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Chapter 246 Yuxu Palace Nuozu

Memories seem to rise slowly from the bottom of turbid water and gradually become clear.

Xu Ying recalled that this life between him and Feng Xueer was only a few short months, but it was so unforgettable that when he recalled these things, he still felt a great sadness in his heart, and it took a long time to recover.

The lost lover and the forgotten vows will one day come back and fill our hearts.

Like a boat.

Swinging in the water.

Xu Ying composed himself, remained silent, stored the short memories of this life, and continued to look back.

In his memory, he didn't have many memories of the twisting of heaven and earth and the interaction between heaven and man. After all, he was just an insignificant little person at that time, like a sparrow digging in the fields, unable to fly high.

What he can see is what he can see, and what he can hear is what other sparrows like him are saying.

These memories of his could only outline the drastic changes in the world. He knew that it was the Qi Masters who practiced Nuo that made the world become what it is today.

Xu Ying looked at the memories of these past lives and shook his head sadly. His memory could not piece together the truth about the telepathy and the great seal.

However, when the great seal of heaven and earth broke out, he heard the familiar voice of heaven, and traces of heavenly artifacts appeared in the sky.

Is it related to the world of heaven? No, there is something weird here!

Xu Ying's heart palpitated, and the heaven and earth were sealed. Many holy places fell into the abyss of Cangwu and disappeared from the world. Qi refiners even evaporated directly from the world and disappeared without a trace!

In the Cangwu Abyss, he also saw many immortal corpses with huge strange eyes, which seemed to be related to the devil and the underworld, not to the world of heaven!

So, what happened to the heavenly artifact that appeared in his memory and the voice of heaven he heard?

Brother Xu, the elixir of immortality from Yuxu Palace is about to appear.

Zhao Zheng's voice came from the front and said leisurely, Nuolu, one of the six Nuo ancestors, will also appear. The immortal elixir in his hand will also soon have an owner.

Xu Ying calmed down and followed him quickly, saying: Brother Zhao, aren't you going to fight for the elixir of immortality? It is rumored that this elixir is the elixir of Yuxu Palace, one of the six other shores. Master Nuo just stole the elixir of Yuxu Palace. If you smell the fragrance, you can live forever, and if you get the elixir from the palace, you might actually be able to ascend.

Zhao Zheng smiled slightly: Whoever gets the elixir of immortality, as long as it doesn't ascend on the spot, it will still be mine in the end.

He was not in any hurry and continued to measure Kunlun Mountain unhurriedly.

Xu Ying saw that he was walking too slowly, so he complained, left him and continued to go up the mountain.

Zhao Zheng watched him go away, and suddenly smiled and said: My immortal immortal, I finally met you again. How interesting it is for you to meet the six Nuo ancestors. Back then, I used you as a sacrifice to It took six Nuo ancestors to show them up.

He couldn't help laughing: These six Nuo ancestors failed to get you back then. If they see you this time, what will they do? I can't help but look forward to it.

He recalled bits and pieces of his past with Xu Ying.

Back then, as a hostage held by the Qin State in the Zhao State, his life was not satisfactory, but fortunately he had a playmate named Xu Ying. He often sneaked out and mingled with Xu Ying in the busy city.

That Xu Ying was a scoundrel on the streets of Zhao State. He fought everywhere and caused trouble, but he was very loyal and had a good friendship with him. Zhao Zheng was bullied by the young master of Zhao State, so Xu Ying helped him fight back.

Later, the two separated, and Zhao Zheng returned to Qin and became the king of Qin within a few years.

After that, he showed his great talent and strategy, annexed six countries, swept across China, unified the world, and became powerful throughout the world. As he grew older, he realized that the lifespan of a Qi Refiner, although three thousand years seemed long, was also exhausted.

However, in the past 44,000 years, no one has become an immortal. Even those from well-known and decent families have the blessing of immortals, but there is no way to live forever.

The Nuo methods circulated in the world aroused his curiosity, but upon closer inspection, he found that they were all bloody methods of cutting leeks, using others as medicine to keep him alive!

As the great emperor, how could he tolerate it?

