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Chapter 233 Girl and Qingluan

As Xu Ying ran, his spiritual consciousness spread out. As early as thirty miles away, his spiritual consciousness had clearly detected everything there.

His consciousness swept over and saw a large river at the foot of the mountain. The water was quite strong, and a young girl was riding a boat upstream.

The woman was sixteen or seventeen years old, slim and handsome. She stood on the bow of the boat, holding her long hair behind her and briefly tying it with a blue ribbon.

Her face was clean except for a mole the size of a sesame seed on the left side of her neck. Although the mole was small, it looked extremely clear against her snow-white skin.

Her clothes are also very simple, without unnecessary decoration, and try to have nothing that can leave a deep impression on others.

Above the boat, a blue luan bird circled around the boat, its eyes were sharp and it exuded the fierce power of a wild beast.

Suddenly, the girl noticed Xu Ying's consciousness and immediately waved her hand gently. Xu Ying suddenly felt that his consciousness was like a turbulent flow, chaotic.

By the time his consciousness stabilized, he had lost sight of the girl.

But there was a figure of a citizen of Xiadu Town on the river. She was an old woman, holding a mirror-shaped magic weapon of heaven and looking around.

She was also emitting her spiritual consciousness to search for the girl's whereabouts.

Her consciousness collided with Xu Ying's consciousness. In the struggle between the two, the old woman was the better one. Her consciousness followed Xu Ying's and crushed her. The next moment, a voice sounded in Xu Ying's mind: Hey hey. , I am really lucky to have found two undead people today!

At the same time that her consciousness locked onto Xu Ying, her consciousness and supernatural powers invaded Xu Ying's mind, intending to form a heavenly dojo in his mind. Her figure also rushed towards Xu Ying at an extremely fast speed!

Tiandao Yuanshen!

The old woman gave a sharp shout and raised her own spirit. It was as if a god descended from the sky. With its mighty power, it pressed down in the direction of Xu Ying!

Various heavenly textures appeared on the surface of her soul, which contained the secrets of the great ways of heaven and earth, and the maddening power of heaven swept over her.

Her soul is vast, and when she reaches out her palm, she can see that the world is a world of its own, and thousands of stars emerge from it!

Just now, Shang Shen Lu Wu killed more than ten Heavenly Daoists in a row, which made people mistakenly think that the strength of the Heavenly Daoists was nothing more than this. However, when they actually faced the Heavenly Daoists, they realized how powerful they were.

The God of Heaven, the magical power of Heaven, and the magic weapon of Heaven are simply a crushing advantage against ordinary Qi refiners.

When faced with the power of Heaven, ordinary Qi refiners would immediately become confused and fall into a state of madness, without even knowing how to resist. Even if you can resist the power of Heaven, you will not be able to resist due to the interference of Heaven's Dao and the chaos of your own Dao.

Moreover, the divine powers of heaven are unpredictable and difficult to understand, let alone resist them.

The power of the heavenly magic weapon is even more shocking to the heavens and ghosts. Therefore, Qi refiners at the same level face the Heavenly Daoists and their only fate is to be slaughtered and harvested.

But Xu Ying could see at a glance all the flaws in the old woman's heavenly power, heavenly soul, spiritual consciousness, and heavenly magic weapon. To him, the old woman's heavenly rune was wrong, specious, and fundamentally wrong. How good can the soul, supernatural powers, and magic weapons derived from this be?

The old woman's divine consciousness had just formed the Heavenly Dao Dojo in his mind, and her divine consciousness manifested her body shape. Before she could speak, Xu Ying's divine consciousness activated the induction of the Yuandao heavens and established a connection with the Tiandao Dojo.

The old woman's spiritual consciousness suddenly felt that the dojo she had established immediately changed hands. The body that manifested her spiritual consciousness did not even have a chance to speak, and was annihilated by the power of the Tiandao dojo!

The next moment, Xu Ying grabbed the big bell and faced the rushing Tiandao Yuanshen.

The big bell has long been accustomed to being sacrificed by him to block the most severe attacks. With an earth-shaking loud noise, the old woman's Yuanshen palm wiped out all the heaven and earth, and the big bell was also knocked away with one palm!

You must know that the big bell is a top-notch treasure after all. Even the heirs of famous sects such as Gu Feiyu praised it highly. This old woman can actually knock it away with one palm, which shows the combat power of the Heavenly Dao Yuanshen!

But after she knocked the big bell away, Xu Ying's palm also fell on her body, and his fingers were like flying, tapping or poking, quickly traveling along the body of the old woman's soul!

Soon, his fingers and palms wandered around the old woman's body, intersecting with this soul that exuded the aura of heaven and was like a small god.

The old woman's soul immediately turned around and activated her divine power to capture him. However, the moment she activated her magical power, the heavenly runes all over her body suddenly became chaotic and intertwined!

She used her magic power, and all the heavenly runes exploded, and her soul was severely damaged in an instant!

The old woman groaned, her eyes, ears, mouth and nose bleeding, and she hurriedly sacrificed the magic weapon of heaven. The bright mirror soared into the sky and its light shone brightly.

Master Zhong!

Xu Ying shouted loudly, and the big bell had already stabilized his figure and faced him boldly. The bell rang loudly, and he was head-on with the bright mirror.

The big bell rang desperately, and finally suppressed the power of that magic weapon back into the mirror, and said in a trembling voice: Ah Ying, hurry up, I'm injured, I can't hold on for long...

Xu Ying ducked past and came to the back of the Heavenly Dao Mirror. He saw a copper button behind the mirror. Eight kinds of Heavenly Dao runes were imprinted around the copper button, which was emitting light at the moment.

