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Chapter 500 The Queen’s Treasure

Xu Ying carried the emperor's coffin and walked out step by step with difficulty. There were too many talismans affixed to the emperor's coffin, and the coffin was filled with overwhelming evil energy. Even the talismans could not suppress it!

This ferocious aura even spread outside the imperial mausoleum, making Nan Ziyan feel like a sea of ​​blood rushing towards him, drowning him!

Nan Ziyan's heart was pounding with fear. This aura was so strong that even a master like him would find it unbearable to be hit by this aura!

Could it be that His Majesty was not only Emperor Ai, but also a tyrant?

Xu Ying had to be extra careful while carrying the emperor's coffin. Not only did he have to pass through those supreme runes himself, but he also had to carry the emperor's coffin through them without touching any of the power of the supreme runes.

Otherwise, even he and the emperor's coffin will fall!

His Taoist patterns must not only connect to the supreme runes, but also connect to the talismans on the emperor's coffin.

The talisman is also a supreme rune, but its content is different from the runes in the corridor. How to let two different runes pass through each other is an extremely difficult test.

Not only that, Xu Ying's body was also wrapped with chains. These chains were originally wrapped around the emperor's coffin. For some reason, they wrapped around Xu Ying's body, binding his body and soul, making it difficult for him to make more movements.

Xu Ying exhausted all his wisdom and walked all the way from the depths of the imperial mausoleum to this point, which is truly remarkable.

Dao patterns were flying all over his body, like thousands of tentacles like dust and smoke, connected to the immortal runes around him, compatible with the Emperor's Coffin Talisman, and even connected to the chains wrapped around his body!

Above his head, the Taiyi Cave hung high in the sky, keeping his cultivation at its peak. On the other side of Taiyi Cave Sky, Taiyi Cave Abyss is also becoming more and more clearly visible!

The Cave Heaven is divided into nine levels. Xu Ying has just entered the Divine Bridge stage. He has already cultivated the Taiyi Cave Heaven to the seventh level, and the Taiyi Cave Abyss seems to be getting closer.

The various powers that emerged from the Taiyi Cave Abyss poured down, filling his body with nine powers. The nine powers turned into the power of Taiyi and condensed into one force.

The emperor's coffin was extremely heavy. The muscles in his legs were tight, his thighs became thicker, and the boots on his feet that were given by the Supreme Demon Supreme were stepped on and exploded.

Xu Ying continued to move forward. From the time Empress Ziwei, Nan Ziyan and others saw him until he walked out of the corridor and reached the tombstone, it took him five days to complete the dozens of steps. !

When Xu Ying put down the emperor's coffin, he almost collapsed and almost knelt on the ground.

His physical strength was raised to the extreme, and he endured the highest intensity of pressure for months on end. His mind has also been running wildly in the past few months, thinking about the mysteries of various supreme runes, and coming up with ways to deal with them, transforming the immortal runes into Tao patterns.

When he relaxed now, he felt the world was spinning, and he held on to the emperor's coffin to prevent him from falling.

Zi Yan, please help Xu Aiqing go down to rest first.

The voice of Empress Ziwei reached Xu Ying's ears, but it seemed to be coming from nine days away, extremely far away.

Nan Ziyan stretched out his hands to support Xu Ying, but Xu Ying felt that while he was supporting his body, his soul was floating into the sky.

Nan Ziyan sent him down the mountain, and several women came up to meet him. They were all shocked when they saw Xu Ying's face was pale and without any blood. Everyone rushed him to the bed. Xu Ying fell on the bed like a corpse and fell into a deep sleep the next moment.

During this coma, his dream was still filled with various bright supreme runes flying in front of his eyes, and the immortal sounds bursting out from the supreme runes were so loud that they lingered in his mind.

He was like a man without strength, stumbling around in a dream, passing through huge twisted runes, his body exploded, his soul twisted and grew like a plant, and he died over and over again.

Whenever this time, there would always be a bell ringing, waking him up from death.

He was sweating profusely and woke up from nightmares again and again, but he only woke up for a short moment before falling asleep again amid the noisy Taoist sounds.

