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Chapter 397 Never break a promise

Just now I promised to fly around the Queen Mother of the West, traveling back and forth, just for now.

He first put various immortal runes into Fang Songhuai's immortal dojo, then unleashed all his power in one fell swoop, and finally achieved extraordinary results.

He knew that compared with immortal kings like Fang Songhuai, his cultivation was too different. Even if he was taught by the emperor, the gap in cultivation would allow Fang Songhuai to easily avoid or even cut off his seal.

That's why he worked step by step, nailing various sealing runes into the dojo first. The most critical thing here was to seal Fang Songhuai's destiny first.

The first immortal rune to be used here is the ming character.

The word fate is an immortal way that the emperor understood and used to change his destiny. The emperor used this seal to change Xu Ying's destiny, so that he would not be able to escape the fate he arranged for the next 48,000 years.

Xu Ying was afraid that his cultivation was not enough, so among the sealing runes he had just typed, the most common was the word fate. He must change the fate of the Immortal King Fang Songhuai, and even control it in his own hands!

Fang Songhuai suddenly became sluggish and motionless. His spirit, his Taoism, his physical body, spiritual consciousness, vitality, mental strength, two qi and avenue were all stripped away and sealed, making him fall into great fear.

He just felt that everything about him was involuntary.

This is the feeling of being controlled by someone, the feeling of being suppressed, the feeling of being sealed!

For the first time, he felt fear, a huge fear.

In the sky, the terrifying power of the Bixiao Brahma Qi Immortal Formation is still there, still flowing downwards. The majestic power of the immortal way even affects the gods of Kunlun, causing their own heavenly ways to be disordered!

Everyone looked up and looked at this scene in despair.

Suddenly, the Bixiao Brahma Qi Immortal Formation collapsed, and in the terrifying and inexplicable rays of the Immortal Dao, the blazing Dao chains suddenly collapsed, turning into countless flowing Dao phenomena, and then dispersed.


The torrent formed by the fairy clouds rushes down and washes many sacred mountains in Kunlun, but it has no threatening power. On the contrary, it makes Kunlun feel like a fairyland, with glow and fairy spirit everywhere.

The Bixiao Fanqi Immortal Formation is certainly the most powerful one in the Lei Department, but without Fang Songhuai as its controller, it will naturally be unsustainable.

Everyone was relieved and cheered one by one.

Just now, Xu Ying suddenly appeared and sealed each of their opponents' cultivation, magic weapons, or spiritual consciousness. They finally turned defeat into victory and eliminated their opponents.

Now, the calamity of annihilation has disappeared again, making them all inexplicably excited.

Amidst the cheers, Xu Ying confessed his sins to the Queen Mother of the West and asked: Is this Immortal King of the Lei Department still useful to the Queen Mother of the West?

Queen Mother Xi stared at him, shook her head and said, This beast was one of the immortals who destroyed Kunlun back then, but it was not him who killed me, but Tianzun. So he is of no use to me.

Xu Ying bowed and thanked her sincerely, picked up Fang Songhuai by the collar and flew towards Kunlun Yuxu Peak.

Fang Songhuai was shocked and angry. He struggled hard and shouted, You are a remnant of the undead people of Kunlun. I didn't expect you to survive until now! Do you know what happened to the man and woman who escorted you out of Kunlun?

He secretly encouraged his cultivation, tried to break through Xu Ying's seal, laughed loudly, and shouted: They are dead! I led the people of the Thunder City Division to refine them to death outside Kunlun!

Xu Ying's heart twitched violently, and he remained silent as he continued to carry him flying to Yuxu Peak.

Fang Songhuai sneered while attacking the seal: They are very close to you, right? Are they your senior brothers and sisters, or your brothers and sisters? No, they are closer than that... They are your parents, right?

He struggled to break the seal, but what made his heart sink more and more was that he couldn't break the seal at all!

He is a well-known Immortal King in the Immortal World. Although the Immortal King in the Lei Department has no background at all, he can never hope to climb to the position of Immortal King, but since he can sit on the throne of Immortal King, he still has the ability!

With his ability, he couldn't break through the letter promised. How is this possible?

They are your parents, but they died in my hands. It must have been painful for you all these years, right?

As Fang Songhuai spoke, he tried to break the immortal seal that Xu Ying left in his body. He expected that Xu Ying was a Qi Refiner, and even if the seal was an immortal seal, it would at most be a human, immortal and earthly immortal seal, which could not contain many profound ways.

You have been trying to get revenge on me all these years, right? But you don't know that the enemy is me, right? Your Taoist heart is tortured and twisted... What kind of seal is this?

