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Chapter 360 Friends in the First Life

He came to his senses.

What this temple enshrines is not the ferocious statue, but the Wuliu Taoist.

People who came to this humble temple to offer incense turned their incense into ashes, which were cleaned by Taoist Wuliu and sent to the back of the temple. Over time, such a huge mountain was formed!

But none of the people who offered incense would have thought that the god they prayed to and worshiped was actually right next to them, the inconspicuous Taoist sweeper in the temple!

Xu Ying looked at the top of the mountain, and saw mountains of incense ash. The power of the incense must be extremely powerful, and its strength was unimaginable!

The boy he just mentioned who broke into the village was actually me, right? The village he mentioned was actually the ancestral home. He should be someone I knew in my first life.

The Wuliu Taoist who told him the story must be someone who followed him back then. Because he had hope, he was even more disappointed, so he became depressed and lived in seclusion here.

But, I don't remember what I did back then. Xu Ying whispered to the willow tree beside him.

He doesn't remember.

His memory has been sealed, and he has been wandering around for more than 40,000 years, experiencing one destiny after another. He is confused and confused, like a fool.

On the top of the mountain, Taoist Wuliu was sitting under a tree, holding a wine jar on his knees and looking into the distance.

His eyes were faint, as if he was recalling what happened in the past.

There was a period of golden years that burned his youth when he was young, allowing him to face the dangers of the world with enthusiasm, forgetting danger and regardless of life and death.

And all of this gradually faded as the man ascended, and was finally buried under the ashes.

His heart was ashen.

Mr. Wu Liu, one day Master wakes up and calls you. Will you keep the appointment? came a voice.

Wuliu Taoist followed the sound and saw Xiao Tianzun, a scholar in white clothes, walking towards him, his demeanor was elegant and he had a calm and unhurried attitude.

When the incense burns out and turns to ashes, can it be lit again?

Taoist Wuliu raised the wine jar, raised his head and drank, and said, There is no Mr. Wuliu in this world, there is only Taoist Wuliu. As a monk, why are we talking about old friendships? What are we talking about about fighting and killing?

He laughed at himself and said: Little Tianzun, I know your purpose of coming. I just invite your master to come over and let me see him. Maybe you can let me help you. I tell you, it is impossible! Unless...

He pointed to his feet and said, Unless I set this mountain on fire! I will never leave the mountain!

Little Tianzun looked gloomy, turned and left, saying: I disturbed your serenity.

Taoist Wuliu watched him go away, continued to drink, and said to himself: The first handful of incense ashes here are dead. Once burned, it is impossible to ignite them again. It will never be possible.

The two Mo Qilin finished their rest, cheered up again, and continued on their journey.

Xu Ying was sitting in the Qilin Chariot, looking at the Xianghui Mountain that was gradually going away, and suddenly said: Little Tianzun, was it true that I was so unforgivable and evil in those days?

Little Tianzun glanced over, and after a moment, he said: That may be the case in some people's eyes. But in the eyes of some people, you are their hero.

Xu Ying was slightly startled and smiled.

The unicorn chariot passed under a majestic dead tree. The tree had been uprooted and withered, but it had not rotten for a long time and was still lying between the sky and the earth.

As the chariot passed under the tree, Xu Ying raised his head and looked at this unimaginable sacred tree, feeling shocked and desolate in his heart.

They stopped in the city in front of the tree. The city here was called Jianmu, and many people from the ancestral family lived there. There are many gods and demons guarding this place, and they are all very popular.

A majestic god leaned down and supported the city wall with both hands. His huge face almost stared at the Qilin treasure chariot, and his eyes looked at Xu Ying in the chariot.

Suddenly, the demon laughed loudly and said sarcastically: Isn't this Xu Tianzun? I heard that you became a lackey in the immortal world. Why, you can't survive in the immortal world? Are you back to enjoy the blessings?

Little Tianzun said: Uncle Pan...

Don't call me Uncle Pan!

The Demon God sneered, I am a Demon God, not a Qi Refiner, and I have nothing to do with you bastard Qi Refiners! Those who believe in me are my people, and those who don't believe in me are all bullshit! I’ll burn the incense, or get out of here!”

Little Tianzun said: I still remember back then...

The Demon God Pan was furious, grabbed a huge umbrella, put it directly in front of the Qilin chariot, and sneered: Little Heavenly Lord, don't mention those days to me! Although you are respected as Little Heavenly Lord, in the ancestral court, in my You may not be able to honor me in front of me!

Little Tianzun frowned.

