the two boys!

The emperors, Yuanjun and other heavenly monarchs all use their avatars, or Tao bodies, but there are also some immortal monarchs who come in person, some with the title of the imperial court, and some as Sanren.

The two boys who fought with them were both twelve or thirteen years old, but one of them had his face shaved off and had not yet grown, and was shaped like a skeleton, while the other boy had red lips and white teeth.

These two people didn't have any breath of living people, they were like two walking corpses, fighting on their own.

But they were so tyrannical. Their two small bodies were able to withstand the attacks of dozens of powerful men, and even severely injured them all!

Those who were slightly weaker in cultivation were directly beaten by the two of them to the point of being seriously injured and fell into the Yaochi!

When the two little Taoist boys were hit by Dongwang, Dijun and others, Tao Fruit in human form appeared behind them, shining brightly and neutralizing everyone's attacks.

In the realm of the Immortal Lord, you can cultivate into a Taoist tree. In the realm of the Heavenly King, you can cultivate into a Taoist flower. In the Daluo Jinxian realm, you can cultivate into a Taoist fruit!

Xu Ying once communicated with Daozu about the differences between the realms of the old and new eras, and had a general understanding of the realm of immortals. The so-called Emperor, Heavenly Lord, and Yuanjun are all titles of the Immortal Court, not realms. Only Immortal Lord and Heavenly Lord are realms.

Human immortals cultivated into the realm of the six immortals, and the six realms of the earthly immortals merged into one to form the realm of Tao. The realm of heavenly immortals refining the Tao became the realm of the Tao. The Tao of the Immortal King became the Tao chain. The Tao chain of the Immortal Lord was used as the seed to cultivate the Tao tree. The Heavenly King Tao tree blossomed. Refining Taohua.

Later, there were differences in the understanding of the following realms between the old and new eras. In the ancient times, the immortals who cultivated the Taoist Fruit were called Daluo Jinxian, while in today's fairy world, Daluo Jinxian and Daluo Wonderful Realm are equated with the Supreme Realm.

As for whether the Daluo Jinxian Daluo Wonderful Realm can really be equal to the Supreme Realm, Xu Ying has not been exposed to these realms, so it is unknown.

The Tao fruits of these two Tao boys don't look like real Tao fruits. They should be fake Tao fruits that they made by taking the Tao fruits of the ginseng fruit tree.

Xu Ying looked around and said, But even if it's a false Dao fruit, it's not trivial, it's enough to suppress the heroes!

Dazhong was extremely excited: Ah Ying, if I take the Dao Fruit, can I also refine a false Dao Fruit?

Xu Ying glanced at it and wondered how it could take the Dao Fruit. And after taking it, where would the false Dao Fruit hang? The big clock is bare and inappropriate to hang anywhere.

The two Taoist boys, Qingfeng Mingyue, sacrificed the Taoist fruit, which was almost invulnerable to all attacks and the heroes could not hurt them at all!

Xu Ying suddenly knew why King Dong, Tianzun and others joined forces. If they did not get rid of these two Taoist boys, they would not be able to obtain the Taoist fruit of the ginseng fruit tree.

However, even if they join forces, there is nothing they can do to these two Taoist boys.

Suddenly, the goddess noticed something was wrong and said quickly: Immortal Lord, there will be great changes here. Let's leave quickly and return to the twelfth floor!

Upon hearing this, Xu Ying immediately urged the emperor's chariot to withdraw from Yaochi without thinking, and went straight to the twelfth floor of the building.

At this moment, an obscure throbbing burst out from nowhere. At this moment, even Xu Ying in the imperial chariot felt frightened and felt as if his magic power had been suppressed!

He has reached the current stage of cultivation, and few people can suppress him. Even Tianjun cannot make him feel that his magic power is not flowing smoothly just by using his breath.

But that obscure throbbing not only interfered with the movement of his vitality, but also the movement of his spiritual consciousness, as well as the control of yin and yang, mental power, and Tao power, were also affected!

Supreme magic weapon?

Just as he thought of this, he saw a halo of light flying up from a place more than ten miles away from the emperor's chariot and rushing into the Yaochi!

In that halo is a jade ruler-shaped treasure. Looking from a distance, it is not clear and only some vague scales can be seen, but the obscure throbbing is coming from the jade ruler!

Although they were more than ten miles apart, the shock wave of the jade ruler still caused the emperor's chariot to jolt violently. The layers of clouds outside the emperor's chariot continued to explode to resist the impact of the jade ruler!

But in just an instant, the clouds outside the imperial chariot were completely destroyed. The violent impact caused the imperial chariot to tilt and fly downward!

Who used the supreme magic weapon? Xu Ying was puzzled.

The jade ruler flew over the Yaochi. When it vibrated in the air, it unfolded like a folding fan. Every fold of the fan was an exquisite landscape painting.

The supreme magic weapon, the mountains and rivers are as big as the sky!

The expressions of everyone on the Yaochi suddenly changed. They did not care about attacking Qingfeng Mingyue, and each used their magical powers to defend themselves.

The Shanshui Zhangtian Ruler and the Returning Jade Plate were both supreme magic weapons without an owner. They once appeared in the world and caused a bloody storm. The last two supreme magic weapons were missing and disappeared from the world.

The Shanshui Zhangtian Ruler fell, and the two Taoist boys suddenly had their bones broken and their tendons broken. The Taoist fruit was almost broken and they fell backwards.

The mountain ruler turned half a circle, and fan-shaped light cut out in all directions. The heroes who besieged Qingfeng Mingyue each groaned, were all wounded, vomited blood, and fled in a hurry.

The people who offer sacrifices to the mountains and rivers as far as the sky are among us!

I don’t know who sacrificed that mountain-water-foot-long ruler. After severely injuring Qingfeng Mingyue, he actually attacked them and wanted to kill everyone in Yaochi!

Everyone ran away quickly, their minds like mirrors: This man uses the supreme magic weapon and is bound to get the ginseng fruit tree. He will never let us go!

Above, a terrifying wave came from the Yaochi. Xu Ying tried his best to hold the imperial chariot steady, secretly thinking he was lucky.

If not for the misfortune of the Goddess, he escaped early, and now he would have to skin himself even if he didn't die!

Suddenly, there were only two muffled sounds, and two figures fell from the sky and smashed into the imperial chariot.

Xu Ying immediately stood up and saw two Taoist boys from Qingfeng Mingyue, one on the left and one on the right, sandwiching him in the middle.

Xu Ying couldn't help but move the Taiyi Golden Bridge to suppress the two of them, but was hit by the auras of the two Taoist boys and the Golden Bridge could not fall.

At this moment, there was another pop, and King Dong fell into the imperial chariot and shouted: Xu Tianzun, save me!

He was also severely injured and injured by the supreme magic weapon. Now three of his limbs were broken, leaving only one right leg that was not broken and fell on the ground.

When Dong Wang saw the two Taoist boys Qingfeng Mingyue, his expression suddenly changed, and he secretly complained in his heart. He was about to run away, when the Taoist boy named Qingfeng suddenly said: It turns out that I am a senior fellow from the Shangqing Taoist Sect. Senior brother, save me!

After saying that, the two Taoist boys were exhausted and fell to the ground.

Dong Wang was shocked and doubtful. He struggled to crawl out with his seriously wounded body. He was inexplicably frightened: I have been hunting geese all year round, but I was blinded by the birds. I fell into the den of thieves! This man named Xu, and the two Taoist boys belong together!

Xu Ying said quickly: Dong Wang, misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding! Dong Wang, Dong Wang! He climbed so fast.

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