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Chapter 248 Ascension Pill

The atmosphere between the two gradually became tense.

Emperor Zhou slowly raised his breath and said: Very few people dare to refuse me face to face. Brother Xu, you said that I am a single husband, but why am I also a single husband?

He looked angry.

As a unified emperor, he is not angry and has authority.

Back then, he also unified China and even toured Kunlun. Among the ancient emperors, few could achieve this!

No one dares to offend his majesty!

Xu Ying's aura increased unknowingly, and in response to the pressure of his aura, he said: Your Excellency, the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty are just members of the aristocratic family, how can there ever be ordinary people? How can your Haojing have any place for ordinary people to stand?

Emperor Zhou laughed when he heard this and said: Brother Xu's vision, is it that everyone can ascend? Everyone's ascension is just a fantasy of the ignorant. Most people in the world are stupid and it is impossible for everyone to ascend. After all, those who can ascend in this world are the minority.

As he spoke, his momentum had increased to the extreme.

Behind him, the caves represented by the Six Secrets of the Human Body also lit up one by one. The cave sky seemed to be moving irregularly behind him, but it also contained a strange pattern.

Xu Ying shook his head and said: It is indeed just a delusion that everyone can ascend. What I hope is that those in power can be fair, let everyone make the best of their talents, and everything can be used to its full potential, so that talented people can use their talents to ascend, so that People without talent are given the opportunity to use their talents.”

Behind him, the Six Secret Cave Heavens also emerged one by one, resisting the oppression of Emperor Zhou's aura.

Emperor Zhou offered the golden elixir and shook his head: Children's words. Since ancient times, there has been an order of growth and age, and there are distinctions between seniority and inferiority. Some people are born in the emperor's family, and some people are born in thatched huts. Let the sons of thatched huts It would be unfair to the Emperor's Children to ascend with them.

He returned from the other side not long ago, and his original cultivation base was burned by the fairy fire. After returning to China, he had to practice from scratch. This gave him the opportunity to open up the secrets of the human body and practice Nuo Qi at the same time.

He disguised himself as a descendant of a famous sect and mingled with the crowd, and came to Kunlun. His cultivation level was in the second stage of knocking off, and he had not yet reached the level of Yuan Shen.

However, his aura is long and his cultivation is profound, even much deeper than that of the heirs of famous sects.

His golden elixir is also different, it is a purple golden elixir. Purple energy flies out of the golden elixir and floats behind him.

Xu Ying sacrificed his own golden elixir. The golden elixir had no boundaries and connected the heaven and the earth. Its aura was no weaker than his.

He stood there as if there was nothing, so that Zhou Tianzi's consciousness and magical powers could not lock him.

This is where we can't coexist. I have been to Haojing built by Zhu Tiangong. Every residence in Haojing is the residence of a nobleman with a surname. There is no house that belongs to the common people and the poor.

Xu Ying thought of what he saw in Haojing and said, Your Excellency's ascension to the throne is just to ascend with a group of worldly nobles, so there is no difference between you and Xianyang Dufu.

Around them, descendants of famous sects who came to Kunlun looked at them one after another, showing expressions of surprise and uncertainty.

These two people are really too strong!

The two masters in the second knocking stage showed a cultivation strength far beyond that of ordinary people, which brought a great sense of oppression.

Emperor Zhou put his hands behind his back, looked at Yuxu Palace, and said: If the son of a poor commoner can climb to a high position and become a powerful person, he will also have a place in the humble Haojing.

Xu Ying looked at Yuxu Palace and asked, So, is it possible?

Emperor Zhou thought for a while and said: The poor people spend all their energy digging for food in the soil, but it is difficult to eat. How can they have time to learn Qi refining and Nuo methods? Even if they have time, where do they have the opportunity to learn? If they have the opportunity to learn, I don’t have the money to study. So, it’s unlikely. But one or two alternatives will always appear in thousands of years. Brother Xu, I will give you this opportunity, and you will be the alternative for thousands of years!”

Xu Ying said with a smile: It's not uncommon. I can ascend with my own strength, why do I need to borrow your hand?

Emperor Zhou's pupils shrank suddenly, and he laughed and said: The immortal immortal has wasted countless lives, but has he ever been promoted? Don't deceive yourself. Those peasants of yours are vulnerable in front of celebrities.

At this time, the door of Yuxu Palace suddenly opened, and the fairy fire outside the palace retracted into the palace like flowing water. Everyone became nervous and stared at the gate of Yuxu Palace.

