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Chapter 357 Biyou Gongza Villain

Mr. Yan Zhen has a graceful demeanor and has the style of an ancient scholar. If I can become sworn sworn sworn brother with him, my life will not be in vain. Xu Ying said with emotion as he got on the Qilin chariot.

The muscles in the corner of Xiao Tianzun's eyes trembled, and he said silently in his heart: If it doesn't work, it's better to kill him and let the immortal true spirit grow another master...

The two black unicorns carried them for two days. They gradually became tired and stopped nearby to rest.

There is a sect here called Biyou Sect.

When they arrived, the sect leader Xuan Yazi came to greet Ling after hearing the news, and asked Xiao Tianzun, Xu Ying, Zhou Yashu and others to stop and rest.

In the past two days, Xiao Tianzun healed himself and looked much better. He said: Xuan Yazi, there are many people who are chasing me. I will rest here for a day and then leave immediately, so that you will not be harmed.

Xuan Yazi said with a smile: Little Tianzun has been kind to me, Biyou Sect, for rebuilding, so what's the harm in staying in Biyou Sect? My Biyou Sect will definitely protect the safety of Little Tianzun!

Little Tianzun shook his head and said: I can handle these trivial matters myself, so I don't need to bother you. By the way, I have two sets of more modest clothes prepared for me. There is also a place for bathing. Please help my fellow Taoist to prepare them for me.

Xuanyazi said yes and went down to prepare.

Xu Ying and Zhou Yashu were visiting the Biyou Palace. There were more than a dozen peaks sticking into the ground around the Biyou Palace, and the land around the peaks was full of canyons. I think back then, these peaks should have been floating in the sky, then fell down and hit the earth for some unknown reason.

Canyons are cracks in the earth created when mountains fall.

Xu Ying looked around and saw a large number of abnormal areas in the immortal path inside and outside the Biyou Sect, glowing with red, green and white light, and the rays of light were like light mist, misty and uncertain.

Xu Ying felt his heart pounding with fear. There were often extremely ferocious and dangerous things in the abnormal areas of the Immortal Dao, which were difficult to approach easily. However, although there are some abnormal areas of immortality in Biyou Sect, most of them have been suppressed by Biyou Sect with heavy treasures or formations, so there will be no chaos.

The danger here is no less dangerous than that of Li Hengyuan!

Farther away, Xu Ying also saw a broken sword standing high in the sky, like a tombstone in the sky, inserted into the earth, with its upper end hidden in the clouds and mist, emitting a murderous aura.

Within thousands of miles, there was no living creature, not even an abnormal area of ​​the Immortal Path.

The broken sword has no handle, and there are messy Dao patterns on the sword that form bird seal and insect inscriptions.

Xu Ying read it carefully and whispered: Zhu Xian.

He looked up at the broken sword, and his mind seemed to be cut open by the sharp sword. He thought: This sword can be used to observe Taoism, but at the same time it is difficult to observe. Just looking at this sword will cause your mind to be cut. If ordinary people pay attention, their eyes will only I'm afraid I'll go blind. If I can't practice the Tao, forcing me to observe will only lead to damage.

On the cliff opposite, there is still someone practicing. He is a young man who has made a golden elixir and is trying to break through and turn the golden elixir into a soul. There were more than a dozen young people protecting him. One of the older ones was explaining the subtleties of spiritual transformation to the young people.

The young man's whole body was radiant, and there seemed to be a ball of pearly light in his body. He passed through the Five Mountains Fairy Mountain, passed through the Weiluxuan Pass, walked up the Tianshan Mountain, crossed the Tianhe River, crossed Jiaji, and came to the throat.

There was a ball of divine light shining in his throat, reflecting his Adam's apple like a twelve-story building.

It is here that the golden elixir turns into the soul, enters the Yaochi and is reborn, climbs the Shenqiao and enters the Tianguan, steps on the Jade Capital and soars.

