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Chapter 474: Wrong body, evil thoughts

Fairy Qingqu was shocked when she saw him dragging the monkey over, but she didn't care much and rushed out after him.

Above their heads, there are giant Buddhas with Tao-like smiles on their faces. They are no longer chanting Sanskrit Buddhist scriptures, but chanting Taishang Tao Yin, and their voices are getting louder and louder!

Along with the chanting of these Buddhas, more Buddhas turned to the Taishang Daoyin, with smiles on their faces.

Xu Ying sticks to Taiyi, but it is difficult to stick to it.

The Supreme Way gradually invaded, invaded his soul, and changed his path.

Fairy Qingqiu also tried her best to resist Taishang Daoyin, but was soon assimilated by Daoyin and fell into the state of nothingness and self-forgetfulness.

Her cultivation level is weak, and if she transforms into a Tao, she will transform quickly. I am afraid that it won't be long before her soul and body will be completely transformed, and her fragrance will disappear.

She urged Hu Tian to realize the Tao Sutra, and the soul hid in the void, but she could not resist the invasion of the Supreme Tao.

Tiandao Dojo!

Seeing that she couldn't resist, Xu Ying immediately activated three thousand heavenly runes, turning them into a small world and covering her into the dojo.

Seeing this, Qingzhu also activated three thousand Heavenly Dao runes to form a second Heavenly Dao dojo.

The souls of the two people were also hiding in the Tiandao dojo. When they looked at each other, they both felt that the situation was serious.

Xu Ying rushed out with all his strength. The one hundred and eight giant Buddhas above his head each had a strange smile on their face, chanting the Taishang Dao Yin in their mouths, and the Buddhist beads began to continuously transform into Dao!

Xu Ying flew forward and fled towards the forest of Tao trees.

As long as he reaches Daoshu Forest, he will still be able to resist and will not be so dangerous.

However, the next moment, his Tiandao dojo began to fall. Tiandao and various other immortal Taoisms, even the Taoism of Taiqing Realm, Yuxu Avenue of Kunlun Realm, Xuhuang Avenue of Xuandu Yujing Mountain, etc., were also attacking Taiqing. Change on the road!

This kind of Taishang Dao is so powerful that it infects everything it can infect, including the various magic weapons promised. The Tao symbols and Tao pattern runes on the magic weapons are also changing to the Taishang Dao!

The sounds they produce are all the sounds of the Supreme Way!

No wonder there is no heaven and earth in this world, and there is no place to stand. I'm afraid even all things in the world have been transformed into the supreme way! However, I will not sit still and wait for death!

Zhuxian Sword Qi!

Xu Ying shouted violently, activating the boundless death intention. The torrential murderous intention swept through the world, killing the heavens, gods, immortals, and the Tao, exterminating the common people, destroying the great road, and burning the world!

The all-pervasive Taishang Dao was immediately resisted by the Zhuxian sword energy, but the next moment, the Zhuxian sword energy that destroyed everything actually began to be assimilated by the Taishangdao.

Xu Ying looked at the Daoshu Forest, which was getting closer and closer. However, it was impossible for them to step into the Daoshu Forest now. If the Zhuxian Sword Qi could not stop them, they would be assimilated by Taishangdao before they stepped into the Daoshu Forest. !

Suddenly, the broken sword of Zhu Xian standing in the wasteland outside Biyou Palace was reflected in Xu Ying's induction!

Zhuxian Remnant Sword seemed to sense that Zhuxian Sword Qi was being assimilated, so it used him as a bridge, and the sword intent rolled in, rushing into this supreme realm to compete with the supreme way!

The hole between Xu Ying's brows opened, and there was a broken sword standing between heaven and earth. It was unleashing the sword's power unscrupulously, attacking and sweeping around.

Xu Ying was overjoyed and immediately accelerated towards Daoshu Forest.

