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Chapter 255: Kill the Nuo Ancestor and cut off the cause and effect

In the sky, the caves of fifty-three strong men have been completely cut off. In these caves, they peeled off the skin of the Nuo Immortal, cut it from the Nuo Immortal's body, and transplanted it into their own body.

Now facing the six Nuo ancestors, these caves are rootless duckweeds after all. The six Nuo ancestors chopped down these caves with a light chop.

But excluding Dongtian, these fifty-three people are still the most outstanding Qi refiners. They besieged the six Nuo ancestors. Even though the six Nuo ancestors were powerful in cultivation and could peel off their Dongtian, they were beaten to death!

In front of the abyss, flesh and blood were flying everywhere, and it was extremely tragic.

The Taoist image of the Sixth Patriarch's own cultivation was obliterated by these Qi refiners. Although they mastered countless immortal medicines, they could heal the damage to the physical body and soul, making them immortal.

But Tao Xiang cannot be cured.

Taoist phenomena need to be constantly tempered by thoughts before they can be generated, and they can grow stronger over time. Once the Taoist image is wiped out, it will take time to refine it back.

Suddenly, Nuo Yang's head was almost penetrated by someone, and the big blue snake transformed by the immortal energy also became dim, shouting: These juniors are lawless! Sacrifice to the cave heaven!


There was an extremely terrifying fluctuation behind him, a Huangting Cave appeared, and the Huangting Mansion appeared at the end of the cave!

Nuoyang's mana surged, and his physical body faced the magical power of the master of Niwan Palace, but he was unscathed!

He waved his hand and slashed down, and saw the sky split open. The master of Niwan Palace quickly resisted, but he vomited blood and turned over to retreat, having to avoid its sharp edge.

Sacrifice to the cave heaven!

Nuo Lu's face was ferocious, and the image of the old god with a Taoist and Immortal style was completely gone. He shouted, Kill them all, and it will last all day!

He built a cave, and the end of the cave was connected to the other side of the Jade Pond, facing the Yuxu Palace.

Nuo Peng also sneered: Let them see the real cave sky, so that they can die without regrets!

She built a cave to connect to the Chaos Sea Niwan Palace.

Prime Minister Nuo also built a cave to connect to the sea of ​​​​the underworld, and shouted: Don't be afraid even if you are exposed, the worst is to cleanse again!

Nuo Dynasty also built a cave to connect to Yujing.

Nuo Fan sacrificed to the cave in Jianggong and connected it to Jianggong.

These six Nuo ancestors are different from others. Others hope that all six secrets will be opened, and the more secrets the better, but each of them has a secret treasure, and the types of secret treasures are also different.

Seeing this scene, Xu Ying thought to himself: Others, even the fisherman Leek Lao, hope to have as many secret treasures as possible. At worst, they will integrate the secret treasures. But each of the Sixth Patriarchs only has one secret treasure. It's just this secret treasure. The increase in mana brought about is too terrifying! Are they really the ancestors of Nuo masters who opened up the Six Secrets?

If the founder's purpose in creating the Nuo method and cultivating the truth was to cut the world's leeks, then the Nuo method is evil.

The six Nuo Ancestors each activated the cave sky, and their respective strength surged. They killed several of the Qi Refiners in a row. For a moment, the other Qi Refiners' minds wandered, and they planned to escape.

Nuo Ancestor Nuoyang severely injured the man in the bamboo hat and was about to kill him when a fairy mountain the size of an abbot suddenly came out of the blue and hit him hard.

Nuoyang was knocked out, shocked and angry. He looked up and saw a tall figure standing on the small fairy mountain, standing above him, looking down with a stern look!

Behind that figure was a colorful sacred tree that shrouded the sun and moon, exuding auspicious energy, with its roots and branches dancing slowly.

When Nuo Yang saw the figure under the tree, he was in a trance and lost his voice: It's you! You're back! It's impossible, you obviously...

The moment he was in a trance, the giant tree emitted colorful divine light and swung downwards. Nuoyang urged the green fairy snake to resist with all his strength, but the roots of the branches broke through his defense and struck him directly!

Every stroke hurts my heart!

In an instant, Nuoyang was covered in bruises and was crushed by the giant tree's magical power. He vomited blood and flew backwards, feeling panicked in his heart!

No way, no way...he can't come back!

Only then did he see the figure of Abbot Xianshan. He was not the person he imagined, but his demeanor and temperament were somewhat similar to that person. He also used the same magical power, and he was so condescending that he mistakenly thought it was that person making a comeback. , was so frightened that he lost the opportunity.

However, in the decisive battle, the opportunity is lost, which means being beaten.

Xu Fu took a hug in his arms, and saw a huge furnace carrying suns flying out, taking Nuo Yang, who had not yet stood firm, into the furnace!


The furnace exploded, and Nuoyang's whole body was ignited with raging fire, and he fell from the abyss toward Kunlun.

Xu Fu's figure flashed, and the next moment Nuo Peng suffered a disaster. Her mind was captured by Xu Fu's magical power. When she realized what she was doing, Xu Fu's magical power had already landed on her body.

