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Chapter 364 At a loss

Empress, this is the chance for your resurrection. On the Penglai Fairy Mountain, the goddess said to the reincarnation goddess.

Samsara Xuan Nu bowed sincerely and thanked her, walking forward under the moonlight.

The goddess watched her go away, and told the immortals in Penglai, Now it's time for you to make great contributions. Well done, the Immortal Master will reward you according to your merits. Everyone will have a big fairy mountain, and it will be easy to open up a cave and a blessed land! Well done! Not good, the fairy mountain has shrunk, and I’m just serving tea and water.”

The immortals in Penglai were both surprised and happy. Patriarch Yan Yu quickly asked: Is it to kill the demon god of the demon realm, eliminate the demons and protect the Tao, and purify the demon realm?

The Goddess was so angry that her hands and feet were trembling, she pointed at him and stammered. After a while, she regained her breath and said angrily: No! Now the little Heavenly Lord of the Demon Realm is in trouble, there will be a great disaster, and the Immortal King will come to kill him. We Penglai, for He protects the law.

As soon as these words came out, Patriarch Yan Yu was startled and lost his voice: So, we are on the same side as the demons?

Everyone else also looked at each other, not knowing why.

The goddess smiled and said: In today's world, demons are not demons, and Tao is not Tao. You can just follow my instructions and you will not go wrong. You protected the little Tianzun and saved the little Tianzun, which is a great achievement. Compared with those who chase and kill all the worlds. The merits of a strong guy are countless times greater! Immortal Master Xu is happy and everyone will be rewarded.

Everyone is doubtful.

Patriarch Yan Yu said flatly: Goddess, you must have been parasitized or taken away by the devil! We are immortals, how can we help the devil?


Many Penglai immortals stood up, looked up at the goddess, and said to each other: That little Tianzun is called Xiaotianzun in name, but in fact he is a little demon! We are immortals. If we don't eliminate demons and defend the way, how can it be helpful? What’s the truth behind demon elimination?”

The Immortal Lord promises that you will never allow you to do this!

Goddess, I've long seen something wrong with you! Show your true colors!

The goddess was furious: Shut up!

Thunder and lightning were raging inside and outside Penglai Immortal, and all the immortals obediently shut up.

The goddess looked around with a sarcastic look: Are you immortals? Where are the immortals? Immortals from the immortal world? Fart! You are immortals from Penglai! The immortal world has nothing to do with you! The immortal world has nothing to do with you, and the devil has nothing to do with you. Relationship! Where can the devil come from without relationship?

All the immortals were dumbfounded, and their Taoist hearts were shaken.

They always regard themselves as immortals, even if they are incomplete immortals, they are still immortals anyway. However, the words of the goddess at this time directly hit their hearts and shook their Taoist hearts.

Are these immortals the same kind of immortals as the immortals in the immortal world?

If not, what does the distinction between immortals and demons in the eyes of the immortals in the immortal world have to do with them?

You have been led astray by Meng Wuhuai!

The Goddess hates that iron cannot become steel, and reprimanded everyone, Meng Wuhuai filled his mind with thoughts of gods and demons, and thoughts of superiority and inferiority. It took a lot of effort for me to help you change to Immortal Master Xu to bring you a better future. You You are still trying to frame yourself to death with all the rules in your head! Listen to me today and gather my power from Penglai to fight against Wei Xu’s invasion, help Little Tianzun, and earn some credit for you.”

Even so, the immortals were still hesitant.

It is still difficult for them to rashly change their inherent understanding that has existed for thousands of years. After all, Penglai Wonderland has been contending with the ancestral court these years. The invasion of the demon realm is actually the invasion of the heaven and earth avenues of the ancestral court into all the worlds.

Immortal Lord Meng Wuhuai has led them many times to fight against the invasion of the demonic realm and refine the demonic way. The two sides have turned the world upside down. Now they are asked to help Little Tianzun from the Demon Realm survive the murderous calamity, and they are somewhat resistant in their hearts.

The Goddess knew that it would be difficult for these stubborn guys to change their minds in a short period of time. She rolled her eyes and changed the topic, saying: Wei Xu has repeatedly joined forces with the Demon Realm in an attempt to kill us and annex Penglai. Now, I, Penglai, are fighting against Wei Xu. , you should have no objections, right?

When she said this, the immortals felt much better.

Patriarch Yan Yu nodded and said: Fighting against Wei Xu is what we should do, and we will do our part.

The goddess breathed a sigh of relief.

Fairy Gushe activated the law of cause and effect and checked the cause and effect. She couldn't help frowning and said to Yuan Tiangang: I, the immortals of Penglai are entangled in cause and effect, and the retribution is here. I am afraid that this time, there will be a catastrophe in Penglai. Maybe there will be a catastrophe in Penglai. The whole army will be destroyed.

Yuan Tiangang also calculated the last hexagram and said: My calculation is to turn bad luck into good luck.

Fairy Gushe said with a smile: Then we can prove whether it is your fortune-telling or my karma that is better!

Yuan Tiangang was full of confidence and nodded repeatedly.

Outside Ziweican, a beautiful figure flew past, suddenly fell downwards, and penetrated into the abnormal area of ​​Yixiandao.

