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Chapter 513 Meet Xu Tianzun

When the Kunlun realm was destroyed, the Ten Cave Heavens didn't exist yet?

Xu Ying's mood was still difficult to calm down for a long time.

The Queen Mother of the West is the Kunlun Mountain God who was born after Kunlun migrated to all heavens and realms and was worshiped by all living beings. It makes sense that he doesn't know what happened six hundred thousand years ago.

Empress Ziwei once said that the Immortal Realm is made from the Holy Land of the Earthly Immortal Realm and Dongyuan. At that time, those rebellious new Tao leaders seized Ziwei Immortal Court and refined it on the basis of Ziwei Immortal Courtyard. Immortal world. From now on, immortality and mortal world are divided into two parts.

Xu Ying raised his head and looked to the sky. The huge fairy world came over him, completely blocking his sight.

Today's fairy world has entered the realm of Taixu, coming with the overwhelming power of Mount Tai.

Xu Ying looked down and saw that across the realm of Taixu were the heavens and the worlds, floating on the sky and sea like thousands of duckweeds.

The Immortal World was formed after the Ziwei Immortal Court was breached 600,000 years ago. In other words, it was impossible for Shidongtian to connect to the Immortal World before that.

He was a little puzzled. Since the Ten Caves did not exist naturally, where did these Ten Caves come from? Who made it?

Do the Ten Cave Heavens correspond to the other shores of the Taixu Realm? If they correspond to these other shores, then the other shores of the Taixu Realm should also be artificially refined.

Xu Ying said silently, Maybe these other shores are the same as the ten scenes of my dojo, which were transformed into the broken dojo of a powerful being. Will the ten caves be the relics left by Qingxuan? If so, he Is it life or death?”

In the memory of young Yunhai's previous life, he had seen Qingxuan perform the Six Heavenly Caves.

Behind Qingxuan there are six kinds of visions, including the Sea of ​​Chaos, the Immortal Spiritual Light, the Clear Sky of Glaze, and the Two Black and Yellow Qi, which are extremely dazzling and suppress the Huang Ting Jing of Taoist Yunhai back then.

The six visions behind Qingxuan corresponded to the six other shores of Taixu Realm, which made him have this suspicion.

When Qingxuan sealed Yunhai's memory, the immortal world had not yet been formed, and Empress Ziwei was still in power. At that time, he had only cultivated six kinds of visions, and had not achieved the ten caves.

Xu Ying thought to himself, He should have mastered the Ten Caves after the formation of the Immortal World.

Taoist Yuxu looked up at the fairy world and said leisurely: The Tao rises and the Tao falls, and the cycle goes back and forth. The last time the Tao rose and the Tao fell, the ancient Tao of heaven and earth decayed, and a new Tao was born. What about this time? What Tao will rise again?

Xu Ying heard this and followed his gaze. Behind the huge shadow in the fairy world, there was something vaguely huge, approaching silently, giving people an unparalleled sense of oppression.

What is that? Xu Ying was stunned.

Taoist Yuxu didn't know much either.

That thing was hidden behind the Immortal Realm. It was bigger than the Immortal Realm, but it was in darkness. Its shadow could only be seen dimly when the Immortal Realm moved.

Xu Ying withdrew his gaze, feeling a little uneasy: From what Taoist Yuxu said, this thing is likely to cause the ups and downs of the Tao. Could it be that the Tao crying 600,000 years ago will break out again? If so...

He couldn't help frowning. The immortal world was almost entirely composed of immortals who relied on Dongyuan to practice. The Taoist cry broke out, and everyone under the Supreme Lord would be wiped out!

Think about it, it’s really...


What's even more exciting is that I also rely on Dongyuan to practice!

Xu Ying blinked, and he connected the ten caves and heavens into one, summoning Taiyi Dongyuan. Now the power of Taiyi Dongyuan is getting stronger and stronger, and it is getting closer and closer to him.

If Taiyi Dongyuan burst into tears, he would not escape death!

He has seen those skeleton Taoists in the Shangqing Taoist Sect. Even if they are in the realm of Tianjun, they cannot resist the Taoist cry and turn into a pile of corpses that can only chant sutras!

