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Chapter 504: The Battle of Dao Ancestors (updated!)

Taoist Yuan and the young man Yun Hai were inexplicably surprised that Patriarch Yuqing was rescued by Xu Ying so early!

But when?

Xu Ying was also quite surprised in his heart.

Five years ago in Tianhe, Xu Ying made an agreement with Taoist Yuan. After finishing their work, they went to the Dousita Palace of Lihentian to meet each other, and together they went to the Shangqing Ancestral Court. After being separated from Taoist Yuan, Xu Ying went to Wei Xu and discovered that the corpse ghost fairyland in Wei Xu was the Xuanhuang realm dojo. He borrowed the Jade Plate of Return to Restoration to restore the Great Way of Heaven and Earth in the Xuanhuang Realm.

The avenue of heaven and earth was restored, and the soul of heaven and earth belonging to that dojo was also restored.

At that time, because he did not want to be too involved with such existences to avoid being involved in these ancient causes and effects, he did not meet the Taoist and turned around and left.

I didn’t expect to meet you again here!

Resurrecting Patriarch Yuqing silently, is Xu Daxin really a Xu Daxin?

Taoist Yuan murmured, Uncle Master, do you think it's possible that we misunderstood him?

Young Yunhai said in despair: Then we have been waiting for five years in Tushita Palace. What are we waiting for?

Xu Ying smiled and said: You are waiting for me to take me to the Shangqing Ancestral Court.

The young Yunhai was quite dissatisfied, but could not find anything to refute.

Taoist Yuqing, wearing a black and yellow Taoist robe, tall and thin, with a Taoist spirit, came forward to greet him and said with a smile: Last time, Taoist friend Xu left in a hurry and we couldn't see each other. It's a pity. Taoist friend Xu asked me to beg others. , I never thought of going around in circles, but we meet again here, it’s a fate.”

At that time, Xu Ying was just talking to himself in a low voice, and he was very far away, but Taoist Yuqing could hear him clearly.

Xu Ying said: I wanted to escape that day, but after five years, I still couldn't escape. This shows that I have a close relationship with Shangqing.

Taoist Yuqing summoned a cloud of energy, landed at his feet, and said meaningfully: Fellow Taoist, I think this fate is a big disaster, but maybe it's not necessarily a big disaster? Please come this way.

Xu Ying climbed onto this cloud, just like stepping on cotton.

Taoist Yuan and Junior Master Yunhai also followed, drifting forward with Taoist Yuqing's clouds.

Xu Ying felt that as he breathed, the spirit of the immortal spirit rolled in like nectar and jade liquid, pouring into his whole body, making him feel indescribably comfortable.

He looked around, but saw that this cave was different from the Taishang Cave Abyss he had seen before. The Taishang Cave Abyss was extremely deep and empty, except for the soul and physical body of the ancient monks, and some Tao trees.

But Shangqing Dongyuan is surrounded by the wonderland of fairy mountains, with countless Taoist temples and fairy palaces on the fairy mountains.

He looked deeper into the cave abyss and saw many fairy mountains lined up, heading into the depths of the cave abyss with no end in sight.

These palaces on the Immortal Mountains are where the Shangqing Qi Refiners and Immortals used to study the Shangqing Dao.

Taoist Yuqing drove the auspicious clouds to fly over the temples and palaces, saying: This place was not as good as it is now. When Shangqing Dadongyuan was first summoned, it was full of chaos and had no place to stand. It was me and fellow Taoist Taiqing. Join forces to suppress the chaos in this place. After that, we recruit many disciples and establish the Shangqing Taoist Sect.

Although Taoist Yuan and his junior uncle Yunhai were disciples of Shangqing, they had already passed the Dao Cry when they received the inheritance of Shangqing. The Shangqing Taoist sect was not as good as before, so they did not know much about the origin of Shangqing Da Dongyuan.

The two of them listened to Taoist Yuqing's narration about the past and were fascinated.

The Shangqing Dao Sect later developed and expanded, and there were more than 30,000 disciples practicing and enlightening in the Great Cave Abyss. More than 30,000 Taoists stayed here, all in order to obtain the true meaning of the Shangqing Dao.

Taoist Yuqing paused lightly, landed in front of one of the Taoist temples, stepped in, and said, It's strange to say that there is only one avenue, Shangqing Avenue, but everyone understands the truth differently. Although they are None of the disciples of Taoist Taoist Brother Taiqing and I have comprehended the Great Pure Path, and none of them are similar to what Taoist Taoist Taoist Master Taiqing and I have comprehended. More than 30,000 people have actually comprehended more than 30,000 different ways. Come on! Even my Taoist fellow Taoist Taiqing and I have big differences.

Xu Ying was stunned and lost his voice: How come you can come up with different methods after studying the same great way? Unless, unless...

He suddenly said: Except these more than 30,000 kinds of Dharma, they are not the Dharma!

As soon as he said this, Taoist Yuan and Junior Master Yunhai scolded him for being disrespectful.