Xu Ying stood up and said, Xiao Pan, what's your name? If I had done anything sorry for you in the past, you...

When Demon God Pan saw him, he was furious and suddenly opened the umbrella, and a burst of ancient divine power suddenly burst out from the umbrella.

Xu Yingdao: Pan...

The two ink unicorns could no longer restrain their fear of Demon God Pan. Their feet glowed and they roared away!


The canopy of the Qilin chariot suddenly glowed with red light. The canopy whirled and whirled, flew up from the car, and turned into a giant umbrella, like a canopy. It folded down to protect the three people and two Mo Qilin in the chariot.

A terrifying storm came, as if an unparalleled demon god was attacking the Qilin chariot. The pearls under the canopy had turned into stars all over the sky. Suddenly, the stars were seen in chaos, and then they condensed and turned into a river of stars, flying upwards like a huff. The stars were swallowed up by an abyss!

Xu Ying raised his head, his scalp was numb at the sight, but he saw several bright pearls as big as castanopsis flying up and falling into the sky canopy, turning into several rounds of sun and bright moon, lighting up the sky.

But the next moment, the sun and moon were devoured one after another!

Cold sweat broke out on Xu Ying's forehead, and he looked at Little Tianzun. He remembered that Little Tianzun was extremely confident in his Qilin Chariot. He once said that even the third-ranked Cang Yue Zhenren in the ancestral court could not break through the Huagai alone!

However, now, under the attack of Demon God Napan, the canopy was almost dismantled in a short period of time!

Little Tianzun met his questioning gaze, hesitated, and said: Don't resist. He will vent his anger and pass. If you resist, he will become more energetic and want to settle old scores with you 48,000 years ago. I have experience.”

Xu Ying originally planned to take action and fight with this Demon God Pan, but when he heard this, his heart suddenly thought: It's the blessings accumulated back then! Wait a minute, what does Little Tianzun mean when he says he has experience? Has he been here before? Was he beaten by Demon God Pan here?


The canopy forming the sky was smashed, and the sky light from outside the territory leaked out. The huge force of this blow made the treasure chariot tremble violently. The two Mo Qilin, who were as strong as Taoist Ji, were also suppressed by this force and whined. They could no longer control their body shape and fell from high altitude with the Qilin chariot rolling and rolling.

Little Tianzun did not panic and ordered Zhou Yashu: Hold on tighter, don't be thrown away.

Zhou Yashu's face turned pale, and he quickly grabbed the bronze handle of the canopy. The chariot, the unicorn and the chariot hit the top of a mountain, rolled over, and crashed into the forest!

Then he crashed into an abnormal area of ​​immortality from the mountain forest. He was knocked out of the abnormal area and fell into a body of water.

The two Mo Qilin were injured and struggled hard to pull the treasure chariot out of the water.

Little Tianzun conveniently helped Zhou Yashu unlock the Immortal Dao mutation on his body - when he crashed into the abnormal area of ​​Immortal Dao just now, Zhou Yashu's cultivation level was weak and was contaminated by Immortal Dao. In a short period of time, his physical body and soul underwent mutation, becoming inhuman and ghost-like. ghost.

Two ink unicorns pulled the chariot and fled. A whistling sound was heard from behind, but the canopy of the chariot was filled with holes and was thrown out while spinning!

Jump up. Little Tianzun reminded the two Mo Qilin and said.

The two black unicorns stepped on the auspicious light and jumped upwards with all their strength. The huge canopy flew past their feet with a whooshing sound, cutting off a mountain in the distance.

The canopy continued to fly forward, and I don’t know where it went.

Demon God Pan landed on a mountain, holding the Huntian Treasure Umbrella in his hand, and yelled: You guys run fast! Don't let me see you bunch of bastards again!

Xu Ying's face was livid, and he turned around and said angrily: Little Tianzun, he called us a bitch, and you tolerated it?

Little Tianzun's expression remained normal and he said, He calls everyone Goudan. Were you scolded so many times back then?

Xu Ying was surprised: Didn't I kill him?

Little Tianzun shook his head and said: No. You even became brothers with him.

Xu Ying blinked and said with a smile: Little Tianzun, you call him Uncle Pan, what do you call me?

Little Tianzun's face darkened, and he said calmly: Xu Ying, don't forget, you are my prisoner. Don't joke too much.

Xu Ying looked at him with a smile.

Little Tianzun's face was as dark as water, without any change in expression. Seeing that he was not following the path, Xu Ying had no choice but to look away and said, What is Demon God Pan's real name?