This happened again and again, and when Xu Ying finally regained his composure, he felt like he was lying in a cloud, his head was like a melon that had been broken into two parts, and his brain was like the flesh of the melon being exposed.

He raised his hand and touched his head. His head was not cracked and was still normal.

He stood up from the bed and held his forehead, his head still buzzing.

Xu Ying looked around. It should be a woman's boudoir. The bedding was exuding fragrance, and there was a dressing table on one side. Various small items for dressing up were neatly placed. There was also the smell of incense coming from outside.

Xu Ying raised his fist and punched his head twice. He felt a little better and then stood up. He saw a pair of new shoes already placed beside the bed, which were about the same size as his feet.

He put on his new shoes and walked out. He saw a girl walking towards the room and almost bumped into him.

The girl screamed and looked happy when she saw that he was awake. She hurriedly ran out and shouted: Master Xu is awake, Master Xu is awake!

That girl is Nan Ziyan's senior sister. She usually wears a light green skirt and robe with lotus pink clothes underneath. She is a very cheerful girl.

Xu Ying came outside the room, took a long breath, and the cracking feeling in his head became less severe.

He walked outside, his energy and blood circulated, his body gradually became lighter, and he activated the Taiyi Immortal Sutra. After circulating for a few days, he felt that he had returned to his peak state.

The Taiyi Enlightenment left by Emperor Haotian is no small matter. People after Emperor Haotian all understood Taoism and magical powers based on Taiyi Enlightenment, but Xu Ying used the Taiyi Immortal Sutra to integrate Taiyi Enlightenment.

During the operation of his mysterious power, various forces such as Dao power, void, life and death, mental power, yin and yang, etc. are integrated into one body, without distinction between each other. Suddenly, I feel that the physical body and soul are as close as one, and it is like practicing the indestructible vajra.

Aying, you finally recovered.

The big bell flew out of his Ruyi Daluo Heaven and said happily, I saw that your mind was seriously exhausted, so I rang it in your dream to keep your mind alive.

Xu Ying thanked him and said with a smile: I'm fine now.

Da Zhong has been practicing in his Ruyi Daluotian these days, making rapid progress, and realized that his condition was not good, so he guarded him in his sleep.

By the way, Aying, when you were sleeping, I noticed that the treasure light in your Xiyi Domain was soaring into the sky...

Just as Da Zhong said this, Xu Ying suddenly coughed, and Da Zhong immediately shut up.

Nan Ziyan's voice came from outside, and he said in surprise: Mr. Xu, you finally woke up! You have been sleeping for four days this time!

Xu Ying was surprised. It took him nearly two months to move the imperial coffin of Empress Ziwei out of the imperial mausoleum. This time, he fell into a coma for four days before recovering. Entering the imperial mausoleum this time is really not an easy task!

Nan Ziyan walked over quickly, looked him up and down, and wanted to check his injuries. Xu Ying shook his head and said, I'm fine. There was some excessive wear and tear, but after resting now, it's no longer a serious problem.

Nan Ziyan breathed a sigh of relief, and Xu Ying asked, Has Emperor Ai opened the coffin?

Nan Ziyan shook his head and said: The emperor's coffin you brought out is too fierce, and there are various seals on it. Your Majesty is just a ray of spirit and cannot be opened. You still need to go there in person.

Xu Ying cheered up and followed him. Seeing this, Da Zhong quickly flew back to Xu Ying's Ruyi Da Luo Tian and continued to practice. He thought to himself: The treasure in A Ying's Xiyi Realm seems to be very powerful... …”

When Xu Ying came outside the Emperor's Mausoleum in Qianshan, he saw Empress Ziwei still guarding there. People around him did not dare to approach because the fierce aura coming from the Emperor's coffin was too strong. If they came even slightly close, their consciousness would be overwhelmed and they would be overwhelmed. They are confused!

Moreover, chains are like poisonous dragons and pythons, flying around the emperor's coffin, guarding the emperor's coffin.

These chains were extremely powerful, and many people were already dead around them. It must be that while Xu Ying was sleeping, the masters among the tomb guards tried to get close enough to open the emperor's coffin, but were strangled by these chains.

