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Chapter 258 Immortal blessing, one person ascends

The heads of various sects on the Shenqiao looked at Xu Fu with awe. Except for the ancestor of their own sect, they rarely respect others, let alone fear others.

But Xu Fu deserves their respect and fear.

He revealed the truth about Nuo's cannibalism, revealed the true face of the six Nuo ancestors, and revealed the truth about Nuo's ascension.

He was also a peerless Qi refiner who defeated the six great Nuo ancestors, refined one of them to death, and forced the fishermen, Leek Lao, to retreat.

He showed the world the limits of a Qi practitioner, which is no less than a Nuo Qi practitioner, or even stronger!

He ended the history of Nuo cannibalism and gave confidence to Qi practitioners!

Now he is the undisputed leader of the Qi Refiners!

When he came to the sacred bridge, the sect leaders of each sect bowed their heads to show respect.

Xu Fu came outside the Tiandao Dojo and looked at the man floating in the air in the center of the dojo. He had thick eyebrows and big eyes, and was dressed in cloth. He did not look like a Qi practitioner, but looked like a farmer who was used to farm work.

It was really beyond his expectation that such a person could survive the tribulation and save his life.

Xu Jun, the other shore is opened up by others, so there is a possibility of traps.

Xu Fu said lightly, In the future, if this Taoist friend with thick eyebrows and big eyes cannot survive the catastrophe, he will think of cannibalism like the six Nuo ancestors. He will also set up a Taoist temple, teach the Dharma and teach disciples, every once in a while Harvest once.”

Xu Ying took out some water from Yaochi and fed it to the martial arts emperor. After thinking about it, he smiled and said, What you said makes sense. But there is one thing. The history of the undead people far exceeds the six Nuo ancestors. The undead people practice Nuo. People of law, they are not reaped.

The martial arts emperor took the Yaochi fairy water, but he still didn't wake up.

Xu Ying took a closer look and found that he was severely injured in the heavenly tribulation. His soul and the laws of the Great Dao in his body had been broken, and his martial arts spirit was almost shattered by the thunder.

It is really not easy for him to survive until now.

However, after taking the water from Yaochi, his Taoist injuries began to heal.

The Yaochi Immortal Water possesses mysterious and powerful power. It can heal even the injuries caused by the Heavenly Tribulation. Xu Ying was amazed and thought to himself: No wonder Mr. Dongyue asked me to get a ladle of the Yaochi Immortal Water.

He walked out of the Tiandao dojo and said: I thought that when the Nuo method was first created, it was actually for longevity and for the development of Qi refining. But Kunlun suffered a drastic change. Someone massacred the undead people in Kunlun and destroyed everything here! The six Nuo Zucai took the opportunity to steal six other shores and harvest them! Ah Fu, you can see that Kunlun is now full of ruins. Everything here was deliberately wiped out!

When everyone heard that he called Xu Fu Afu, they all shouted angrily and scolded him for being disrespectful.

Xu Fu glanced back, and everyone immediately fell silent, not daring to speak.

Xu Fu raised his head and looked at the immortal seal in the sky.

That huge Immortal Seal, like a mountain hanging high, is still between the two realms, eternally motionless and extremely oppressive.

This large seal covers half of the sky, and you can see the fairyland from every corner!

Xu Fu withdrew his gaze and said leisurely: What if the undead people are also the ones being harvested? What if someone deliberately teaches the Nuo method to the undead people, but actually wants them to collect the elixir of the other side, just to eat them to achieve immortality?

He said calmly: Xu Jun, no matter how fanciful you say, you can't prove that the undead people have not been harvested. But the Nuo method has harvested the world, but it is obvious to all. The Nuo method has killed countless people in the past tens of thousands of years, It must be erased and the orthodoxy of Qi refining restored!”

Xu Ying stepped forward and said: If the Nuo method can perfectly refine the elixir in the body, and if the cave will not be chopped off by others, does it mean that the Nuo method is not a trap?

Xu Fu looked at him deeply: Miss Fengyao is an immortal, and her skills are also those of the immortals. Her Yuchi Cave Heaven was easily cut down by Nuo Lu. The immortals of Kunlun are just leeks. Xu Jun!