Fang Songhuai had cold sweat rolling down his forehead. Only then did he realize that he couldn't understand Xu Ying's seal for a while!

There were not many types of immortal runes left by Xu Ying in his body, only the twelve words Ordered to forever suppress the prison, imprison and seal the prison. However, the Taoist practices contained in these twelve characters were far superior to that of the Immortal King Fang Songhuai. So much so that he studied hard and found that there was no possibility of deciphering it in a short time!

It's not possible to decipher the secrets, but it's certainly not possible to decipher the Taoism!

When Fang Songhuai saw that Xu Ying didn't answer, he couldn't help but panic. He had previously thought that he could break through the seal and easily kill Xu Ying and escape, so he was so calm and calm.

Now he discovered that it might take him hundreds or thousands of years to understand the meaning of these seals. If he wanted to crack them, it might take thousands or even tens of thousands of years to crack them, which made him panic.

He struggled to break through the seal, but his physical body, vitality, consciousness, soul, yin and yang, mental power, dojo, and Tao chain were all suppressed and sealed. The power he could use was really limited, and it was impossible to break through the seal!

It's good to crack a rune first... what the hell kind of seal is this! Fang Songhuai cursed in anger.

Finally, they came to the ruins of Yuxu Peak. Xu Ying put Fang Songhuai down, dug out the Xujiaping portal buried in the ground with his own hands, used his magic power to reshape the portal, and erected the portal.

He grabbed Fang Songhuai's feet and dragged Fang Songhuai toward the ruins.

Fang Songhuai ignored it, closed his eyes, and tried his best to deduce the method of deciphering the runes.

Xu Ying let go of his feet and used his magic power to cut through the rocks and build an altar.

Fang Songhuai opened his eyes and saw the altar. He couldn't help but be confused and shouted quickly: What are you doing? What are you doing building an altar? Don't mess around! I am the Immortal King of the Lei Department in the Immortal World. You know where I am. How old are you? Do you know my background? Three generations of my family have been immortal kings in the immortal world. How dare you touch me? If you touch me, you...

Without saying a word, Xu Ying offered the Water and Fire Cauldron and placed it in front of the altar. He dragged Fang Songhuai's feet onto the altar and asked him to kneel in the center of the altar.

Fang Songhuai's face changed drastically and he said loudly: Xu Ying! Fellow Daoist Xu! If you have anything to say, please tell me! I was also acting under orders! The fault is not mine! I am an accomplice, not the mastermind!

Xu Ying stepped down from the altar, took out a few sticks of incense, held the incense and chanted silently, and then inserted it into the cauldron after a while.

Fang Songhuai said quickly: Fellow Taoist, fellow Taoist! I didn't kill your parents, I really didn't! They are very capable and escaped from my hands. I really didn't kill them!

Xu Ying opened his eyes, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said in a hoarse voice: You mean, they are still alive?

Fang Songhuai shouted: They are alive! Fellow Taoist Xu, as long as you don't kill me, I will tell you everything that happened that day!

Xu Ying nodded slightly and said, Okay! I won't kill you, just say it.

Fang Songhuai breathed a sigh of relief and said loudly: The Queen Mother of the West, all the fellow Shinto Taoists in Kunlun Realm, you have all heard it. Fellow Taoist Xu has spoken, but he will not kill me! Fellow Taoist Xu, you can't go back on your word!

Queen Mother Xi led the gods to float in mid-air and said, I heard this.

Xu Yingdao: Don't worry, I never break my promise. Say it.

Master Fire Dragon and Han Zekang looked at each other, feeling a little guilty.

Fang Songhuai said: Back then, I was ordered by Heaven to lead the immortals of the Thunder City Division to attack Yuxu Peak. Along with me in the attack on Yuxu Peak were the Second Division, Wan Shen Lei Division, and Thunder Division. As for the other Second Institute, the Five Lei Institute and Exorcist Academy are attacking Yuzhu Peak. Before setting off, Tianzun told me that although Yuxu Peak is not as powerful as Yuzhu Peak, it is vital and must be destroyed, eradicated, and no one left behind.

Xu Ying's face darkened and he said, What's the grudge?

Fang Songhuai shook his head and said: There should be no grudges. Xu Daoyou thinks that we immortals are too shallow. If we had grudges, we would have avenged them long ago. I heard Tianzun say that it is mainly the undead people of Yuxu Peak who control things that should not belong to mortals. Power, immortality can only belong to immortals. If the power of the immortal people spreads, it will be a huge disaster and must be eradicated.

Xu Ying said: The immortal world thinks that the power controlled by the undead people can threaten the rule of the immortals?