The abnormal area of ​​the immortal path glows with fairy light outwards, and there is great terror in the fairy light. Where it is infected, the vegetation twists like snakes, flowers and fruits grow human faces, and people make babbling sounds, which is so terrifying.

Suddenly, demonic clouds rolled in from the sky and paused in the sky. From the demonic clouds, two beams of light more than a hundred feet thick shot out. Two rays of divine light swept across the wasteland, searching everywhere.

After a while, the divine light faded, and a huge body slid in the demon cloud, revealing huge scales, as bright as a mirror.

Not here, let's go!

A voice came from the cloud, and then the demonic cloud rolled away.

After a while, a slightly embarrassed girl in palace clothes walked out of the abnormal area of ​​​​the immortal path below. It was Hua Cuoying. She was chased by her old enemy in the demon cloud and fled here in a hurry, forcing her to hide in an abnormal area.

Finally gone.

Hua Cuoying pursed her lips at the blood stains. The vitality in her body was disordered, and some of the vitality turned into sword energy, which turned the world upside down in her Xiyi territory. Instead of reducing her injuries, her injuries became more serious.

At this moment, in the sky behind her, a huge snake head was silently lowered. It was covered with colorless scales, which only glowed with iridescent colors when reflected in the sunlight.

The big snake has two long black and white horns growing from the back of its head. Between the two horns, the two qi of yin and yang form a Tai Chi diagram.

At this moment, the Tai Chi figure rotated without making any sound, and quietly hung up, reaching the top of Hua Cuoying's head.

At the same time, another big bell emitting fairy light flew out from the back of the big snake's head quietly and came to the top of the Tai Chi diagram!

The corners of Hua Cuoying's eyes twitched. Although she was severely injured by the promised Immortal Killing Sword Qi, her ears were damaged and she couldn't hear the sound, but her senses were extremely sharp and she immediately noticed something was wrong.


The Tai Chi diagram was pressed down, and at the moment when the Tai Chi diagram moved, the twelve-story building flew up. Hua Cuoying tried his best to sacrifice this immortal building. This treasure has been sacrificed by the Five Ultimate Immortal Kings, and its power is truly extraordinary. Huanghuang Immortal The light directly breaks through Tai Chi Tu's suppression!

But at this moment, the bell vibrated, and the big bell vibrated with all its strength. In an instant, three thousand Heavenly Dao runes on the inner wall of the big bell roared and rotated, and the runes changed brightly, forming a Heavenly Dao dojo, and buckled down!

The big bell hangs high, like a supreme artifact of heaven's control. The bell vibrates, exuding infinite power of heaven, suppressing the shadow of flowers!

Hua Cuoying snorted, and almost lost her soul on the spot. She quickly pushed the twelfth floor to the extreme!

But when I saw that the doors of the twelve-story building were all open, there was a Xu Ying sitting still in each floor, eyes closed and concentrating!

Twelve statues of Xu Yingdao brand!


The shadow of Hua Cuo screamed, and the twelve Promise Brands suddenly opened their eyes. In an instant, the light shot out in all directions, slashing in all directions!

The Tiandao dojo under the big bell made a loud roar, and the next moment it was cut into pieces!

Anhui Qi's body shape changed continuously, like a flying snake, avoiding the extremely sharp light, suddenly opened his mouth and shouted: Little lady, see what is in your belly, Mr. Niu Qi!

He sucked hard, and Hua Cuo's shadow suddenly spun around, unable to control his body shape, and fell into his mouth.

An Qi took her into his belly and immediately closed her mouth, cutting off her connection with the 12th floor.

The big bell was standing in front of Xian Qi at this time, blocking him from the attack of Xu Ying's eyes and Daoguang in the twelve-story building. He was beaten loudly and couldn't stabilize his figure.

Xian Qi took Hua Cuoying away and cut off the induction. Then the light in the eyes of the twelve Xu Ying brand slowly stopped, and each of them closed their eyes again and sat still.

Da Zhong was frightened and said quickly: Master Qi, quickly see if I have been penetrated?

An Qi quickly looked around and saw many deep scars on the wall of the bell, which almost penetrated the bell. But the strange thing is that the bell wall is like a living thing, like flesh and blood, and like liquid, and it is slowly healing.

What did Ancestor Chanchan do to Mr. Zhong? How could it heal on its own? Xian Qi was shocked and confused.

Hua Cuoying spun around, hit the ground hard, turned over several somersaults, stood up immediately, looked around, and was shocked: Where is this?

But she saw that she was in a long oval world, like a barrel-shaped universe, but it was many times longer than an ordinary barrel.

Looking around, the sky is filled with stars, about three thousand in number.

There are huge treasures floating among the stars. Although they are not as powerful as fairy weapons, they are no small feat.

This is like a small and exquisite world of heaven!

Am I in that snake's belly?

Hua Cuoying had just thought of this, when suddenly countless stars in the sky shone brightly, and Heaven gathered its divine power to form an incomparably majestic god, an unparalleled snake, rushing toward her!