The Shangqing Taoist Sect is one of the three great sects in the ancient times. It has a long history and an ancient origin. The Taoism is even more profound and unfathomable. It is said that it is not the correct method. No wonder the two of them are furious.

Taoist Yuqing was surprised and said: Fellow Taoist Xu is indeed a person with wisdom. He can see the key to the problem at a glance. We are here to understand the secrets of the Shangqing Dao. The reason why everyone understands the method differently is that we are all blind and trying to figure out the elephant. Some people touched the legs and said it was a pillar, some touched the trunk and said it was a python, and some touched the body and said it was a wall. No one has ever touched a complete elephant.

When Taoist Yuan and his junior uncle saw what he said, they couldn't scold Xu Ying. You can't scold the Patriarch for not understanding the Supreme Pure Law, right?

In the Taoist temple, Xu Ying looked around and saw a series of sutra pillars standing here. The sutra building is about two feet high and divided into three levels: base, body and cover.

There are many strange Taoist patterns carved on it, and the Taoist patterns are like living creatures, still circulating on the sutra pillar.

These Sutra Buildings should be the place where disciples of the Shangqing Dao Sect can verify each other's knowledge. They meditate on the Shangqing Dao here and what they gain will be recorded and communicated with other disciples.

Taoist Yuqing gently waved his sleeves, and suddenly the sutra pillars flew up. The Taoist patterns on the sutra pillars were projected around Xu Ying and others. The Taoist sounds were loud, and the lines were like dragons, thunder, and wind and frost, changing rapidly, explaining The secrets of different avenues.

There are a large number of sutra pillars in this Taoist temple, and countless Taoist sounds converge to form a torrent, just like the overlapping of thousands of voices, but they are all different. The Taoist patterns are confusing, and although each has its own explanation, it is not consistent.

Xu Ying was dazzled by what he saw and dizzy by what he heard.

Taoist Yuqing withdrew his magic power, and the sutra pillars fell to the ground one by one. The Taoist patterns flying in the sky also returned to the sutra pillars, and the Taoist sounds also disappeared.

Fellow Taoist Taiqing and I also realized this. Although our cultivation at that time could not be said to be perfect, it was still extraordinary. Even the Immortal Emperor had to be respectful. But we both felt that , we have not truly attained enlightenment.”

Taoist Yuqing sighed, paused, and the auspicious clouds rose up, carrying them from the Taoist temple to the sky and flew to other fairy mountains.

They came to another fairy mountain Taoist temple, and the clouds fell. Taoist Yuqing offered sacrifices to the sutra pillars here, but they saw the Taoist patterns flying in the sutra pillars, which had almost no resemblance to the sutra pillars they had seen before!

This situation is really weird.

People from the same sect, who have studied the same great way, have different ways of understanding it. If they are similar, it would be fine, but if they are different, it just means that everyone is doing it wrong!

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly, and he felt the world carefully, and felt the wonderful rhythm of the avenue, which was fascinating.

This is the rhythm brought by Shangqing Avenue.

This place is different from Taishang Cave Abyss. The Tao of Taishang Cave Abyss is extremely mysterious. If you have a little contact, you will get the Tao, and the secrets of the Tao will come one after another. If you are not careful, you will become addicted to it because of your understanding of the Supreme Way, and there is a risk of becoming a Taoist.

But the Shangqing Avenue is different. The heaven and earth avenue here is long and long. It is not as easy to enter and gain enlightenment as the Taishangdao, and it is not as fast as the Taishangdao to comprehend, but it is much safer. However, everyone's perception is different.

Taoist Yuqing said: Taoist Taiqing and I have been studying hard, but we still can't figure out where the problem lies. After wasting like this for an unknown amount of time, we suddenly thought of a key point.

He paused, and the clouds rose up, carrying them away from the temple and to the next fairy mountain.

This is a fairy palace. Many Shangqing disciples must have gathered here to discuss Taoism. The fairy light was at its peak and the fairy spirit was extraordinary.

Taoist Yuqing said: We thought at that time, since we can't directly comprehend the Great Pure Path, can we gather the great avenues enlightened by all the disciples of Supreme Purity and deduce the Great Pure Path?

Xu Ying's eyes lit up and he clapped his hands in praise: This is a good method! Since we can't directly understand the Great Pure Path, let's summarize the different insights. Taoist brother, have you found the real Great Pure Path?


Taoist Yuqing looked sad and said, After Taoist Taoist Taiqing and I compiled these Taoisms, our starting points came into conflict. I thought that more people should be able to understand the Shangqing Dao and comprehend more different Taoisms. Abandoning those that are the same among these Tao and Dharma, choosing those that are different, what you get is the Tao of the Supreme Purity.”

His method is equivalent to putting together a puzzle.

Each member of the Shangqing Sect has learned different Taoist methods here, which is equivalent to getting a piece of the puzzle. Excluding those similar pieces, the more puzzle pieces you get, the more complete the pattern will be.

