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Chapter 484 Brother (back home)

An Qi and Ling Siyi stole the power in front of the Demon Ancestor. The Demon Ancestor just pretended not to see them and pretended not to hear their whispers and let them steal it.

The main reason why he guarded the various classics of the Monster Clan was because the Monster Clan had been waiting for a chance to make a comeback, waiting for a resurgence master.

Rushing to spread these skills will only lead to suppression from the immortal world, and in the end even these skills will not be preserved.

Now that the time has come, what Xian Qi and Ling Siyi learned secretly will surely spread and create many talents among the demon clan. If Jin Buyi fails in the end, and the dead ones are also Gian Qi and Ling Siyi, the skills in the tree hole can still be preserved.

He kept his secret knowledge for the demon clan and had good intentions.

Finally, Jin Buyi finished rectifying the internal affairs of the new dynasty, and then came to the Daoji Palace with two jars of wine. Xu Ying was still studying the Ten Caves of Heavenly Enlightenment, but the golden book had already been placed by him. Set aside, don’t read it.

The method of enlightenment in the Golden Code was originally inferred, and the person who wrote the method of enlightenment had not practiced it himself. Xu Ying has already opened up six immortal caves and is a practical sect.

After he understands the truth, he can understand the four caves on his own.

Jin Buyi handed over a jar of fine wine, sat down directly in the ruins, opened the seal of the jar, raised his head and drank. When he was half full, he stopped and let out a long sigh of relief.

Xu Ying was meditating, so when he saw this, he picked up the wine jar and came to his side. He also opened the wine seal and took a long drink.

I don't know when this wine was brewed. It is mellow and long-lasting, and has the strength of elixir. It is like drinking a sun, flowing down the throat.

When he was in his belly, the power of the medicine and wine exploded, and the fierce vitality turned into a hot current, flowing upward along the Wuyue Fairy Mountain and the first entrance, directly to Yujing.

Moreover, the soul seemed to be intoxicated, as if drunk, which was extremely strange.

After I obtained the Donghuang Pingtian Jue, I realized that I might never be able to go back to the past and call you my little master like before.

Jin Buyi held the wine jar in his right hand and sat with his three legs apart. He looked into the distance, a little confused, and said, I want to do something meaningful for the demon clan, and I can't live in ignorance. I followed Jinghong Demon Emperor. When I went to the ancestral court of the Monster Clan, I saw monsters with no status in the Monster Clan, living like weeds, and saw that the most powerful people in the Monster Clan were still drinking and drinking meat. In the Monster Clan, I saw the glorious past history of the Monster Clan, and I felt Take the heavy responsibility of revitalizing the demon clan yourself.

He whispered: From the time I was the emperor's son, taught my skills, and asked to see the ancestors, to now I have proclaimed the emperor and established the Demon Court, but I have always been confused and at a loss in my heart.

Xu Ying looked into the distance, saw the clouds rolling and swaying, and said with a smile: Tell me about it, I'll try to enlighten you.

Jin Buyi said sadly: I don't know if everything I am doing now is what I want in my heart. I used to follow you, and if you lost me, I would look for you. If others bullied you, I would fight with them desperately. I looked at You practice, I watch you and Yan Baoer fall in love, and I watch you form your own little family. Wherever you go, I will go. You embrace each other, and I stand on the hibiscus tree behind you.

All this is so leisurely and indifferent, so natural.

He is the golden crow hatched by Xu Ying, and he has the responsibility to take care of Xu Ying, his little master. He was it at that time, and it regarded itself as part of the family.

You disappeared again, and I still looked for you as before, until I lost my memory when I got old. The meaning of my life ends here.

Jin Buyi became more and more confused, took a sip of wine, and murmured, But you woke me up from my decline again. I became wiser and younger, but I suddenly found that I could no longer follow you as freely as before. Flying, I can't fly over the stars and continents, looking for you. Ah Ying, I can't go back to the state of mind I used to have.

He was quite sad and couldn't help crying.

Xu Ying raised his head and looked straight at the sky.

After a moment, he regained his composure and said with a smile: Master Jin, do you know what makes me happiest? It's that there are a lot of 'I's in your words.

Jin Buyi was stunned and didn't understand why he said that.

Xu Ying smiled and said: In the past, when you spoke, the word me was rarely included in your words. Your life and your experiences were filled with too many promises. You have been occupied by the word 'promise' throughout your life. You don't have yourself, you only have Xu Ying. However, Xu Ying hopes that you can have yourself.

He drank the wine from the jar and looked into the distance with a deep look: In Xu Ying's heart, Jin Buyi is not the monster Xu Ying raised. Jin Buyi is Jin Buyi. He should have his own life instead of always Follow and look for the promise. Lord Jin, you always looked for me and watched me reborn in the past. But this time, it is your rebirth.