Finally, Xu Ying rushed into the Tao tree forest. Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw that in the forest, the Taoists transformed by the essence of the Tao trees under the Tao trees suddenly stopped chanting and looked at him. Come.

Xu Ying knew something was wrong, so he rushed out faster, only to see those Taoists transformed by their essences jump up one by one, rush towards him, and said in unison: Why don't you be with the Tao?

Sword energy suddenly shot out from Xu Yingmei's heart, and each Taoist priest was shattered one after another, turning into wisps of blue smoke and dissipating.

However, more Taoists came like a tide, one after another, endless!

The sword energy in Xu Yingmei's heart surged, and wherever it passed, those Taoists fell in pieces.

The Zhuxian Broken Sword seemed a little impatient, and suddenly a shocking sword power erupted from Xu Ying's eyebrows. Then the sword energy converged, cut off the connection with Xu Ying, and disappeared.

Brother Jian!

Xu Ying was panicked and shouted quickly, Take me again——, Brother Jian?

The connection between the Zhuxian Broken Sword and him was completely cut off.

Xu Ying felt desperate. At this moment, he suddenly saw countless ancient Taoist trees around him collapse. Each Taoist tree was cut off by its roots. The Taoist priests running under the tree turned into smoke and disappeared!

The entire boundless Dao tree forest was completely destroyed by that sword of Zhu Xian's Broken Sword just now!

Xu Ying's scalp was numb. These Dao trees, at a low level, were the Dao trees left by beings like the Immortal Lord. Judging from the state of Tao transformation, the owners of these Dao trees were afraid that their cultivation realm would far exceed that of the Immortal Lord!

The Zhuxian Broken Sword cuts off all the Dao trees with one sword and clears away the troubles. This kind of power is really incredible!

Is the Zhuxian Sword the supreme magic weapon?

Xu Ying and Fairy Qingyu rushed forward in tandem, and finally broke out of the Daoshu Forest.

Xu Ying looked at the big crack that penetrated the Supreme Realm at the end of the forest. He felt a little uneasy in his heart and asked, Miss Qingqiu, how do we return to the physical body?

Qingqi asked in confusion: You haven't studied the Guiqiao chapter in Cangdi's Heart Sutra?

Xu Ying shook his head.

Qingqi grabbed his hand and said with a serious face: You are so brave, but you can't do this next time.

She activated the Gui Qiao Pian, and an irresistible pulling force suddenly came over, dragging the two souls away from the Supreme Realm and falling downwards.

Outside Hunyuan Palace, Xu Jing felt a little uneasy.

Xu Ying and Qing Yu entered samadhi, and after their souls ascended, he stayed in Hunyuan Palace to protect them.

It's just that Xu Ying and Qing Yu haven't woken up yet, which makes him a little worried.

At this moment, Xiancha flew in from afar, and Joy, Zhuchanchan, Fool Afu and Feng Xianer stood on the Xiancha.

Xu Jing was about to step forward when he suddenly felt something. Without thinking, the dojo opened up, and a young Taoist tree sprouted from the ground behind him!

Xu Jing raised his hand and struck it into the sky. An earth-shattering loud noise came to the ears of everyone on the flying Xiancha, as if thunder exploded in their ears, shaking them to their wits' end!

At the same time, countless fairy lights were flying around in the sky, forming a chain, turning into a big golden hand and falling from the sky, slamming towards Hunyuan Palace!

The moment that big hand collided with Xu Jing's palm, terrifying power erupted, sweeping across in all directions.

Xiancha was the first to bear the brunt, and was about to drown everyone in the rolling torrent of immortality. Suddenly a figure flashed past, and Xu Jing appeared in front of Xiancha!

Before the rolling torrent of immortality hit him, it seemed to have encountered an invisible wall, making a loud noise and splitting to both sides.

Everyone on the Xiancha saw the torrent of immortality rolling on both sides shattering the space. Countless space fragments were wrapped in thunder and fire, like a roaring flood, passing quickly. They couldn't help but feel horrified in their hearts, and each of them broke into a cold sweat.