So he ordered a raid on Shenzhou, and captured those leeks and fishermen in batches, and killed them in pits. Of course, those who practiced the evil Nuo method did not escape, and were also captured and killed. Nuo law books were also set on fire.

This is the burning of books and the entrapment of Nuo.

After doing all this, he was burdened with notoriety and was exhausted physically and mentally.

At this time, someone offered the Immortal Immortal, and he recognized it as Xu Ying, the scoundrel who had led him to fights on the street, but Xu Ying did not recognize him at all.

After we parted, you have lived for more than a hundred lives, and your appearance remains unchanged as it was thousands of years ago. Some people say that you are the elixir of immortality in human form. If I eat you, I will live forever.

Zhao Zheng whispered, If eating you really can lead to immortality, I will definitely eat it. But fortunately Xu Fu found your origin, and then I realized that you are more durable than I thought. Xu Fu said that you are People who come down from the fairy mountains know the whereabouts of the three fairy mountains and know how to find the fairy mountains.

You don't remember me, so naturally you don't remember where the Immortal Mountain is. I have a way to make you remember. I have unified China, and there are many capable people and strangers in the court, and some have all kinds of magic weapons. Even if it doesn't work, I can borrow the treasures of the Immortal Family. I have mobilized three thousand Ascension Stage Qi Practitioners to solve the reason for your amnesia.

It was a huge project. The top experts and the most powerful wisdom gathered in Xianyang to crack the secret that Xu Ying had sealed.

And that was also an extremely terrifying adventure, invaded by mysterious and terrifying forces. They came from outside the sky and tried to prevent Zhao Zheng from doing this.

The great Qin cavalry is so majestic that it cannot be stopped!

They entered Xianyang and entered the palace, killing most of the three thousand Ascension Stage Qi Practitioners. However, the moment they entered the palace, they finally unlocked a little bit of the immortal immortal's memory.

Although it was only a little unsealed, it made them retreat and not dare to do it again.

Xu Ying still couldn't recall everything from the past, but he had mastered terrible power.

I selected boys and girls from various sects to go to the Three Immortal Mountains with you and Xu Fu. I thought you could bring the Three Immortal Mountains, but it was you who came back. I thought you failed until four thousand years later. I met Xu Fu again.

Zhao Zheng looked leisurely and said silently in his heart, You still succeeded. My immortal immortal has lived up to my expectations. You found the Immortal Mountain, but you didn't give it to me. You betrayed me, fooled me, and I will kill you Sacrifice to the six Nuo ancestors in exchange for four thousand years of life is not a loss.

He looked at the Yuxu Peak of Kunlun Mountain and the Yuxu Palace in the fairy light and fire, and whispered: When I get to Kunlun, I don't need you anymore, immortal immortal. This time, I will alone gain immortality!

Xu Ying continued to open up the memories of his whole life while rushing towards the location of Yuxu Palace.

His memory came to three thousand years ago, and the memory at this time became miserable because there were many Qi Refiners at this time.

Many people know about him and know that there is an immortal god who lives in this world as long as a young man and often changes his identity.

There were many tragic experiences in his memory, including being treated as a herbal medicine, being arrested to make medicine, being eaten alive, and drinking blood.

The humiliation and torture he suffered even made Xu Ying have all kinds of evil thoughts in his heart, and he wanted to kill everyone.

But there were also some amazing experiences during this experience.

One of the wonderful experiences was when he met a young girl at the foot of Jiuyi Mountain.

The girl's name is Qingyu, and she lives on Jiuyi Mountain. I promise that I will meet her when I go hunting in the mountain. Qingqiu would call him, talk to him, and sometimes accompany him to hunt. He even learned some Qi-refining techniques from Qingqiu.

Qingqiu would tell him about the troubles she encountered during her cultivation, and she would talk to him about her master. She was worried that she would grow old like her master.

They talked a lot, and there seemed to be some affection between them, but the relationship between the two was always innocent and there was no extraordinary contact.

These wonderful feelings did not end abruptly until Qingqi disappeared.

Qing Yu seemed to be aware of this strange emotion and took the initiative to avoid him. She did not wait for Xu Ying to disappear, but left on her own initiative.

She seemed to know that this kind of sentiment would have no results.