When the Biyou Sect boy's skills reached their peak, he saw rays of light pouring in from the sky and the earth. This was the phenomenon when the golden elixir was broken and the soul emerged!

Xu Ying also officially cultivated Yuanshen not long ago, and wanted to see how others had cultivated Yuanshen, so he stopped and watched.

The vitality of heaven and earth around Biyou Sect was also attracted by the young man, surged from the air and poured into the young man's body.

To complete the transformation from the golden elixir to the soul, an extremely large amount of vitality is required. Where the vitality of heaven and earth is insufficient, it is necessary to take a panacea to complete the transformation. However, the energy of heaven and earth in the Biyou Sect area is abundant, so there is no need to worry about this.

Xu Ying saw that the vitality of heaven and earth was mixed with some faint fairy light, and the avenues of heaven and earth in the glow were mostly broken avenues. He was surprised: The avenue of heaven and earth in the ancestral court is incomplete, and there is also pollution from the immortal way. Such a breakthrough can be achieved Yuanshen, won’t it leave hidden dangers?”

Just as he thought of this, the young man's elixir fire suddenly burst out for some unknown reason, igniting his body from the inside out.

Before the others had time to rescue him, they saw that the young man had been completely burned from the inside out, and the few remaining pieces of clothing lost their support and fell to the ground!

This change happened so quickly that no one could react in time!

Xu Ying stood there blankly. A young man with a bright future was burned to ashes in front of him!

From the cliff opposite, the young man's classmates could hear the low cries and sobs. The older man sighed and said, This is fate, and you can't blame others. Junior Brother Liao has no destiny to become a soul.

Before Xu Ying could come to his senses, he heard Xuan Yazi's voice coming from behind him: This kind of thing happens all the time in the ancestral court. It's not surprising.

Xu Ying turned around and saw Xuan Yazi walking towards this side with his hair tied up in a high bun and flowing Taoist robes. He had a fly whisk on his elbow and looked quite ancient.

The Qi Refiners of the Ancestral Court may die not only due to the incompleteness of the Heaven and Earth Dao or the pollution of the Immortal Dao when the golden elixir transforms into the soul, but they may also die due to the invasion of Immortal Dao pollution during the knocking off period, and they may also die during the refining period. , because water and fire are incomplete, it is impossible to refine the golden elixir.

Xuan Yazi seemed to be talking about a very common thing and said, At the second knocking pass period, it is possible to die due to the pollution of the immortal path. Even if you pass these passes, you may not be able to reborn because of the pollution of the Yaochi. Hey, even if you reach the Divine Bridge, you still have to face the third heavenly barrier.

Xu Ying couldn't help but feel his scalp numb. The practice of the Qi Refiners in the Ancestral Court was almost deadlocked every step of the way!

The higher your understanding, the faster you will die!

If you have high understanding, you will enter the Tao or enlightenment when you break through the realm. If you enter the Tao, you will become obsessed with it because of the incomplete way of heaven and earth. If you realize the Tao, you will be easily contaminated and invaded by the immortal way!

There are abnormal areas of immortality everywhere in the ancestral court, and the possibility of being invaded by immortality is extremely high!

Even if holy places like Biyou Sect have suppressed the abnormal areas of the Immortal Dao within the sect, there will still be disciples who are contaminated by the Immortal Dao and die unexpectedly when they realize the Tao.

As for the deaths caused by the incomplete Dao of Heaven and Earth, they are countless. After all, there are still only a few people who can truly cultivate to a very high level.

The heaven and earth are incomplete, the Tao is incomplete, the immortal way pollutes the world, the people of the ancestral court are in dire straits, and it is difficult for Qi refiners to rise.