He looked at Jin Buyi and said with a smile: You are Jin Buyi, not Jinwu from Xu Ying's family. You are Xu Ying's brother. You used to be you in childhood. Now that childhood is over, you can step out and start a new family. .”

Jin Buyi was moved, tears of fire flowed from his eyes, he raised the wine jar and said with a smile, Are they brothers?

Xu Ying also raised the wine jar, bumped it lightly with him, and laughed loudly: It's a brother! I was worried that you would become the Demon Emperor and not recognize this poor relative of mine!

Jin Buyi laughed loudly, and the two drank and touched the altar.

Jin Buyi forgot his current identity and sat in the ruins with Xu Ying, talking loudly and drinking heavily, as if there was no one else around.

After drinking, he asked someone to bring wine over again, until the two of them drank until late at night, both of them were drunk, and then Jin Buye returned to the imperial palace accompanied by Jinghong Demon Emperor.

Xu Ying sat on the ruins and drank alone.

After a long time, two lines of tears fell from his face, and they fell into the wine jar, making a tinkling sound.

In his heart, he just felt that Jin Buyi, who had been with him for a long time, had finally grown up and left.

He was a little relieved, but more sad.

Jin Buyi is his family member. This time he sets up his own business, and from now on he will gather less and leave more. Thinking of this, even the most beautiful wine from the demon clan could not soothe his soul.

On this day, he also grew up a lot.

After Jin Buyi came, he became busy again, and the number of visits to Xu Ying gradually became less and less. Xu Ying simply stayed in Daoji Palace and continued to study and comprehend the Dharma in the Ten Caves.

The person who created the Ten Caves Heaven Enlightenment Method probably failed to follow this path, but his ideas inspired Xu Ying.

Xu Ying opened the six caves in the past. He relied on his understanding of the Taoist temples of Taiqing Daozu, Xuhuang Daojun and others to open the six caves.

But he didn't think about the meaning or the rules.

He just goes with the flow.

But now he has a direction and knows that in addition to the six cave heavens, there are these four cave heavens, corresponding to life and death, Tao, Xu, and Hunyuan Taiyi.

Once you know it, you can grasp the direction and work hard.

With a direction and a goal, Xu Ying can choose insights about the mysteries of life and death from the principles he has learned in the past, and use this as a breakthrough to understand the immortal way.

He was silent in meditation, and unknowingly spring passed and autumn came.

The Demon Ancestor has been waiting, and from time to time he walks out of the ancient fusang tree and looks at the Daoji Palace in the distance, where the wind and rain continue.

It is really difficult for him to understand the Ten Caves of Heaven Enlightenment method and open up a cave with the power of life and death in such a short period of time.

The Demon Ancestor is eager, but this is the last chance before the tide of the Three Realms arrives!

As the tide gets closer and closer, the wind and waves are bound to be strong. He must come back from the dead before then, otherwise the tide will come and the demon clan will not be able to withstand the impact of the strong wind and waves!

At that time, he was the one who bought time for the demon clan!

Just when he was anxious, suddenly the rays of light in the Daoji Palace soared into the sky, penetrating into the sky.

Demon Ancestor felt something in his heart and jumped up from the futon. Before he could put on his shoes, the old man rushed out of the tree hole with bare feet and came to the high platform outside.

He was most concerned about his appearance and didn't care much at the moment. Only when he came outside did he see his bare feet.

Demon Ancestor did not go back to put on his shoes and looked towards Daoji Palace. He saw that the rays of light were Dao light that contained the secrets of Dao. In the eyes of others, it was just ordinary light, but in his eyes, Xu Ying's attitude toward life and death could be seen. Insight and understanding.

Even though he doesn't understand it, he can appreciate it.

The light gathered in the sky and gradually formed a spiral, stirring the wind and clouds and causing the surrounding wind and clouds to rotate with it.

Demon Ancestor raised his heart and looked at the spinning vortex.

He once heard Xian Qi talk about the Nuo method and the six secrets. He knew that the six secrets of one's own could not be opened until the soul was refined. The deeper the cultivation level, the more difficult it would be to open the secrets. Once the Qi Refiner has reached the level of Yuan Shen and the secret is stable, it cannot be opened.

Now Xu Ying has already cultivated into Yuanshen, already at the Yaochi stage, and his cultivation is even more powerful.

If he hasn't abolished his cultivation, can he really open the seventh cave?

Suddenly, it seemed as if some barrier was forcibly opened in the center of the vortex, and the surrounding space shook violently. Immediately, fairy light and fairy energy fell from the sky, and the cave sky rotated, like a tornado in the making, drilling downwards!

Is it done? Is it done?

Demon Ancestor was even more nervous than Xu Ying, and his eyes did not dare to move in any way. He saw the cave sky coming down and connecting with Xu Ying in Daoji Palace.


A burst of Dao power burst out from the Daoji Palace, and then the tornado-shaped passage receded, leaving only a rotating cave hanging on the sky.

