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Chapter 487 The divine fortune teller Tian Chou Chou

Xu Jing and Emperor Chonghua also admired him endlessly. This Sanren walked alone in the desert, and his cultivation was profound. I'm afraid he was no less than Joy.

Although Joy is an immortal, he has practiced the ancestral skills of the Xu family, and his cultivation level is not inferior to that of the Immortal King. He is considered one of the most powerful people in the border area. Otherwise, he would not have been able to monopolize Tianhe's business for so long.

It is remarkable that this giant can be juxtaposed with joy.

When the owner of Niwan Palace saw them standing here, he knew that the three of them had lost their way, and said with a smile: Are the three of you also here to look for Tian Chou Chou, the fortune teller? We can go together.

Magical fortune teller Tian Chou Chou? Xu Jing and Emperor Chonghua were both startled.

Joy said in surprise: The divine fortune teller Tian Chou Chou is in the northern part of the desert? Hasn't he always lived in Xianjing? He must have a fairy job.

The owner of Niwan Palace said: There used to be an immortal job, but now it no longer exists. I heard that he told fortunes for Yang Tianzun, the third real person of Doubu. Yang Tianzun suffered a big loss, was beaten to pieces, and lost face. Tian Chou Chou was worried After being settled by Yang Tianzun Qiu, I fled here.

The Yang Tianzun he was talking about was Yang Yanlong, who planned to plot against Xu Ying, but was blocked by Xu Jing, who pinned him down and beat him violently in the ancient palace of Helingdu.

This incident was not originally blamed on the fortune teller Tian Chou Chou, but on Yang Yanlong's inferior skills. However, Yang Yanlong's face was much more valuable than Tian Chou Chou's life, so Tian Chou Chou had to abandon his official position and run away in order to save his life.

Xu Jing was stunned. He didn't expect that his violent beating of Yang Yanlong would actually implicate the fortune teller.

Emperor Chonghua's heart moved, and he said to Xu Jinghe joyfully, Let's also go see this divine fortune teller.

Xu Jing held the hairpin and nodded.

He also wanted to find this divine teller and ask him to calculate the whereabouts of the owner of the hairpin. Penglai Goddess can also tell fortunes, but the money she charges is too harsh, and she is always vague and has various scruples.

Besides, it is too far away from Penglai now, so it is more convenient to go to find Tian Chou Chou, the divine fortune teller.

They moved forward together with the owner of Niwan Palace, heading towards the depths of the desert.

This fairyland desert is extremely desolate, full of wind and sand, full of bandits, and no human habitation for millions of miles. When you see people, there are often dozens of immortals fighting each other for a piece of fairy grass.

I would rather have a chicken head than a phoenix tail. How beautiful these immortals were before they ascended, and how miserable they were after they ascended. Everyone couldn't help but sigh.

Finally, they came to a border town. The city should be a relic from an extremely ancient era. It was dilapidated and valuable things had been completely demolished, leaving only ancient ruins.

The immortals who live here are often desperadoes.

People dressed up like Xu Jing, Chonghua, and Yuxi all look like children from rich families, and can easily attract covetation.

Joy calmly bloomed in the six caves, and the aura was so powerful that all the coveting eyes suddenly converged.

Although she is in the realm of immortals, her strength is comparable to that of an immortal king. This strength is enough to run rampant in the borderlands.

The owner of Niwan Palace found Tian Chou Chou, a divine fortune teller. Even though Tian Chou Chou was down and out, he lived a very prosperous life. Many people came to him to tell fortunes. Tian Chou Chou charges no more or less for each fortune telling, which is just a bottle of fairy liquid.

When Joy heard the price, she whispered: It's better to grab it!

When Emperor Chonghua heard this, he looked at her and thought to himself: You are doing the same business.

Finally it was their turn. The owner of Niwan Palace came forward, offered a bottle of fairy liquid, and said, I'm here to ask about the good or bad luck of my trip.

Tian Chou Chou accepted the fairy liquid and looked at the master of Niwan Palace repeatedly.

After a while, Tian Chou Chou said: You are among the top three on the wanted list. You dare to come to me to ask about good or bad luck. How brave you are.

The master of Niwan Palace said calmly: I bear countless human lives and use all my ingenuity to plot against the people of the world, so that I can ascend to the upper world. Please ask the divine fortune teller to point out a clear path and calculate the good or bad luck of my trip.

Tian Chou Chou secretly calculated, and couldn't help but feel frightened, knowing that this man had calculated against the fishermen and leek guys in the Yuanshou world for more than 40,000 years, just to ascend.

He was ruthless and had countless lives under his control. After ascending to the fairy world, he committed countless crimes and is now on the wanted list.

If he couldn't help him point out a clear path, this person would probably kill him!

He had to calculate carefully for a moment, and said meaningfully: Wealth and honor can only be found in danger, and there is a boat on the coast. This trip will be auspicious.

The owner of Niwan Palace smiled, handed over to Xu Jing, Emperor Chonghua and Huanxi, and said: I am going to Daohai to get riches, and I cannot have a good time with the three Taoists. We will meet again in the future if we have the opportunity.

Xu Jing and the others watched him go away.

