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Chapter 497 The Disappearing Taiyi

Empress Ziwei's way of praising her was really unique and made Xu Ying feel uncomfortable all over.

But that was in the past, and I can't kill your head now. I'm calling you here this time to restore Ziwei's path.

Empress Ziwei said sternly, Ziwei's great avenue of heaven and earth is revived, so that the ancestral court can truly revive, only then can people in the world become immortals, and only then can the ancestral court have the ability to fight against the immortal world. The current ancestral court, what kind of little god, what kind of ancestral god, what kind of demon Ancestors and ancestors are all idiots who take credit for others.

His words were fierce, and it was okay to criticize Little Tianzun angrily, but he also complained about the Ancestral God, Dao Ancestor, and Demon Ancestor, making Xu Ying feel pity: I can't blame him. People in other Ancestral Courts say that Ziwei Ancestral Court is just a decoration, and Ziwei Ancestral Court is just a decoration. The Immortal Emperor Wei is also a mascot. It can be imagined that Demon Ancestor Dao Ancestor and Ancestral God were not polite to Emperor Ai back then.

Of course, he would never say this.

Xu Ying asked: Ziwei's heaven and earth collapsed and were divided by people. Heaven and earth no longer exist, and the avenue is gone. What can be done to revive Ziwei's heaven and earth?

He had just gotten a general understanding of the situation of Ziwei's Ancestral Court. Ziwei's Ancestral Court had long been divided up by everyone in the immortal world, leaving only the mausoleum in Qianshan.

If there is not even heaven and earth, where can the avenue of heaven and earth come from?

The reason why the Ancestral Court's Great Way of Heaven and Earth can be restored is because Little Tianzun found a large number of fragments of immortal artifacts, and these fragments of immortal artifacts contain the remaining immortal ways. Xu should complete these immortal ways, and Xiao Tianzun can start the plan to mend the sky.

The Ancestral Court of the Demon Clan can also restore the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth. A copy of the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth of the Demon Clan is imprinted in the body of the Demon Ancestor of the Fusang Ancient Tree. After the Death of the Demon Ancestor, he cannot mend the sky. He promised to revive the Demon Ancestor. The Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth of the Ancestral Court of the Demon Clan will recover.

But the premise of both places is that the world is broken but the pieces are still there.

However, Ziwei's ancestral court was almost ransacked into nothingness, and only the burial ground of the immortal emperors of all dynasties was left. How to mend the sky?

What can I use to mend the sky?

Empress Ziwei smiled and said: Xu Aiqing, of course I have a way. The reason why Ziwei Ancestral Court has the word Ancestral Court is because it is the place where the emperor sits and the origin of the Immortal Court. What is a great emperor? He cannot suppress everything and cannot control everything. Is the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth worthy of being called emperor?

He smiled slightly and said leisurely: Including me, there are a total of six such great emperors buried in Ganshan.

Xu Ying asked tentatively: What does Brother Dao mean?

Empress Ziwei said: Open the seal of the Immortal Realm, please bring out the corpses of the Six Emperors, and revive the great avenue of heaven and earth!

Xu Ying's expression suddenly changed, he shook his head and said: Your Majesty may have invited the wrong person, I still have a seal that I have yet to break. My seal is only the emperor's seal, and it is difficult to break, let alone the seal that seals the six Immortal Emperors? Forgive me that I can't help.

He has seen this seal, and the strong men in the immortal world can't wait to put all the seals they can on it. There are various seals on Qianshan Mountain, and each seal is extremely magical!

Xu Ying has been sealed for nearly 50,000 years. The seal on his body only has sixteen words, and he has only added eight more in this life. The seal on Qianshan Mountain has so many words that it could fill a masterpiece of immortality!

Moreover, these seals are probably designed by beings at the supreme level, and it is not easy to break them.

Empress Ziwei smiled and said: Of course I expected that you wouldn't be able to crack it, but I will help you.

Xu Ying looked puzzled: How can I help?

Empress Ziwei smiled and said: We just talked about you opening the Immortal Cave, and I felt pity for you. You learned it by yourself without a teacher, and you cultivated the Immortal Cave. This attracted me, and made me realize that you are the one who entrusted me to you. man of.

Xu Ying was praised by him and thought to himself: He has probably already chopped off my head in his heart.

Empress Ziwei said: This means that you can practice the Great Emperor's skills, obtain the Great Emperor's inheritance, and use their cave abyss!

When Xu Ying heard this, he immediately turned around and left.

Empress Ziwei shouted: Stop! I pointed out a Yangguan Road for you, why didn't you thank the Lord for his kindness and instead left?

Xu Ying sneered and said: Ziwei's ancestral court has been divided up, and the caves and abyss of your six emperors have long fallen into the hands of the most powerful people in the immortal world. If I learn your skills and mobilize your caves, I will It will be noticed by those who destroyed the ancestral court. When it is refined, it will be the time of my death. Emperor Ai, farewell!

Empress Ziwei smiled and said: Who said that all the caves and abyss of the Six Emperors were taken away?