It was a bronze mountain peak. When it hit Nuo Peng, huge power penetrated her body, sealing and suppressing her cultivation power.

Nuo Peng was fighting against herself when suddenly the bronze mountain peak split and turned into countless mouthfuls of bronze sword energy, which pierced through her body!

Nuo Peng mobilized the Chaos Sea Niwan Palace Cave Sky to treat her injuries. A sea of ​​chaotic stars submerged her, and countless stars bang bang bang bang hit her body.

It's his magical power!

Nuo Peng was frightened and no longer had the will to fight, so he ran away.

Xu Fu attacked Nuo Xiang. After several moves, Nuo Xiang bled, and immediately severely injured Nuo Lu. Three moves cut off Nuo Xiang's head, and two moves defeated Nuo Fan and cut off his limbs.

The six great Nuo ancestors could not stop him!

In just a few encounters, the six great Nuo ancestors were injured and fled.

The Nuozu who was injured by him could not heal at all. His magical power was hidden in the wound, preventing it from healing. Even the six great Nuo ancestors couldn't crack his magical power!

Nuo Dui held his head in one hand and fought hard, trying to escape. The next moment, his head was smashed by Xu Fu's punch.

Nuo Dai couldn't grow a head, so he raised his hands and tore his clothes, his chest turned into eyes, his belly grew a mouth, and an eye grew out of each palm of his hands, fighting him desperately!

Nuo ancestor Nuo Fan had his limbs chopped off and could not grow back, turning into a weird man with no hands or feet and only one head left. However, he was also extremely powerful. He immediately turned over, with his belly facing the sky, legs and feet sprouted from his back, and a sprout from his chest. Arms, and Nuo Dai besieged Xu Fu.

As for Nuo Lu Nuo Prime Minister, he has fled, leaving only these two Nuo ancestors.

The master of Niwan Palace came to kill him and slashed at the Jianggong Cave Sky behind Nuo Fan. He succeeded with one blow and could not hide his joy. Suddenly, he was hit by a palm in the back, vomiting blood from his mouth, and hurriedly flew forward. When he looked back, it was Xu Fu who had hit him hard.

Fellow Daoist Xu, I thought that when we join forces, we should share the same hatred of the enemy! the master of Niwan Palace warned.

Xu Fu flicked his sleeves and dropped a large bronze bell. He clasped Nuo Fan under the bell and said calmly: This is the time and the other is the same. At that time, you were valuable, so I cooperated with you. Now you are treating me It has no use value.”

The bell vibrated, refining Nuo Fan until his body was broken into pieces. Screams came from under the bell, and blood plasma fell like a waterfall.

The master of Niwan Palace felt awe-inspiring and said, There are many of us.

Xu Fu glanced at the ancient Qi refiners who were surrounding them, and said indifferently, Just kill them all.

The owner of Niwan Palace gritted his teeth, looked at Nuozu Dongtian floating next to Xu Fu, and suddenly turned around and left.

His body swayed like a ghost, he took down six caves from the abyss and escaped into Kunlun.

Seeing this, other ancient ancient Qi refiners chased towards other caves and fled far away.

As for the other Nuo ancestor, Nuo Da, he had already taken advantage of Xu Fu's opportunity to deal with the master of Niwan Palace and sneaked away.

Nuo Fan, do you know what they are going to do?

Xu Fu stood on the Abbot Fairy Mountain, blood suddenly overflowed from the corners of his mouth. He barely suppressed his injuries and said to the Nuo ancestors under the bronze bell, They are going to hunt down the other five Nuo ancestors in an attempt to seize the Nuo ancestors' caves from you. They are preparing to do so. Transplant your Nuo ancestral cave.

He sat cross-legged and quietly in front of the big bronze bell, mobilizing his magic power and preparing to refine this Nuo Ancestor alive!

Defeating the six Nuo Ancestors has shocked the world, bloodyly exposing the truth about the Nuo method, and achieving his goal of restoring the Qi Master.

But just doing this is not the act of Xu Ying who crossed the sea with me. That Xu Ying will definitely kill Nuo Zu after he has done all his evil deeds.

As Nuo Ancestor, Nuo Fan has accumulated too many fairy medicines. It is not easy to refine such a being to death. But Xu Fu just wanted to give it a try and turn Nuo Fan into flying ash!

Three days later, a bell suddenly rang, and Nuo Fan under the bell turned into a wisp of flying ash, and his body and soul were destroyed!

Xu Fu stood up and looked around, only to see that no one was around. The cracks in the sky disappeared, the abyss disappeared, and only the broken limbs and broken arms were left floating in the sky.

Most of the caves that were cut down, except those that fell into the abyss, were taken away by others.

There are also some scattered in the mountains of Kunlun, no one collects them, and they gradually become dim.

In the sky, only the Jianggong Cave of Nuozu Nuofan still shone brightly, brighter than the sun.

In the past three days, those fisherman Jiucaiguo went to hunt down the other five Nuo ancestors, but no one dared to look back and attack this Jianggong Cave.

