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Chapter 408: Demon Clan's Demon Suppression Record

Jin Buyi grabbed An Qi and the big bell and flew for two days, and finally arrived at the place where the sun is. He is a middle-aged and elderly Jinwu, so it is inevitable that he will be a little tired after flying here.

Hey, what am I doing here? Jin Buyi wondered.

When An Qi and Dazhong heard this, they knew something was going to be bad and quickly said: Master Jin! Master Jin! Look here, look here! We plan to enter the Sun God Palace to check the haunting incident...

Jin Buyi looked down and saw that he was holding a huge snake in one claw, and a ridiculously big bell in the other claw. He suddenly understood and said with a smile: Chongchong on the left, a big bell on the right. The pot, in front of it is the sun, a big stove...yes, I am here to make soup!

When Xian Qi heard this, he was so frightened that the soul of the deceased rose three feet high and shouted quickly: Master Jin! Friend! It's a friend!

Jin Buyi sprayed a stream of golden light from his mouth, causing the big clock to spin, getting bigger and bigger. He placed it on the sun, and soon the clock wall was baked red.

He grabbed Anchi and put it in the pot, saying to himself: Get some Yuanzhi slurry from the sun, and turn the original soup into original food.

An Qi shouted: Master Jin, little notebook! Look at your little notebook!

Is there a recipe? Jin Buyi was stunned.

An Qi and Dazhong hurriedly said: Yes! It's a recipe! Turn to the latest page!

Jin Buyi was afraid that An Qi would run away, so he raised his feet and pressed him into the pot. He first fried him to remove the fishy smell, and burned An Qi until he died.

His soul flew out, opened the small notebook, turned to the latest page, looked at it carefully, suddenly realized, and hurriedly took Anchi Qi out of the pot.

With a dark face, Xian Qi shed off the browned snake skin and activated the Niwan Cave to heal his wounds.

Jin Buqi hurriedly apologized to him and the big bell, and a bird, a snake, and a bell made noisy noises and entered the sun.

Jin Buyi's spirit stared at his little notebook from time to time, fearing that he would forget something again.

Inside the sun, the temperature of the sun's divine fire is extremely high, its various rays are astonishingly powerful, and the power of the geomagnetic energy is as powerful as a magic sword, killing people's souls. But fortunately, Jin Buju is a three-legged golden crow, which controls the sun's divine fire and can protect the bell and Anchi.

It didn't take long for them to see a huge ship, an extremely ancient building ship. The casting process was different from today's process, more like a product of ancient times, with many Dao patterns imprinted on the surface.

There are traces of battles on these ships, and corpses are everywhere. Some are refined by the sun's fire, and some are corrupted by rays.

In the sun, even the bones of immortals are difficult to preserve, but there are actually many skeletons in these ancient buildings and ships.

The corpses with open eyes that Jin Buyi mentioned were on these buildings and boats.

Master Jin, let's go take a look at the building. Xian Qi said with his eyes shining.

Jin Buyi hesitated and said: Some corpses on the ship have come to life, which may be detrimental to us.

Da Zhong smiled and said: Qiye has King Kong Zhuo here, so why are you afraid of zombies?

An Qi smiled and said: If it doesn't work, I will take out the Emperor's Purple Netherworld Sword and give it to you to chop the zombies.

Jin Buyi nodded hurriedly. So a bird, a snake, and a bell landed on one of the flagships. The skeletons of that flagship were everywhere. Even though it had been dead for an unknown period of time, these skeletons still exuded an amazing aura. The sun's divine fire could not incinerate it, and the geomagnetic force could not chip away at it. Skeletons.

Whenever the ray storm in the flames strikes, Dao lines overflow around the bones, forming ring-shaped ripples.

It's a pity that they have been dead for an unknown period of time. Some of their skeletons are hanging on the side of the ship, some are pierced by sharp blades and nailed to the deck, and some have their heads missing.

Some of them seemed to have died in the formation, being tempered until only half of their bodies were left, with burn marks on their waists.

Others were beaten so hard that they were embedded in the hull of the ship, and there were more than a dozen arrow feathers on their chests. They must have been beaten until they were embedded in the hull of the ship and shot with more than ten arrows before they were killed.

An Qi and Dazhong were frightened and were about to speak when suddenly a tall figure appeared behind them.

An Qi and Dazhong were startled. Jin Buyi without thinking, raised two magic swords and was about to turn around. Suddenly, the tall figure put a hand on his body and held him down.

The tall figure with the head of a bird and the body of a bird jumped up and rode on Jin Buyi's back. Jin Buyi was frightened and angry. He raised his two swords and slashed. Before the two swords fell, the tall figure grabbed them in his hands.

Soldiers, are you still there?

A majestic and deep voice came from his back. An Qi and Dazhong were shocked and frightened. Looking up, they saw the man covered in golden armor and holding up two swords, looking very majestic.

Jin Buyi is an ancient alien species, the most ferocious three-legged Golden Crow, but somehow he was controlled by the golden-armored god to be submissive. His whole body was actually covered in golden light, and he emitted an extremely powerful and terrifying aura!