Xu Ying went back further in time and met Qingqiu several times during this period. Sometimes the girl stood looking at him from a distance and did not come closer. Sometimes they passed by each other.

South of Xiaoxiang, there is the abyss of Cangwu. At the foot of Jiuyi Mountain, there are immortal immortals.

Now when Xu Ying rereads this sentence, he has some strange feelings.

Xu Ying put aside these strange feelings and continued to look back at that period of history, all the way back to the end of the Qin Dynasty. He squatted in the woods and imitated the fox's call: Great Chu is rising, King Chen Sheng——, Great Chu is rising, King Chen Sheng——

This cry buried the country of Da Qin.

I feel sorry for Zu Long when I do this. Xu Ying felt apologetically.

Ahead, Yuxu Palace is getting closer and closer, and Xu Ying's memory goes back to the Great Qin period.

When the memory of this life awakened, he was on an altar, surrounded by various treasures and sacrifices, and he was in the first place.

——Among the sacrifices, he is the most eye-catching. Various sacrifices surround him. He is also covered with gold and silver, which is very festive.

Uncle's ancestral dragon!

Xu Ying groaned and yelled, You deserve to be overthrown by me!

Then, he saw the Emperor Zulong in his memory, and his face became even darker. The Zulong he remembered as a sacrifice to heaven was the Zhao Zheng he met on the mountain just now!

Xu Ying was filled with anger and immediately turned around to fight back, then he stopped and his heart became open-minded.

Xu Fu is so powerful. Even if he beat me to death and ran away, why should I ask for trouble?

Xu Ying turned around and continued to rush towards Yuxu Palace, thinking, Find Xu Fu another day and beat him up together!

More memories from this life came flooding in. He saw the scene during the sacrifice. The sky collapsed, and six extremely majestic and ancient figures emerged, twisting the sky, and behind them were the shadows of the Kunlun Mountains!

The shadows of those six old beings covered the Kunlun Mountains, appearing so powerful.

Immortal fire, sea of ​​darkness, jade sky, black and yellow air, sea of ​​chaos and other visions appeared in their minds, and among these visions, there were vague visions of various fairy palaces, fairy palaces, pagodas and heavy towers. !

While they were grabbing the sacrifices, they told Emperor Zulong that they were not enough and could not buy immortality.

Their eyes fell on Xu Ying, greed in their eyes, and they each grabbed Xu Ying.

Their six greedy faces covered the entire sky, as if they were not the Nuo ancestors who had mastered the immortal medicine, but Xu Ying was the immortal medicine in their eyes!

Xu Ying suddenly raised his head and saw the figure of one of the Nuo ancestors in front of the Yuxu Palace in front of him. He was one of the six faces covering the sky!

Nuo ancestor, Nuo shoes.

A white-haired immortal with a body as majestic as a mountain and a red-spotted snake wrapped around his body. He has kind facial features and kind eyes.

The big red-spotted snake was transformed by the immortal energy in his body. The big snake was surrounded by clouds, making him unable to touch the ground and stepping on the clouds.

Xu Ying looked at Nuo Lu, and more memories came to him.

Nuo Lu and the other five Nuo ancestors fought in the air to get him, each trying to get the promise alone. Their greed makes people shudder. This is definitely not Nuozu!

The person who can be the first to get through the six secret realms will not be so greedy!

An unknown number of people have gathered in front of Yuxu Palace, all waiting for Nuozu Nuolu to get the elixir from Yuxu Palace. A fight is inevitable!

Xu Ying walked forward and saw corpses everywhere along the way, including Nuo masters and Qigong practitioners. There were many dead and injured.

With a smile on his face, Nuozu Nuolu turned around and walked towards the fairy fire outside Yuxu Palace, preparing to get the medicine.

He enters the immortal fire without burning, and the immortal fire automatically separates to both sides.

Everyone held their breath and concentrated, not daring to speak or make any sound.

Hey, old man! Xu Ying said loudly.

When Nuozu Nuolu heard this voice, his body trembled slightly, and he turned his head quickly, and the fairy fire immediately burned towards him.

————The little girl burned her arm with hot water and had no intention of writing a 4,000-word chapter. I went to see her.

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