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Chapter 48 Behind the scenes, the hands are too fragrant

Xu Ying's scalp went numb when he heard that seventeen Nuo immortals were living in seclusion in their own hidden place. They wanted to be immortals on earth, but who would have thought that none of them would survive!

So does the Nuo master’s path of practice still have meaning and value?

They experienced great terror during their lifetimes. When I look at their corpses, they are often like this ghost and Nuo fairy, with only a skin left.

Zhou Qiyun carefully inspected the human skin of the Nuo Immortal in white clothes, refusing to let go of any details, and said, There are still corpses of some Nuo Immortals that are still complete, but part of them is missing. For example, the Nuo Immortal who cultivated the secret treasure of Ni Wan is missing the brain mud pill. Palace. The Nuo immortals who practiced Jianggong’s secrets had their hearts dug out, and others had their feet cut off, their heads removed, etc.”

Xu Ying and An Qi couldn't help but shudder.

According to their calculations, the person who killed these Nuo immortals was the person who taught them the skills, that is, their master!

But judging from Zhou Qiyun's description, they are more like raised food. Picky gourmets will choose the most delicious parts to taste. Some mud balls are delicious, and some hearts are delicious, so they only eat these places.

Xian Qi couldn't help but said: I have read in books that some people ascended by shedding their golden cicada shells. Their bodies are like cicadas, but they are just skins. The worldly things that drag us down can only be ascended after shedding their skins. So is it possible that those who are only left with skins? The Nuo Immortal has actually ascended?

Zhou Qiyun said in surprise: You have read a lot of books.

Xian Qi raised his head proudly and said in a slightly humble tone: My Lao Niu family comes from a scholarly family and has a lot of books. I read some in my spare time.

He couldn't help but feel sad when he thought that his family was gone now, most of those books were buried under the water, and the glory of three generations of the Lao Niu family had been lost.

Zhou Qiyun couldn't help but frown when he heard the word Lao Niu. He didn't know why this family had the surname Niu, but he didn't know that it was the roll of Xiangli Niu Magic Fist that he inadvertently left behind that caused the trouble.

I also know that there is such a theory. There is also a theory that they become feathers and ascend, saying that they feathered into butterflies, shed their original shells, and transformed into another form that we cannot understand.

Zhou Qiyun said, But I carefully studied the remaining skins of these so-called ascended people, and found that they were actually eaten, and there was no such thing as ascension.

An Qi said: There is another method of ascension, called the Tribulation Fire Ascension, which means that the Nuo Immortal is sitting in the body, with the Tribulation Fire burning on his body, leaving only a ball of ashes in his body, but their true soul has already ascended to the fairy world.

Zhou Qiyun couldn't help but look at him twice and praised: You have read so many books. Do you know another saying, Bingjie Ascension?

Xian Qi nodded and said: Yes. Legend has it that the Nuo Immortal died or was killed by someone and was buried in a coffin. When he opened the coffin, there was no body. Only clothes and nails were left. The rumor is that the soldiers were lifted up or their corpses were dismembered. Ascension. They left behind their fingernails, clothes, and other things just to obscure people's ears and eyes, so as not to shock the world.

Xu Ying couldn't get a word in. He just listened to their conversation and thought to himself: It seems that reading is useful, but I can't talk about this.

Zhou Qiyun said: What if these are all fake? What if these Nuo immortals did not ascend, but were eaten until only their clothes and nails were left?

An Qi's face turned dark and he said angrily: Could it be that everything in the book is a lie?

Zhou Qiyun said with a smile: You have to look at who wrote the book. If I were to write a book, I would expose these deceptive schemes and write down the bloody facts to prevent future generations from going astray!

He threw away the human skin of the Nuo Immortal in white clothes and walked out of the temple, saying: These seventeen Nuo Immortals, their teachers are the culprits! The purpose of these old guys' teaching is not to pass on their own Taoism, but to cut off Chinese chives!

He sneered: Treat the heroes of the world like leeks, and cut them off one after another! However, I don't want to be this kind of leek! I want to rebel!

Xu Ying followed him, only to see people standing outside the temple, densely packed and dark.

The auras of these people are extremely powerful. The Chaos Sea behind them is turbulent. Bright caves distort time and space, inserting into the sea and absorbing energy.

The dazzling light emitted by the cave sky even makes the sun in the temple world lose its brilliance!

The masters of the Zhou family are as numerous as the stars in the sky! Xu Ying couldn't help but marvel.

What a huge family this is, what a huge power!