Under the Supreme Being, everyone is just an ant!

Only by becoming the Supreme can you resist Tao Cry.

If you want to become a supreme master, you can only get the emperor-level cave abyss.

Xu Ying looked at Yingzhou in the realm of Taixu and thought to himself: The King of the East said that although Yingzhou is a cave abyss at the level of the Immortal Lord, it is actually not inferior to the Tianjun Dongyuan. I now need a cave abyss to protect the Taiyi Cave Abyss. . Yingzhou is very suitable, and Yingzhou can also be used as a base. Immortals who follow me can enter it to practice. However, how can we turn Yingzhou into a cave?

He asked Taoist Yuxu for advice, and Taoist Yuxu told him everything. He taught him how to sense the cave abyss, how to sense the immortal way in the cave abyss, and how to refine the cave abyss.

Taoist Master Yuxu is a powerful man in the Great Luo Realm of the old era, and his cultivation has reached an incredible level. Although Taoist Master Yuxu is his soul of heaven and earth, his vision and knowledge are still there, and it is no big deal to impart this knowledge to Xu Ying. .

After Xu Ying learned it, he looked at the realm of Taixu, hesitated, and suddenly jumped down from Qilin Cliff and flew into the realm of Taixu.

His body transformed into a rainbow light and headed straight for Yingzhou.

It is easy to enter Taixu, but difficult to come out. The last time he entered Taixu, he was trapped in Yingzhou for several years before he found the road to Tianhai.

If Yingzhou cannot be refined within half a year, I'm afraid I won't be able to trust others in front of His Highness Dongwang! Xu Ying thought to himself.

Taoist Yuxu watched him go away, looked up at the fairyland that was getting closer and closer, then closed the Kunlun realm and returned to Yuxu Palace.

The Immortal Realm is coming, and the tide of the Three Realms will definitely cause the Three Realms to merge and become one. At that time, I won't be able to move my old bones.

He sat down, his eyes as dim as candlelight, and whispered, But where is my true body? Is he in the huge shadow behind the fairy world? Why can't I sense any aura of the Taoist Master so far?

He felt vaguely uneasy.

Is the shadow behind the fairy world the real other side?

If not, where would it be?

Taiqing Taoist, Yuqing Taoist, Xuhuang Daojun, where are these ancient existences?

Even as knowledgeable as he is, he still has no answer.

Xu Ying flew rapidly in Taixu, sweeping thousands of miles at an extremely fast speed.

Taixu is really vast and vast, with infinite space. He mobilized the Da Luotian Dojo and flew for dozens of days, getting closer and closer to Yingzhou.

These days, he saw many immortals searching for treasures in Taixu. The immortal world had invaded Taixu, and some immortals followed the cracks in the immortal world and entered Taixu. After all, Taixu is also a mysterious place for the fairy world, and there is a lot of wealth buried in it.

Xu Ying's goal is Yingzhou, and he often only meets these immortals from a distance, and then flees away.

Suddenly, an immortal shouted: Ship! Look at that ship!

Xu Ying was flying by when a huge shadow suddenly invaded him. He hurriedly looked up and saw an ancient ship hundreds of miles long whizzing past his head.

The building ship is like a small land, with palaces and ancient cities on it, like a fairyland.

There were many immortals using various magic weapons such as boats, chariots, clouds, rainbows, leaves, etc., each showing their magical powers, chasing the huge ship!

That's a building from the ancient times! Rumor has it that it's a relic from before the ancient times!

There was an Immortal King with his five fingers spread apart. In an instant, his palm turned into a big hand with a radius of hundreds of miles. He grabbed the ship and shouted, Get out of the way! This treasure should belong to me!

Suddenly, the Immortal King's five fingers exploded, blood flowed out, and he shouted: This building ship is protected by a magic weapon!

It's that ship again!

Xu Ying's eyes lit up and he hurriedly caught up.

The last time he, Ji Jue, and Ning Qing came here, they also encountered this ship and passed by Yingzhou. However, their cultivation strength was still low at that time and they were unable to catch up.