Is it done? Demon Ancestor was a little confused.

He didn't make much achievements in the Nuo method, and he was in a state of uneasiness.

After a while, he realized that he was worrying about gains and losses, and couldn't help but laugh, saying: I actually messed up my sense of proportion. If that monkey knew about it, he would definitely laugh at me.

He stabilized his mind and continued to wait.

Not long after, Xu Ying came in the wind, came to the ancient fusang tree, landed on the high platform, and said with a smile: Keep the Demon Ancestor waiting.

His eyes fell on Demon Ancestor's feet, and he was a little surprised.

Only then did the Demon Ancestor remember that he was not wearing any shoes and was digging his ten toes into the ground. He shrank back and said with a smile, Little friend Xu, can you let me see the cave of life and death?

Xu Ying opened his various caves. There were seven caves connected to the immortal world, but he did not open the martial arts cave.

This scene is like Kunlun in ancient times, with ten caves hanging high in the sky and brilliant fairy lights. From the ten caves, jade liquid flows out to nourish Kunlun. It's just that what nourishes his seven caves is not Kunlun, but his physical soul!

Seeing this, Demon Ancestor was filled with admiration and said: It took Xu Xiaoyou eight months to comprehend the cave of life and death, how fast it is!

He stretched out his hand to invite us, leading the way and quietly covering his feet with his Taoist robe.

Xu Ying smiled and said: If I hadn't had some knowledge in the past, I wouldn't have been able to realize the cave of life and death in such a short period of time. However, after the cave of life and death, there are Tao Li, Void and Hunyuan Taiyi. It is more difficult to open these three caves. With me The current foundation can probably only support us until we open up the void.

The two of them entered the fusang tree cave and sat down separately.

Taking advantage of the situation, Demon Ancestor put on his shoes and shouted into the tree hole: Siyi, serve tea! Little friend Xu is here! Come out and serve tea!

There was no movement in the tree hole for a long time.

The Demon Ancestor was quite embarrassed. He got up and boiled water to make tea. He poured a cup for Xu Ying and asked for advice: I heard that the sooner the Qi Refiner opens the cave, the better. If you open it early, there will be less resistance. When you are advanced in cultivation, you can open it. It becomes difficult. Xu Xiaoyou’s current cultivation level, without using the external realm, is comparable to that of an immortal. How do you open up a new cave without abolishing the realm of cultivation?

Xu Ying said with a smile: I'm afraid the Demon Ancestor has some misunderstandings. When the Qi Refiners practice Nuo, they are not opening up the caves, but the secrets of the human body. In the process of opening up the secrets of the human body, the caves are formed, and the caves connect the six other shores. Get the elixir. And I experienced the Six Mysteries Broken and was seriously injured. When I opened the cave, I did not continue the ancestral method. Instead, I relied on my own understanding of the great road to naturally open up the other shore. But this other shore is not the six other shores, but the other shore. It connects the spirit of the immortals and becomes the cave of the immortal world.

Demon Ancestor suddenly realized it and said with a smile: That's it.

He hesitated for a moment, and then said what he was most concerned about: Xu Xiaoyou, can you make Yaochi Immortal Water now?

Xu Ying activated the cave of life and death, and the immortal spirit energy continued to flow in and was refined in the cave. I saw the immortal dew slowly condensing in the cave and falling down.

What a coincidence that the place where the fairy dew fell was his Yaochi!

The fairy dew condensed in this cave is the fairy water of Yaochi!

This thing is extraordinary. It is made from the power of life and death. It is what the Fusang Tree, the demon ancestor's true form, needs.

When the Demon Ancestor saw this, he felt happy.

Xu Ying raised his hand gently, and the teacup in front of Demon Ancestor flew up to the top of Yaochi. Another drop of fairy dew slipped down and dripped into the teacup.

Xu Ying smiled and said: Xu Ying, I wish the elder a long life!

The Demon Ancestor laughed loudly, picked up the teacup, and with trembling hands, he brought the teacup to his lips and drank it in one gulp.

Although there was just a drop of Yaochi fairy water in this tea cup, it was of great significance and made him excited.

After drinking a cup of tea, the power of reversing life and death slowly spread out, making the Demon Ancestor laugh with tears in his eyes.

As long as Xu Ying keeps providing him with Yaochi Immortal Dew, his resurrection will be just around the corner!

At this time, Ling Siyi and An Qi secretly poked their heads out of the tree hole. When they saw the two drinking tea outside, they were both shocked and quickly turned back.

The Demon Ancestor was still laughing so hard that he burst into tears. The two of them murmured inwardly: Is this tea so delicious? The old man almost died laughing.

Just in time to inherit the family property. An Qi whispered.

————Back home. There is a high probability that there are people from Xiaoyang on the plane. Whether the house pig will be tricked or not, we have to wait for a day or two.

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