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Chapter 440 Kunlun Bridge

A Ying Donor, are you finally awake?

Jijue Buddha finally used Buddhism to suppress the influence of the three words of cruelty and violence on Xu Ying. Xu Ying remembered his previous actions, felt ashamed, and apologized to the two of them repeatedly.

The two were extremely wary of him and were inseparable.

The three of them were on Yingzhou, unable to find a way out, so they had no choice but to wait eagerly for the next shore. Yingzhou is floating in the void. Only when they reach the next shore and the geomagnetic torrent forms a bridge channel can they have a chance to enter the other shore.

After entering the other side, if you want to leave, you can only use the Nuo Immortal or the Qi Master who practices the Six Secrets to open the cave and use the weak induction to find the cave. Maybe you can take the opportunity to come back.

Other than that, they can only wait until Yingzhou moves to the vicinity of Weixu again.

Young Master Ning Qing said: Yingzhou is a part of the Immortal Realm. It is a vast land with abundant resources and treasures everywhere. How can we return empty-handed after entering this place? I must practice hard to improve my cultivation strength!

Xu Ying asked: Don't you have such an opportunity in the immortal world?

Mr. Ning Qing said: Every inch of land in the immortal world is owned by its owner, and the sacred land of the immortal world, the Immortal Mountain, is in the hands of each strong person. As the son of Tianzun of the Taisui Department, I don't have much territory, only enough for me to practice The realm of heaven.

Xu Ying didn't know that the resources in the fairy world were so tight.

Young Master Ning Qing gathered as much immortal energy as possible and started practicing with all his heart. Jijue Buddha also ordered: You stay here, don't move around, concentrate on practicing your sword spirit! I also have to practice for a while.

Xu Ying responded obediently, stopped moving, and concentrated on sharpening his sword and refining his sword skills.

Yingzhou's immortal energy was extremely abundant, and Jijue Buddha also worked hard to practice and improve his cultivation. However, two days later, the Buddha woke up on time, and several Buddhist magical powers were immersed in Xu Ying's body, and then he entered samadhi again.

Young Master Ning Qing also woke up from time to time, observed Xu Ying, and found that there was nothing abnormal about Xu Ying, so he continued to practice.

Yingzhou is worthy of being a holy land in the immortal world. Both Jijue and Ningqing have improved their cultivation very quickly, especially Ningqing. After receiving the Dadong Good Fortune Guiyuan Sutra, he cultivated hard and his cultivation improved by leaps and bounds. With the resources of Yingzhou, he made great progress with each passing day.

He is the son of Tianzun and has a good family background. In addition to attracting the Qi of immortal spirits to practice, he also goes deep into the earth's lungs and uses the Qi of the earth's lungs to sharpen the Tao.

Ji Jue Buddha's progress was not slow, but Xu Ying had been concentrating on cultivating the sword spirit for the past few days, but he had not gained much. ——His sword heart has not yet penetrated.

Xu Ying calmed down and breathed in Yingzhou's fairy spirit. He felt refreshed. First, he could not break through the sword's heart and cultivate the sword's soul. Second, Ning Qing and Ji Jue were both practicing. He was lonely and boring. Then I sorted out the various magical methods that I had learned over the years.

Since he stepped into the ancestral court, he has never had time to sit down quietly and sort out what he has learned. This time is actually a good time.

When the Supreme Demon gave me his clothes, he told me that my Taoism was too high and my realm could not accommodate it. It meant that if I wanted to develop my Taoism, I had to find my own way. But how difficult is it to find my own way?

Xu Ying calmed down his mind and understood the way to organize Taiqing, Yuxu, Yujing, Youming and Xuanhuang. He said silently in his heart, Master Ningqing is right. In order to build a carriage, there is no need to invent the wheel. Standing on the shoulders of others, As long as you stand high enough, you can trample others under your feet. Ancient beings like Taiqing Yuxu Yujing and the truths contained in their dojos are the shoulders I stand on.

As he continued to sort out and comprehend, he gradually discovered the wonders of these ancient avenues, and couldn't help but immerse himself in them, comprehending the wonderful use of each avenue.

Jijue Buddha and Ning woke up several times, and saw Xu Ying sitting down honestly. He didn't know what he was meditating on, but rays of light continued to pour out from his body. The light and energy transpired, emitting a slight and mysterious sound. .

That Dao Yin is not as domineering as the Immortal Dao Dao Yin. It is incomprehensible and does not display various terrifying phenomena. It is very peaceful and seems to have no power.

However, both Ji Jue and Ning Qing were aware of the terrifying power contained in this sound.

The two of them looked at each other and said in understanding: As long as the donor is not sick, there is no need to disturb him.