Now Xu Ying mobilized the nine magic weapons, activated the dojo, raised his cultivation and Taoism to the extreme, and caught up with him like a fleeting glimpse.

He exploded with almost all his strength, but did not use the Taiyi Cave Abyss, and soon surpassed the immortals.

The immortals suddenly felt a silhouette of a person flashing, and saw a rainbow light leaving them far away, and they couldn't help but be surprised and doubtful.

The building ship seemed to have a life of its own. It noticed his pursuit and its speed actually increased a lot. It even turned in the void to avoid Xu Ying's pursuit.

Seeing that Xu Ying was about to catch up with the building ship, he suddenly saw a flash of light on the ship, heading straight for his eyebrows. Xu Ying was startled and stepped aside, only to see a red sword grazing his forehead. Cheeks flew by.

He rushed forward and saw streaks of light flying out of the building. They were sharp swords, which had turned into rainbow light and were moving extremely fast.

Xu Ying tried hard, but couldn't break through the sword formation, so he had to give up.

There is no one on the ship, but there are so many magic weapons guarding it. It seems that the realm of Taixu is not only as simple as the other side, but also has other weird places!

He abandoned the ship and rushed to Yingzhou. After another two days, he finally caught up with Yingzhou and landed on a fairy mountain.

There are also many immortals in Yingzhou who are looking for treasures everywhere. Some immortals occupy the fairy mountains, some dig veins of fairy gold, and some are looking for fairy plants of fairy grass.

This place looks a bit like the rumored Yingzhou!

Suddenly, an immortal recognized this place and exclaimed, Fifty thousand years ago, the traitor Xu Yinggui was the leader of the Three Realms of Doubu and occupied Yingzhou Cave Abyss. After that, Yingzhou disappeared!


The immortal next to him hurriedly said, Since you recognize it, why are you shouting loudly? We have refined Yingzhou Dongyuan, and there is hope for us to become an Immortal Lord!

Those immortals were sneaking around, looking around, and found Xu Ying nearby, obviously hearing what they said. The immortals looked at each other, and one of them wiped his neck with his hand. They all had a clear understanding and walked towards Xu Ying in silence.

Suddenly, one of them turned pale when he saw Xu Ying's face, turned around and left.

Seeing this, the others hesitated for a moment, followed each other, and asked: Brother Zhang, what's wrong?


The immortal looked gloomy and whispered, It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. We will leave immediately and return to the immortal world!

Those few people had a cold war and were about to leave when suddenly Xu Ying's voice came from behind them and said politely: Fellow Taoists, stay here.

The bodies of those people were stiff and they stood still, not daring to move.

The immortal who had just recognized Xu Ying turned around with a smile on his face and said with an apologetic smile: What does this brother have to say?

Xu Ying looked kind and said, Do you recognize me?


The immortals shook their heads in unison and said, We definitely didn't recognize you!

I have been blind since I was a child. Don't slander people for nothing!

Xu Ying nodded lightly and said with a smile: You just said this place is Yingzhou, which shows that you have some knowledge. Do you know the origin of Yingzhou?

Those immortals were surprised, but they said honestly: I heard that Yingzhou is the Cave Abyss of the Three Realms of Doubu, which can help people cultivate to become immortal kings. Mr. Xu... After Xu Tianzun was promoted to the head of the Three Realms of Doubu, he Take charge of this cave.

Several people looked at each other, and an immortal summoned up the courage to say: There are rumors in the immortal world that the Yingzhou Cave Abyss is not complete. It was damaged by someone, and two parts are missing. If the two missing parts can be found, Yingzhou can be promoted to Tianjun Dongyuan.

Another immortal said: Some people suspect that the Penglai and Abbot mountains that Mr. Xu...Tianzun took away were the two missing parts of Yingzhou.

Xu Ying was surprised and said silently in his heart: It seems that King Dong didn't tell the truth about something.

He waved his hand, and the immortals immediately rose into the sky and followed the cracks in the sky back to the fairyland as if they had been granted amnesty.