There is a fairy light blooming in the palace. The fairy light is inch by inch, long and short, golden, section by section, blooming from the inside of the palace to the outside. There are three layers inside, three layers in the middle and three layers outside, a total of nine layers.

When the fairy light blooms, you can even see the fairy furnace for refining fairy medicine in the palace through the walls of Yuxu Palace!

Those nine layers of light seeped out from the wall of the Immortal Furnace!

Ascension elixir!

The crowd was excited and noisy. Everyone seemed to be in a frenzy and surged forward like a tide. Some people killed others in order to get closer to Yuxu Palace, and the crowd was in chaos for a while.

Something was rising in the furnace, and every inch of light followed the movement of the thing, flickering brightly and dimly.

When the thing flew out of the immortal furnace, nine dazzling golden elixirs were seen floating in the air. Each golden elixir exuded a dazzling fairy light, and even bursts of mysterious and unpredictable immortal Taoist sounds were heard!

The bursts of Taoist sounds coming from the golden elixir were mind-blowing. Suddenly, particles of golden elixir flew out from Yuxu Palace and flew outward.

The nine elixirs rushed out of Yuxu Palace and flew in all directions.

At this moment, an unparalleled snake flew out from the Yuxu Palace, circling and flying around the Yuxu Palace, forcing the nine elixirs back with its body that covered the sky and the sun.

Nuo Ancestor Nuo Lu walked out of Yuxu Palace, and the immortal path turned into a red-spotted snake, forcing the nine elixirs to fly outward.

Suddenly, the elixir emitted light, flew out of the other shore, and came to Kunlun.

But I saw the elixir flying through the sky. Wherever it passed, there were mushrooms and grass growing all over the place, and the fragrance was fragrant. The mountains soon became lush and green.

Some Qi refiners were tortured by illness, and after being illuminated by the elixir, they suddenly recovered from the illness, even regenerated their severed limbs, and some even entered a state of enlightenment inexplicably.

The nine elixirs suddenly staggered and flew in all directions!

Seize the elixir!

The crowd's emotions surged, and figures flew up one by one, chasing the direction in which the nine elixirs flew. When they were in mid-air, they took action against each other, using their magical powers and sacrificing magic weapons, trying to knock down others and reduce the number of competitors.

One of the elixirs circled in mid-air, avoiding the Qi Refiners and Nuo Immortals, and flew towards Xu Ying and Emperor Zhou. The bright light illuminated Xu Ying and Zhou Tianzi until every detail on their bodies was revealed.

When Emperor Zhou raised his hand, purple energy spread across the sky, but instead of grabbing the elixir, it attacked Xu Ying!

Brother Xu, since I can't convince you with words, I will convince you with my hands!

When he started, purple energy was flying all over the sky. In an instant, the purple energy formed his hidden scene. It was a Haojing, a Haojing city that Zhuchanchan had never refined!

Emperor Zhou used his mortal strength and the power of the country to refine the immortal weapon Haojing!

But Ho Kyung is also his hidden scene.

When he ascended to the dynasty, he integrated his hidden scene into the capital of Hao. He filled the dynasty with civil and military officials, and became the head of the family, the general in charge of the world's troops, and the princes who divided the countries. The avenues have all become part of Haojing!

In this way, it will be possible to gather the power of the powerful people from the Great Zhou Dynasty and Manchu Dynasty to transform into a fairyland, resist the catastrophe, and ascend to the fairyland!

All the civil and military officials in the dynasty were the immortals under his command, and he was the Lord of the Immortals and the King of the Immortals!

This is his plan for ascension!

Although the current Emperor Zhou is standing in the Hidden Scenery, not in the real Hao Capital, the Six Immortals Realm is no trivial matter. Behind him are floating five fairy mountains, the fairy mountains are hanging upside down, and the caves are extremely bright, rooted in the fairy realm. in the sky!

What he practiced was the righteous method of Nuo, not the Nuo method that Xu Ying had pieced together!

His attack was not that of a young immortal, but the king of all immortals, and Xu Ying was the hozen under his palm!


His voice was also like the Immortal King, coming from nine heavens away.

Xu Ying's body sank. He did not have his own hidden scene, and for the first time he was suppressed in terms of magic power. You must know that Emei's tough-talking leader Yankong City and Jianmen Sect's leader Shi Yuqing, these rising stars three thousand years ago, can surpass Xu Ying in magical changes, but no one has surpassed Xu Ying in magic power!

However, Emperor Zhou did it.

His magic power is extremely powerful, and the purple energy fills the sky, forming a crushing force on Xu Ying!