Joy suddenly said: This person is carrying an important case and must be a ruthless character who has killed many people!

Tian Chou Chou said: This man has recently become famous on the wanted list, and his ranking on the list has climbed rapidly. This time, he is going to do a big case, but he is worried about the safety of this trip, so he came to me to tell his fortune. I accepted his fortune. Fairy spirit liquid, hehe, the spirit liquid is probably stained with blood.

Emperor Chonghua borrowed a bottle of fairy liquid from Xu Jing, stepped forward and said, Please tell me where my old troops are buried. I want to pay homage to them.

Tian Chou Chou calculated with great concentration, his heart beating violently, he glanced at Emperor Chonghua and almost jumped up: This man is the great rebel, the bastard who ascended from the Yuanshou world, the hero of the border rebellion! Once upon a time, he was also on the wanted list Regular customer!

Emperor Chonghua said: Your Excellency, please do the math.

Cold sweat rolled down Tian Chou Chou's forehead. He knew that he must have bad luck today, and he wanted to calculate for himself whether he would be the lucky star, but the fortune teller couldn't calculate it for himself.

He had no choice but to make a divination for Emperor Chonghua, pondered for a moment, and said with a strange expression: Your old subordinates should not be dead, they are still alive.

Emperor Chonghua's heart trembled and he said in a hoarse voice: Is this true?

Tian Chou Chou snorted and said proudly: My master is proficient in divine arithmetic. There is only one senior sister in the world who can surpass me. Although I am not as good as her, I will not make mistakes.

Where are they now? Emperor Chonghua asked.

Tian Chou Chou glanced at him: This is another hexagram.

Emperor Chonghua had no choice but to look at Xu Jing, who took out another bottle of fairy liquid.

Tian Chou Chou accepted the fairy liquid and continued to calculate, and suddenly said in shock: No, no! This is the death divination! Those of your subordinates are dead! Strange, they were still alive just now... Wait a minute, someone has deceived you. I!

With a solemn expression on his face, he suddenly overturned the stall and sat cross-legged in the air. A vast soul suddenly appeared behind him, thousands of times larger than his physical body!

Tian Chou Chou sat on the palm of his hand, and a dojo suddenly formed around the soul behind him. In the dojo, various strange runes of the avenue were arranged vertically, like a series of calculation chips standing in the air.

Those calculation chips are dozens of feet long and stand upright, with various comments written on them.

An arithmetic chip reads: The luck in the fleeting years is good before and after, and the bad years in between are not bad. The bad years are bad before and after, and it is not a good thing to have good luck inside.

Another arithmetic chip wrote: Thousands of red clouds are connected to the palace, and a bright moon shines on the Qianchuan River.

Most of the words on other calculations are comments. The words on thousands of calculations are still changing, and the calculations revolve around Tian Chou Chou and his soul.

Tian Chou Chou sneaked his mind and deduced quickly, and suddenly each piece of calculation exploded. Tian Chou Chou let out a muffled groan and fell from the palm of Yuan Shen, in a state of embarrassment.

The person who deceived me is no small matter, and his calculation power is better than mine! The person who took action must be my senior sister.

Tian Chou Chou got up, with a gloomy expression on his face, returned the bottle of fairy liquid to Emperor Chonghua, shook his head and said, My senior sister is petty, if I break her deception, she will definitely break my plan. . I will not count your hexagram, so as not to ruin the friendship between the same disciples.

Emperor Chonghua asked in confusion: Where is your senior sister now?

Tian Chou Chou said: She has no right in the world. She once made a bet with an extremely powerful rebel. As a result, she lost the bet and was hijacked by the rebel to go to the lower world. She should be in...

He pinched his fingers and made some calculations, then said: Being a rebel in the Demon Realm.

Emperor Chonghua and Xu Jing looked at each other. It was obvious that Tian Chou Chou's senior sister was Penglai Goddess!

I wonder how Nizi won the bet back then and brought the goddess down to the lower realm?

Xu Jing thought of this, stepped forward, put down a bottle of fairy liquid, and said, I'll do the math too.

When Tian Chou Chou saw him, he quietly calculated his origins. His expression suddenly changed, and he almost ran away. He cried bitterly in his heart: What happened today? Three fortune tellers came, and each one was more ruthless than the other! The big tall man He was planning to go to Daohai to intercept the Immortal King and seize tens of thousands of years of his wealth to improve his realm. This Chonghua was the rebel thief back then, and this scholar had an even more terrifying background. He was the father of the most powerful rebel thief back then!

His intention to close the stall didn't count, but Xu Jing was sitting there with no intention of letting him leave.

Tian Chou Chou said bravely: What do you want to do?

Xu Jing put down the old hairpin and let out a sigh of joy. That hairpin was exactly the one Xu Ying gave to her when she assassinated him.

I'm looking for the owner of the hairpin. Xu Jing said.

Tian Chou Chou held the hairpin, calculated carefully, and said: The owner of the hairpin is still alive and settled in Xianting. The place where she lives is...

Suddenly, he yelled and black blood flowed from his eyes!

Tian Chou Chou fell to the ground and wailed, covering his eyes and rolling around, shouting: I don't dare to look around!