Xuan Yazi had the incense of gods and demons in his body. He stretched out his hand to greet each other and said with a smile, Brother Xu Dao, please come here. For 48,000 years, people from our ancestral court have come here like this. There are also Qi refining in the outside world. The monks rushed into the ancestral court to eliminate demons and defend the way. It is difficult for monks of our generation to resist. Fortunately, in recent years, Little Tianzun trained a Qi refiner in Chutiandu and defeated all the heavens and worlds, so that the monks of our ancestral court can feel proud. Xu. Are the clothes that Taoist brother is wearing Chu Tiandu’s clothes?”

Xu Ying smiled and said, Fellow Taoist has a keen eye.

Xuan Yazi said with a smile: Chu Tiandu and Little Tianzun came to our Biyou Sect several times. Although they always wore masks, I still recognized these clothes.

The aura of incense on his body was extremely powerful and ancient, chasing after the two generals of Turtle and Snake in Zhenwu Temple, making Xu Ying even doubt whether he was a human or a god.

Suddenly, from a mountain in front, there was a powerful force of blood that shot straight into the sky, and the blood energy formed into a cloud that lingered for a long time.

Seeing this, Xuan Yazi's face turned gloomy and he said, It should be that Senior Nephew Hua Zhengyun went crazy when he broke through the realm, and now he has returned to heaven and earth in a great way.

Even though he was used to seeing life and death, he was a little sad at the moment.

Xu Yingdao: Cultivation in the Ancestral Court is extremely dangerous, but even so, many masters have been left behind. They are not afraid of hardships and sacrifice their lives. The Qi refiners of the Ancestral Court are admirable.

Xuan Yazi looked solemn and said: This is all thanks to Little Tianzun. If Little Tianzun hadn't suppressed the abnormal areas of the Immortal Dao these years and tried to mend the sky, I'm afraid there wouldn't be as many Qi refiners in the ancestral court as there are now.

He came to an ancient palace. This palace was also an abnormal area of ​​immortality, shrouded in immortal light and full of unknowns.

The palace collapsed. The portal stood there alone.

Xu Ying looked at the lintel and saw the words Biyou Palace written on the forehead.

Xuan Yazi did not continue to move forward, but stopped outside Biyou Palace and said: Little Tianzun wants to mend the way of heaven, so that the qigong masters in the ancestral court do not have to die when they break through the realm, do not have to die on the way to enter the Tao, and do not have to die when they realize the Tao. . He has big ambitions.

He took out a few sticks of incense, lit it, and bowed to Biyou Palace with the incense.

There was a terrifying fairy light surging in Biyou Palace. At this moment, Xu Ying sensed that there seemed to be an extremely ancient power hidden under the fairy light, and was awakened by Xuan Yazi's sticks of incense!

That power was suppressed by the fairy light, and now I could breathe and absorb the power of incense!

Xu Ying was shocked and confused, and after a moment, he said: I have also heard about Little Tianzun's method of mending the sky, but the ancestral court is too vast, and mending the sky is not easy.

Xuan Yazi's face was gloomy: Yes. Especially the ancestral court is in danger. Qi refiners from all over the world are constantly invading and killing the monks of the ancestral court. There are also Wei Rui who are watching with eagerness. The immortal world is hanging high above, destroying the ancestral court. It's easy. It's really difficult for Little Tianzun to do something under such circumstances.

Xu Ying took out a few sticks of incense and was about to step forward to offer incense. Xuan Yazi's face changed slightly and he quickly stopped him. He stretched out his hand to snuff out the incense head and shook his head.

Xu Ying was puzzled, so Xuan Yazi hurriedly took a few steps forward, checked, and found that there was no scent of incense floating into Biyou Palace. He breathed a sigh of relief.

Brother Xu Dao, I'm offended.

Xuan Yazi apologized and said, When you offered incense here to the ancient being in Biyou Palace, it triggered a riot in the abnormal area of ​​​​the Immortal Dao. The strange tide almost swept the entire ancestral court, and everyone was almost alienated! This matter cannot be It's happening again.

Xu Ying was also startled and lost his voice: Is this the source of the strange tide?