Ji Jue had to wake up every two days to replenish Xu Ying with Buddhist magical powers and dissolve the power of the six-character seal. The days passed like this, and before I knew it, it had been more than half a year. Suddenly, a light appeared in the sky. At first, it was like a star, not bright.

But after a few days, the star became brighter and brighter.

After a few days, that thing already looked like a bright moon. Even at night, the sky was almost as bright as during the day!

what is that?

Mr. Ningqing is the son of Tianzun and has a wide range of knowledge. Mr. Jijue Buddha also studied under the Buddha and other Buddhas, and his vision and knowledge are also extraordinary. However, they looked at the bright light in the sky with big eyes and small eyes.

After a few days, the light became brighter and brighter. Ning Qing and Ji Jue felt that their souls were slowly growing, and the power of their souls was constantly improving.

Ning Qing looked up at the huge group of light in the sky and murmured: This thing is... a giant group of immortal light!

Ji Jue was shocked and looked at the light group in the void: This is absolutely impossible...

Seen from Yingzhou, this light group is already very huge. It must be even bigger in the void.

Whose immortal spirit is it? Ning Qing murmured.

Everyone possesses the Immortal True Spirit, and the light emitted by the Immortal True Spirit is the Immortal Spirit. If the light in the void is emanated from the Immortal True Spirit, he really cannot imagine anyone with such a huge Immortal True Spirit. !

It's also possible that it's not the immortal true spirit.

Ji Jue said, I heard that there are creatures in the universe, which are naturally immortal auras.

Ning Qing was reminded by him and immediately woke up, saying: The heavenly road connects the mortal world and the fairy world. I heard that the nine kinds of creatures that connect the heavenly road are formed by immortal auras. Those immortal auras will even turn into a human being after being broken. Each elixir has extraordinary power!

The two of them looked up. Even the immortal spiritual roots on the heavenly road were far less huge than the mass of light in front of them!

The torrent of geomagnetic energy caused by this ball of light has erupted from the lungs of the earth, soared into the sky, and rushed towards that extremely bright place, forming a bridge!

This should be the other side of the spring! Young Master Ning Qing murmured.

He had heard of the Six Secrets, but had not practiced them. He was born in the immortal world and became an immortal in the immortal world. He has never experienced many things.

A shore formed by immortal spiritual light!

It’s so shocking!

However, during their drifting in Yingzhou, they had already seen the other shore formed by the Black and Yellow Qi and the other shore formed by the Sea of ​​Chaos, so even if there was another other shore formed by the immortal aura, it did not seem so incredible.

What's more, in this mysterious void, there is also a huge supreme skull floating, which is also a strange thing in this void.

Xu Ying was still meditating and had not woken up. Ji Jue and Ning Qing did not disturb him. Ji Jue used his magic power to support him and walked into the geomagnetic current with Ning Qing towards the other side.

Although Yingzhou is good, they cannot stay in Yingzhou forever and must find a way to leave.

However, there are ghost fairy fires everywhere on the other side of the spring. The fairy fire here was lit by the clear oil lamp Xu Ying borrowed from Beidi. And in the fire is the twelve-story building forged by Xu Ying. The fairy furnace forged by Xu Ying is stored in the building, which can refine the immortal aura, turn it into soul elixir, and enhance the soul power of the Qi Refiner!

Ji Jue and Ning Qing could not find a way to leave. Seeing that the geomagnetic current was about to stop, they had no choice but to return to Yingzhou with Xu Ying.

After that, they practiced hard day and night, and before they knew it, several months passed, and they met the other side of the Jade Pond again.

There is a group of ancient and incomparable heaven and earth energy, forming a glass-like sky and earth. Someone has opened up the other side there to make it easier to settle down.

Ji Jue and Ning Qing rushed over with Xu Ying who was in sedation. There was also a blazing fairy fire on the other side, and there was a Yuxu Palace in the middle.

The two still couldn't find a way to leave, so they had no choice but to do this.

A few months later, Ning Qing's mouth was covered with beard, his temper became more and more irritable, and he was cussing and cursing. Ji Jue even wondered whether he was affected by the sealing curse that promised.

Day after day passed, Xu Ying was still in trance and never woke up, but the other side of Yujing had already appeared in the sky of Yingzhou.

They rushed to the other side of Yujing, but they were disappointed again. They still haven't found a way or a way to leave.

Do we really have to wait until Yingzhou and Weixu establish a geomagnetic channel?

Ning Qing cursed and said, What the hell do you want to wait until the Year of the Monkey?

More importantly, the passage between Weixu and Yingzhou appeared for the first time. It is not yet known whether Yingzhou will still move to its original position.

What if we wait until the end and Yingzhou does not intersect with Weixu?

I want to inherit my father's family property, become Tai Sui Tianzun, and become the supreme one!

Ning Qing yelled, I will never be trapped here with a bald donkey and a bastard forever!