Xu Ying stopped and turned around to look.

Empress Ziwei walked towards him and said: At that time, Emperor Taihao strictly prohibited summoning the other side, but now that the fire has spread, how can we allow him to go against the general trend of the world? At that time, there were still many people summoning the other side, and some people Great achievements were made. Emperor Taihao went against the grain, so he was abdicated. The person who succeeded him as the great treasure was Shaohao. After Shaohao, he was Haoying. After Haoying, he was Haohong. All immortal emperors must have their names in their names. You have to have the character Hao. Back then, I also had the character Hao.

He said this with a look of shame on his face. He couldn't keep the word Hao and eventually became Emperor Ai.

Xu Ying blinked and said: Since the six emperors are buried here, it means that the six emperors did not live long after abdication and died.

Empress Ziwei smiled and said: They are immortal emperors and immortals, how could they die?

Xu Ying stared at him and said, Yes. But why are these six emperors buried here?

Empress Ziwei said flatly: He must be depressed. Could it be that the new emperor can kill the old emperor?

Xu Ying suddenly realized: The previous Immortal Emperor died in depression because he was forced to abdicate.


Empress Ziwei said sternly, They were not forced to abdicate. They all felt that their virtues were lacking and that they were not as good as their descendants, so they took the initiative to abdicate in favor of worthy people. However, it was inevitable that some people would die and some blood would be shed on the way to make way for worthy ones. It is excusable that the Chao Immortal Emperor died in depression, probably because in the process of abdication, his wealth and wealth suffered a lot. For example, he lost the emperor-level Cave Abyss and other things.

Xu Ying translated: So the old emperor abdicated, the new emperor cut off his wings, killed his descendants, and then took back his imperial-level Cave Abyss for himself.

Empress Ziwei said: Emperor-level Cave Abyss has been passed down in an orderly manner. However, Taiyi Cave Abyss has not been passed down. Emperor Haotian's Taiyi Cave Abyss was lost in this process and is missing. I looked through the records of the previous dynasty. According to history books, I have been searching for a long time, but I have not been able to find the whereabouts of Taiyi Dongyuan. You are the only one who can possibly find Taiyi Dongyuan.

Xu Ying was puzzled and said with a smile: Why does Your Majesty say that?

Empress Ziwei said: You offer sacrifices to the cave sky.

Xu Ying activated the Taiyi Immortal Scripture, and seven caves appeared behind him, each of which penetrated the fairy world and stole the power of the fairy world.

These seven caves bring him an improvement in activity, yin and yang, spiritual consciousness, vitality, soul power, mental power and the power of life and death!

With the movement of the seven caves, Xu Ying's cultivation strength also increased dramatically!

Empress Ziwei originally thought that he could only cultivate two or three caves at most, but he didn't expect that he would open seven at once. He couldn't help but admired: You have such a talent, in any dynasty, you will be copied by everyone. . No Immortal Emperor can tolerate you growing up!

Xu Ying couldn't help but feel complacent and accept this compliment.

After all, this was an achievement that he had never achieved in his first life!

Empress Ziwei said: If you can open the seven caves, you might be able to find the Taiyi Cave. What you lack is Emperor Haotian's skills. As long as you activate his skills, you can find the Taiyi Cave. deep.

Xu Ying's eyes lit up, his breathing became a little rapid, and his voice was hoarse: Has Emperor Haotian's technique been passed down?

not at all.

Empress Ziwei saw his disappointed look and said quickly, But the content on the Cuiyan that Emperor Haotian deciphered back then has been handed down. I also happen to keep a copy here.

He walked into the painting, and after a while, he took out hundreds of jade slips and Taoist books. The green rock carvings deciphered by Emperor Haotian were recorded on these jade slips and Taoist books, so they could survive for so long.

You have a foundation in the Seven Immortal Worlds. From these jade slips and Taoist books, you may be able to understand the mystery of Taiyi Cave Abyss and summon this cave abyss.

Empress Ziwei said, If you get Taiyi Cave Abyss, you will have the confidence to open the seal of the Immortal Realm and bring out the bodies of the Six Emperors, so that you will not be killed by the shock when you break the seal.

The Taoist patterns imprinted on the jade slips are the Tao patterns used in ancient times, which are similar to today's runes and are both means of recording the Tao.

Xu Ying's research on the Taoist runes was much deeper than that of the immortal runes. He used the Taoist runes five times to patch up the sky, Lihentian, Kunlun Realm, Yujing Mountain, Minghai, and Xuanhuang Realm.

The achievements on the immortal path were the achievements of his first life.

Xu Yingjia sat down, took out Taoist books one by one on jade slips, and held up the Taoist books. Thousands of Taoist patterns floated around him, swimming and changing like dragons and pythons.

His eyes were attracted by these Dao patterns, and his mind was immersed in understanding.

Empress Ziwei walked out of the Immortal Palace and came outside. Nan Ziyan and several senior sisters were standing outside. When they saw him coming out, they hurriedly bowed to greet him.