Obviously, the golden-armored god has an extraordinary method that can enhance the aura of the Golden Crow to the extreme and achieve the state of unity between man and bird!

Dazhong hurriedly shouted: Master Jin, how are you?

Jin Buyi wanted to struggle, but was reluctant to give up, and shouted: I don't know why, but I feel very comfortable being controlled by him. No matter the spirit or the body, the energy and blood are flowing, and I feel like I am one with him.

The golden-armored god didn't know whether he was alive or dead. His whole body was bursting with dazzling light. Dao patterns were wrapped around his body. He raised the sword with one hand and spoke in a low voice, but it was thick and powerful. It shook Xian Qi's chest and made the big bell buzz. I was shocked to the point of resonance.

It's time for Donghuang's soldiers to wake up.

His voice had a scalp-numbing feeling, pumping up the blood in his chest, and he was impassioned, The mission given to you by the Emperor is still there, and the military orders are still there! The enemies suppressed in the sun are not dead yet, come with me to fight!

Jian Qi wanted to sacrifice King Kong Zhuo and attack him, but he didn't dare.

The aura emanating from the body of this golden-armored god made him feel a rush of blood, and the ancient power in his body was constantly awakening!

An Qi followed Xu Ying in practice these years, and Xu Ying was never stingy. Whatever he learned and understood, he passed on to them. An Qi was also diligent. Although he couldn't learn it, he just copied it in his belly because of his big belly.

Therefore, he awakened the bloodline of the ancient snake snake early, allowing the power of the bloodline to continue to awaken until he reached adulthood. His current strength even surpasses that of an adult snake!

He originally thought that the power hidden in his bloodline had been fully developed by himself, but he did not expect that the aura from this golden-armored godman would cause the bloodline power in his body to continue to revive!

This is probably the secret technique of the demon clan from ancient times, a secret technique that can maximize the power of demon blood!

Just when Xian Qi was hesitating, another god in silver armor suddenly appeared, standing on his forehead, and his aura was unified with his.

Ride me?

Xian Qi was furious, but the next moment the Dao patterns of the silver-armored godman overflowed, connecting with his qi and blood, and his soul and soul were connected, giving him the feeling of one body and soul.

An Qi felt extremely comfortable and stopped struggling, and there was no anger in his heart.

This silver-armored god is also a bird-headed man, dressed in all kinds of armor.

Dazhong was furious and shouted: Master Qi, Master Jin, I'm here to save you!

An Qi said: Master Zhong, don't make trouble.

Jin Buyi was full of fighting spirit and shouted: Master Zhong, we are about to fight and we don't need you to save us.

The big bell was shocked and angry. Suddenly, the silver-armored god reached out and grabbed the bell's nose, pouring mana into it, and Dao lines flew around it.

On those buildings and ships, withered bones were seen rising up one after another, and the incomplete weapons that were inserted into the ships flew up one after another and fell into their hands.

Countless withered bones were arranged in rows, neatly arranged, like a battle-hardened army, solemn and solemn.

Soldiers of Donghuang!

The two gods in gold and silver armor shouted at the same time, Follow me to fight and suppress the remnants of the rebels! Kill them in the sun and suppress them in the furnace of the sun! The Emperor of the East is with you! Drive--

An Qi and Jin BuYu received a whip on their buttocks and immediately jumped into the air, flying deep into the sun.

Chains rattled and trembled, but huge skeletal birds were flapping their wings in the sun, dragging those ancient ships towards the deepest part of the scorching sun!

Loud sounds exploded in the depths of the sun, gathering into a torrent and rushing towards the unknown seal.

The voices of countless ghosts and gods are shouting: The Demon Tribe and Immortal Court will never give up!

And in the depths of the sun, the ancient avenue of heaven and earth is resurrecting, the seal on a huge portal is constantly loosening, and the things sealed in the depths of the sun are about to pour out!

Wangxiang Terrace, Yujing Mountain in Xuandu.

The fairy insect was pinched by its wings and wanted to transform into a clone and eat the person who pinched it. However, no matter how it changed, it could not separate itself.

It is an immortal creature, extremely ferocious, it can be divided into ten thousand, turn into extremely tiny insects, gnaw at the human body, soul, and even the supernatural power.

Although Xu Ying enlightened its sanity, its instincts were still there, and its scissor-like mouth kept snapping and biting.

The man who held it was a middle-aged man with an immortal spirit, wearing a seven-star crown and a robe of bright flying brocade beads. He smiled and said: It's really fierce. That's all, I'll give you a little luck.

He picked off a leaf and put the worm on the leaf. The leaf was plucked, and new leaves grew in its place.

The fairy insect hugged the leaf, looked at him carefully, and hurriedly flapped its wings and flew back to Qibao Palace. It returned to Xu Ying's shoulder, and then slowly ate it.

When the middle-aged man walked in, the fairy insect had already eaten most of the leaf and had grown a lot bigger. It guarded Xu Ying as if facing a formidable enemy and did not dare to relax.

