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Chapter 362 The ancestral court counterattacks

Hunyuan Palace is extremely strong. This palace is the dojo of Xiao Tianzun, and it was the place where Xu Ying taught his disciples.

The palace was built on the basis of the ruins of an ancient palace. Its original name was Hunyuan Palace, so the word remained unchanged.

The little Tianzun recalled the dead master and naturally put extra effort into refining this palace, fearing that it would be destroyed by others, so it was made extremely strong.

Xu Ying's sword energy of killing immortals penetrated the palace and exploded. Even such terrifying sword energy failed to destroy Hunyuan Palace. Only extremely bright sword light spurted out from the cracks in the door, window lattice and other places!

Dazzling sword lights are flying all over the sky, the light is bright and dazzles people's eyes.

Outside the palace, there were those masters who had not yet had time to go away. They were struck by the sword light and fell down silently and died unexpectedly!

The sword light cut through the sky and swept across the earth, leaving behind shocking cracks.

After a while, the terrifying power contained in Xu Ying's sword was exhausted.

Outside Hunyuan Palace, the three characters Hunyuan Palace on the forehead were cut by the sword energy until only the words Hun Yuan were left. Inside the palace, there were dense sword marks everywhere on the pillars, floor, walls, and dome.

A twelve-story tower stood in the palace, and the incarnation of the Five Ultimate Immortal King was shattering. He was stabbed to death on the twelfth floor of the tower.

He only had time to enter the building, and before he could close the doors and windows, the sword energy that hit him filled the twelve-story building. There is also a rotating cave on the top floor of the Chonglou, which is the Huangting Cave in the Nuozu Cave.

After a long time, Hua Cuoying limped out of the Huangting Cave with bruises all over his body.

The moment the Zhuxian Sword Qi rushed into the Hunyuan Palace, she immediately hid in the twelfth floor of the building. Still worried, she hid outside the Huangting Mansion in the Nuozu Cave and endured the burning of the immortal fire.

Even though she was so cleverly hidden, thousands of sword energies rushed into the Huangting Cave and severely injured her.

Hua Cuoying climbed out of the cave and looked back. She was shocked and saw that there were thousands of deep or shallow wounds in the cave. The power of the cave was no longer what it used to be.

Hua Cuoying coughed up blood and looked down, only to find that the front and back of her chest were translucent and had been injured by the sword energy.

Her Xiyi Realm was also riddled with holes, and her soul was also damaged as a result, but luckily she survived.

There was a ringing in her ears and no other sounds could be heard. The whistle of the sword seemed to penetrate into her mind and take root in her mind.

She looked at the others and saw Nalandu kneeling on one knee. She remembered that when the Zhuxian Sword Qi invaded the palace, the incarnation of the Ninth Immortal King immediately protected Nalandu and blocked him. A fatal blow.

Behind Nalandu is the Immortal Yaochi. At this moment, the power of Yaochi is stimulated to the extreme by Nalandu, bursting out with unparalleled Immortal Power, blocking the Immortal Killing Sword Qi.

But it didn't stop.

Nalandu was still hit by many broken sword energies, and his energy was weakened.

Nalandu opened his mouth, said something to her, and pointed to his ear. Hua Cuoying woke up and raised her hand to touch her ear. There was blood on her hand.

There was still a ringing in her ears and she couldn't hear any sound.

There was still a remnant of sword energy in her body that was like the immortal path of the tarsal bones, and it began to destroy her body.

She did not practice the real Nuo method and could not repair her physical damage in a short time.

Hua Cuoying's breath was unstable and she staggered outside. At this time, she saw the young man in brocade, Mr. Yuchuan. Mr. Tamagawa's body was pressed against the wall, his brocade clothes were riddled with holes, his eyes, ears, mouth and nose were bleeding, and his hands were still shaking.

At that moment, she saw Mr. Tamagawa displaying an extremely powerful magical power, like a phoenix with the power of nine heavens spreading its wings, resisting this sword.

Unexpectedly, he survived.

Mr. Tamagawa's legs and hands were still shaking, his eyes were wide open, and his Adam's apple was rolling hard.

Hua Cuoying staggered out of Hunyuan Palace, held on to the pillars outside the palace, and looked forward. The sky in front of her was extremely bright, and there were six extremely spectacular caves.

Nuozu Cave Heaven!

The six caves were almost as good as the Huangting Cave behind her, moving between immortal artifacts and human figures. The owner of the cave was none other than Little Tianzun, a scholar in white.

This legendary figure in the Demonic Realm burst out with power that was even more terrifying than an immortal weapon, and he was able to defeat dozens of immortal weapons at the same time.

His muscles are getting stronger and stronger, his body is getting taller and taller, and with the fifth level of magical power, even if an immortal weapon falls on him, it can't hurt him at all!

Outside Hunyuan Palace, there was definitely a massacre, a massacre without any resistance!

And the root of all this comes from the sound of the piano and the pipa, and that extremely terrifying sword!

If it hadn't been for the terrifying sword energy that intensified the murderous intent of the sound of the harp and pipa and aroused the ambush, Little Tianzun would never have been able to withstand the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Extermination Immortal Formation.