Ji Jue said: Donor Ningqing, please do not have any thoughts of anger. You must know that I, the Buddha, also have moments of anger.

You want to beat me? Ning Qing sneered.

Ji Jue shook his head and said: The young monk was trapped in the dark time and space for two years, and he never had the slightest thought. If the donor continues to nag, don't blame the young monk for being violent!

The two of them were at war with each other. At this moment, Xu Ying suddenly opened his eyes, jumped up suddenly, and laughed loudly: I understand! I understand!

Ning Qing and Ji Jue hurriedly looked at him, each feeling awe-inspiring in their hearts. Ning Qing quickly offered up the Jade Plate for Returning to the Way, protected his whole body, and whispered: Monk, have you planted the Dharma in him? I think there is something wrong with his spirit, as if he is about to get sick again!

Ji Jue said: I never dare to forget.

Xu Ying was so happy that he laughed loudly, and the sound exploded in the world: I have studied Taiqing, Yuxu, Yujing, Netherworld and Xuanhuang these days, and finally realized the energy of refining chaos in my first life, and created The method of Chaos Niwan Palace!

Ji Jue turned his head and asked, Can you leave this place if you understand what Niwan Palace is?

Ning Qing shook his head: I don't know.

Xu Ying cheered for a while and fell into meditation again, but he was thinking about the sea of ​​chaos.

In his first life, he refined the power of the five other shores into elixir, and realized the secret of refining the energy of chaos into elixir. Xu Ying understood five different avenues including Taiqing Yuxu and others this time. , and finally realized this.

Not only that, the avenues of heaven and earth he obtained from Taiqing, Yuxu and other dojos were more complete than his own in the first life, so he imagined the Sea of ​​Chaos and tried to open up a sixth cave in the fairy world!

Finally, Yingzhou arrived near the other side of Jianggong.

Ning Qing was originally a young man with a graceful demeanor, but now he was unshaven. He used the Jade Plate of Guidao as a plate. He used it to fetch water from the mountain stream or store fairy fruits. He didn't wipe it after eating, but just offered it and hung it on his head.

Ji Jue could still hold it back, even if he would look for immortal corpses that had slipped through the net from time to time, he would not be willing to save them immediately after finding them. He must give a lecture on Buddhism and then save them.

Young Master Ning Qing looked at Xu Ying and said to Ji Jue: If he could come here back then, he must have a way to leave. I heard that people who have lost their memory may be able to recall the past if they are knocked hard on the head.

Ji Jue blinked his eyes, obviously tempted.

The two of them were about to make a move when suddenly behind Xu Ying, a ball of chaotic energy surged out, spinning, and the sixth cave sky slowly formed!

Xu Ying slowly opened his eyes, and there seemed to be chaos in his eyes, but then it disappeared again.

Now that I have made great progress in cultivation, I can finally use my soul. Fellow Taoist Jijue, you can unlock the Dharma in me.

Xu Ying smiled slightly and said, We feel good, enough to deal with the emperor's six-word sealing curse.

After Ji Jue heard this, he quickly added a few more Buddhist teachings and felt relieved.

Xu Ying immediately sobered up and thanked Ji Jue, saying: The sixth cave has been opened. There is a smooth road in front of me, and there is no obstacle to the realm of the soul.

Ji Jue asked: Do you have a way to leave Yingzhou?

Xu Ying said with a smile: Of course there is a way. I have a good friend named Shen Luo, who is a great martial arts emperor. He entered the Tao through martial arts and is already the best in the world. He opened up the other side of the martial arts. If you want to come to the other side of the martial arts, it must be here. In the void. As long as you find the other side of the martial arts, you can leave!

Ning Qing and Ji Jue were overjoyed.

In the next few days, everyone kept looking around and saw Jiang Palace getting closer and closer, but they never found a new shore.

After Jiang Gong passed by, another seven or eight months passed, but the other side of martial arts was still not found.

Xu Ying also gradually became anxious. Even if Ji Jue applied some Buddhist magical powers to him, he could not stabilize him.

Suddenly, they saw a piece of light and fire in the void, drifting past Yingzhou.

Xu Ying was stunned and stared straight at the light going away. Within the light was a mysterious realm that could not be seen clearly from a distance.

The seventh other shore... no, it's the eighth other shore! It's just the other shore that hasn't been opened yet!

A few days later, Xu Ying was confused in the wind. He saw the ninth other shore, which was an indefinite long river floating in this mysterious void!

This indefinite river has no place to settle, and it is also the other side that has not yet been opened up!

How could this happen? Xu Ying murmured.

At this moment, a broken light came into view.

Xu Ying looked straight at the light floating in the void and murmured: The Divine Bridge... is the Divine Bridge! The Divine Bridge on Kunlun Mountain ends here!

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