Xu Fu put away the Jianggong Cave and whispered: Xu Jun, do you know that when I saw your magical power, I was shocked to the heavens? Today, I used your magical power to achieve this step! Hehe , Nuo method...

He stood up staggeringly, stood alone on the Abbot Fairy Mountain, and flew towards Kunlun below, his black robes fluttering backwards with dried blood.

I have seen heaven and man before, how can I allow the Nuo method to pollute the heaven and man? Mr. Xu, today I rectify the name of Qi Refining. From today on, there will be no more Nuo method in the world!

He felt comfortable and whispered, From now on, no one can use Nuo method to harvest others! Mr. Xu, I have finished the first two things I have to do, and the third thing I have to do is to become a heavenly being. . From now on, no matter how great your achievements are, they will all be under the shadow of me, Xu Fu. I will become the Kunlun Mountain that you cannot climb!

Yuxu Peak has become much quieter. Most of the Qi Refiners, Nuo Masters and Nuo Immortals have left this mountain. Some are depressed and return to their hometowns. Some go to other sacred mountains in Kunlun to find their own immortal fate.

The six Nuo ancestors and the ancient strong men who harvested leeks and fished really hit these young people so hard that they probably no longer knew how to practice Nuo.

Xu Fu swept away with his spiritual consciousness, and after a while, he found Feng Yao and Qing Luan, and Xiao Fengxian was also there.

Miss Fengyao, fortunately Xu lived up to his mission and gave you a Kunlun Mountain without the Sixth Ancestor. Is he true to his word? Xu Fu said with a smile.

Feng Yao had already healed his injuries and bowed to him sincerely, saying, Does Fellow Daoist Xu intend to transplant the Sixth Patriarch's Cave Heaven?

Xu Fu shook his head: I accepted Nuofan's Cave Heaven just to remind that old friend not to go astray. I don't know how to transplant.

Feng Yao was silent for a moment and said: I am an undead citizen of Kunlun. Fellow Daoist Xu has great kindness to the undead people, so there is something I should tell Fellow Daoist Xu. The reason why I, the undead people of Kunlun, became undead people is because we practice Nuo. Immortal people The Nuo method of cultivation is definitely not passed down by the six Nuo ancestors, but is much older.

Xu Fu sneered and said: Could it be that Miss Fengyao wants to say that the Nuo method is not a trap? If it is not a trap, why can you be chopped off by Nuo shoes and fall into the Yuchi Cave?

Feng Yao was speechless and speechless.

Xu Fu fluttered his sleeves, turned around and left, saying, Feng Xian'er, follow me. I'll take you to meet your old friend.

Xiao Fengxian waved to Qingluan quickly and followed him quickly.

Qingluan watched them go away and said angrily: Miss, you kindly advised him, but he is stubborn and doesn't appreciate it at all.

Feng Yao said: My Yuchi Cave Heaven was indeed easily chopped down by Nuo Lu, so I can't blame him for having doubts. It's a pity that the history of my undead people is lost, and I don't know the origin of the undead people. Otherwise, we can figure out the Nuo ancestors Why can you cut off other people's caves and dispel their suspicions?

Qingluan said excitedly: Miss, there might be such a history in Kunlun, let's go search for it!

Feng Yao shook her head and said: Kunlun's civilization has been completely destroyed, and the enemy will definitely not leave any written records. The only thing we can hope for now is the resurrection of the Queen Mother of the West.

She looked at Yuzhu Peak in the distance, where there were thunder and lightning and sword rays. Queen Mother of the West still had difficulty recovering her consciousness.

Only when the Queen Mother of the West recovers, can we know what happened here in the past? Who are our enemies? And our history... She said silently in her heart.

Xu Fu took Xiao Fengxian and flew to the top of Yuxu Peak. After passing through a ruins, he stopped and saw that someone dug out a buried portal in the ruins with the words Xujiaping on it.

Xu Fu watched for a moment and continued to move forward. After a while, he came behind a young strong man who was measuring Yuxu Peak.

Xu Fu jumped down from the Abbot Immortal Mountain, bowed down and said, My subject, Xu Fu, was ordered to cross the sea and search for the Immortal Mountain. Fortunately, I lived up to my command and found the Abbot Immortal Mountain and presented it to Your Majesty.

Zulong Zhao Zheng stopped, did not turn around, and said quietly: Four thousand years have passed. Xu Aiqing finally came back with the fairy mountain. Get up.

Xu Fu stood up and said, Your Majesty, I will leave.

Zulong raised his hand, Xu Fu retreated, and turned towards the top of Yuxu Peak, where the Yellow Emperor's palace was before his ascension.

Xu Aiqing, by returning to the Immortal Mountain, are you settling the cause and effect?

Zu Long asked from behind him, Do you think you can ascend with your current strength?

Xu Fu bowed slightly, did not answer, and walked directly to Huangdi's palace.

He had to put an end to the last cause and effect before he could devote himself wholeheartedly to overcoming the tribulation and ascending.

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