The King of the East only said that Yingzhou is not inferior to Tianjun Dongyuan, but he did not tell me that Yingzhou must gather Penglai and the abbot to be on par with Tianjun Dongyuan! Penglai is in my hands, but the abbot is in my hands. Zulong. Forget it, let’s take away Yingzhou first!”

Xu Ying followed the method taught by Taoist Yuxu and sensed the great avenue of heaven and earth in Yingzhou, which was connected to Yingzhou Dongyuan. After a long time, he finally connected with the immortal way of Yingzhou.

It is not troublesome for him to sense Yingzhou. Yingzhou was his cave 48,000 years ago and bears the imprint of his first life. Now, it is extremely easy to sense it again.

As the induction became deeper and deeper, Xu Ying felt that he was breathing in and out, and Yingzhou was also exhaling the old and taking in the new, and the spirit of the immortals continued to flow in.

This is the fairy spirit energy of the entire Yingzhou, it is really overwhelming and endless!

Compared to Taiyi Dongyuan, it is still much worse.

At this time, hundreds of immortals have come to Yingzhou and are competing for territory and the fairy mountain. They have no idea that Yingzhou already has an owner.

Suddenly, the sky shook violently, and a dull voice sounded: Doube Helingdu Gutian Palace has come to take back Yingzhou. Anyone who has nothing to do with it should stay away to avoid hurting innocent people!

There was sudden silence in Yingzhou.

At this time, a voice sneered: Dou Bu? Dou Bu is not what he used to be! Why are you pretending to be majestic?

Today's Dou Bu is worse than the Lei, Fire, and Finance departments!

In the sky, from the thirty-six heavenly gangs and the seventy-two earthly demons of Helingdu Ancient Heavenly Palace, an immortal king and an immortal appeared one after another, overwhelming the heavens, with a sinister face, holding various magic weapons, and full of murderous intent.

The immortals in Yingzhou were awestruck when they saw this. They saw eighty-four thousand Dousha immortals and gods outside the Tiangang Disha, which were extremely ferocious.

In the center of the battle, white gauze is flying, forming a large curtain, with a vaguely deity sitting among the white gauze.

The immortals did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly flew up and left Yingzhou.

Everyone must leave Yingzhou!

Immortal King Tiankui raised his hand and pointed at Yingzhou and shouted, That young man, where are you! Why don't you leave Yingzhou quickly?

Xu Ying raised his head and looked at the elite fighting evil spirits in the sky. Immortal King Tiankui couldn't help but change his face when he saw his appearance, and he was speechless.

Behind them, Tiangang, Tianji, Tianxian, Tianyong and other fighting evil kings and immortals all looked at the young man blankly, their expressions suddenly changed.

Previously, the immortals of Helingdu Ancient Heavenly Palace fought against evil spirits to suppress the world, but now they suddenly lost all their momentum!

Yang Yanlong and Yang Zhenjun were sitting in the gauze tent of the Chinese army, with their faces looming, enjoying the pleasure of suppressing the heavens. Suddenly, they felt that Doubu's power had disappeared, and he was surprised in his heart.

He stood up and looked down, only to see that the huge Yingzhou continent was gradually tilting and slowly rising, and countless fairy mountains, rivers, and even oceans were also tilting.

A young man stood in front of Yingzhou, slowly walking towards the Doubu Dousha Immortals.

The Yingzhou continent formed a boundary of its own, moving with it, gradually rising, and gradually turning into the shape of a cave sky, suspended diagonally above the young man's back.

The corners of Tiankui Immortal King's mouth moved, he knelt down on one knee and lowered his head: He Lingdu Ancient Palace Tiankui, Xiao Yulou, see Doubu Xu Tianzun.

Tiangang Immortal King put down the immortal weapon in his hand, touched one knee to the ground, and lowered his head: Tiangang Fu Qingye, see Xu Tianzun.


After putting down the immortal weapons one by one, Tiangang Earthsha, the Immortal King and the Celestial Immortals all knelt down on one knee and lowered their heads: See Xu Tianzun!

As the young man approached, eighty-four thousand Dou Sha bowed down one after another, and thousands of voices converged into a torrent that stirred people's hearts!

See Xu Tianzun!

————Normal updates will resume today! !

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