Zhou Qiyun stood in front of the temple door, and his voice spread throughout the mountains: Zhou's children and disciples, listen to my orders. Whenever the temple door is demolished and the house is uncovered, every nail in the coffin must be pried out to reveal this hidden scene. Empty the land of transformation for me!

All Zhou family masters bowed: Yes!

They went in all directions, taking down all useful things and taking them away. Even the hidden scenes left by the white-clothed Nuo immortals were refined by the powerful Nuo masters and put into strange vessels.

Xu Ying also saw the human skin of the Nuo Immortal in white, which was also rolled up by them.

There are even people who go to the Five Sacred Mountains to cut off the flesh and blood piece by piece and put them in vessels to cultivate, without knowing what they plan to do.

As for the fossilized gods, they were also carried away by them, leaving no one behind.

Judging from their orderly actions, it should not be the first time they have done this kind of thing, but they have done it many times.

Zhou Qiyun was still walking in front. Xu Ying and Xian Qi stood on the clouds and followed him involuntarily.

Senior Zhou, you have searched for so many Nuo Immortals for more than eighty years, but none of them have survived? Xu Ying asked.

Zhou Qiyun stopped, thought for a moment, and said: I found seventeen dead Nuo Immortals, but there are still some hidden places, which are empty. There are neither corpses nor ashes of Nuo Immortals. I also Not sure if they are alive, but there is little hope.

Xu Ying understood what he meant.

The Nuo Immortal who entered the Hidden Scenery Submersion Land has basically run out of life. Even if he sees through the trap and escapes, he may not survive for a few years.

After I saw the trap of the technique, I searched the Five Mountains and Three Mountains and found these Nuo Immortals who died in my hidden scene. Although I was disappointed in my heart, it was not without gain.

Zhou Qiyun walked towards the entrance of the ruined temple world and continued the previous topic, saying, Those who can become Nuo Immortals are not mediocre. They are also more or less aware of the problems in Nuo masters' skills. Some Nuo Immortals They have even gone very far, and they are trying to find solutions from older cultivation systems. I found some magic in their relics.

Xian Qi opened his mouth to speak, but still did not express his guess about the pioneer civilization of the demon clan. He thought to himself: The person named Zhou is a human race after all. Even if I expose the conspiracy of the human race, I will only alert the snake. One more thing is worse than one less thing.

Xu Yingdao: The so-called demon skills are actually the skills of ancient Qi practitioners, but they were lost for some reason and became the skills of monsters. Did they start from this aspect and remind Senior Zhou?

Zhou Qiyun said leisurely: Although they failed, their experience is rare.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he asked tentatively: And you came to Yongzhou Xindi this time to find me and ask me to help you decipher the Qi Practitioner's skills and solve the traps in your skills?

Zhou Qiyun laughed loudly, shook his head and said: The trap in my technique has been solved by me long ago, otherwise I would not have dared to break through and open the ninth level of the secret 170 years ago.

With strong belief and pride in his words, he said: I came to Xindi this time for only three things! The first thing is also the smallest thing, which is to kill the master of Niwan Palace to avoid future troubles!

Xu Ying was shocked and looked at his back.

Zhou Qiyun is by no means a kind person, but he is very charming for some reason.

Zhou Qiyun put his hands behind his back and looked up at the sky with bright eyes: Although he has a mentorship with me, he intends to eat me. I can't sit still and wait for death. I didn't have the confidence to get rid of him in the past, but now I have it. Wuwu The battle on Shanyi was the first battle between me and him. Because I had to guard against another person, he ran away. But he will definitely come back.

He took his time and said leisurely: Next time, I won't give him any chance.

Xu Ying asked: What about the second thing?

Zhou Qiyun smiled slightly and said: The second thing is that I want to follow the example of Emperor Mingxiao, the Great Sage, and go to the underworld in person to talk to the Emperor of the Underworld. I don't want anyone to be behind me when I am going all out. Stab me.

Xu Ying looked at him in disbelief and went to Yinting to negotiate with the Yinting Emperor. Could it be that Zhou Qiyun already had the fighting power of the Great Sage Emperor?

Zhou Qiyun smiled slightly: The third thing is the most important thing. I did the first two things just to pave the way for the third thing.

Xu Ying calmed down and asked: Then, what is the third thing?

Zhou Qiyun said with a smile: Wait until I kill the master of Niwan Palace. It's too early now. Xu Ying, you stay with me and help me decipher the Tuoyu Immortal Book.

Tuo Nu Immortal Book? Xu Ying was confused.