Facing his attack, neither Emei's golden elixir avenue nor Jianmen's Sword Way Returning True Secret Art were able to be cracked!

Xu Ying roared, and used the tenth method of the eight methods of the God of War, the seal method of the other side, and the punch method to blast out, using martial arts to transform the Tao, and recreate the other side!

If there is no way to ascend in the world, then create a way to ascend. If there is no fairyland in the world, then create the other side!

The two people's moves collided, and terrifying power erupted between their fists. The force squeaked like thin sword energy shooting out of the palms. Even the golden light emitted by the elixir was cut open by their power, and it was almost Injuring the body of the elixir!

At this moment, the elixir flew between the two people and in front of their eyebrows. The elixir healed the injuries suffered by the two people due to this blow, allowing them to recover from their injuries in an instant and return to their peak!

Xu Ying and Zhou Tianzi moved at the same time, heading straight for the elixir and attacking each other at the same time.

Suddenly, another figure jumped, and a bright hidden scene cut into them, including the two people and the elixir into the hidden scene at the same time!

In this hidden scene, a majestic figure rises slowly, surrounded by fairy light and full of fairy energy. He is a Nuo Immortal who has both Nuo Qi and Nuo Qi.

The Nuo Immortal showed joy on his face and grabbed the elixir, but he heard a roar, and the fists and palms of the two people he had included in the hidden scene collided, and the remaining power actually tore his hidden scene apart!

Two juniors, do you know that the realm is crushing to death?

The Nuo Immortal sneered, and the golden elixir rose slowly behind him. He reached out to pat Xu Ying and Zhou Tianzi, and shouted, I am already the Nuo Immortal who refined the golden elixir. In my hidden place, I am the land immortal!

Xu Ying and Zhou Tianzi stared at each other intently, moving quickly, and suddenly raised their hands to receive the blow from the Nuo Immortal.

The Nuo Immortal groaned, and felt a torrent of magic power coming over him, defeating his own magic power.

His huge figure was shaken into the air and flew out of his hidden scene, opening a big hole in the hidden scene.

Xu Ying and Zhou Tianzi stared at each other, their bodies were like flying, and they exchanged more than ten moves in an instant, while the golden elixir passed between them and flew out of the hidden scene.

Hearing just two bangs, Xu Ying and Zhou Tianzi broke through the hidden scene of the Nuo Immortal and rushed out.

The Nuo Immortal vomited blood in his mouth and hurriedly crawled back to his hidden place. He was shocked in his heart: What are the backgrounds of those two guys? Wait a minute, the young man among them seems to be Xu Demon King. Is he not dead yet?

Emperor Zhou snorted coldly, stretched out his hand, and thousands of purple qi came towards Xu Ying with a hissing sound.

Xu Ying activated the eleventh method of the eight methods of the God of War, the Ascension Seal, and used the purple energy as the thunder of heavenly calamity. He faced the difficulties, shook the purple energy, and killed the Emperor of Zhou, intending to beat him to pieces as if he were a calamity. !

The two of them got excited about fighting, but suddenly they heard a loud laugh: Two tough guys, they only know how to fight, they don't know how to enjoy the elixir, they are taking advantage of our Tianqizong!

That day, Sect Leader Qi was a young man with astonishing strength. He flew over and just grabbed the elixir when he was met by the palms of Xu Ying and Emperor Zhou.

Well done!

The leader of the Tianqi clan shouted loudly and raised his cultivation magic power to the extreme. He shook the palms of the two men. Suddenly blood spurted out from the eyes, ears, mouth and nose, the bones all over his body crackled and exploded, and the golden elixir rattled and was about to be destroyed!

The golden seal script flew out from the center of his eyebrows, and the immortal light shined brightly, protecting the Tianqi sect leader from death.

The golden seal celestial being protected the Tianqi sect leader, and it wanted to unleash its immortal power, and it wanted to kill the two of them.

Xu Ying's eyes showed a fierce light, and twenty-four bright moons roared up behind him. Emperor Zhou sneered, and the purple energy behind him was turbulent, with a terrifying aura oozing out.

Tianqi Sect Leader was shocked and angry. He knew that if he didn't drop the elixir, he was afraid that the ancestor's golden seal immortal wick wouldn't be able to protect him, so he immediately suppressed the strange movement of the immortal wick and threw away the elixir.

Xu Ying and Zhou Tianzi put away the bright moon, and the purple energy disappeared behind them. They followed the elixir and continued to fight for their lives, whizzing away, leaving only Tianqi Sect Master looking at their backs in confusion.

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