He is not a demon. His real name is Pan Yi. When he was a Qi practitioner in my time, he also followed you. Since you ascended, he has been living in Jianmu City. Anyone who dares to mention you in front of him will be punished. He beat him until only his tongue could move.”

Little Tianzun said, However, he won't really be cruel. At most, he will just teach you a lesson.

The canopy flew back with a roar and was inserted into the chariot. However, the hanging pearls were scattered everywhere, the big pearls were missing, and there were several big holes in the canopy, and the sun shone down from it.

Zhou Ya wrote: Master, do you want to practice some cultivation?

Little Tianzun didn't take it seriously, shook his head and said: Let it go for now. It may get worse later.

Zhou Yashu didn't understand what he meant. As he spoke, the Qilin chariot took them to a vast wasteland, where the mountains and rivers were broken and desolate. In some places, collapsed buildings could be seen.

Looking from a distance, there are four majestic statues standing in the wilderness, more than a thousand feet tall, all with tall and straight muscles, showing the physical strength of men.

These four statues give people an unparalleled sense of oppression, as if there is a powerful heart sealed inside the stone statues. When the stone statues turn into flesh and blood, this power will explode, shocking and earth-shaking!

Little Tianzun signaled the two Mo Qilin to stop in the middle of the four stone statues and float in the air.

The two black unicorns did as they were told, but standing in the auspicious light, their bodies trembled and their scales rattled.

Suddenly, the sound of moving stones was heard. Xu Ying looked and saw the eyeballs of one of the stone statues moving slowly, looking towards him!

The eyes of this stone statue are strange. There are three eyes in total. There is a vertical eye on the forehead, right between the eyebrows.

At this time, the sound of moving stones was also heard from other stone statues, and the eyes of the stone statues were moving slowly!

When the little Tianzun saw this, he felt happy and stood up and said: Four uncles, today I brought an old friend...

Get out! A loud noise like a landslide and tsunami came from an unknown stone statue.

Little Tianzun immediately raised his hand: Get off!

The two black unicorns immediately ran away as if they had been granted amnesty, pulling the precious chariot and turning into a stream of light.

The little Tianzun was still a little uneasy. A ball of pure air rose up from his head and raised the tattered canopy.

Sure enough, it was bright in the background. One of the statues turned back, his brows were raised and his eyes shined brightly, and a brilliant beam of light shone.


The canopy was pierced by the divine light, and another big hole exploded.

Bang! Bang!

The other two stone statues also turned their heads, erecting a beam of light from their eyebrows, and two more large holes appeared in the canopy.

Master has a wonderful plan! Zhou Yashu marveled.

Little Tianzun shook his head and said: It's not a magical plan, it's just a result of experience.

Xu Ying looked back and saw that the four stone statues had all returned to flesh and blood, and the giant who did not take action was comforting the other three three-eyed giants.

Xu Ying said: Are they my friends from back then?

Little Tianzun nodded and said: Their divine eyes were developed because of you. These four uncles are the four heroes of the Ling family, and the one who leads them to persuade others is Ling Bufan.

Xu Ying looked back and said, He is still trying to persuade others that his relationship with me back then must have been very good.

Little Tianzun shook his head and said: The relationship back then was indeed not bad. But when I met him in these years, he always advised me not to retaliate against you. I must wait until you recover your memory before retaliating against you. Only in that way can you feel happy and happy. He Most likely the other three brothers would be advised in the same way.

Xu Ying had a dark face and was silent.

Two days later, the Qilin Chariot finally arrived at Hunyuan Palace.

Looking from a distance, the mountains where Hunyuan Palace is located look like a fairyland, with fairy lights lingering and mist. There are several fairy trees emitting rays of light in the mountains, and some fairy grasses exuding fragrance.

The dragon sings loudly, hiding among the mountains and waterfalls, while the colorful phoenix flies and perches on the sycamore tree.

Outside Hunyuan Palace, purple energy reaches the sky, as if the Milky Way is falling from the sky.

In the purple air, there is a bird seal and insect script, and the word Zi Wei is written on it.

Xu Ying was praising himself, but suddenly he saw murderous intentions hidden everywhere in this Hunyuan Palace, and his heart skipped a beat.

Little Tianzun signaled the Qilin chariot to stop, stood up and walked towards the ambush, saying: If I didn't use thunderous means, the world would still not know why I am called Little Tianzun!

————Thank you to Alliance Leader Beichen Yi for the reward, and thank you book friends for your love! !

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