Xu Ying stepped forward and raised a series of Dao patterns from a distance, connecting them with the chains. Then various Dao patterns flew out and connected with the charms attached to the emperor's coffin.

When he came closer, Empress Ziwei followed him, looking quite nervous.

Xu Ying carefully observed the coffin nails. The coffin nails were also specially refined and each one was a treasure.

Emperor Ai, the person who killed you was kind to you. This coffin is full of treasures inside and outside.

Xu Ying couldn't help but admire and said, These coffin nails are extremely powerful. Every one of them is a top-grade immortal weapon, even far surpassing the treasure of the Immortal Lord.

Empress Ziwei proudly said: The specifications for my burial are also the specifications of the Immortal Emperor. When Emperor Haohong abdicated to me, when I buried him, I also buried him according to the specifications of the Great Emperor. His imperial mausoleum was filled with all kinds of things. Treasure, I never treated him badly.”

Xu Ying carefully took out the coffin nails one by one and stuffed them into his own Xiyi Domain.

Empress Ziwei saw his skillful movements and couldn't help but said: There must be many burial objects in my imperial mausoleum...

Xu Ying said vigilantly: I haven't touched a penny!

Empress Ziwei hesitated for a moment and said: I have refined a magic weapon, called the True Glazed Lamp of Taicang Cave. It is a lamp. The light can shine through all the heavens and the world, and the light can kill the enemy no matter where he is hiding. There, if I shine this lamp, I will find the person. If the lamp is cut off, the head will fall to the ground. It is very powerful. This lamp should be hung next to my coffin.

Xu Ying thought for a while, shook his head and said, I didn't notice it. Could it be that someone robbed your majesty when he was killed?

Empress Ziwei smiled and said: It shouldn't be snatched away. No one can use this treasure except me.

Xu Ying said: Most of them are still in the imperial mausoleum.

He took out all the coffin nails. There was not a single nail on the ground. They were all in his Xiyi territory.

Xu used his strength to lift the lid of the emperor's coffin, and suddenly a torrent of fierce energy rose into the sky. In an instant, the void was like blood, as if a sea of ​​blood hung on the sky. The sea of ​​blood was surging, as if countless demons were surging in the sea of ​​blood!

Am I going to fake a corpse?

Empress Ziwei was startled, and just as he was about to step forward, Xu Ying hurriedly grabbed him, shook his head and said, Your Majesty died violently, being killed by someone, and his resentment accumulated in the coffin to form a blood evil. If you poke your head over, Being attacked by the blood evil, even the soul can be dispersed. After the blood evil energy rushes out, we will go over and take a look.

Empress Ziwei had no choice but to stop and asked, Xu Aiqing seems to be very skilled in the art of opening coffins.

Xu Ying smiled and said: I have loved reading since I was a child, and I have read it in books.

Empress Ziwei smiled and said, I thought you were a good player.

When Xu Ying saw that the evil spirit was gone, he came to the coffin and saw an emperor in the coffin wearing an imperial crown and imperial robes. His appearance was majestic, but he did not look like Empress Ziwei.

The Empress Ziwei in the coffin has a majestic appearance, but does not have the appearance of a dragon. Empress Ziwei is painted more like a dragon than a human.

However, the Empress Ziwei in the coffin had a broken neck, a big hole in her heart, and something pierced her forehead.

In addition, there are dozens of Dao wounds, large and small, on his body. Even if he has been dead for an unknown period of time, the Dao wounds in the wounds are still there, faintly emitting the light of the Dao.

Xu Ying stuffed the coffin board into his own Xiyi Realm. Looking at the empress Ziwei in the coffin, he saw his eyes wide open and he couldn't help but said: Your Majesty, you are not voluntarily abdicating the throne, you are Killed by someone!

Empress Ziwei said: Nonsense, I obviously abdicated and died.

Xu Ying said: The cause of your death is obviously the hole between your eyebrows!

Empress Ziwei said seriously: Wrong! After this treasure passed through my head, I did not die. Therefore, I died of a coma due to excessive brain loss, rather than being killed. I fell into a coma and then died, It’s the end of life.”

