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Chapter 461 Give me a chop (please vote for me at the beginning of the month!)

Da Zhong held up half of the Purple Netherworld Sword in Xian Qi's belly, but saw the light of the knife shining like running water. The light of the knife reflected on the eight-character curse runes branded in the sky in Xian Qi's belly, and those runes broke one after another.

This half of the Purple Netherworld Sword was cut off by the Zhuxian Sword back then, and was sealed by Xu Ying and stuffed into An Qi's belly.

Later, Jian Qi followed Jin Buyi to the Demon Clan's Ancestral Court, but he never dared to take out this object for fear of being sensed by the emperor. Until they heard the news that Zhu Chanchan was invited by Xiao Tianzun to refine the sky-repairing artifact in the Ziwei Secret Realm.

Xian Qi and Dazhong went to Hunyuan Palace and found Zhuchanchan to sell the stolen goods.

It was also the first time for Zhuchanchan to see such a powerful magic weapon. She was frowning for a while, not knowing how to break the emperor's brand.

Excellent magic weapons can be used like human beings to gather energy, refine elixirs, cultivate souls, imprint Taoist symbols and runes, and even build Taoist temples. The Emperor's Purple Netherworld Sword is the best among the best. The Emperor's imprint in the sword is as small as the Taoist symbol runes and as large as the Taoist temple, all of which have their own secrets of operation.

Moreover, destroying the emperor's divine consciousness brand while retaining the Dao Xiang rune dojo brand is a big question.

With Zhu Chanchan's cultivation and knowledge, it is impossible to destroy the imprint of divine consciousness without destroying the imprints such as Tao images and runes.

When they were at a loss, another acquaintance from the Yuanshou world came to Hunyuan Palace. It was the fool Afu and Xiao Fengxian.

The idiot Ah Fu lacked a chance to show off in front of the Little Heavenly Lord, so when he got this opportunity, he naturally had to show off. After examining the Purple Nether Sword, he told them that with their strength, there was no way they could erase the Emperor's mark, not even the Little Heavenly Lord could do it.

The way to crack the emperor's mark is not to break it, but to increase it. I call it increasing the loss.

The fool Afu said, The emperor's brand is extremely perfect and impeccable. Even if there are flaws, we can't detect it. His brand is too perfect for us. Since we can't break the perfection, let's add some imperfections into it. , thereby destroying its perfect state. A few private seals are stamped on a famous painting, a handful of mouse droppings are thrown into the mutton soup, and a few non-working people are placed in a closely coordinated yamen. This is the method of increasing losses, which seems to increase its strength, but actually destroys its perfection, thereby making it weaker.”

Because the fool Afu successfully cracked the emperor's mark, he gained the attention of Xiao Tianzun and regarded him as a think tank.

He used the same method to break the emperor's eight-character curse, but Xu Ying was not here at the time, so he was imprinted in the emperor's Purple Netherworld Sword.

Ah Fu told Xian Qi and the others that if they met Xu Ying, they would sacrifice this sword and cut Xu Ying with one blow, activating the brand in the sword to break the emperor's curse.

At that time, both An Qi and Dazhong agreed that the emperor's eight-character curse could be broken by killing Xu Ying with one knife. It was probably the fool Afu retaliating for the finger that penetrated Xu Ying's brain that year, but it could break the emperor's blood curse after all.

So this knife still needs to be cut.

The incantation method is similar to the branding method. It uses thoughts and thoughts. If there is noise in your thoughts and thoughts, there will be many flaws. But the other sixteen-character seals are much more troublesome to crack because the characters contain complete immortality.

Fool Afu's damage-increasing method cannot break such seals for the time being.

The key is, who is going to chop Ah Ying? Da Zhong looked at Zi You Ming Dao and suddenly asked.

An Qi smiled and said: It's such a good thing to kill Ah Ying. If we kill him, he will have to thank us...

At this point, he fell silent, and the big clock was silent for a while, and suddenly they rushed to the front and shouted: I'll chop it! I'll chop it!

Dazhong held up the Ziyouming Sword and said, Master Qi, I'm here to chop Ah Ying. You don't know what to do, what if you chop him to death? I won't chop him to death, I will just chop him to death. Half dead.

An Qi sealed the space in his body, his consciousness stirred up, and he fought for the control of the Purple Netherworld Sword. He laughed and said: Master Zhong, you haven't wanted to kill Ah Ying for a long time, have you? You are avenging public revenge! But I am different. I am right. Ah Ying only has love, no hatred. Give me the knife, give me the knife!

Da Zhong begged: Give me the knife. I am old and have never had the opportunity to be proud. Qi, I have never begged you in my life. This time, I beg you, give me this opportunity...

No! An Qi said firmly.

You won't let me, right? I won't let you. Believe it or not, I will use this knife to pull out a big gash in your stomach and make your intestines flow all over the floor!

Zhong Zi, my belly has long been trained to grow inside. Before you can pull out a big hole in me, I will turn you into copper slag and expel it from your butt!

Xu Ying turned his head and said doubtfully: Master Qi, Master Zhong, what are you talking about there? Come and follow me!