My Zhou family got a fairy book from the ancient cave in Duqiao Mountain. It is extremely mysterious and obscure. The owner of the cave is called Tuo Nu, so it is called Tuo Nu Immortal Book.

Zhou Qiyun said, My Zhou family already has many talents who are deciphering the fairy books and deciphering a lot of useful contents. Xu Ying, if you have the talent to decipher the fairy books, my Zhou family will not treat you badly.

Xu Ying's eyes twitched and he said: Senior Zhou kindly invites you, and he is my senior, so I will naturally not refuse. It's just that I have killed Zhou Yang and Yi Hang, so I'm afraid there will be some misunderstandings when we get to the Zhou family.

Zhou Qiyun shook his head and said, They don't dare to go too far with you.

Senior misunderstood.

Xu Ying said calmly, I mean, I will fight back.

Zhou Qiyun took a deep look at him and said with a smile: Those who dare to kill gods are indeed lawless. Just fight back.

They walked out of the ruined temple world and returned to Shuikou Temple, only to see someone in Shuikou Temple. The young man in charge is Yuan Weiyang, with clear features and beautiful eyes, dressed in white and indigo. Behind him is the old servant Xiaobo in green.

The two were originally near Shuikou Temple. In order to rescue Xu Ying, they clashed with Zhou Yupo, but Zhou Yupo later escaped. The two chased for a long time, but failed to find Xu Ying and Zhou Yupo.

Just as Zhou Qiyun forcibly tore off the disguise of Shuikou Temple and revealed the Five Sacred Mountains, the two hurried to Shuikou Temple and unexpectedly met Xu Ying and his party.

Yuan Weiyang's eyes fell on Zhou Qiyun, his brows furrowed slightly, and he looked at Xu Ying again.

Uncle Xiao followed him and looked at Zhou Qiyun, but failed to recognize that he was the ancestor of the Zhou family.

Zhou Qiyun became famous more than two hundred years ago. Since then, he has been living in a quiet and reclusive world and rarely appeared in public, so Xiaobo has never seen him.

Yuan Weiyang was about to speak when Xu Ying suddenly laughed and said: Weiyang, you are here too? Long time no see!

He stepped forward, took Yuan Weiyang's hand, squeezed it quietly, and said with a smile: Senior Zhou, this is my old friend from Lingling City. Weiyang, this is Senior Zhou from the Zhou family, the best in the Zhou family. character.

He squeezed Yuan Weiyang's hand again, wondering in his heart: Why are his hands so soft? The skin is much more delicate than mine, so slippery. Boys in the city take good care of themselves, unlike us gentlemen in the countryside. Very much.

Uncle Xiao stared at his hands, his eyes almost bursting with fire.

Xu Ying squeezed it again to confirm that it was smooth.

Yuan Weiyang calmly took out her hand and said softly: Since it is inconvenient for you, then Weiyang will leave first.

He turned and left. Uncle Xiao glared at Xu Ying fiercely and quickly followed him.

At this moment, Zhou Qiyun's voice came: Is your surname Yuan? Your Yuan family's Yuan Wuji is very capable. I have fought with him, and he was defeated by one of my moves.

Yuan Weiyang stopped, Xiaobo's expression suddenly changed, and he realized that Xu Ying had good intentions just now.

Yuan Wuji is the ancestor of the Yuan family. His cultivation is astonishing and unfathomable. He has long been a legend of the Yuan family!

But this young man with white eyebrows said that Yuan Wuji regretted losing to him, so this person could only be the ancestor of the Zhou family!

Zhou Qiyun's tone did not allow for refutation, and said: Deciphering Tuoyu's Immortal Book requires someone with extremely high talents. People in your Yuan family are all very talented, so you can stay.

Xiaobo was about to get angry, but Yuan Weiyang raised his hand to stop him. Yuan Weiyang bowed and said: Dare you disobey your orders?

He came to Xu Ying's side and stood there quietly without saying a word, as if his experience had nothing to do with him.

An Qi suddenly noticed that Xu Ying was always sniffing his right hand, with a strange look on his face, and quickly asked quietly: A Ying, what's wrong with your hand?

Xu Ying sniffed his fingertips again and whispered: It's strange, I squeezed Brother Yuan's hand just now, and now it is stained with a scent. Smell it!

An Qi sniffed it and said disdainfully: These gentlemen are so effeminate, their hands smell so good!

————Thanks to the talking strange lamp, Shen Chao_Zi Hun and the two bosses for the reward!

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