Empress Ziwei waved her hand to signal them not to be too polite, and said with a smile: I am already dead, why should I be like this? In recent days, please do not enter the temple to worship the Six Emperors, so as not to disturb him.

Nan Ziyan and others said so.

Empress Ziwei looked back at the bright immortal runes in the sky. Thousands of seals were so powerful and dense that it was almost impossible to open these seals!

I didn't teach him my skills.

Empress Ziwei said, My technique combines the advantages of the five previous emperors and is even better than Emperor Haotian's magical technique. But my technique is not suitable for him. My Tai Cang Cave Abyss has been refined into the supreme treasure realm by the immortal world. I only He can pass on Emperor Haotian's understanding of the green rock.

When Nan Ziyan heard this, he said, If you only pass on Cuiyan's enlightenment, can Mr. Xu find the Taiyi Cave Abyss?

Empress Ziwei shook his head and said: If he can't succeed, then no one can. For many years, he is the only person who has learned by himself without a teacher, comprehended the caves of the fairy world, and stolen the spiritual energy of the fairy world. I have never seen talent. Such a high level, at least in the past 600,000 years.

Nan Ziyan hesitated for a moment, then summoned up his courage and said, Your Majesty, can fellow Taoist Xu find the Taiyi Cave Abyss and open the seal of the immortal world?

Empress Ziwei glanced at him with a fierce look in her eyes.

Several of Nan Ziyan's senior sisters hurriedly took out their notebooks and said with a smile: Ziyan violated the dragon's scale today and died again. After that, they wrote something in the notebook.

I saw that there were already countless correct characters in the small notebook.

Empress Ziwei sighed and said: Finding Taiyi Dongyuan is not directly related to whether he can open the seal of the immortal world, but if he can summon Taiyi Dongyuan, it means that he has the same talent as Emperor Haotian. If Emperor Haotian is resurrected and will definitely be able to break these seals when he comes here.

Summoning Taiyi Dongyuan means having qualifications and talents like an immortal emperor.

At that time, with this talent and Taiyi Cave Abyss as the source of power, it was possible to unlock the seal of the fairy world!

He received part of Taiqing's inheritance, as well as the Taoism of Xuhuang Daojun, as well as the Taoism of Taiyi Tianzun, Yuxu Daozu and others. These ancient beings are no small matter. Each of them has a treasure in their hands that is not inferior to Taiyi Cave abyss of cave abyss. Their way is also inspired by the green rock carvings.

Empress Ziwei said, Promise Ying can get the Taoist teachings of these people, and coupled with Emperor Haotian's Cuiyan comprehension, he will definitely be able to make a breakthrough! Besides...

He raised his head, looked at the dazzling Immortal Dao runes, and murmured: He became a doctor after a long illness, and he is the person who knows the Immortal Dao seal best. If he doesn't succeed, then no one can, and really no one can... …if that is the case……

He turned his head and said: The ancestral court will usher in the darkest moment, and everything in the past will be destroyed. The real history will also disappear, and what will be left will only be the modified history. No one will know the truth. …”

Xu Ying was sitting in the Immortal Palace, surrounded by the spiritual tablets and portraits of the six Immortal Emperors, but he was completely unaware of it and devoted himself wholeheartedly to understanding the Taoist patterns on these jade slips of Taoism.

These Dao patterns came into his eyes, and the mysteries and truths in them came one after another.

Strangely enough, after he understood these Dao patterns, he had a deeper understanding of Taiqing Avenue, Yuxu Avenue, and Yujing Avenue!

Time flew by, and by the time he understood all these patterns, half a year had passed.

Although it was half a year, it seemed to him that hundreds of thousands of years had passed. Looking back at himself half a year ago, he felt that his conduct at that time was a bit shallow.

He suddenly had an enlightenment and unknowingly activated the Taiyi Immortal Sutra. The caves of the seven immortal realms appeared behind him, and the sweet sound of the Tao came from the caves.

And the eighth cave, the Daoli Cave, is also being formed, growing rapidly, spinning to open up the fairyland.

During the process of opening up the Dao Li Cave, various colors of Dao light gathered together, and the ninth cave, the Void Cave, actually began to form!

This is three years ahead of schedule!

Empress Ziwei raised his head and looked at the sky above the Immortal Palace. The nine caves were extremely bright, hanging on the sky. At the end of the caves was the Immortal World!

I didn't see him wrong, I really didn't see him wrong!

Empress Ziwei smiled and whispered, He will definitely be able to understand the skills of Emperor Haotian and find the lost Taiyi Cave Abyss! In three years, the fairy world will come in three years! I hope he can Within three years, we will find Taiyi Cave Abyss!

In the Immortal Palace, Xu Ying took out the volume of Cuiyan rubbings given to him by the Demon Ancestor, compared them with Emperor Haotian's insights, and suddenly let out a light sigh.

It's really related to my Xu Jiaping's Taiyi Innate Skill!

————Thank you, Mr. Zhaicai, for your silver reward! Thank you for the support of the leader who only remembers and is a layman ~

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