An Qi and Dazhong were waiting for the fire to come together. After hearing this, they finally came to their senses and discussed: It's better to have half a sword each. You chop it with one knife to inspire desolation and sorrow. Give me the knife again, and I will chop with one knife to inspire violence and rage. faint.

Dazhong agreed and said: But there is one thing. Don't let him know that we can help him unlock the Eight-Character Curse by killing him. The Eight-Character Curse has already taken effect. There may be more than one Ah Ying in A-Ying's body now. Maybe the Eight-Character Curse It has been combined with his personality and turned into eight A-yings staying in his body! If he knows that cutting him can break the curse, the other eight A-yings will definitely resist with all their strength and even find ways to kill us!

An Qi's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: If we slash one at a time, wouldn't we be able to chop Ah Ying eight times?

Da Zhong was stunned, and suddenly said happily: This is still a good idea! Cut him with one knife to solve a big curse rune! You cut him four times, I cut four times, it's quite satisfying!

Cut him eight times, and he will have to thank us!

After they finished their discussion, Dazhong put down the Purple Netherworld Saber, and Gong Qi also opened his mouth to let it out.

Xian Qi transformed into a fat and white young man and ran forward, smiling: Ah Ying, after I arrived at the Demon Clan's ancestral court, I got the guidance of the Demon Emperor and practiced the Heavenly Demon Shocking Art. We have been apart for a long time, and it was you in the past. Instruct me in my practice. This time you and I will communicate, and you can help me see if I have made any mistakes in my practice.

Xu Ying had no doubt that he was there and said with a smile, Just use it.

Xian Qi let out a long roar, and a huge soul appeared behind him, with a snake head and dragon horns, and yin and yang energy, which was about the same size as his real body!

Xian Qi activated the Heavenly Demon Shocking Art, and Xu Ying suddenly felt the demonic wind coming towards his face. Although Xian Qi was standing in front of him, small, the soul was so huge and boundless that it covered the sky and the sun.

Take my move of Heavenly Demon Shocking Slash!

The roar of the seven Anhui is endless, and it cuts down with one sword. The light of the sword is condensed and splits the sky.

Seventh Master's Heavenly Demon Shocking Technique is indeed extraordinary!

Xu Ying was surprised and delighted that An Qi's cultivation strength had improved by leaps and bounds. Now his strength was at the level of an immortal. The Heavenly Demon's World-Shocking Technique was truly extraordinary!

He was delighted to see Hunter Xin, and he felt that the violent anger in his body was aroused by this knife, and he wished he could kill Gan Qi. He was startled and quickly controlled his emotions, thinking: These are brothers...

Suddenly, the sword light was mixed with a hint of purple energy. It was Xian Qi who lifted up the half of the Purple Netherworld Sword and hid it in the sword light and sword energy!

The power of the Purple Netherworld Sword was terrifying to He Dengke. Before he even got close, the world around Xu Ying would continue to disintegrate under the light of the sword!

Xu Ying's clothes and sleeves were flying, his hair was flying wildly, and he could no longer hold back his violent and violent temper. His steps moved wrongly, and the Ten-Earth Cloud Platform rolled forward, covering the sky with his hands, and smashed down with a seal!


The sword energy in the sky shattered, and the physical body of Qi Yuan Shen fell backwards and flew backwards. The bones of his body crackled, and the Purple Netherworld Sword spun in the air and fell with a clang.

Dragon Sky Ninth Level——

Xu Ying took a step forward, spread his fingers, and heard the roar of a dragon in his body. Then the sky in the ancestral court was violently turbulent. Countless dragons were entrenched in the sky. The dragons were in various shapes and forms, each with different types. The celestial dragon, the divine dragon, the golden dragon, the silver dragon dominated the chi dragon, the horned dragon, and so on. Forming the first layer of dragon realm sky.

Then the second dragon realm emerged. The first dragon realm pressed against the second dragon realm and became extremely thick. The third dragon realm appeared below, and the first and second dragon realms were superimposed. Press down!

In the blink of an eye, the nine layers of dragon sky were superimposed together and turned into a supreme seal. Countless divine dragons entangled themselves to form an extremely huge hand seal!

Countless divine dragons are the textures in the palms and the fingerprints on the fingers!

And below, there is An Qi and his soul!

My life is at risk——

Just when Xian Qi thought of this, he saw the palm force of the Dragon Sky Ninth Level suddenly in the sky. The violent air waves crushed down from the sky and slapped on the ground, making a surging sound like a stormy sea.

Anhui Qi's shock had just calmed down, but Longxiao's ninth level suddenly dispersed.

Da Zhong was also frightened half to death, thinking that Xu Ying would really hit Gong Qi to death with one palm.

I saw Xu Ying standing there with a toilet bucket in one hand, his expression dull, he suddenly shouted, turned around and ran away.

Da Zhong was puzzled and hurriedly flew to Xian Qi. An Qi shouted: Don't move... don't move me yet! It's broken, my bones are broken!