For a moment, there were eyes everywhere in the sky, staring at her every move, with the light of the sky and the knowledge of the sky, they could see into her magical power!

Hua Cuoying gritted her teeth, and the huge Huangting Nuozu flew out of the cave behind her, preparing to fight to the death.

When Da Zhong saw that An Qi had closed his mouth tightly and never spoke, he quickly asked with concern: Master Qi, what's going on? Did the little lady get caught without any help?

An Qi did not dare to speak. At this moment, the twelve-story building suddenly turned into a ray of light and shot through the air.

Seeing this, the big bell hurriedly jumped into the air and chased towards the twelfth floor building, but was knocked back by a wisp of power emanating from the building.

The big bell vibrated continuously, the bells kept ringing, and the power of heaven continued to impact, and finally the power was refined away, and people couldn't help but be surprised and doubtful.

This wisp of power cannot be activated by Hua Cuoying. Although it is just a wisp, it gives it an extremely dangerous feeling!

I'm afraid this sacred building will be taken over by the old monster from Wei Xu! Master Qi, open your mouth, and I'll go in and help you suppress that little lady!

Just when Dazhong said this, he suddenly saw blood bleeding from the corner of Xian Qi's mouth, sluggish, his eyes squinted and his mouth opened involuntarily.

Hua Cuoying flew out of his mouth, and the big bell was turned upside down, and he was about to suppress the woman. Suddenly, the sky in the Huangting Nuozu Cave shook, and Hua Cuoying mobilized his consciousness to attack the big bell.

The impact of the vast spiritual consciousness made the Great Bell True Spirit confused, and could no longer stop Hua Cuoying.

Hua Cuoying was overjoyed and was about to fly away when she saw a purple grass on her shoulder.

Countless roots penetrated into her ears, then through her nostrils, eyes, and even through her mouth!

Hua Cuoying immediately reached out to pull it out, but at this moment, she suddenly felt confused, her soul was silent, and even the Nuozu Cave behind her slowly stopped functioning.

When Dazhong and An Qi saw this, they rushed over immediately and were about to kill them. Hua Cuoying managed to gather some consciousness and struggled: Spare my life...

The big bell stopped and said: You open the realm of Xiyi, and I will suppress your soul, so I won't kill you!

Hua Cuoying was controlled by the grave grass and could not move. The grave grass controlled her body and opened her Xiyi territory.

The big bell flew into it, only to see that Hua Cuoying's soul was also controlled by the grave grass, and secretly praised the grass master for his greatness.

As soon as the bell rang, it suppressed Hua Cuoying's spirit in his own heavenly dojo, and then let the purple fairy grass release Hua Cuoying.

The purple fairy grass did not leave the girl in palace clothes. It took root on the top of her head, and there were a few more purple leaves between the girl's bun.

Even if Hua Cuoying breaks through the suppression of the big clock, he will be directly controlled by it, and there is no need to worry about whether Hua Cuoying can escape.

An Qi said: Girl, what happened when the twelve-story building flew away just now?

Hua Cuoying did not dare to hide it, and said: The Twelve-layer Tower is the treasure of the Immortal King refined by my father. I use this treasure to manifest my incarnation on weekdays. This treasure fell into my hands before, and I had a way to block his induction, so he It cannot be taken back. But just now you took the treasure, but you did not block his induction, so he snatched away the twelfth floor.

She paused and said: My father must have taken away this treasure because he knew that little Tianzun had been severely injured and wanted to avenge the insult!

An Qi asked: Who is your father?

The Five Immortal Kings of Wei Xu!

Xian Qi called Dazhong and Hua Cuoying and discussed: We didn't make a full contribution. We should have recaptured the 12th floor. Together with Nuozu Dongtian and this little lady, we have three great achievements. Now we only have The next two items. Why not escort this young lady to Hunyuan Palace first and secure the credit first?

Da Zhong said: What Master Qi said is true. Everyone listens to Master Qi.

Hua Cuoying blinked and wondered: Why are you still discussing with me? This big snake does weird things!

On top of her head, the leaves of the purple fairy grass were dotted twice, indicating that she listened to Master Qi.

In Hunyuan Palace, Xu Ying suppressed his sadness and said, Yashu, don't look at it.

Zhou Yashu turned around and closed his eyes. At this time, he saw a bright moon rising and gradually coming over Hunyuan Palace.

A voice came from outside the palace: Fellow Daoist Xu, the mysterious lady of reincarnation in the underworld wants to meet you and want to have a good relationship with you.

The moonlight came, and a dreamlike woman stepped on the moonlight. Her shadow was extremely luxurious, wearing a phoenix crown on her head, like an emperor ruling countless ghosts, she caught Xu Ying's eyes.

The woman's faint gaze fell on Xu Ying's hand, and she saw Xu Ying gathering his energy into a sword, holding the sword in one hand, and pinching Little Tianzun's face with the other hand, and was about to cut off Little Tianzun's face and refine it into a Nuo master's magic weapon.

Samsara Xuannv was startled and said: He can still be saved, what are you doing, fellow Taoist Xu?

Xu Ying pinched Xiao Tianzun's face and felt a little at a loss.

————Enter the earthly state one hour earlier than yesterday!

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