It's rude to come and not reciprocate!

Xu Jing snorted coldly, his voice was clear, and he followed the magical power to the immortal world, You attack in the immortal world, and I will greet you here to take advantage of you. I will return the favor!

He flicked his sleeves and activated his magical power. Suddenly, countless chains in the dojo almost boiled and rose up. The sleeves surrounding him turned into magical powers and flew away through the air!

Xu Jing moved his steps, took three palm shots in a row, and entered the fairy world!

The four people on the Immortal Cha can't help but be horrified when they see that this scholar is so fierce, fighting against the great masters of the Immortal Realm in the ancestral court, and actually breaking into the Immortal Realm.

Outside the sky, in the fairy world, the immortal who took action seemed to be extremely angry. After receiving his three palms, he took action desperately. However, he saw that the sky in the ancestral court was shattered, and the magical powers of the two powerful men were blasted from top to bottom. , or attack from bottom to top!

Happy! So happy!

The scholar laughed heartily, and caves opened up behind him. His magic power continued to increase. He had all kinds of Taoist magic at his fingertips and attacked the fairy world. His magical power became more and more powerful!

On the Xiancha, Joy, fool Afu and others were frightened to watch.

They were still within the impact range of the aftermath of the two powerful men's magical powers. If the scholar hadn't always stood in front of them, I'm afraid they would have been completely destroyed by the aftermath of the two powerful men's magical powers!

The power of Xu Jing's magical power was rising steadily, and the Tao power he burst out became more and more powerful. Joy's cultivation level was the highest. Looking up, he seemed to vaguely see a heavenly palace. That day, magical powers flew out of the palace, coming from the hands of an immortal who manifested the laws of heaven and earth.

The immortal displayed the magic of the sky and the earth. His physical body was vast, his soul and body were one, and his magical power was astonishing.

Joy looked at it from a distance, and saw that the immortal had slender eyebrows, was wearing a scarlet robe, but had black cloud shoulders raised to both sides. The cloud shoulders are embroidered with cloud patterns and Kui dragon patterns, supplemented by large and small mountain and river beads, hanging at the corners.

This person looks like the leader of Dou Bu, Yang Zhenjun, the leader of the Three True Realms of Dou.

Joy was shocked in her heart. Yang Zhenjun, the leader of the Three True Realms in the competition, was a being named Heavenly Lord!

Master actually fought on par with him, he was really brave...

Just when she thought of this, she suddenly saw that Yang Zhenjun Yang Yanlong's breath did not follow, Xu Jing's palm force came over, and a huge palm print covered the Helingdu Ancient Heavenly Palace!

Pieces of buildings in that Tiangong collapsed. Even if they couldn't hear the sound, they could still imagine how chaotic the Helingdu Ancient Tiangong was at this moment!

Xu Jing drummed up his cultivation and struck the sky with one palm after another, only to see huge palm prints smashing into the Helingdu Ancient Heavenly Palace one after another.

Yang Zhenjun was still trying desperately to resist his attack, but blood was already flowing out of his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, so he just gritted his teeth and held on for dear life.

The fool Ah Fu whispered: I heard Pingnan Tianjun who likes to collect corpses say, don't mess with that teacher if you have nothing to do.

Joy, Zhu Chanchan and Feng Xian'er nodded in succession. Feng Xian'er whispered: The eyes of the old corpse are very vicious.

Seeing that the ancient heavenly palace of Yang Zhenjun and He Lingdu was destroyed, suddenly, an immortal flag flew out from one side, separating the immortal and mortal worlds.

When the fairy flag passed by, the barrier between the immortal and mortal worlds was once again solid, and the fairy world could no longer be seen from the ancestral court.

Xu Jing's agitated momentum gradually calmed down, and he looked back at everyone. Joy, Zhu Chanchan, Fool A'fu and Feng Xian'er knew that he was Xu Ying's father and stepped forward to greet him.