After saying that, he turned over and got up, kowtowed, and shouted: Spare my life! I don't dare to look around anymore!

Xu Jing, Emperor Chonghua and Joy were horrified. In just a short moment, Tian Chou Chou's eyes disappeared from their sockets, replaced by upper and lower eyelids that closed together and completely grew together!

His eyes seemed like they had never existed before!

Xu Jing hurriedly stepped forward, helped him up, and tried to move the clay balls to treat his eye disease with his own vitality, but Tian Chou Chou's eyes seemed to have been fundamentally wiped out, and they had ceased to exist from the moment he was born. However, it cannot be cured by the activity of mud pills!

Xu Jing frowned and stretched out his hand to press his eyes. What he touched were bones and no eye sockets at all.

He looked at Tian Chou Chou's soul and saw that his soul also had no eyes. He couldn't help but be shocked in his heart: Who could actually follow the fortune telling to track down Tian Chou Chou and fundamentally change the structure of his body and even his soul? ?”

Tian Chou Chou's eyes were completely wiped out, and the eyes of his soul did not exist, indicating that his soul also had no eyes!

Tian Chou Chou was still shouting: Spare my life! Senior, spare my life! The voice was so miserable that it was unbearable to hear.

Xu Jing took out most of the fairy liquid from his body and gave it to him, saying: I have caused my fellow Taoist to lose his eyes, and Jing has nothing to repay. I can only give these things to you...

Tian Chou Chou grabbed his sleeve and shouted: Don't go to the Immortal Courtyard, absolutely don't go! It's dangerous and unpredictable! You'll understand when you look at my eyes!

Xu Jing broke away slightly and said, No matter what, I have to go there for a walk.

Tian Chou Chou laughed loudly, looking crazy, and shouted: If you go, you will only end up worse than me.

He pushed Xu Jing away, walked forward with difficulty, and said in a hissing voice: Master once said that divine calculation can calculate everything in the world, except for one! Hehe, I can't calculate, but I just did it. Fortunately, it's not too deep. , only confessed a pair of eyes...


He fell to the ground and crawled outside.

It took him some time to adjust to life without eyes.

Xu Jing frowned slightly as he looked at Tian Chou Chou in such a miserable state.

Emperor Chonghua looked solemn and said: Fellow Daoist Xu, you'd better listen to him and don't go to the Immortal Court. The fortune teller just made a simple calculation and lost his eyes. If you are involved, I'm afraid you will lose your life!

Xu Jing's expression was cloudy and uncertain.

Emperor Chonghua said: I plan to go back to the ancestral court and ask the Goddess about the whereabouts of my old subordinates. The Goddess should be the fortune teller's senior sister. She must know more about what happened back then. You go with me...

Suddenly, Xu Jing smiled and said, Your Majesty, let's just say goodbye.

Emperor Chonghua was stunned.

Xu Jing took out a few bottles of fairy liquid, stuffed them into his hands, and said: I have to go to the fairy court no matter what. Brother Dao, please go back to the ancestral court. If you meet a traitor, tell him that I will go find him. Mother.

Emperor Chonghua hesitated and said, Take care.

Xu Jing waved his hand, turned and left.

Emperor Chonghua rode the Xiancha and followed Joy back to Tianhe. They came and went again and again, and several months passed. Emperor Chonghua stood on the Immortal Cha, thinking deeply, and remained silent. After a long time, he suddenly said: Did I really misunderstand Xu Ying?

Joy's palms trembled, obviously he was worried, and said: If I misunderstood him, how should I make up for it?

Emperor Chonghua clasped his hands behind his back and said: It's a misunderstanding. Isn't it okay for me to make amends with him? Back then, I started an uprising in the border areas, built a rebel army, and fought against the Immortal Court. However, he led troops to encircle and suppress me, and captured and suppressed me. This town has been around for nearly 50,000 years! Even if he hadn't killed my soldiers, they would have lived in anonymity for more than 40,000 years. I've never owed him anything.

Joy said: But he has never owed you anything. He can kill you and all your soldiers without risking your lives. Isn't this a kindness?

Emperor Chonghua was stunned and silent.

Joy was also worried. Thinking of all the misunderstandings she had about Xu Ying, which started from Xu Ying's suppression of Emperor Chonghua's rebel army, he fell into silence.

At this time, the fog dispersed, the Tianhe River had revived, and the river water flowed under the fairy tree.

The two people on the Xiancha each showed shocked expressions and looked down, only to see all the heavens and worlds coming into view. And when they looked up, the fairy world was clearly reflected in their eyes!

The distance between the two worlds of immortality and mortal world is incredibly close now!

The distance between the fairy world and the mortal world is only the realm of Taixu!

Emperor Chonghua looked towards the realm of Taixu. The fairy world was already very close to the realm of Taixu. Once he passed through the realm of Taixu, he would probably appear in the sight of people in all the worlds!

At that time, what kind of impact will it bring to mortals?

And this day is not far away.

————I’ve been home for two days, and I’m still feeling sleepy. I’ll try my best to rest and adjust, and try to resume mid-day updates as soon as possible.

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