He raised his hand to stop Xu Ying's urge to continue arguing, and said: I'm not here to argue with you about whether the Nuo method is a trap. The world already knows the truth. No matter whether we win or lose, our argument has nothing to do with the overall situation. The Nuo method is doomed. No more descendants.”

He smiled and said: Xu Jun, do you still remember what I said, I have to do three things? The first thing is to resurrect the ancestor dragon, I did it. The second thing is to restore the Qi Master, I will do it too There you go. Now, I’m going to do the third thing.”

Xu Ying had a bad feeling in his heart.

Xu Fu looked at Yujing City across the bridge in front of him, his eyes could not hide the excitement, and said: The third thing I have to do is to overcome the tribulation and ascend!

Xu Ying's throat felt a little dry, thinking of another person.

The man told him that he had to do three things, and the third thing was to transcend the tribulation and ascend to heaven.

That man exhausted all his wisdom and kidnapped 360 Zhou Tian Zhengshen from the world of heaven. He successfully survived the catastrophe and amazed the world.

But he failed to ascend.

During his period of weakness after overcoming the tribulation, he was eaten by the owner of Niwan Palace, leaving only a piece of human skin.

You can't survive the catastrophe.

Xu Ying composed himself and said, The gods were kidnapped by Zhou Qiyun once. It would be difficult for you to use the same method to deceive them into the human world. These gods are not brainless people.

Xu Fu shook his head and said with a smile: If Xu Jun admires him, how can he use Zhou Qiyun's method? If I don't kidnap the gods, I will face the catastrophe. Back then, the Yellow Emperor ascended in the Jade Capital, and I will follow the example of my ancestors and survive there. Tribulation ascends!”

Xu Ying hesitated and said, Why don't you wait for a while? I will discuss with Emperor Zhou and prepare to decipher the heavenly runes. If we wait a little longer, maybe we can decipher the heavenly tribulation.

Xu Fu said: Do I rely on you to ascend? I don't want to.

He offered sacrifices to the Jianggong Cave Heaven that Nuo Fan had mastered, and said: Mr. Xu, how can I show Xu's extraordinary ability by relying on you to ascend? Back then, you and I were in the same boat and went overseas. You were better than me in every way.

He activated the Jianggong Cave Heaven, and saw that the ancient cave sky became extremely bright, hanging farther and farther in the sky, gradually approaching the illusory Jade City.

You are strong, smart, and full of wisdom. You are a heavenly being, but I am different. I am by your side, insidious and cunning, and do things for you that you don't want to do. You teach me the skills and magical powers, like a teacher. Friend, I can't repay you. So you were reluctant to kill the people on that ship, so I killed them for you. You were reluctant to sacrifice them, so I sacrificed them for you. I did all the evil.

Xu Fu stepped forward and said with a smile, But today, four thousand years later, I have done all the good deeds, and the world will remember me, not you. I ascended as a Qi Refiner, and even if you do anything in the future, A great achievement, my status in the hearts of the world, Xu Fu, will always be higher than yours!

Jianggong Cave Heaven established a connection with him, and a bridge of fairy light extended from the Cave Heaven, connecting to the divine bridge under their feet!

Xu Fu's steps landed on the bridge of fairy light, and he smiled: I am strong, smart, and full of wisdom. I am a celestial being! You can't cross this void, and you don't know where the bridge is, but I can Connect to this sacred bridge!

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly, and he looked at Yuan Weiyang, who caught Yuan Weiyang's gaze.

The two of them had a clear understanding of each other, and immediately understood Xu Fu's principle of connecting the Shenqiao.

Yuan Weiyang whispered: The Martial Arts Emperor came to the end of the Divine Bridge, broke into the void here, and opened up the other shore. In other words, the Divine Bridge is the bridge connecting the other shore. And the cave sky is the passage connecting the other shore.

Xu Ying nodded lightly. Just now, Yuan Weiyang spent his energy to activate the sensors of the Yuandao heavens to establish contact with the other side of the martial arts, open up the void between the other side of the martial arts and the Shenqiao, and form a bridge.

In fact, there is a simpler way, which is to open a martial arts cave, connect the martial arts to the other side, and form a divine bridge leading directly to the other side.

Xu Fu followed suit.

However, his method was to use the Jianggong Cave Heaven controlled by Nuo Fan. The Jianggong Cave Heaven used the induction with Jiang Palace to form a bridge to connect to Yujing.