He activated the Six Secret Cave Heavens, healed his injuries, and then stood up and said: Master Zhong, I have challenged Ah Ying, and it is your turn this time. Didn't you create that Zhong Tian Lingbao Xuanyuan Gong? You Go and chop him!

Da Zhong said nonchalantly: Seventh Master, Ah Ying and I are brothers. How can I kill my own brother? There is no need to say such things again.

An Qi glared angrily.

Dazhong said quickly: Aying ran away just now, as if he was frightened. Let's follow him and have a look!

Xian Qi put away half of the Purple Netherworld Sword, and the two of them searched in the direction Xu Ying escaped. After a while, they heard Xu Ying's voice.

We can't do this, we can't do this!

Master Qi is a biological brother!

Braised in brown sauce is a no-no! It has to be steamed.

An Qi and Dazhong approached cautiously and saw a sound coming from behind a towering stone statue. They walked around the stone statue and saw Xu Ying huddled in the toes of the stone statue, furtive and talking to himself.

However, the sound just now came from above his head.

An Qi and Dazhong looked up, and saw Xu Ying's essence forming a line of green smoke, floating upward, and forming heads the size of water tanks in the sky ten feet high. There were six in total, all of which were Xu Ying's faces.

Six heads were floating around like balloons with strings attached to them, and they were all talking.

Master Qi slashed us with a knife, his feelings must have faded!

I like to eat snake soup.

Let him scream miserably for seventy-seven forty-nine days...

The big bell quietly withdrew and came to a distance. He suddenly coughed and said, Aying, are you here?

Gong Qi was hiding where he was, and saw Xu Ying startled. Suddenly, six big heads formed by six streaks of green smoke above his head penetrated into Xu Ying's body.

Xu Ying slowly stood up, turned her back to him, and said, Master Zhong, I'm here.

An Qi couldn't help but shudder, and Xu Ying seemed to notice it, and saw lines of green energy flying out from the back of Xu Ying's head, turning into six faces, looking around, stretching his neck and flying towards this side.

An Qi hurriedly hid behind the stone statue, only to see the six faces of desolation, sorrow, cruelty and violence stretched their necks, surrounded them from all sides, and circled behind the stone statue.

Huang Shang, Sad, Cruel and Tyrant failed to find Gong Qi, so they all retracted. Gian Qi was now hiding on top of the stone statue, shivering.

Seeing that the opportunity was not good, he immediately activated the snake tribe's innate skills and silently climbed to the top of the stone statue to avoid it.

The big clock flew over and found Xu Ying, only to hear Xu Ying ask: Where is the Seventh Master? Does the Seventh Master's injury not matter?

The sound of the big bell came: He was sad just now, saying that you hurt him too badly, and he was hiding and crying.

Xu Ying said: I put down the toilet bucket and apologized to him.

Each person gradually drifts away.

Only then did Xian Qi dare to slip down from the stone statue, his heart pounding: Six words, only six words left! But these six words have penetrated into the bone marrow essence, and even began to manifest themselves with the help of A Ying's essence. Transform yourself!”

His face was uncertain: A Ying's problem cannot be delayed any longer. Even if he is a biological brother, he must be stabbed!

Xu Ying and Dazhong were chatting and laughing, and carried the bucket to the thatched cottage. They saw Jin Buyi and the other three emperors respectfully bowing to the ancestor gods.

He glanced at the three emperors with a fierce look in his eyes, but suddenly remembered the scene when the ancestor god punched him away that night, suppressed his murderous intention, and said in his heart: You have to give the ancestor god some face, and you can't directly kill people.

He walked between the three emperors, and the toilet bowl inadvertently touched Jin Daoli, Jin Yiqi, and Jin Lan. The three of them were shocked and angry, but they did not dare to get angry in front of the ancestor god.

Xu Ying walked into the room, put the toilet away, and looked outside, only to see three people wiping away the dirt on their bodies.

They must be unable to bear it. If one of them cannot bear it, then there are two who cannot bear it.

Xu Ying walked out and said: Master Jin, you can't see the ancestral gods by just widening your eyes. Follow me to understand the way of heaven. I will teach you how to observe the ancestral gods later.

Jin Buyi quickly stood up and followed him quickly.

The heart is like a spiritual ape, jumping up and down with no certainty. How can we see the true face of the ancestor god? Han Demon Emperor shook his head.

Jin Daoli, Jin Yiqi and Jin Lan looked at each other and did not stand up. They continued to observe the ancestor god, hoping to understand the mystery of the soul from him.

Jinghong Demon Emperor frowned and looked at Jin Buyi's back, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

I was resurrected from the Sun Golden Cabinet by chance, but I don't have a physical body, only my soul, and my strength is not as good as the other three Demon Emperors.

He said silently in his heart, I am assisting the emperor, but my strength is already lacking. If the emperor does not practice observing the ancestors and comprehending the mysteries of the soul, I am afraid that there will be no hope of becoming the Demon Emperor!

Jin Buyi and Xu Ying came to the stone statue of Tian and heard Xu Ying whisper: Master Jin, Master Zhong, Master Qi has changed and actually wants to kill us. We must take the first step and kill Master Qi.

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