Xu Jing smiled and said: No need to be polite. It's rare that I meet someone who can make me use my full strength this time, so I can't help but compete with him a few times. Fortunately, I didn't disturb everyone.

Everyone looked at each other and tried their best?

They didn't believe it at all.

Because the scholar had been standing in front of them before and had not moved even half an inch. He obviously still had the power to protect them from the aftermath!

In Hunyuan Palace, the two of them suddenly froze. Xu Ying opened his eyes and saw his own body sitting next to him, and he was in a strange body.

The voice of Fairy Qingqi came: This is my physical body. Your soul is too strong and has taken over my physical body. Please withdraw.

Xu Ying looked down and realized that his chest was bulging. He stretched out his hand and rubbed it from side to side. It was soft, and it was indeed a girl's body. He quickly withdrew his soul.

Qingyu Yuanshen returned to his position, his heart pounding: What did he just do...a bad guy! He, he...

Xu Ying returned to his body, with a solemn expression, and said to Qingqi: The big crack in the Supreme Realm is the reason why the Supreme Way is incomplete, or is the Supreme Way hidden behind the crack and leaking to the Supreme Realm through the crack? territory?

Qingzhen did not ask what he had done just now, and said: It should be the reason why the Supreme Way is incomplete. I once had a profound enlightenment there, and I noticed that the Great Way of this world is incomplete. It can be seen that the cracks are the reason for the incomplete Great Way. Enter People who cultivate in the Supreme Realm often forget to transform into the Tao. They are compatible with the Tao and use their own souls and bodies to repair the cracks and thus coexist with the Tao.

Xu Ying glanced at her and saw that she had a shy look on her face. He remembered what he had done in her body just now. His mind wandered and his desire aroused. He quickly looked at Taiyi, shook his head and said: After practicing to this point, there is no one but me. Datong, what’s the point?”

Qingqian deeply agreed and said with a smile: The purpose of practice is to obtain the Tao or to transform into the Tao. This must be clearly distinguished.

Xu Ying guessed: Do you think it's possible that the Great Dao in the Supreme Realm is incomplete, so some monks are lured here to transform the Dao into the sky and swallow the lives of these monks?

Qingqi shook his head and said: Impossible! If the Dao takes the initiative to seduce the monks to transform into Tao and mend the sky, then it means that the Dao is conscious, and with consciousness there is right and wrong between good and evil. If the Dao has the consciousness to do evil, it is not the Dao. I think it should be the Supreme Dao. It is so profound and profound that once people understand it, they can’t help but transform into the Supreme Way and coexist with the Supreme Way.”

Xu Yingdao: In any case, the Taishang Realm is really dangerous. Although the cultivation speed there is extremely fast, it is better to practice less. Miss Qingzhu, you should not enter the Taishang Realm to practice. If you practice the Six Secrets of the Ancestral Method, in fact, Not inferior to Cang Emperor’s Heart Sutra.”

Qingqi hesitated for a moment, knowing that he was concerned about his own safety, but still did not agree.

She saw great potential in the Taishang Dao. If she could continue to practice along this path, she would be able to reach the supreme realm. As long as she attained the Tao without transforming into a Tao, she would have a chance to become the Supreme.

Xu Ying checked the prayer beads and saw that they had also been partially assimilated by the Supreme Way, and their power was somewhat less than before. Although it was not too much, it still made people feel distressed.

And his hidden scene has also been assimilated a lot by the Supreme Way.

Xu Ying put the golden ape's corpse aside and treated Qingqi's injuries respectively. However, neither of them noticed that the chest of the golden ape's corpse was slowly rising and falling.

After a long time, when Fairy Qingqu woke up, she heard Xu Ying's voice coming from outside: ...Where is my monkey? Who has seen my monkey?

————The Seven Heavenly World update has been completed! Asking for a monthly ticket! ! !

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