Suddenly, a human voice came out of the fairy insect's mouth, as clear and clear as a woman's, saying: Who are you?

It was startled when it spoke human words, and wondered why it could speak.

The middle-aged man smiled and said: I am Dao Lord Xuhuang of Dongming High, and I am Dao Lord's soul of heaven and earth. After Dao Lord left, I stayed in this dojo until the Dao Lord collapsed and I fell into death.

Although the fairy insects can speak, they are really not very smart and can only seem to understand what they hear.

It hugged the half of the leaf and took two more bites. It gradually became smarter, and its brain became much brighter. It said, You died and you are alive again?

Emperor Dongming Xu smiled and said: I am the great avenue of heaven and earth here. I am broken as the great avenue is broken, and revived as the great tree revives.

The fairy insect couldn't understand again and took a few bites of the leaves.

In the Yujing Mountain in Xuandu, light surged, and the other seven Taoist trees glowed with a second spring. They grew gratifyingly. It didn't take long for them to grow as tall as a person, and they continued to grow upward.

This time, Dongming Xuhuang and Xu Ying achieved mutual success.

Forty-eight thousand years ago, Xu Ying left a good relationship here and helped Emperor Xu of the Eastern Ming Dynasty revive a Taoist tree. This Taoist tree has grown for 48,000 years and gathered the broken Taoist imprints between heaven and earth.

Xu Ying revisited his old place and obtained these Taoist imprints from this Taoist tree, which added countless insights. Therefore, he entered Taoism and sorted out more Taoist imprints of heaven and earth in Yujing Mountain in Xuandu, so that more Taoist trees were revived and reborn.

A loud rumbling sound came. It was the huge mountain body of Yujing Mountain in Xuandu that was cut into two pieces. Supported by the power of the powerful Tao tree, it slowly rose up, and the broken mountain was reconnected!

The sections of the two mountain peaks are connected by a road, allowing the mountain to be integrated and restored to its original state!

This scene made the ancient beings deep in Wangxiang Terrace shake. Their grand thoughts slowly awakened and they watched this scene silently.

Suddenly, a big bell flew staggeringly, its body filled with the luster of immortality, and shouted from a distance: A Ying, A Ying! Master Qi and Master Jin were beaten!

The fairy insect fluttered its wings from Xu Ying's shoulder, hurriedly met the big bell, and said: Please keep your voice down, the master is practicing!

The whole body of the big bell was riddled with pits and was beaten extremely badly, and some wounds even penetrated the body of the bell. It was re-refined by Zhuchanchan and can repair itself unless it encounters a Tao injury. This time it was obviously a Tao injury.

Da Zhong exclaimed in shock: Master Chong, can you speak now?

The fairy insect said displeasedly: Your copper clock can talk, why can't I? And don't call me Lord Chong, call me Mother Chong!

Da Zhong hurriedly said: Wake up A Ying quickly and rescue Qi Ye and Jin Ye. They were treated as livestock by a group of demon tribe's Sun Guards from the Immortal Courtyard and went to fight with the demons who were suppressed in the Sun Gate. I finally managed to save them. Get out!”

The fairy insect said: The master is practicing and cannot be awakened. How about I go with you?

Dazhong said suspiciously: Even Master Qi and Master Jin have fallen, how can you do it? Besides, who will protect A Ying when you go?

At this time, Emperor Dongming Xu smiled and said: You just go ahead and leave this place to me.

Dazhong was still a little worried, Emperor Dongmingxu smiled and said: I am the soul of this world, I should be able to keep him safe.

The big clock was relieved and flew away with the fairy insect, shouting: Go quickly, go quickly! If you go too late, it's over!

Three days later, the sky above Wangxiangtai suddenly became turbulent. The sky was filled with wind and clouds, and kept rotating. Another fairyland cave opened with a rumble!

Accompanied by lightning and thunder, the cave fell from the sky and connected with Xu Ying.

The third fairyland cave, corresponding to the secret treasure in Yujing, was naturally and successfully opened.

The growth rate of the eight Dao trees gradually slowed down, and the speed of the cohesion of the Heaven and Earth Dao brand was gradually slower than before. Xu Ying woke up faintly at this moment, looking up to the sky and the earth, his heart surging.

He came to Wangxiangtai with the original intention of searching for his father's whereabouts, but unexpectedly he stumbled here and found traces of his former self.

As a result, he opened the third fairyland cave. The yin and yang in his body were harmonious, giving him a feeling of vitality, creation, and endless creation.

Open up the yin and yang, live as long as the sky, and coexist with the earth. That's probably what it feels like.

He stood up, feeling a little melancholy in his heart: Didn't I find my father when I came here in my first life? If my father was still at Wangxiangtai, we should have known each other back then.

Even if they didn't recognize each other in the first life, if he came here in this life and made such a big noise, his father would definitely find out if he were here. However, his father has not come yet, which shows that he left Wangxiang Terrace after evading Fang Songhuai's pursuit.

Emperor Dongming Xu came over and said with a smile: Forty-eight thousand years ago, when I left this place, I was still a sapling.

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