As long as he enters the formation, even the Great Luo Immortal will end up in despair!

However, the sword arrived and pierced into the Hunyuan Palace, annihilating the incarnations of the two Immortal Kings and severely injuring Mr. Yuchuan. At this moment, I am afraid that none of them have the strength to use the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Extermination Immortal Formation.

Hua Cuoying wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and said to herself: It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. You must leave as soon as possible...

Her ears were still ringing and she couldn't hear what she was saying.

Nalandu staggered over and said something to her. Hua Cuoying said loudly: We must leave early! My father's incarnation has been destroyed. With his character, he will definitely take action himself! If we don't leave, we won't be able to leave!

Nalandu gestured to her and pointed at the people ambushing Little Tianzun ahead, obviously asking her to accompany him to save people.

If we don't leave, we will not be able to protect ourselves.

Hua Cuoying ignored him and limped out, saying loudly, You know how scary Wei Xu is! If you stay here, you will die!

Nalandu hesitated for a moment, then Master Yuchuan staggered out of Hunyuan Palace. Nalandu said quickly: Master, we need to let them leave as soon as possible!

Young Master Yuchuan spat out a mouthful of blood and shook his head: It's too late. The incarnations of the two Immortal Kings were beheaded, and my plan of refining demons in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths was broken. The two Immortal Kings were afraid that they would destroy this world and get rid of Xiao Heavenly Lord. Brother Nalan, you’d better leave quickly.”

He staggered forward, raised his hand, and saw a huge formation diagram separated from the mountain. It was the formation diagram of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Extinction Immortal Formation.

Young Master Yuchuan put away the formation map, carried it behind his back, jumped into the air, and flew towards the outside of Ziweican.

Nalandu hesitated for a moment and saw that the battle situation in Hunyuan Palace had been defeated by Little Tianzun. Little Tianzun went from killing one step at a time and shattering the immortal weapon with one step to killing several times with one step. Even the immortal weapon fell on his body and cracked. It's also an immortal weapon, not him!

Unknowingly, he had upgraded his skills to the sixth level of Xuan Gong, unleashing a fighting power that only an Immortal King could possess, charging into the crowd of heroes and destroying everything!

Now there is no need for Nalandu to save people, because people have been killed so scared that they have fled!

Nalandu gritted his teeth, offered sacrifices to the Immortal Yaochi, rose into the sky, and stayed away from this place.


The sky shook violently, and an abyss extending for countless thousands of miles from east to west appeared in the sky.

White clouds emerged around the abyss, and the huge rift was tearing apart on both sides, becoming wider and wider.

Nalandu gritted his teeth and flew far away, away from the increasingly wider rift valley.

When Wei Xu burst out with all its power, he had also seen it. It was a power that could destroy an entire world, a power that could not be resisted by beings who had cultivated to any level!

In a short period of time, Wei Xu can swallow up all the Qi Refiners in a world of heavens and turn them into the nutrients that Wei Xu needs.

The masters from all realms who besieged Little Tianzun were also fleeing in all directions, and Wei Xu was equally terrifying to them!

Those heavenly worlds that have no power or background will often be purged by Wei Xu every once in a while. The Qi Refiners of the entire world will disappear, and a civilizational fault will appear.

Therefore, Wei Xu is a nightmare for everyone!

There were bursts of thunder in the sky, and the ruins split open on both sides. The space was torn apart, and thunder poured down. In a short period of time, the energy erupted from this abyss was comparable to a super catastrophe!

Wei Xu was still opening outwards, gradually revealing a huge eye.

In his eyes, the corpses of immortals floated, as if they were drowning.

The Abyss of Weixu is like the upper and lower eyelids of this eye. Normally, the eyelids are closed, and when they are half-open and half-closed, they are the abyss. When they are fully opened, this world-destroying giant eye will be revealed!

In Yan Zhenjun's Yunxia Palace, Xu Ying looked up and his face changed slightly.

Yan Zhenjun stood up, clenched his fists, and said in a low voice: In the past, Xiao Tianzun cooperated with the Immortal King of Wei Xu, and Wei Xu never attacked the Ancestral Court. I wonder if the Ancestral Court can survive this time.

Suddenly, everything was silent, and almost everyone noticed that the vitality in their bodies had lost activity, their souls could not move, and their spiritual consciousness had become rigid.

Next to Xu Ying, Zhou Yashu found that his body could not move and he was floating upwards involuntarily. He was like a drowned person, floating towards the strange eyes in the sky.

Zhou Yashu was just a prelude. The next moment, the girls in Yunxia Palace also floated involuntarily, screaming and floating towards the sky!

Yan Zhenjun sacrificed his soul, and the chains around his body flew out in all directions, plunged into the Ziwei Remnant Realm, and connected with the heaven and the earth!

But the next moment, the earth shook, and crackling explosions continued to be heard. The earth and mountains and rivers for hundreds of miles were lifted up, carrying Yunxia Palace, and flew into the sky!