Xu Ying gathered Qi into a sword, made a few chichi sounds, and stabbed the eight Heavenly Dao runes, changing the texture of the Heavenly Dao runes, and the power of the face-covering Heavenly Dao magic weapon was suddenly greatly reduced.

The big bell flew over and suppressed it. Anhui Qi rushed over, opened his mouth and swallowed the magic weapon of heaven into his belly.

Xu Ying fell from the air and landed behind the old woman. He looked towards the long river and saw that the lady was not there. The boat and the girl had disappeared from the river.

The old woman's consciousness was first severely damaged by him, and then her soul was seriously injured by him and Dazhong. Now that the magic weapon was taken away, she hurriedly rushed towards Xu Ying and said sternly: I have been hungry for too long, I will take you immortal first. civil.

Her physical body is still powerful, and her whole body exudes a monstrous aura. The strength of her physical body is definitely not inferior to her magic weapon and her soul.

But at this moment, a comfrey plant came to her shoulder without knowing it, and countless roots instantly penetrated into her eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

Abba. Her palm rested on the back of Xu Ying's head, motionless.

Her broken soul flew over and said sternly: You undead people are the evil ones who violate the laws of heaven, and you deserve to die!

What greeted her were criss-crossing sword lights.

Xu Ying turned around and swung his sword. A series of sword lights intertwined with each other. The power of the Sword Dao Guizhen Art exploded, and her soul was cut into pieces in an instant!

Xu Ying sheathed his sword, turned around, and stopped looking at her. His consciousness spread outwards and expanded, invading the minds of every creature within a hundred miles nearby.

His voice was as gentle as possible: Don't be afraid, I am also an undead citizen. You and I are of the same race.

The voice transformed by his consciousness sounded in the minds of everyone within a hundred miles, regardless of friend or foe, just to find the girl.

There are many experts exploring Kunlun Ruins, and there are many people within a hundred miles. They all heard Xu Ying's message at this moment.

However, Xu Ying's words did not specify the name of the other undead man, and there was not even information about his gender. He just wanted to dispel the girl's concerns and didn't want to cause the girl more trouble.

Even if his words caused a lot of trouble, the trouble would be with him and would not involve the girl.

A hundred miles away, the boat sailed into a tributary of the snow-capped mountain water source. The girl also heard Xu Ying's spiritual voice, frowned slightly, and whispered: You are so reckless, how did you survive?

There was anger in her voice: You want to die, but I don't want to die! Qingluan, don't you think so?

A blue Luan bird flew in the sky, and a message came from a woman's voice: That's right. Although many undead people escaped from Kunlun back then, only a few survived. Those who were reckless will all die in the long river of history. , not even the waves can make the slightest splash. Now only you and I depend on each other, Miss, you must be careful not to make the same mistake again.

The girl said yes and rowed away.

Miss, let's leave quickly. I sense that those old monsters are about to wake up. Miss?

The boat returned to the original point by some strange coincidence, and the girl's spiritual consciousness transmitted the voice clearly into Xu Ying's mind: You go to Yuzhu Peak, and we will meet in the rice fields.

The blue luan bird fell from the sky, landed on the boat, and transformed into a girl in green clothes. She said angrily: Miss, how can we leak our whereabouts to others?

The girl she transformed into had two braids hanging down to her chest, with an angry expression on her face.

The girl quickly smiled and said: Yuzhu Peak is right in front of Yuxu Peak. When you reach Yuzhu Peak, you will not be far from Yuxu Peak. If he can survive there, it means that he has the ability to protect himself. If he can't survive there, , naturally it will not implicate us.

Qingluan girl was annoyed and said: Miss, you must discuss it with me before making such a decision next time. You cannot make the decision without authorization.

The girl quickly said yes and said with a smile: That's up to you.

On the bank of the river, Xu Ying was happy when he heard the voice: The rice fields on Mount Yuzhu? It will be much easier to find it with the specific location.

Behind him, the old woman's corpse slowly fell. The corpse aged rapidly and soon turned into a ball of ashes.

She should have died a long time ago, but she just branded the runes of heaven on her body, practiced the way of heaven, and survived by the flesh and blood of the undead, and she has survived to this day.

Now, her heavenly runes were broken, her soul was cut off, her body and soul were all turned into ashes, and she was completely destroyed.

Da Zhong said: Ah Ying, I noticed a lot of powerful auras coming here. They should be with this old woman, those people from Xiadu Town!

Xu Ying looked calm, and the old god said: Master Zhong, please call me Master Ying. As God Lu Wu is here, there is no need to worry. We just take this opportunity to catch all these heavenly disciples and avenge the undead people!

Figures were coming towards us one after another from all around, and Xu Ying said in a deep voice: Shangshen Lu Wu!

There was silence in the sky.

Xu Ying frowned slightly, there was already a turmoil of Heavenly Dao not far away, it was obvious that Heavenly Dao people were already preparing Heavenly Dao magical powers. There are still clouds of heavenly light steaming around. They should be offering magic weapons, preparing the heavenly temple, and sealing the place.

Xu Ying felt a little uneasy and said loudly: God Lu Wu!

There was still silence in the sky, no response.

Xu Ying was a little panicked and said loudly: God Lu Wu! Where is Lu Wu? Lu Wu! Lu Wu! Your uncle's Lu Wu!

At this time, in the copper palace in the snow-capped mountains, Lu Wu was sleeping in the flames. As if he heard Xu Ying's calls and curses, he raised his head and looked down the mountain for a few times, and then fell asleep comfortably.

Xu Ying flew up and said angrily: Lu Wu is unreliable! Master Zhong, I have to rely on you to break out this time! Master Qi, get on my neck and prepare to poison me! Master Cao, seize the opportunity to control them!

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