Xu Ying could even imagine that the undead people must have offered sacrifices to their respective caves and built the last sacred bridge for the emperor who came here to board the sacred bridge and go to Yujing City to hold a sacrificial ceremony.

Xu Ying urged the Tiandao Dojo and took the martial arts emperor in the dojo to follow Xu Fu.

Now he must maintain the Heavenly Dao Dojo, otherwise the Martial Arts Emperor's catastrophe will return. With the Martial Arts Emperor's current state, he will never be able to survive the Heavenly Disaster.

Afu, you once said that you were a wise man who would not be affected by emotions, but now you are getting carried away.

Xu Ying said, Overcoming the tribulation is not that simple. Zhou Qiyun still needs to spend two to three hundred years robbing tombs and collecting all kinds of wealth before he can successfully overcome the tribulation. You can't just overcome the tribulation.

Xu Fu walked in front and said with a smile: Xu Jun, I have been preparing for my return from overseas for more than two thousand years. My preparations are only more complete than Zhou Qiyun's. He can still survive the catastrophe by kidnapping the gods, and I will certainly not be here. That’s it!”

Xu Ying frowned, Xu Fu had always been strategizing, secretly controlling all changes and movements in China, from the invasion of Naihe to the invasion of the underworld, from the unsealing of heaven and earth, to the reappearance of various sects, and to the revival of Qi refining.

Even the reappearance of Kunlun and going to Kunlun to search for immortality are all related to his conspiracy.

He did all this to revive the Qi Master.

It's amazing how well prepared he is.

Then his preparations for transcending the tribulation and ascension must be extremely thorough, and there would be no chance of any mistakes.

Everyone boarded the Shenqiao one after another, followed the two people, and headed towards Yujing.

Yujing is a legendary heavenly palace. Among the six secrets of the human body, there is a secret treasure in the Jade Capital, located one inch between the eyebrows, corresponding to the Jade Pillow Heaven Pass.

The spirit of the Qi Refiner has been baptized in the Yaochi, climbed onto the Divine Bridge, and broken through the third pass, the Jade Pillow Heavenly Pass. At this time, you can see the Jade Capital in your body.

Becoming an immortal is the process in which the soul of the Qi Refiner enters the Jade Capital, which is called the ascension period.

However, at this stage, it is necessary to survive the catastrophe before the soul can enter Yujing.

On Kunlun Mountain, Xu Ying and others only need to come to the end of the divine bridge to enter the legendary Kunlun Jade Capital.

Jade Capital City is a fairyland on earth, a dream-like fairyland.

The ancestors of China ascended here, offered sacrifices to their ancestors here, and passed on the will of their blood here.

Xu Ying walked into Yujing. On both sides of the road were tall stone tablets left by the emperors of the past dynasties, recording the past history. The words on the stone tablets had all been erased.

Xu Ying raised his head and looked up at the sky. He saw that the Immortal Seal was hanging high and motionless, and Yujing City was under the seal. It seemed that the Immortal Seal might fall down at any time and destroy Yujing!

His heart moved slightly and he said: Xu Fu, the reason why Kunlun was destroyed is probably that the immortal world did not want to see the Qi Refiners in the lower world mastering the power of the other side, and did not want to see the Qi Refiners in the lower world being able to live forever. Can you postpone the tribulation and wait? The Queen Mother of the West has revived, can we find out the whole story of Kunlun’s destruction?”

Xu Fu shook his head: I am fully prepared, even more prepared than Zhou Qiyun. Why wait for the Queen Mother of the West to wake up?

Xu Ying looked at the immortal seal hanging high in the sky, feeling uneasy in his heart.

Suddenly, behind the Immortal Seal, dazzling Immortal Light surged toward the lower realm, gradually turning into rain and falling like rain.

A golden seal script descended from the sky, unfolded in the gorgeous fairy rain, and hung high in the sky above Jade Capital City.

There is text on the immortal urn, which reads: Blessed by the immortal way, a person can ascend.

When Xu Fu saw this golden seal script, he laughed loudly, opened his arms to welcome the fairy rain, and said with a smile: Mr. Xu, have you seen it? This is a good sign. The immortal world has been determined, and today I will overcome the tribulation and ascend to heaven!

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