Yan Zhenjun was horrified. Although Wei Xu could not suppress him, he could not resist the gravity of Wei Xu!


Xu Ying spread out his spiritual consciousness in an instant, connecting all the heavens and worlds, thereby stabilizing his body.

Behind him, the Huangting Cave Sky was spinning crazily, making his consciousness stronger and stronger, and his connection with all the heavens and worlds getting closer and closer. If Wei Xu pulls him, it is equivalent to pulling the world.

Wei Xu can only devour the Taoist cultivators in the world, but can it also devour all the heavens and worlds?

With Xu Ying's power, Yan Zhenjun finally stabilized the floating continent in mid-air and prevented it from being sucked into the Wei Ruins. He was filled with doubts in his heart: Did Xu Tianzun really not recover his memory?

They looked around and saw the vast Ziwei Remnant Realm, filled with floating people everywhere, whether they were monks, ordinary people, or those powerful men from all walks of life who came to hunt down Little Tianzun. The coverage area will all rise as a result.

It is definitely not a good thing to ascend to Wei Rui!

At this moment, a figure in white suddenly rose into the sky and flew towards the huge strange eye in the sky!

The little Tianzun performed the seventh turn of his magical power, and all six secrets behind him were fully opened. The six caves spun wildly, and while flying towards Wei Xu, his loud voice spread throughout the ancestral court.

All the people of the ancestral court obey the order!

All the heavens and realms have invaded my realm, captured my people, insulted my orthodoxy, and treated us as demons. From today on, those who invade my territory will be punished! Those who insult my orthodoxy will be punished! Those who regard us as demons will be punished!


Destroy all invading enemies for me!

His figure rose higher and higher, and suddenly, a majestic figure appeared in the strange eyes, with five auras behind him piercing the sky, like a high-altitude immortal king, overlooking all living beings.

In the eyes of the Immortal King, even the Little Heavenly Lord is just an ant.

The voice of the Immortal King exploded: Little Tianzun, I'm waiting for you to die!

And behind the Immortal King, another equally majestic figure appeared.

Heavenly Halberd! Come out——

As Little Tianzun shouted, a mountain below suddenly exploded, and an immortal weapon flew out from it. It had three points and two blades, soared into the sky, turned into a stream of light, and chased Little Tianzun.

Little Tianzun reached out his hand, and the Heavenly Halberd fell into his hand. He swung it up and slashed towards the strange eye in the sky.

The sky shook violently, and the strange eye began to close slowly as if it was in pain.

On the way to the closure of Wei Xu, three extremely powerful figures were fighting in the strange eyes, and the aftermath of extremely terrifying supernatural powers erupted from the abyss, impacting down, as brilliant as the aurora.

However, when this brilliant color fell on the ground, the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and large cracks suddenly appeared!

In the sky, people who were involuntarily drifting toward the strange eyes of Wei Xu fell from the sky one after another. Those who unfortunately fell into the aurora would be shattered to pieces.

The battle in Weixu became more and more fierce, with rays of light sweeping in all directions, tearing the sky apart!

Xu Ying looked up, worried. Others didn't know it, but he knew that Little Tianzun's injury had not healed.

He vaguely saw in the Wei Xu monster's eyes that the Five Ultimate Immortal King was suddenly hit hard and flew away.

Xu Ying was startled in his heart: Why didn't the Five Ultimate Immortal King use my twelve-story tower and Huangting Cave Heaven?

In the distance, Hua Cuoying was running away frantically with the Twelfth Level Tower and Huangting Cave Sky. He said silently in his heart: Dad, if you are unkind, don't blame your daughter for being unjust. Wei Xu, I will not go back. These Twelve Levels Let the building and Huangting Cave Sky be the dowry you prepared for your daughter!

Where is the witch? The big snake noticed the shadow of the flower and immediately called the big bell and chased after her quickly.

The Five Immortal Kings left, and the Ninth Immortal King faced Little Tianzun alone, without using the promised Immortal Dao Yaochi.

In the end, the Ninth Immortal King also retreated and did not fight to the death with Little Tianzun.

Xu Ying was stunned: Why didn't the Ninth Immortal King use my Yaochi?

Little did he know that the Ninth Immortal King loved his disciple so much and was worried that Nalandu's life would be in danger, so he did not take back the Yaochi in Nalandu's hands.

The little Tianzun, covered in blood and holding a heavenly halberd, flew out of the ruins and floated in the sky. His voice spread throughout the countryside: Gentlemen, don't let go of an intruder!

Those masters who entered the Ziwei Remnant Realm to encircle and suppress Little Tianzun fled hurriedly outside the ancestral court. Someone shouted: Leave the ancestral court quickly!

What are you afraid of?

One person said loudly, Those demon bastards, do you still dare to intercept and kill us? We have been running rampant in the Demon Realm for tens of thousands of years, and we have always been the only ones who refine demons. How has anyone dared to intercept and kill us?

Before he finished speaking, four figures of different heights, short, fat and thin appeared on the road ahead.

The four saints of the ancestral court.

————I want to change the habit of renewal in the underworld, I want to rise! ! I change! !

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