Xuan Yazi nodded lightly and said: Afterwards, we had some guesses that the ancient existence in Biyou Palace was too strong and received your incense. Therefore, the incense was so strong that it tried to break through the suppression, triggering a chain reaction. As a result, all the abnormal areas of the Immortal Path in the entire ancestral court erupted.

There are too many abnormal areas of the Immortal Path in the Ancestral Court, scattered all over the place, tens of thousands in number. The result of these abnormal areas erupting together is to swallow up the entire Ancestral Court!

Xuan Yazi said: We speculate that the ancient existence of Biyou Palace is too strong, so when suppressing him, someone borrowed the power of the abnormal areas of the immortal way. As long as he wakes up, these abnormal areas will be activated, and all the power of the immortal way will be gathered. Another crackdown.”

Xu Ying couldn't help but be fascinated, and wanted to go back to 48,000 years ago to see that strange tide.

The immortal way distorts the entire ancestral court and alienates all living creatures. The scene must be spectacular.

Xuan Yazi looked at his expression and said, You had this look back then, which made people hate you to the core.

Xu Ying quickly straightened his face and said seriously: I have repented. I am different in this life than I was then.

Xuan Yazi said something vaguely, obviously not believing it.

Xu Ying didn't expect him to believe it and asked, Fellow Taoist was also a Qi Refiner at that time?

Xuan Yazi nodded: I was still a young man at that time. I didn't have much of a reputation. I just followed you and learned some things you sorted out. I didn't achieve much in this life. Later, when you separated, I stayed. In Biyou Palace, take care of this place to prevent any trouble from happening again. This Biyou Sect was also founded by me.

He is both an immortal and a god, practicing Qi Master techniques and the Qi of incense at the same time. He has survived to this day and has practiced diligently for more than 40,000 years. His cultivation has become extremely powerful.

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment, then mustered up his courage and asked, When I left the ancestral court and chose to ascend to the immortal world, did it have a great impact on the ancestral court?

Xuan Yazi smiled and said: There is no need to talk about the past, just let it pass.

Xu Yingdao: My memory is sealed and I don't know what happened in the past. It's rare to meet an insider, so of course I have to ask clearly.

Xuan Yazi hesitated for a moment and said: Back then, you were revered as Xu Tianzun and the most dazzling figure in the ancestral court. People who followed you all expected you to sweep away the evil atmosphere and restore peace to the ancestral court. When you ascended to the Immortal Realm, everyone lost their energy and went back to their respective homes, and no one mentioned those heroic words from the past. But the little Tianzun, on the other hand, has been persisting in doing those things that you have not been able to accomplish, and persists until now.

He smiled: Many of my old brothers were moved by him and felt that they saw your shadow in him.

My shadow... Xu Ying said silently in his heart.

Will you hate me? Xu Ying asked.

Xuan Yazi stopped, his body froze, and he clenched his fists involuntarily. After a moment, he turned around and said with a smile: Xu Tianzun, we are all adults, what can we hate? What happened in the past was not long ago. Is it just over? I've long been bearish. The one who can't let go the most is probably Little Tianzun.

Xu Ying nodded slightly and said, I also know that he hates me.

Xuan Yazi turned around and said with a smile: I still have something to do, so I can't accompany you.

Xu Yingdao: Fellow Taoist, please help yourself.

Xuan Yazi turned into a ray of green light and hurriedly left, falling into the Biyou Sect's Xiantian Purple Gold Palace. He stepped back to the left and right, his hands still trembling a little.

He shook his hands and took out a straw man with one hand and a silver needle with the other. He saw a cloth strip tied on the straw man with the word Promise written on it.

Stab you to death, stab you to death! Let you abandon us and ascend to the immortal world to gain wealth. Stab you villain to death!

After a long time, Xuan Yazi finally stabilized his Taoist heart and walked out of the Zijin Palace with a glorious face, regaining his former composure and kindness to others.

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