Taoist Yuqing said: Fellow Taoist Taiqing believes that those different Taoisms are illusions, and that the Tao understood by all disciples is the true knowledge. He wants to find the similarities among these Taoisms, and the similarities are the Supreme Purity Avenue.”

Taiqing Taoist's method is to find similarities.

The Taoism that each disciple understands is really complex. It is extremely difficult to piece together the true Shangqing Dao from the thousands of confusing Taoisms, and what you get may not be the real Shangqing Dao. The Shangqing Dao must be hidden among these thousands of messy Taoisms, and it is extremely simple to find it.

They flew up from this fairy palace and headed to the next fairy mountain.

As they gradually went deeper into the Shangqing Great Cave Abyss, Xu Ying felt that his perception of the Shangqing Avenue became clearer and clearer, and he increasingly felt that he would achieve enlightenment with just a little insight.

Taoist Yuqing flew down to a fairy palace below and said: After I had a conflict with him, we each held our own opinions and thought that our own method was right and the other party was wrong. So we decided to divide into two direction, each sorting out the Tao, Dharma and magical powers. In the end, we put together the Shangqing Tao that we each sorted out and confirmed each other. If we get the same Shangqing Tao, it means we have attained the Tao. If they are different, it means we have attained the Tao. One of them is wrong.

He did not fall behind, he just passed through the doors of this extraordinary immortal palace. There were futons, sutra pillars, and jade stones in the palace.

Xu Ying asked: What's the result?

Taoist Yuqing sighed and said: The result is the Huangting Sutra and the Shangqing Great Cave Sutra.

Xu Ying was silent for a moment and said, So the results you get are different?

Taoist Yuqing sighed again and said: It's completely different. The Huangting Sutra and the Shangqing Dadong Sutra cannot be unified. I exchanged exercises with him, he got the Shangqing Dadong Sutra, and I got the Huangting Sutra, and we meditated on it. After a long time, I still don’t think I was wrong.”

If the Tao doesn't work, then see the real chapter in your hand.

The two founders of the Shangqing Dao Sect competed to prove who was the righteous Dharma of the Shangqing Dao. Whoever achieves higher levels of Taoism and Dharma is the Dharma!

The result of this battle was that Taiqing Taoist left and founded Lihentian Doushui Palace, leaving only Yuqing Taoist in the Shangqing Taoist sect.

Taoist Yuan and his junior uncle Yun Hai looked at each other, and both were a little scared: It turns out that Taoist Taiqing ran away because he was defeated and was unwilling to admit that his path was wrong. We have been living with him in the past few years. Damn it, he didn’t kill us, his cultivation is ridiculously high!”

Taoist Yuqing said: I defeated Taoist Taiqing, and I was extremely happy. I originally thought that my way was the right way, and my way was the Great Way to the Qing Dynasty. Since then, I have recruited many disciples, preached and gained karma, and The Qingdao Sect is also becoming more and more prosperous, and more disciples come to study the Shangqing Dao. I have no prejudice against the Huangting Sutra and let my disciples practice it. If they think Huangting Sutra is good, they will practice Huangting Sutra. If they think the Dadong Sutra is good, they will practice the Dadong Sutra. I even practiced the Huangting Sutra and reached the highest level of achievement.

A towering fairy mountain comes into view in front of you. The golden palace on the top of the mountain is full of fairy light and extraordinary majesty. From a distance, you can hear deafening chanting from inside.

The Xuan Zongmen is slightly bright and clear in the sky. From silence to the end, you will see the Sansu Palace. The great road is here, and the scenery is full of clouds and dragons...

That voice was the voice of thousands of people chanting. It was obvious that this place was an extremely important Taoist temple for the Shangqing Taoist Sect.

But when Xu Ying heard this voice, he couldn't help but be a little confused: There are still so many strong people in the Shangqing Taoist sect alive?

He could sense the powerful aura coming from the golden palace on the top of the mountain in front of him. Everyone's cultivation was extremely powerful, deeper and more powerful than him!

I always thought I was right, until one day, Tao cried.

Taoist Yuqing slowly descended from the clouds and came to this fairy palace called Fangzhu Qing Palace. He hesitated for a moment and then walked in.

The clouds dispersed under Xu Ying's feet and he followed him, only to see thousands of Taoists in front of him with their backs to them, sitting upright and reciting the Shangqing Great Cave Sutra loudly!

These Taoists are filled with essence, their Taoist charm is long, and a clear energy in their bodies rises to the sky, stirring up the wind and clouds in Shangqing Cave Abyss!

When they arrived here, their aura became more and more powerful, and each of them actually had a cultivation level that was not inferior to that of the Immortal Lord or the Heavenly Lord!

Xu Ying's face suddenly changed, revealing a look of awe, and he whispered: A Shangqing Dao Sect is probably equivalent to an Immortal Court!

At this moment, a cold wind blew from behind them, lifting the robes of thousands of Taoists.

Under the robes, there are bones.

Those Taoists didn't know that they were dead, but they were still chanting the Shangqing Dadong Mantra loudly, as if they were using it to fight against the invasion of something!

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