Xu Ying said angrily: Your neck was cut off and your head was cut off. Wasn't that why you were killed?

Empress Ziwei argued: I was not dead when my head was cut off. The cause of my death was cerebral ischemia after my head was cut off, so I was not killed by someone.

Xu Ying checked the wound and said: What kind of magic weapon penetrated your heart? This is also a fatal injury!

Empress Ziwei smiled and said: The cause of my death was not being pierced through the chest by someone's magic weapon, but excessive blood loss, not being killed. They said that after I abdicated, I died of cerebral ischemia, coma and heart failure, not from being killed. People kill.”

Xu Ying blinked: Is that what they said?

Empress Ziwei also blinked and smiled, That's what they said.

Xu Ying laughed and said, This is too outrageous.

Empress Ziwei sighed: The reality is even more outrageous than this.

He suddenly turned into a puddle of ink, and a ray of spirit hidden in the painting flew into the body of the corpse in the coffin.

The abyss-like aura suddenly stirred and revived in the emperor's coffin, and the spells attached to the coffin were directly destroyed and shattered by the terrifying power!

The chains that locked the emperor's coffin were also broken inch by inch under the pressure of the turbulent power from the coffin!

Empress Ziwei's body slowly floated up from the emperor's coffin. Under the pressure of his breath, the extremely gorgeous emperor's coffin suddenly seemed to be crushed by invisible heavy objects, and the various seals on it burst into pieces!

Xu Ying had already stepped aside, and when he saw this, he secretly said it was a pity: I didn't have time to put this coffin away...

On the body of Empress Ziwei, the injuries were healing rapidly, and the alien path in the injuries was directly erased.

Within his body, the avenue was surging, blazing like flames, and shining like clouds, rising into the sky, connected to the void and the outside world. That was the ancient era, and the avenue of Ziwei Immortal Court was the most critical link that the ancestral court lacked!

Now, this avenue has revived and is connected to the ancestral court in the outside world. Suddenly the ancestral court is far and wide. No matter where it is, even if it is Lihentian, even if it is the ancestral court of heaven, even if it is the ancestral court of the demon clan, there are monks who can sense the transformation of heaven and humanity at this moment. Life, the vigorous vitality of all things!

That is the heavenly way of the ancestral court, the heavenly way of all Qi Refiners, resurrected at this moment!

Xu Aiqing, please wait a moment! I will go into the tomb first and get my most precious treasure, the Tai Cang Cave True Glaze Lamp!

Empress Ziwei slowly fell down and walked towards the depths of the imperial mausoleum. Wherever her body passed, the supreme runes exploded and were flattened!

Xu Ying's expression changed slightly and he quickly said to Nan Ziyan: Brother Nan, I have something else to do and I have to go to Tushita. Farewell!

He flew away, but Nan Ziyan quickly stopped him and said with a smile: Mr. Xu, Your Majesty still wants to help you deceive the person who plotted against you, so don't leave in a hurry.

Xu Ying hesitated. At this moment, an angry voice came from the Emperor Ai's mausoleum. Suddenly the mausoleum exploded. Empress Ziwei rose into the sky and sneered: These bastards really destroyed my Taicang Cave. The glass cup was taken away!

Xu Ying said: Your Majesty, otherwise don't look for it...

Don't worry, my treasure has been sacrificed and refined by me. The light is my heart and no one can take it away.

Empress Ziwei smiled and said, Even if this thing is far away in the Immortal Courtyard and hidden in the Great Luotian, there is no way it can be hidden from my senses. Wait until I take this treasure back. If you pay attention to your surroundings, you can see the true meaning of my Tai Cang Cave. The light emanating from the glass cup!”

After he said that, he stirred up his mind and made sacrifices to the real glazed lamp of Taicang Cave.

Nan Ziyan looked around, observing the void around him to see where the light was coming from.

Empress Ziwei also looked around.

Suddenly, Xu Ying gradually became brighter around them, and there was a lamp in the Xiyi Realm within his body, which illuminated him clearly.

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