Fang Songhuai laughed dryly and did not answer the question, saying: We went to Yuxu Peak and found that the undead people here are indeed very powerful. They are not like the Qi Refiners in the ascension stage. They are so powerful that they can even compete with the Immortal King. Fight! Some of the scenes here are also terrifying to us immortals. This place should not be in the mortal world, it should be said that it should not appear in the mortal world!

Xu Ying didn't know what he meant.

Fang Songhuai calmed down and continued: Back then, I suffered some injuries due to a series of fierce battles. The undead people in Kunlun all practice the Six Secrets, especially the Six Secrets of the Xujiaping undead people in Yuxu Peak, who are the most powerful. The young man and woman , and even the leader among them. I led the crowd to hunt down, and many immortals died under their joint efforts. I wanted to use that kid as bait...

Xu Ying's face darkened.

The kid is him.

Fang Songhuai said: ...They tried their best to protect the kid and didn't want him to get hurt, so as long as they attacked the kid desperately, they could let the young men and women fight to get injured to protect him. In this way, their injuries would become more and more serious, until They died in our hands. This strategy went well at first, and they were indeed injured. But there were fewer and fewer people around me. Later, the man tried his best to cover the woman and escort the kid away. We fought all the way to Wangxiangtai, and in Wangxiangtai, Deep in the countryside, the man has disappeared.

He paused and said: I don't dare to chase anymore. The inside of Wangxiang Terrace is extremely terrifying. I'm worried that I will fall in and never come back. I am the Immortal King and I still have a great future. Why should I risk my life? I am with you. There are two immortals, both of whom are my subordinates, but the fact that I failed to kill them must not be spread, so...

The corners of his eyes trembled, and he said: I sent two good brothers on their way, and then left Wangxiangtai to look for the mother and son. I chased her to Fuqing World and found the trace of the woman. I continued to chase, but lost her. I searched the Fuqing world but couldn't find the boy, so I knew I had fallen into the trap of luring the tiger away from the mountain. That woman must have sent the kid to other worlds and deliberately left traces to lead me to the Fuqing world.

Xu Ying waited for a moment, a glimmer of hope ignited in his heart, and asked: What then?

Fang Songhuai said: Then? Then I returned to Kunlun and reported that the three people had been killed, and the immortal generals around me also died in battle. That's how the deal was concluded.

Xu Ying said: That's it?

Fang Songhuai nodded and said: When we wiped out Kunlun, we didn't do it very cleanly. Some undead people still escaped from Kunlun and spread the Six Secrets. Later, I came to the mortal world to check and found that what they spread was not the real Six Secrets. I was relieved about the secret method. At that time, I thought that the man and woman who were proficient in the real six secrets had probably been seriously injured and died. But...

He glanced at Xu Ying, hesitated, and said, Since you can survive, what's the reason why they can't survive?

Xu Ying felt hot in his heart and murmured: Yes, since I can survive, they can also survive. They were so powerful at that time...

He closed his eyes, and two lines of tears fell from his cheeks.

Behind him, murderous intent suddenly appeared, and a broken sword slowly appeared.

As soon as the broken sword came out, a whirlwind suddenly rose up all around, and there seemed to be a wail from the heaven and earth in the wind, forming bursts of black energy.

For a moment, the sun and the moon lost all light, and the world was filled with murderous intent. Even the gods of Kunlun felt that their own divine power seemed to be cut off under the broken sword!

Fang Songhuai shouted quickly: Xu Ying, what are you doing? You promised me that you would never kill me! If you kill me and violate your Taoist heart, it will be difficult for you to make any progress in your cultivation! Gods of Kunlun, Queen Mother of the West, you have just witnessed of!

Queen Mother Xi hesitated for a moment and then said: Xu Jiazi...


The sword flashed and slashed across the altar, and the murderous aura in the sky suddenly disappeared.

Xu Ying received the Killing Immortal Sword Qi and said with a calm face: Nothing, not even the oath I made, can stop me from taking revenge.

Fang Songhuai looked dull, kneeling on the altar, and suddenly his head slipped from his neck.

His soul also lost its head at this moment and died an unexpected death.

The powerful murderous intent of the Zhuxian Sword Qi cut off all the immortal ways in his body and cut off all vitality. Even his soul was destroyed. Any means of survival were completely useless in front of this sword!

Fang Songhuai had only a little immortal spirit left and flew to the underworld.

Xu Ying bowed down to the altar and whispered: All the relatives of Xujiaping who died here, I will kill my enemies one by one to avenge you!

After a long time, he straightened up.

Queen Mother Xi looked at his back and said silently in her heart: A person who is tortured by hatred and does everything possible is a very terrible person.

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